What America is facing today stirs me to share an experience which brought me to my knees weeping 27 years ago. I now submit it to you, the Body of Christ in America.
In May of 1993, a group of intercessors went to Moscow to support Derek Prince in prayer as he ministered to hundreds of pastors who had come from 11 time zones across the former Soviet Union to receive his Bible teaching. The Iron Curtain had fallen only three and a half years before, and these spiritually hungry pastors could now, for the first time, openly partake of Bible teaching from one of the great Bible teachers of our time. Their hunger, enthusiasm and gratitude were unabashed and palpable. I was fortunate to be among those intercessors.
One experience during those 11 days forever changed my perception of Christianity.
Our group leader had arranged for us to hear the testimony of a Russian former prisoner who had spent some three years in solitary confinement in Siberia for his faith. In broken English, with the purest humility, Alexander spoke, with not a trace of self-promotion, or self-pity, or any self-awareness at all. Only deep, quiet passion was evident in this follower of Jesus Christ who had been honored to suffer for the Lord.
The impact of his testimony is impossible to convey. The anguish he had endured was only part of what held us rapt. The purity of his devotion, and his joyful surrender in suffering for the Lord, were beyond any measure I had ever witnessed. For Alexander, it would have been an honor to die for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Seeing his countenance, listening to him, it was as if God drew back a curtain to show me what a Christian is, from His perspective. This revelation from the heart of God stunned me. As a Christian coming from America, I was horrified to see how far we were from what God was calling us to be.
Two Scriptures dropped into my heart and became vividly real in those moments:
āAnd the ones sown among the thorns are others who hear the Word; Then the cares and anxieties of the world and distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, and it becomes fruitless.āĀ (Mk 4:18,19 AMPC)
āI know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, āI am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,ā and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.ā (Rev. 3:15-19)
Suddenly, strikingly, here was a graphic description of the majority of the American church (including myself).
At this critical crossroads in our nation, hundreds of thousands of Christians are praying for God to rescue our nation. Many are seeking to right our lives before Him. The call to humble ourselves, and pray, and seek His face, and repent, found in 2 Chronicles 7:14, is being echoed by church leaders across our land as we see our exceptional heritage and freedom being threatened.
The healing of our land begins with OUR humbling ourselves, and praying, and seeking His face, and with OUR repenting. Yet, what are we repenting from?
In churches today we hear various songs asking God for blessing, and asking Him to pour out His Spirit on us. But has He not already poured out His Spirit (Acts 2:1-4), and already āblessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christā (Eph 1:3)?Ā Are we missing the mark?Ā Might He be waiting for us to give up our self-centered orientation, cultural entanglements, and lifestyles comfortable to the flesh, that we might become Christ-centered and devoted purely to Him?
Consider for a moment that we may be in a āsoup of lukewarmness,ā a spiritual haze produced by our culture such that we cannot even see the danger of our plight. Revelation 3:17 says, āBecause you say, āI ā¦ have need of nothing,ā and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and nakedā¦ā (Italics mine.) Remember the proverbial frog in the kettle.
If we long for God to hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land, what kind of church will we present to Him? One that is lukewarm, distracted, and ensnared with cultural amenities, or one that is holy, Christ-centered, and joyfully willing to sacrifice all?
Whatever we need to realize about our condition, in whatever ways we need to repent, in whatever ways we need to be transformed, it will not be realized by our own understanding or achieved in our own power. We need, desperately, a revelation from God. Our help is āāā¦not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,ā says the LORD of hosts.ā (Zech 4:6)
Let us cry out to God that He would open our spiritual eyes to see our true condition, and grant us the will and the grace to buy from Him gold refined by fire in order to become spiritually rich, and white garments to clothe ourselves, and eye salve to anoint our eyes so that we may truly see. Let us realize, and rejoice, that purchasing gold refined by fire will be costly to us. Let it not be that the day will come in which He spits us out of His mouth!
Let it be so, that we āwill walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.ā (Col 1:10-12)
āHe who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.ā (Rev 3:22)
A message like this demands a response from us. What is yours?
Author Susan Noble is an IFA intercessor from Idaho. Photo by Ben White on Unsplash.
(Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, 1995, unless otherwise noted.)
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I, too, agree with you, Susan! We each need to examine ourselves, through the eyes/assistance/ revelation of Holy Spirit…we can no longer remain lukewarm, but to be okay with the discomfort in responding to the call of the deep…”deep calls to deep!”
I am currently being challenged in going deeper in how I respond in extremely difficult situations with longtime friends and family…there are verses in the Bible that were impossible for me to follow, until now. I’ve only just begun, but it has stemmed from a deeper desire to change, and a willingness to repent, as revelation has been acknowledged, and admitted! I’ve also begun to receive breakthrough, of which, I am eternally grateful for!
This resonates deeply in my heart and I’m praying for the American Church. The Lord has shown me some things this year that coincide with what you are saying. I’m praying we, as the Bride of Christ, will be humble, repentant and have Kingdom Vision… This is what He has called me to, and I’m standing in agreement in prayer with you!
I have been recently impressed with how self-centered the American church has become. Even our “worship” songs seem to come back to “me, me, me”. Rather than worshiping and praising God for WHO He is, we praise Him for WHAT He does for us. Yes, we need to thank Him for the many blessings He gives us, but there must be time for simply acknowledging and praising Him for WHO He is.
Yes!! God has been absolutely wrecking me over the sin of the church. Not to condemn us, but to call us higher! We have made idols of things that “look” more effective than prayer (like politics, religion, and programs), we have been lukewarm, and we have been divided and hostile to other believers because they were not of our denomination. We have attacked people in the name of spiritual warfare, when we need to be warring against our true enemy (the devil) and loving our human enemies into the Kingdom. We have swept sin under the rug, worried that to admit our errors would make us look hypocritical when the opposite is true. All during the recent calls to repentance, my heart was so stirred with the lack of repentance of OUR sins.
Lord, would You bless Your people with a spirit of repentance! Show us how to walk in humility, compassion, mercy, and grace. Let us remove our logs before addressing the specks, Lord. Help us to truly repent of all forms of godliness that deny Your power, and then, God, give us YOUR heart for the people we are praying for “outside” the “walls” of the church. Help us to see them like YOU see them, to love them as You do, and to identify with them as we repent on their behalf. Instead of praying, “Lord, save them,” may be cry out, “Lord, make us like YOU!”
Susan Nobel, This word below wrecked my heart yesterday and to me, totally aligns with what you have shared. What do we cling to other than our Lord?! He is merciful in our relationship but he will not go against our free will. He will faithfully chastise but He will not force us to do what pleases His Heart! If we remain humble to His chastisement and faithful to HIs Heart we will be ready to to die for Him and for the sake of the generations that follow. I’ve always wanted this but yesterday I was shaken to my core by the prayers that I pray that still cling to the things of the earth!!! I knew that God was inviting me to take the next step of surrender… Thank you so much for sharing this article! It is such a balm to my heart that others are awakening with a deep hunger to know a greater depth of the Love Of God in Christ!
Taken from Experiencing God Devotional October 8 reading:
Go and tell Hezekiah, āThus says the LORD, the God of David your father: āI have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will add to your days fifteen years.’ā Isaiah 38:5
The fundamental premise of Christianity is that God knows what is best better than we do. When we are experiencing Godās blessing, it is easy to believe that God knows what is best. But when God allows sickness and sorrow in our lives, we may be tempted to question His wisdom.
The Lord told King Hezekiah that his life was coming to an end. God advised him to prepare himself for death and to make arrangements to turn over the kingdom. Instead, Hezekiah pled for his life, begging God to spare him from death (Isa. 38:3). God loved the righteous Hezekiah and, in His grace, granted him an additional fifteen years to live. Those fifteen years would prove that Godās wisdom far exceeds human wisdom. During those added years, Mannasseh was born, and he eventually succeeded Hezekiah as king of Judah. Mannasseh, who reigned for fifty-five years, was the most evil king ever to rule over Judah (2 Kings 21:1). Mannaseh encouraged the worship of idolatry throughout the nation. He passed his own son through fire according to the abominable practices of idolatry. He shed much innocent blood during his reign; every part of the nation suffered from his cruelty. Manassehās wickedness provoked God to anger, but Manasseh ignored Godās warning (2 Kings 21:16; 2 Chron. 33:10). All these hardships were caused by Manasseh, a king who would never have been born if Hezekiah had accepted Godās will for his life! Furthermore, Hezekiahās extended reign led to Judahās eventual defeat by the Babylonians (2 Kings 20:12-20).
So much suffering resulted from Hezekiahās unwillingness to accept Godās will for him. God knows what is best. Whether your circumstances are easy or difficult, you can completely trust His guidance.
I agree.
The jewel of America is broken. The gateway to huddled masses has become a portal of death and Hades. What has become of our fair city?
Dirty, starving, cold, sick people lie sleeping on our streets. Fr
We pass them by
Babies are not brought to birth but are butchered, cut from their mothers wombs, We let them die.
Little ones are molested, beaten, burned and starved. Jesus you said “of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”.
We ignore their cry.
Lonely, neglected old widows sit silently in their rooms waiting to be robbed and assaulted.
Our eyes stay dry.
Teenagers reaching the flower of their youth stand on street corners neglected, lonely and confused. They sell unblemished bodies for drugs to fill an aching heart.
And we don’t try.
The rotting, stinking carcass of this once proud city fouls the air sending a stink in place of a sweet savor unto our God.
Jesus said “could you not watch one hour with me?”
Who will heed The Call?
I agree to my shame. Unwilling to suffer for Jesus. Unwilling to give up my idol of comfort. Oh Gid change me.
I am and have been praying for myself and our country. I make that scripture a part of my daily prayer that if My people who are called by My Name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. I thank you Susan Noble for your message to us and the need to really be burdened for our lives and our country and the way in which we pray. Our churches need revival. As I heard a dear man say, a watcher on the wall, we do not need revival, we need to be resurrected. I am very afraid for our churches. When the first tax code was put out in the late 1800’s, churches were given a tax exemption. On July 2, 1954, 66 years ago, L.B. Johnson wrote an amendment to the tax code called the 501c3. It dictates that if we speak in the church about politics, or if we discuss abortion, or if we speak of same sex messages or if we speak or say anything at all that would cause another distress, then we can lose that tax exemption. The churches under the 501c3 is no longer under God, it is under the Federal government. How can we as Christians’ worship and pray in a church that is not under God. I do not know, we sincerely need to pray for our church. I can’t believe that our Heavenly Father is too happy with us.
Father forgive our selfishness and help us to give up our right to our agenda,
so you can use us ,for your Honour & Glory. Begin this work in me, on a deeper level.
Help us to Trust You to lead us as we give up our right to sit on the throne’s of our lives.
Father have Mercy on us.
Amen! Thank you for sharing this powerful experience, Susan! May our eyes and ears be OPENED!
Thank you…..I am also in Idaho. I have been under conviction of things you write here.
I know that writing is something of which an author opens his/her heart and God has been challenging me with those things that I have been writing to share with others. BTW-the drug Remdesivir is a multi organ failure drug, not recommended … it had to be stopped for reasons of severe side effects in trials. I don’t know how to get through to someone who can get this info to the VP or the President’s family.
Jan, maybe contact the White House directly 202-456-2121 or if you have a pro-Trump congressman contact them to get a message to our president.
More time for deep interceding prayer, reading the Holy Bible, repenting with partners to hold us accountable, letting the Holy Spirit convict us to repent and fire us up to serving Father God with passion.
Less chatting, being passive observers of those who are serving, distracted by every form a entertainment, and silent on issues we should being doing something about. I have been the distracted and clinging to activities that will not make a good difference in the years to come. Romans chapter 8 reminds me Jesus and the Holy spirit is right there with me when we are interceding. If they are there praying, where are we?
I am convicted of a judgemental spirit against my neighbors. I see their yard signs that stand for hateful policies such as abortion and Comunism. I disparage against them. I need to pray for their renewing faith in God.
Yes I have considered this, both in my own life and corporately as the church. Of what am I repenting? And why? What is my motivation? Where is my heart?
Susan: Thank you for your honesty. We need to be reprimanded for our laziness as God’s people in the US.
We are missionaries and have been honored to meet (and serve with) those who have been imprisoned, threatened, raped, and forced to be soldiers for a cause that kills their own people. Our faith is so tiny compared to these dear believers.
American believers have (as you stated) become frogs in a pot of luke warm water.
“Lord Jesus will you bring us to a red hot conviction for the cross. Will we speak clearly for you no matter the cost. Give us the courage and conviction to lay down our lives in love and adoration for our KING!!!”
The problem is we (including me) have not looked at our dance with the world as ‘wicked’. I have been being convicted for some time about the way I
spend my money. Our society expects a certain sort of standard in how we live. My home should appear ‘finished’ and attractive. My clothes should also be becoming and not shabby. We should have some spending money for outings and relaxation. The fact is that this and many other ‘shoulds’ leave most of us with a puny reserve to do Jesus’ bidding to feed, & clothe the needy. This doesn’t just include money but also time. There are so many other things that can come under that heading. So many other needs. I’m still struggling to know how to implement this. Although I have been giving more, this word wicked from 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is one to be that should stop us all in our tracks and make us reconsider everything about the way we live as Christ followers. So many times when I hear that verse quoted that part is left out or repent is substituted for “turn from our wicked ways”. This post has revealed to me that I need to seek to find out God’s definition of wicked. I’m afraid I’m headed for an answer that will shake my world to it’s foundations. Will I be up to the task?
My thoughts exactly, articulated very well…and I pray that I am able as well. Thank you and God bless the desire you have in your heart to walk worthy of Him. Iām not sure what that looks like as well, as I fear I am not denying myself as He desires and requires of me. Lord God, the almighty, grant revelation to us that we may be vessels of honor fit for Your use and let it be our great desire to walk circumspectly for Your glory alone.
Amen and Amen and Amen.
Thank you Susan. This is so much of what I have felt in my spirit. We have been so guilty
of watering down the Word of God. Didn’t Jesus say that the “narrow road” was the right
road and “hard”. We need to personally repent. Every child of God who is called, is to
know what the Spirit is saying to us the church today.
I can hardly believe my eyes. I have expressed this EXACT same thing in total frustration to several people and their response is either a polite nod of the head or a look of a deer in the headlights. My husband and I gave up going to ‘the church’ years ago because the ‘true’ church has left the building. I heard for years from my mother that her father (my grandfather) was a ‘fire and brimstone preacher’ (not ordained). We could use a big dose of that in the country. We gave up on the ‘mamby pamby’ pastors a long time ago. We need shepherds to lead the flock, but they all seem to be more concerned about paying the mortgage and the light bill and for programs to appease the ones that pay the bills. Don’t dare want to offend anyone by preaching the Word. God showed me one night what I needed to repent of and it wasn’t the kinds of things I would come up with in my own mind. I am as guilty as anyone for the direction this country is headed because of my apathy toward all the issues that are tearing this country apart. More focused on the pleasures this world has to offer than the Cross….I pray for like minded people to gather with and truly repent and turn once and for all from our wicked ways and to seek God in every area of our lives. Thank you, thank you for this timely article.
Exactly what my husband and I have been getting as we seek the Lord through this season weāre in. Weāve had many such discussions.
Yes, and Amen. I Praise God for this true opportunity fo respond by rending our hearts and not our garments. To KNOW true repentance as a grace. To know and confess that we are accountable for not personally praying for good government daily, for not praying to be led in being set apart, for not being thankful for being grafted in, for not praying for the peace of Jerusalem and giving Him no peace until He makes Jerusalem the praise of the earth., and for not seeking His light for confession and to receive the Truth of what the Holy Spirit is leading us to confess of for the washing and cleansing of the blood of Jesus. We have not asked how to help our persecuted brothers or presents our own bodies to Him as instruments of righteousness as our reasonable service. O Lord, forgive us, let us turn to You. Forgive us for this culture and what we have done in being blind and deaf to Your will and Your word. O Lord thank You for the way You are speaking in US and world culture right now. We thank You faithful and loving Redeemer, for Your care in every circumstance and that You are not willing for any to perish. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORD, OUR JEWISH MESSIAH, YOUR LAND OF ISRAEL, YOUR PEOPLE, ISRAEL. WE BLESS YOU LORD GOD OF ISRAEL FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING, AMEN AND AMEN. IN the name of YESHUA, SALVATION, YOUR ONLY SON, OUR ONLY HELP, OUR ONLY HOPE. AMEN.
Yes this article hits the mark.I believe the blessing will not come if we don’t realize where we are in God’s sight.
When He blesses us as a Church again will we go right back to our comfortable folly? Materialism and sensual pleasure? Yes we are wealthy materially and it is because of His providence. As the Church in America we must step back and see that material blessing for what it is and where it must be used for it belongs to God. All of it. Then we will be able to see that we need to refuse to allow this material blessing to dominate our lives. We need to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto to us”
The providence of material will come after seeking his will and obeying it. Simple but easy to miss.
Thank you, sister Susan, for sharing your experience and attention to our blindness and reduced fruitfulness. Related to this is our lack of attention to the needs of the church around the world, for whom persecution has greatly increased since that time. During The Return a brother stated that less than half of one percent of the financial offerings of the church in America goes to our brethren in such straits. It has long been said that only about 1% goes to mission. Yet Paul in 2 Corinthians said that he was taking up an offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem “that there may be equality.” Hebrews says that we should remember those suffering for Christ as though suffering with them.
We all must address our greed. The lands of the Americas once belonged to the native Americans and we are benefiting from the greed of those who coveted and took them, often with bloodshed. Dear Lord have mercy on us and give us eyes to see, humility to change, and love for our brothers and sisters and those in need.
I see more clearly what the cost is, thank you Kay Bytwerk, my sister in the Lord. My personal receiving Jesus costly blood of Redemption is something I partake of, and then offer my portion and receive His continual washing me so that I am refined and then reflect it to others who are seeking the ‘true gold’ as well, Blessings to you, and all persons drawn to this article, Denise Pierce from Pittsburgh
Denise and Kay,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. What the Holy Spirit is doing in all our lives is precious.
As far as the meaning of āpurchasing gold refined by fire,ā I would reference several scriptures referring to Godās testing in our lives bringing forth āgoldā as a symbolic type of the purity of righteousness wrought in us when we prove faithful in trials.
Job 23:10 āWhen He has tried me, I will come forth as [refined] gold…ā. (Amplified Bible 2015)
Mal.3:2,3 ā For He is like a refinerās fire and like laundererās soap [which removes impurities and uncleanness]. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi [the priests], and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord… offerings in righteousness.ā (Amplified Bible 2015)
1 Peter 1:6,7 ā… you rejoice greatly, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, which is much more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested and purified by fire, may be found to result in … praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.ā (Amplified Bible 2015)
James 1:12 also speaks of persevering under trial in order to be approved and receive the crown of life.
It is through our obedience and faithfulness in Godās testing and trials that we are purified, and thus prove ourselves faithful servants of God, worthy of the crown of life. I believe part of āpurchasing gold refined by fireā is our choosing to surrender in faithful obedience even in the fiery trials He allows in our lives to purify, strengthen and mature us. āAnd after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.ā (1 Peter 5:10, New American Standard Bible 1977).
The seriousness and truth of this article wrecks me. It also has brought this question,
With what could we possibly ‘buy from Him gold refined by fire’? Certainly our own efforts and sacrifices will fall short as well as paint us back into that corner we hate, self-righteousness.
It can only be the blood sacrifice of the pure Lamb, Jesus. The picture of me bringing a container of the blood of Jesus to God to buy pure gold in order to become spiritually rich, to have white raiments and to gain the ability to see!!! It hurts!!!!
I understand the theology of salvation, but this is so personal. It makes me cry and be wide-eyed in horror and gratitude.
Kay, I so appreciated your comment. You may wish to see my comment to Denise Pierce.
Bless you.
Thanks, Susan. Blessings to you , blessings of pure gold from God.
Tears in my eyes and my breathe is taken away by the witness of purity and truth coming through believers such as yourself. Iām convicted of areas in my own life as I read comments to this article. It is so humbling. How much we all need each other. Love abounds. Thank you, Kay.
Wanted to share the “Samson Prophecy” given in 2009 (taken from Kad-Esh MAP Ministries website, under “About Us” and “Awake USA” – see kad-esh.org):
We praise The God of Israel who has shown His mercy by opening a Door of Hope to America. We have stood in the gap (as Israeli Jews and Americans) for the USA during the Acts of Repentance at the KEY Eastern Gates of St Augustine, Florida; Williamsburg, Virginia; New York City, New York; and Orlando, Florida, and we believe that YHVH has heard and has responded favorably! To Him be all the Glory!
We believe that a RE-BIRTHING is taking place right now as we continue praying, praising, repenting and standing in the gap. Truly the Work of Repentance for the Great Promised Awakening has only begun! Please consider the Vision below and respond accordingly to team up with us to be a catalyst all over the USA for the ONE MORE TIME that the Holy Spirit promised Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman in 2009 while preaching in Georgia:
The Samson Prophecy
(As given to Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman while preaching in Georgia in 2009)
America, America you are like a Blind Samson.
You have lost your Vision due to immorality and sleeping with the Philistines, the enemies of Israel, my Chosen People.
But when you are desperate enough and at the end of yourself,
you will cry out ONE MORE TIME,
and I will strengthen you ONE MORE TIME,
and I will give you a REVIVAL ONE MORE TIME.
And it will be a costly Revival.
**As your article stated, it will cost much to buy “gold tried in the fire”.
Thank you for posting this prophesy, now an old one, at least in our minds, and with it all the fervent, urgent, prayers, encouragements and admonishments of so many believers then.
I reading the article and your offering, I have to look around at the parts of the Body of Christ within my scope and ask, “How are we doing?” We are not doing. Individually, we’re not asking God to show us our sinful selves. Years ago, I wrote a powerful piece on abortion in our church newsletter, culminating in only three action-required options, having ruled out “none” as an option for Christians. I guess I forgot to ask each adult to read it aloud to me. As it was, there was no response. So either no one read it or there were no Christians in my church? Looks like things haven’t changed all over America.
But there’s hope! The first and second Great Awakenings were largely due to Holy Spirit’s move upon the hearts of sinners, and we have them in abundance, in and out of the churches. I continue to believe that He will bring another, and soon. I was there in the late 60s/early 70s when He was moving wherever I was, at home or in college. We saw miraculous answers to our prayers daily! My newly minted church back then had each of us subscribe to a prayer newsletter associated with one of the teachers we followed, Derek Prince by name. I was accustomed to seeing amazing answers to prayer, butā¦. One month, the Intercessors for America newsletter directed us to pray about abortion. It was happening in one of the three hospitals so, of course, we prayed for an end to it. Over that weekend, our prayer was answered. The physician was killed in a plane crash. In his own plane. And if I remember rightly, in his own (huge) backyard. I have been acutely aware of the seriousness of our role as intercessors between God and man.
Back to the topic at hand, I keep asking for another Great Awakening in America, and to be a part of it!
Interesting prophecy. After Samson’s “one more time”, he lost his life. How does the illustration apply to the church today? Does it suggest that after this last revival, the Lord will return?
I agree, Susan. Thank you for your article.
Thank you so much for this excellent message. I have shared it with many, and also shared it to my FB page. This perspective is so very needed by This American Christian, I know. I have printed your article out so that I can include it in my devotional folder of special writings – to meditate on it, and come to a real response to the Lord.
Blessings to you.
My husband & I learned about Alexander Ogorodnikov in the 80’s through Open Doors Ministries. We prayed for him & even sent letters to him. Of course, they were all returned.
We didn’t learn of his release until the early 90’s.
I highly recommend the book about him, “Alexander Ogorodnikov and the Struggle for Religious Freedom in Russia.”
We have been so blessed in this country. How long will God spare us?
Thank you Cheryl for this information!
You are most welcome.
Thank you for the article.
I have stated many times on this post that all of us are responsible for the condition in which we find ourselves today. It all comes down to that four-letter word that we, especially Christians, do not want to mention: SIN. We are blaming Democrats, the left, the blue, etc. We are not being the salt and light that God has called us to be. We are The Body of Christ and He is the Head. We are to take our lead from Him and act accordingly. WE have been so caught up in the world’s system that we forget whose we are. We are in the world, but not of the world. We pledge “One Nation Under God” but He is left out. You are right. We have to be one or the other. Being lukewarm is disgusting to God. He will have nothing to do with that. I thank you for this article. RIGHT ON TIME.
Thank you Jacquelyn. Your remarks are so right on and exactly how I see things. Until I just came across this site this evening I have been almost to the point of despondency (is that a word?) I’ve had all these thoughts and frustrations and no one to share them with. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this article from Susan Noble and all of your responses,finally finding others ‘out there’ with the same beliefs and truths. Blessings to you!
Linda, I understand your pain. I have lamented and lamented over the condition of our country. God has blessed America over and over again. We have gotten to the place where it seems we no longer need Him; this makes me sad. But, we know the end of the story. Jesus has prepared a place for those who love Him and is coming back to take us with Him. This gives us hope. Do not despair. God loves you and understands. Be encouraged.
Thank you Jacquelyn. I stayed up very late last night reading many of the replies to Susan’s blog and was actually encouraged and hopeful. Just need to stay off social media and stay in prayer and focus on the needs of others. Many blessings to you and yours.
I cried. This will not ever be the most popular message to preach–much less to receive–but it’s essentially the message of all God’s prophets to His people in every age: “It’s your turn!” The people of first-century Judea, Samaria and Galilee will rise up on the last day and condemn us, because we have so much revelation of God’s love, yet we do so little to love as Christ loved.
May we weep.
Well, can I be real honest here or will that upset some people, even the author of this writing? It is past time that we stopped playing games with God. He knows exactly our heart, despiteful above all things and desperately wicked, He said some long time ago.
Where is the admitting of specific sins that we have committed time and time again in our lives? How about compromising our faith daily by refusing to understand how we constantly go along with the world’s system just so we won’t be that person no one wants to listen to?
Are we known for always speaking against abortion or the homosexual agenda, even to those who we know do not want to hear such? In today’s culture we should have a reputation of being a “trouble maker”, upsetting the apple cart, the one many avoid. But are we not instead accommodating, wanting to be liked?
If we are truly honest with ourselves, we would be confessing our sins one to another, yet I hear very little of the specifics. We cover them up by just not talking about them. This is sad but very true.
Real prayer would attend to these sins of the flesh, of loving the world far more than we want to admit.
This is not dying to self. The truth is not welcome, it would seem.
Isaiah 1. Jeremiah 2,3. Speaks volumes. In agreement with you
Time to follow an example and drive the money changers out of the temple? We are in the mess we are in because of compromise and complacency. I think some people have watered down scripture to avoid challenging societal norms through the years.
I believe God showed me sometime back that what repentance looked like was not just sitting in our prayer closets begging for forgiveness for our wickedness but that we needed to gather as a community in a public place and really repent ( confess our sins one to another . . . out loud. I shared it with a couple of people who I believed would ‘get it’ and found that there was already a plan in the works for a prayer and repentance service. For all the preparation for this ‘event’ the opportunity for vocal repentance was never offered. It still hangs over my head like a dark cloud that we need this. Thank you for your response. It is ‘spot on.’
Jesus, I do repent of my lukewarmness and my enjoyment of the status quo and my prayer lessness. I need you to burn the dross and fill me with your Holy Spirit.
As I read this, it came to me, once again, that as we constantly pray for God to move and to empower His servants, that we already have the power and that it is our own will to move that is needed for the rescue of our nation! As we constantly pray and patiently wait, the battle is being lost as we languish. As Susan Noble points out, the Spirit was amply poured out as stated in the Book of Acts; the power has been given to Spirit filled believers. It is our time and calling to step out boldly and now!
James 1:22 (KJV)
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
Amen. God has already done it all. We keep begging as though He is going to come through with some great miracle that we have forgotten to ask Him for. He has already given us all the tools we need to fix this mess through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. We need to acknowledge the power within us and active it.
Lord I ask your forgiveness for all the times I have prayed or asked for prayer through selfish and self centered mind sets. For all the times I did not want to suffer or have to go without or relinquish material things for a greater cause. Lord for holding too tight my family and loved ones praying for deliverence from wrong choices vs using consequences to bring them to Christ. Lord I surrender every part of my being to you, all trials, all unsaved loved ones, all hurts, frustrations, fears, worry, self- centeredness unto You. Lord help me count it all joy serving you, suffering for You, Loving You with all my Heart, Soul and Mind. May my life and testimony be about You, Knowing You, Serving You, Suffering for my faith in You if called to do so. Create in me a new heart one that honors and praises You above all else. May all who read this testimony and article be brought to self examination and Repentance and bring Glory to Thy name. Amen
In reading Eph.4:2-3″ With all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”, I knew I must do all of the above if there was to be unity and peace here. I need Holy Spirit to change me where I can love like this and reflect His life here and now.
What does ‘and heal their land’ in 2 Chr 7:14 refer to? Does it refer to every nation every land? And would he heal every nation every land if people of God in that nation repent and pray? We need to remember that these words were spoken in the context of Solomon’s prayer for the temple..
I agree with you that we are repenting for wrong things. We must begin with the word ‘If my people’… are God’s people living as God’s people today? We have become totally indistinguishable and unrecognizable as God’s people. In the things we pursued, prayed for, prospered and promoted, or discouraged of… we are like any others in the world – middle-class, career-driven(over against spirit led) capitalist, purely materialistic and for the physical. What is it that distinguishes us as the people of God from the people of the world? Is it our church-structures, our projects/programs, our church services (which have become mostly mechanical, repeatable, repetitive and perfunctory). We are called to live as the people of God…walking worthy of His calling and live lives as that of Christ – totally dependent on God for everything (including knowledge) selfless, agape lifestyles of self-giving and self-sacrificing. These are the things we need to be repenting of.
Our prayers seem to spring from claustrophobia, insecurity, identity-crisis and the fear of losing the systems and structures we have built for our identity, security and comfort and not from selflessness and for the glory of God and His kingdom. Our prayers seem to be for the preservation of the kingdoms we have built. We have forgotten that God will shake up all such kingdoms built by man.
How can God answer such prayers?
Thanks for inviting the discussion by challenging the assumptions! Please gently respond… these forums may prove very valuable as they allow believers to process issues and arguments together “as family”! Let’s learn to exercise “love and logic,” so that we can “give an answer to anyone who asks [us] the reason for the hope [we] have, but do this with gentleness and reverence.”
Regarding the first paragraph of your comment, I believe that Jeremiah 18 gives God’s pattern for nations. The offer stands for all people. Yes, 2 Chron. 7:14 has a specific cultural and spiritual context, but Jeremiah 18 makes it obvious that the way God works is universal in some ways. God does not show favoritism (cf. Jonah 3). The pattern is actually similar for individuals in Ezekiel 18.
I believe that God still addresses some sins and issues on the national level: legislative injustice, graft, corruption, oppressive corporate greed, condoning immorality, promoting promiscuity, preying on the innocent. Some sins affect millions and can systematically destroy the social conscience of a people. That’s why we have every demonic agenda under the sun touting “social justice” slogans–and believers falling for them!
He alone can judge what the spiritual “heart” of a nation holds, but He sees each person, treats each one as distinct, and also deals with the whole. There are established criteria which God used in the Old Testament, and He gave us these records in Scripture “as examples so that we would not… desire evil as they did” (2 Cor. 10).
In this age, we the Church have been called out of all nations of the earth, and back into them with the hope of Christ–now in them but not of them. We are His people, a kingdom of priests. As such, we now have the commission under Christ’s eternal, universal authority, to “make disciples of all nations”. Does this “of” mean “from” or “within” or “out of” (as in, the nations themselves become “disciples”)? The last one, I admit, seems least sensible.
When Abraham makes his appeal to Yahweh in Genesis 18, he repeatedly says, “Will not the Judge of the whole earth do what is just?” The answer is, of course, that He will. He does, He has, and He will continue.
Thanks for your reply…
Amen! I have often said to my husband and close ‘christian’ friends. . . why would anyone want what we have (Christian faith) when we look like the rest of the world?
Exactly… As Jesus said to the religious people of his day…if our righteousness does not exceed that of the religious people’s of the world… then we have nothing to offer them except a system or an institution not the gospel nor the kingdom of God! I bemoan.
Scary,sad and pathetic all but too true.
This resonates with the messages our church family has been hearing from our Pastor who challenges us to Kingdom living, to truly following Christ, honoring God. Thank you for endeavoring to open eyes and encourage believers to be true to our Wonderful Lord!
Yes, God waits for us to give up a SELF-centered orientation!
It is time to stop singing about ourselves, sermonizing about ourselves, praying about ourselves.
Lord, free us to focus on YOU. JESUS, without YOU, the Body is nothing but a headless corpse. Help us to re-think, to repent in truth, to receive the only worthy way to live ā denying ourselves, taking up our crosses, following YOU.
Whatever we pray for ššš it has to be according to God’s will, not ours. And rightfully so, we should be seeking Him in repentance and asking Him to be with us during this trying time and we should pray humbly before Him. You are right to say that some are not asking Him for the right things and we should be following all His commandments as His apostles and the church in His time on earth. We need to be on FIRE for Him!!!!!!
Open the eyes of my heart Lord; I need to see You! Open the eyes of my heart Lord I want to see You! See You high and lifted up, shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your power and love as we SHOUT HOLY HOLY HOLY …
Thank you Susan for this message. I agree āThe LORD just showed me in a dream that I wasnāt on the road less traveled and needed to be proactively praying before the enemy had taken what belonged to God. Today I was meditating after Womenās Bible Study and asked God to search my heart for He knows me inside and out āto find I needed to bind unbelief and loose trust. Instead of watching the debate tonight the LORD put me as a watchman on the wall to āwatch and prayāā as He asked his disciples to do in the garden of Gethsamane….something they could not do. I wanted to watch the debates, but knew we were in a spiritual battle just as they were in the times of Jesus Christ. Yes, submitting all and getting transformed from glory to glory is more important and joyous than anything we could ever imagine. Thank you for this testimony, it means a lot to this 77 yr. old.
Thank you for this article. Many people want things to return to “normal”. I don’t even know what this word means. My life is anything but normal. God doesn’t want us to go back to the way things were. If we are honest neither do we. The way things were is what brought us to this very moment. So many in the world are living according to their own rules, “the world according to…” This is God’s world. It has been entrusted to us to multiply for his glory.. like the rich young ruler. the most difficult part of 2 Chron 7:14 is “turn from their wicked ways” this is where most people get lost. They don’t want to enact the change that will take them out of the comfort zone (another term I am not too familiar with). Over and over Jesus asked people “Believeth thou?” God is looking for people to believe exactly what He said. So when what I believe doesn’t line up with God’s word, I automatically assume that I am wrong and make a course correction. Sometimes doing what is popular is not doing what God said. I am not popular. I am okay with that.
Father in Heaven I pray this day that more of your children would turn from our wicked ways, that we would take you at your word, that we would not worry about anything, that we would be thankful for everything that you have given us and that we would seek your face in all things, especially the little things. I pray that we would love just like Jesus loved the disciples and be willing to put our lives on hold to help those around us to see YOU! Without you we are toast. Help us to give our attention to your word, knowing that you have the plan that is best is for us. I pray that you would ignite the church so that we can burn bright in this dark world where we live. Thank you for your provision, protection, guidance, your joy, your peace, your knowledge, your kindness, your patience but most of all for sending Jesus. Thank you that you are large and in charge. Help us to keep your word in our hearts so that it flows out of our mouths especially in times of need. You are our help, to YOU be the glory! In Jesus’ name Amen
Lukewarmness has been heavy on my heart. Also people that think they have it wrapped up by saying a “sinners prayer” they think they are bound for heaven even though there has been no life change. Romans says BELIEVE and Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. To have JESUS as Lord of our life is not being lukewarm. Not when He is truely Lord of our lives.
Give thanks to God for this article! Yes Lord, we confess churches in America have been far from what You called us to be. Forgive us! Break all the strongholds among Your church. May Your Spirit bring awakening, and bring Your church in America back to You!
The prayers for America from my brothers and sisters in Kenya are so humbling that it’s difficult to bear the weight of the shame. I turn it around, “America? BLESS GOD!”
Thank you for the truth and beauty of this word, Susan. Believers, saints…we press on to remove the logs so that the specks have no chance either. Lord Jesus and Yahweh, Your will be done on EARTH as it is in Heaven! Indeed, not by might, not by power, but by HIS Spirit!
Thank you for this! Wow…. we all need to repent and turn out hearts COMPLETELY back to God!
We, as a nation, have never experienced suffering because of our faith in the person and name of Jesus. Go see āInfidelā with Jim Caviezel. This is what real, modern-day suffering looks like. I questioned my own willingness to die for my belief in Jesus. That is the extreme sacrifice. But, where are we, when abortion continues, and homosexual agendas are presented? Do we speak up or keep the peace and remain silent because of our comfortable and complacent lives? Is this what it means by the āSilent Majorityā I think America is awakening. If only the Churchās pulpit would be silent no more.
Good word. Thanks!
I need to read this over and over again . I see me in this! So grateful for this word .
Yes, stir up the nest of comfort and convenience in America. Open our eyes to see our true condition before you. Open our ears to hear your voice. Break up the hardness of our hearts. You hate pride and arrogance. Help us to meditate on You and Your holy humility, Your sacred sovereignty Move us beyond feelings and words to acts of courageous, sacrificial obedience as you lead us daily one by one to follow you.
In the book of Amos, the Israelites were prosperous, affluent, and were doing well, but God had Amos tell them that they were in danger of judgement because they mistook the prosperity for His blessing and relied on that instead of Him. Are we doing the same thing in America? My husband and I too went to DC, but took the breaking of the clay jar by Rabbi J. Cahn as the message to all to repentance because we are a broken nation. The message was clear and it’s up to the Lord God Almighty to look into our hearts whether our repentance was sincere or not. It was a powerful message and well worth being there or watching it and/or participating in it remotely or being there. God is the ultimate judge no matter where we are individually or collectively as a church. I believe the church is together on this. We will see what The Real Judge decides to do very soon I would think.
Thank you for this message. As I was praying for America and meditating on 2 Chronicles 7:14, I recited the part of this scripture that reads ā(If my people)…will turn from their wicked ways.ā My mind turned to the sins of this nation, i.e, abortion, rioting, etc. When suddenly, the Holy Spirit revealed that this applied first to my stubbornness of reacting offensively to the negative comments made by my spouse. 1 Peter 3:8 tells us āDo not repay evil for evil or re-viling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may ob-tain a blessing.ā It was then that I realized that God is calling us each to repent for our personal issues so that He can again bless this land.
Amen! The Lord spoke to me about godly sorrow, it leads to repentance. Sorrow means to really feel sadness over our sin. It takes time in His presence to let Him search our hearts and show us what our hidden sins are.
The shakings that have taken place in America and all over the world, should compel us to action. To me it is a wake up call if you choose to hear the alarm in the Spirit. There are several choices of response: complain about not being able to go to the movies or other activities, be sullen/depressed, pick up the Word of God to search the Scriptures, ask the Holy Spirit what can I do in this time, or do nothing. Even when you attend church, it is easy to get on a hamster wheel of activity instead of having a fresh time with the LORD to seek His Direction. Are you yielding to the nudges of the Holy Spirit in daily life? This article makes me take serious inventory of about what is really important to the heart of God.
Please forgive me for my response, but something about this article seems a little off in delivery and content.
It almost makes me feel foolish for participating in the DC events and believing that Godās heart is mercy and not judgment even though we deserve it and it will come eventually.
Even some of the responses …
I wholeheartedly agree with confession and true repentance, but it left me wondering if some would be disappointed if The Lord chooses to have mercy on this nation for a while longer.
Well MJ, I don’t think it was foolish to go to DC. You could have done many other things, but you chose to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Only Jesus knows the true motives and intentions of our hearts; and He will correct us if we are not sincere.
It could be that the type of repentance that concerns the author here is along the lines of the Pharisee as opposed to the that of the tax collector: a self-admiring performance rather than true repentance. In our modern life, one of the troubling things I see in my church (ELCA) is the politically correct fawning of too many in the higher levels of the church. For example, I don’t think it is appropriate to repent for those who held slaves many decades ago: they were responsible for that sin. We, on the other hand, should repent if we are not concerned about present day human trafficking and slavery, or helping the poor, or sharing God’s love in whatever area God calls each of us to do. Just as Lot prayed for avoidance of the condemnation of Sodom and Gomorrah, and God kept agreeing to lower and lower numbers of righteous people, praying for our country to turn to God and for wisdom for our leaders may be what God wants to hear from us to put off what we deserve. I hope for mercy for our nation, and try to make my prayer be for God’s will to be done.
MJ, thank you for your comment. I thank God that His heart is merciful! He has shown us His mercy extensively, and would to Him that it carries on even longer! And how fortunate you were to attend the DC events! I wish I could have been there!
Itās just that often we humans canāt see the forest for the trees. If we are immersed in a culture whose norms are skewing our spiritual reality, my prayer is that we would see our condition with clear eyes, that we may adjust ourselves to align with His truth, His reality.
Thank you, Susan Noble
Remember, God said He will have mercy on whom He chooses. We are not so good but God needs America a bit longer and life is worthless without God.
The churches are Lukewarm, but i found that our small group of believers and seekers, and repenting is where God id.
Personally, since this post asked one question āWhat if we are repenting of the wrong thing ?ā definitely puzzles me. Christians are repenting of sins against God……how could any Christian believe repenting of sins against God is wrong ?
Judith, I do not believe that any repenting of sins before God is wrong. That title was put in by the IFA editors. Personally I would not have chosen that title. Thank you, Susan Noble
God’s people will know what to repent of because of the Holy Spirit who is working in us as a nation, in our churches, and in us as individuals. Yes, America, in some ways, is like the prodigal son who took his wealth and squandered it. But remember what happened when he turned (he acknowledged his sins!) : the Father ran to him, forgave him, and kissed him in his ragged condition. The older brother pointed out how inappropriate the Father’s generosity was, but the Father rejoiced and restored his son who returned. I believe God, in his mercy, is sending revival, which will, of course, refine us more. The Lord will accomplish His plans for America.
I agree! I feel like over a course of a few weeks, I received a Holy Ghost-induced defibrillator charge! Last week I attended a Faith In America rally, but initially I wasn’t going to attend. I felt a strong unction to go. The Presence of the LORD was so stro g, I believe people came there with genuine sincerity to worship GOD that charged the atmosphere. Now it just feels like the spiritual momentum is building since The Return, Franklin Graham Prayer March, and Yom Kippor! LORD, let your Holy fire burn in our hearts as we seek Your Face.
Yes! This is what my prayer has been! I remember a while back asking the Lord to save our nation. He asked me “why? Why do you want Me to save this nation?” Search our motives! Am I trying to save my self, my comfort, my lifestyle, or do I really want this for His glory? Will I lose my faith if this nation falls? Do I trust Him NO MATTER WHAT?? Have Your way Lord, may Your glory cover the earth! Search me and know my heart! Put Your heart in side of me!
Such a relevant point, Sandy, about looking at our motives in asking God to save our nation.
Thank you for bringing this up!
Oh Lord, I say yes to this message of true repentance. We in America have had an easy life compared to people in other countries and we have become lukewarm. It says in John 10 that your sheep know your voice and follow you. I pray for all believers that as they hear your voice they will say āyes Lord, I will follow with all my heart, with everything I have I will follow you. Speak to our hearts and lead us through every easy or hard path. But we need your help to hear your voice.
Mary K, I say Amen! Are we willing to follow our LORD and Savior all the way to the dungeon like Paul, Peter and the other apostles did? Or are we going to call our attorney to bail us out of jail. That may be just the place God wants us to minister to the lost prisoners in that jail cell. Hum! Think about it! Life is too easy in American, we have rights and we will use them. My rights hang on the Cross of Jesus. LORD, help me to pay the price of following You. Keep me focused on You so that I do not fear what man can do to me. I don’t want to sing, “I have decided to follow Jesus” unless I mean it. I too have to go to the cross just like Jesus did. Think about it family of God!
I’ve been thinking the same thing since this pandemic started. So many people are fussing because our “rights” are being taken away. Our rights are important,yes. That’s one reason our nation came to be, but Jesus didn’t die for our “rights”. I believe we need to be more concerned that the gospel is reaching as many people as possible before the rapture takes place. Praying for revival is more important than maintaining our “rights”, or getting back to where we were more comfortable. Reading Scriptures about the end times and being aware that everything that is happening is pointing us to the rapture and the tribulation, the second coming of Jesus. Maybe, just maybe, God is setting the stage for the book of Revelation to begin. Maybe God is making us so uncomfortable in this world that we actually are looking forward to going “home”. I’ve been praying for revival that is beyond our wildest dreams. I agree that we need to look to see what we are asking God for. I’m praying for God’s will through every prayer I pray. Search me God, my heart, my motives, even my desires for our nation.
The American church, including me, is spoiled and truly has no idea, comparatively speaking, just how blessed we are. Like the Hebrews, in Exodus, we are a stiff necked people, murmuring about the creature comforts rather than taking note if our inside depravities. Forgive us, Yahweh. Help us die to self, LORD, take up our crosses, and follow you, that you may say, “Well done thy good and faithful servant.
100% right, Devery! Thank you!
wholeheartedly agree with your perspective. being involved with the Voice of the Martyrs for many many years I also ponder the “real” condition of the American church. unless we are tested by fire I am not sure we will find out how lukewarm we are and have need of nothing. We have not yet been deprived to the point of desperation to find out our real condition. I know the Lord is with us but how much are we really with Him counting the cost and picking up our cross and following Him. time will tell. I feel we have been hoarding the kingdom of God (Matt 24) within the walls of the church and not living out the Great Commission in our nation nor telling the education system, social system and the political system etc to observe all things the LOrd has commanded us or we would not have such depravity of conditions in our nation or churches. I am saddened of the immorality in the church and many feel the grace of God covers their sin instead of seeing how much they trample it and not have the fear of God that hates evil. May the Lord have mercy upon us by manifesting HIS TRUTHS to us and our real condition. Ezk. 9:4 those that weep and sigh and cry over the abominations that are done in the city will only have the mark of the Lord on them. God bless you and may America truly bless God. Candy :0)
I am so ashamed……Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from they presence and take not the Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit.
I prayed this prayer all weekend. Thanks for the confirmation.
What a timely Word for the church. True prayer of repentance must start in our own hearts. One of my favorite intercessory prayers is found in Ezra 9:6 -“…O my God, I am too ashamed and humiliated to lift my face to You, my God, for our inquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has grown up to the heavens.” (NKJ) Ezra had not sinned in the way his nation had, yet he prayed as if he had. True prayer of repentance starts in the heart before it reaches our lips. Too many times we are guilty of a prayer of condemnation rather than a humble prayer of repentance.
Ezra 7, 8 and 9 must be preached in the church Ezra 9:4 we must weep and cry over the abominations done in the land to have the mark of the Lord upon us
Forgive me, my Lord. You are Holy. Only You. Heal me, stretch me, use me at Your Will. Bless America, please Lord.
Bring refining fire down on us.
Yes, I have thought the same thing as I have been in prayer groups. I have wondered if we shouldn’t be praying for each Christian to stay the path and become the pure spotless bride that Jesus will return to. I have questioned how we can be “spotless” if or when the main agenda is to have comfort, money, pleasures, position, etc…..
Thank you!
Almighty God renew a right spirit in me. I want to be totally in awe of you and your wonderful works. I want to be in the middle of those works. I pray I will be more accepting of every good work and the knowledge of you that I will be found walking More worthy of you, my Savior. Amen
It would have been great to have had this published before the return.
Amen! Amen! Amen! President Trump needs to get this as well. It’s not about prosperity of material goods…here is my last message on my channel:The whole purpose of this Satanically inspired shadow government is set against Christianity. And Christianity is set against it. Their plans do not succeed because of your prayers. You My people stand in the way of their murderous ways.
What I am telling you who are serious about safeguarding your nation is that if you give yourselves to materialistic folly this season, you will surely be defeated. But if you press into travailing prayer and prayer every hour-yes – every moment of your day, if you do this, plans will be thwarted and timing will be set back.
Mind you, certain things must take place, but not the complete destruction of your government which the assassination of President Trump would bring about. His life from moment to moment is in your hands, literally. Press those hands together My people and cry out, yes, even from moment to moment and his protection will continue. Live selfishly and in folly and his protection will fail. Truly, he is the last trump, and you are the ones upholding his life from second to second.
At this point I felt led to look up the meaning of Trump. The suit having the rank above the others in a particular hand: the ace of trumps. a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led. early A16th century alteration of the word, triumph, (also the trump card) a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage: in this month General Haig decided to play his trump card: the tank. Jesus continued, āAnd in this end of times, I have decided to play My Trump card.ā
This man has been My trump card, he has made great headways into the destruction of evil in this nation and the world. And because of your prayers he is alive today and continues to move this nation in the right direction. What is missing is addressing the opulence of your society, the lack of charity and humility. This is the achillies heel of your nation. It is true that every nation reaches greatness and then declines through complacency and decadence.
My people, I want to see Godliness in this nation. I want each of you to repent of your excessive attachment to wealth, and give more to the poor of this world. I want to see more compassion for the little ones and less attention to the great and shiney ones. This is the one element that has been missing in your presidentās platform. This element is changing and more attention is being given to the under priviledged. This is great progress.
What is needed is a redefinition of prosperity in your nation. Prosperity is not multiple dwellings and holdings, homes, boats, planes, cars and toys, prosperity is having what you need for the day and looking around you seeing what others are blessed with so they have what they need. Prosperity is putting Me first. Prosperity is living the Beatitudes. Prosperity is the kindness of heart that looks after those around them even when they are not related. Yes, increase programs for them to be able to learn and work, but at the same time look after their most basic needs, food, shelter and clothing.
Nurture the weak among you. Do it in My Name, then pray for your president to have the very same heart. I came to relieve the crushing poverty of spirit the poor lived under. I came to show a new way of life based on prosperity of soul and freedom from sin. Look to these things and there will be no need for America to undergo a crushing blow. Look to what is right and good and holy – make sacrifices as never before in your lives – welcome the poor and show them you care. Get your minds out of personal riches and prosperity and make all around you prosperous, yet never so attached to riches that I am forgotten.
These judgments lined up against your nation exist because of the abuse of wealth and power. Not only on an individual scale but on a national and international scale, the exploitation of the poor by multinational corporations, the destruction of licit governments to the advantage of these corporations. The wars and strife continually stirred up, all of these things with abortion at the very head have called down judgement upon you America. Change these things and live. Make laws that put an end to these things and live.
Your president is aware of many of these things. His awareness grows daily as I infuse him with understanding and knowledge. He has gone after the gross injustices of child trafficking and abortion. He is leading the way in many areas, yet the definition of prosperity in America must be changed from one of personal wealth to national wealth and well being, while focusing thanksgiving on Me, not on your own prowess.
What I am saying to you My People is that there are indeed plans to murder your president, with 24 attempts already made since he took office, Your prayers have held back the bullets, your generosity in giving and even travailing prayers can continue to protect him, but your hearts must change from personal advantage to national and international advantage and health, with Me at the helm of the ship.
Pray this prayer without ceasing, beginning right now in this moment, āO Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You to save our President and Our Nation.ā
For a shorter version, āO Blood and Water from the Heart of Jesus, I Trust in You, save our president and our nation!ā
I wish this prayer to be prayed by the people of every nation, both for America and for your countries. At the very, very, least you will be protected from the wrath to come. Your hearts of travail and intercession have won for you the protection of the Almighty. Do not neglect to say Psalm 51 and 91 in your dedicated prayer times. There is nothing My Heart responds to faster than the contrition of a sinner, or even the contrition said in the place of a sinner.
My last words to you, America, there is hope. There is hope. There is hope.
Thank you for sharing this! This is clear direction revealing that our prayers for the President are even more crucial than I had realized. It is also clear direction for our prayers and need for change: “your hearts must change from personal advantage to national and international advantage and health, with Me at the helm of the ship.” Yes LORD, change us, change me. Amen.
This has convicted me . I know have to ask The Father if there is anything between me and Him that I need to confess. While I am so grieved over the killing of the unborn, am I just as grieved over my attitude on some other things that I have allowed to creep in my life.
I have thought for a long time that my particular church needs a baptism of passion and the fire of the Holy Spirit. I believe this article is absolutely correct.
Lord, I repent for ever complaining for Your goodness and mercy have followed me everyday of my life. Remove anything from my heart that is not pleasing to you Father God. Give me revelation of You, I ask for New Wine skin to be filled with Your revelation and knowledge You . May I be a light to the lost souls in America that through me they will see You. Pour down Your oil on the church. Light them up with fire!! Zechariah 2:5 In Jesus Holy name I pray.
This is a now word! Right on target! It starts with us. I’ve been hearing this for months. We must be refined by fire! Holy Spirit fire!
I often wonder if what we need to repent from is not being who we are in Christ, not recognizing in Him we have everything. He is present with us. We don’t need to ask for His presence, we don’t (personally) need to ask for mercy, if we are believers – He already sent Jesus. We need to use the character, spiritual gifts and talents He has given us. We need to act like Christians in everything we do -at work, in school, what movies we watch, how we teach our children and grandchildren – HOW WE VOTE! Every Pastor needs to speak up – especially now -about what Antifa and BLM really stand for, what is at stake in our nation. I wonder if God is wondering when the rest of the churches will reopen. And when Pastors who are not worried about their 501c3 will speak out.
That is exactly the Word God has been giving me the past 6 months about myself. Thank you for sharing the verses which are different from what I received but the message is the same. It started by reading ‘Tortured for Christ’ by Richard Wurmbrand. Seeing how he was destroyed for 13 years in prison in Communist Romania and how he responded by leading the torturers to Christ on their smoke breaks between tortures. The love of Christ in Richard & the persecuted church was so supernatural and other worldy that it has challenged me to remember to pray daily for the persecuted church all over the world. Also, he shared how he got encouragement from thinking the church in the West was praying for him and that America would come free him. Ultimately I do think many many prayed for the fall of the USSR but I did little praying for them. But now God is calling us much deeper as he called the persecuted church for me through II Cor. 11:3 ‘But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtility, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity and purity that is in Christ.’ Other verses, Jesus said pray & live, ‘as in Heaven on the earth’etc. Anyway thank you for an article that was a Word from God for today’s church. Tyranny has been loosed in America will the ‘spotless bride of Christ’ arise now and destroy the forces of witchcraft and the occult loosed in our land or will we continue to live earthly lives consumed with fears and passions of the flesh. Like the Apostle Paul we must ‘die daily’ now so real revival will spread or see real persecution unleashed into America. Not throwing stones at anyone else I am asking God to allow me by God’s grace today to ‘love God with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength, because He is longing for fellowship and relationship with His bride in America. Great destruction is promised by all the dooms day prophets but those that know better can rise up in Christ’s All authority (Matthew 28: 16-20) and pray and live ‘heaven on earth’ Kingdom life now. Tyranny or awakening in America is now. And the bride will easily win if we will draw close to God and allow Him to fulfill His greatest desire for us the church to draw close to Him. Thank you for the spot on article, Joseph with Crossroads.
Hi Susan,
Excellent thoughts, and I was relieved to know I wasn’t the only one who had great concerns that, despite the encouraging sight of seeing so many people praying in unity, we were barking up the wrong tree. I had the privilege of being involved in regional leadership of the Concerts of Prayer movement for revival and spiritual awakening some 20 years ago. It culminated in “anticipation fatigue”, prompting similar questions. I will not go in great detail here, but rather invite you and perhaps other readers, to read this week’s edition of our ministry’s Weekly Prayer Digest, in which I address this very thing. Here is the link: https://mailchi.mp/6c5e135dab34/ti-weekly-prayer-digest-september-28-2020
Thank you for your words,
Remco Brommet
Yes I agree. Lord may I live my life so surrendered to your will and your ways that others may see Christ in me and be drawn to the beauty of Jesus and to new life in Him .
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Where do we begin? How do we know?
I would say, cry out for REVELATION from God to open the eyes of our understanding, that we would see our condition clearly, with HIS eyes, from HIS perspective, and not through eyes that are tainted by our culture.
Bless you.
God, please forgive me if I have prayed a prayer that is not fitting. Please forgive any sins that I have not repented of – I’m not hiding anything from You. God, I pray for all of Your people in the USA that we as a church will be a shining light to the lost.
Thank you for this word that has pierced my heart for the Spirit of God!
I agree with the above. In churches we have our groups and if you are not part of a particular group, some of the congregants do not even acknowledge you. An individual attendee of a particular group, reached out to the church and asked about me. The individual forwarding the message gave me the information and her name, which I did remember. They also informed me, that I do not have to contact them, if I did not want to. I was very surprised. I did contact her and we had a great and much needed time of ministry and fellowship. In fact, it was the first time she had left her home since the beginning of lock down COVID-19. She was grateful and I was glad I listened to the Holy Spirit. This is what the church of Jesus Christ is all about. If we canāt help someone, or reach out to someone outside of our sphere, than what good are we? We have to repent of self-righteousness, and the us four and no more attitude. So I began seeking the Lord to reveal what is in my heart, because I want to see his kingdom and purposes established in me as well as on this planet. Canāt do it if we d not open our hearts to the needs of others. Just let the Holy Spirit guide you, He know what He is doing!š
Wow, that was very powerful and 2 of my favorite scripture readings that I had forgotten about.
May we be guided by the Spirit and turn away from sin and seek His face
Oh, Father,God, HELP, help me to hear Your heart. Father forgive me for thinking I have the answers to everything. Forgive me for taking You for You granted and for praying fluffy prayers. Forgive me, Father. Knowing how my brothers and sisters suffer and what they are going through, forgive me. Father, I thank You and praise You, not presumptuously, but humbled by my sisters words. Forgive, Father, I ask. Amen
Amen. I agree with my sister Penny’s prayer and request the same for myself.
Here’s some encouragement from Twila Paris: the hymn, Arise My Soul Arise:
My takeaway from this insightful article is this…
āWhatever we need to realize about our condition, in whatever ways we need to repent, in whatever ways we need to be transformed, it will not be realized by our own understanding or achieved in our own power. We need, desperately, a revelation from God. Our help is āāā¦not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,ā says the LORD of hosts.ā (Zech 4:6)
Let us cry out to God that He would open our spiritual eyes to see our true condition…ā
Lord, open my eyes to see what You see in me. Amen.
OUTSTANDING, true & convicting! Thank you! The same has been revealed to me by The Holy Spirit & I’m waiting for God to reveal my most inner hidden sinfulness so I can GENUINELY repent….
True. Se are too comfortable. We do have all of the spirit but our actions tamp down The Spirit in us bc we are a vessel knowingly or not filled with wrong thinking in myriad of areas.
Lord forgive us transform our minds fully to think like You, see the world and its’ people like You do. Give us the I sight and love yo se others as You see them. Enlighten our minds so Your path for us is clear.
Forgive us for letting the world and its pleasure take precedence over Your calling in our lives. AMEN!
Great devotion and challenge. We are so busy praying for others to change, and praying for what we think God needs to change in others and situations. We often fail to ask the Lord to search our own hearts and reveal to us His truth, His will for His purpose rather than for our comfort. My church has shirked its responsibilities to teach the truth, and shies away from anything controversial. This has produced people who are loving and generous and who do good things; however, the moral fabric has degenerated without our even knowing it–until now. This message convicts us to examine our own heart, seek God’s will for us with open eyes and ears, and a willingness to obey without predetermining or setting limits on what that might be. I’ll be praying this for me.
Amen and Amen.. I am convicted we are so spoiled.. I dare say what would happen to the church should real persecution come.. God have mercy on us..
Amen to this article. We must know what our real purpose is for repentance. Is it just so we can go on living a life of luxury? That is hot what repentance is about. We need to repent tp restore a vital relationship with our Saviour and allow Him to lead us where He chooses. Our repentance is a sacrifice of ourselves, not a ticket/free pass to a fancy resort. It is a heart of obedience to God without counting the cost or questioning the next steo.
It is a wonderful message and I hear clearly what is being said. Christ centered not me centered. We are blessed and the Holy Spirit is here. Now it is time for me to focus my attention how to please Him and to walk in His purpose that will be glory to His great name.
Ms. Noble
Thank you for sharing your message!
What an awesome, needed message!
I join you in prayer for the eyes & hearts of believers to be opened to reveal what kind of Church we have become & what we should repent of.
May I suggest that believers read Jeremiah 18:1-12 & let it sink in. It is God who is the supreme authority (Rom. 13:1-5) & He has Every Reason, as did the potter, to begin over again.
I agree completely with the article. Thank you for publishing! Clearly, in Scripture, and by example Jesus (and His disciples, at least,) we are to count our momentary and light afflictions as such for the Glory set before us… Lord, give us courage toward ever increasing humility cultivating the art listening well to You, to hear Your strategies to pray and then to stand, knowing when to speak and when to be silent, just like Jesus.
Thank you, Susan, for challenging us with the “heart of the matter’. All the more, depending on the Holy Spirit to show me ways to “not be ahsamed of the gospel.”
Outstanding article. Thank you for helping us to “see” our true condition. I am changed by this article. Thank you.
Amen and Amen open my eyes and ears Lord. I want to see Jesus manifest in all the earth.
What does it mean to purchase gold refined by fire?
Possibly to pay a price for purity.. this comes to me. I invite comments on my reply. I thank my sister for writing this.
Gail Reagan
Sister of the author.
Greetings Joann
As you well know reading is one thing – understanding is quite another.
May I urge you to research the Laodicea region re: the basis of their economy.
You may also find an answer to your question in a good commentary.
May your efforts & searching for answers be blessed.
May I suggest you read Revelation 3:18 after looking at the Laodicea region & what their economy was based on if you truly want to know.
Understanding scripture takes time to read & study & research. Time better spent than becoming stressed or entertained by watching the tube.
Thanks for your reply, Graystone. I have read Revelation many times and have always been puzzled by this particular portion, wondering how it applies to the 21st century Christian. One day, all answers will be revealed. God bless you!
JoAnn, thank you for this question! Others may answer differently, but I take it to mean being wiling to pay the price of going through the fiery refining wrought by surrender and obedience in the hard times, in order that our faith would be purified. Many would try to wriggle and squirm out of difficulties to make their lives easier, but God would have us surrender to Him and obey Him in them, that through the testing we will ācome forth as gold,ā as Job says in Job 23:10. Please also see 1 Peter 1:6,7: ā…if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may…result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ…ā
Amen Sister.
My heart is full of the vision of you seeing and hearing what this man had to say…but more than that to be able to see and hear with God’s eyes and ears and to know where we NEED to be and all!
Thank you for writing this article today. I appreciate your heart and your insight!
Bless you,
Sam Upton
Father forgive us, open our eyes that we may see, our ears that we may hear, our hearts that we might understand the spiritual call You have given us and Return to YOU!
As I was reading the comments, I was reminded of I Cor 10. Paul exhorted theCorinthians to avoid Israelās Mistakes as they came from Egypt. They were all enjoying Godās blessings and his presence but He was not āwell-pleasedā with most of them. Holy Spirit highlighted vs 7 to me, which says, ādo not be idolators as some of them were; as it is written, āTHE PEOPLE SAT DOWN TO EAT AND DRINK, AND STOOD UP TO PLAY.ā This occurred immediately after they made the golden calf and proclaimed this was their God. We as Christians have been enjoying Godās blessings and prosperity while at the same time worshiping the gods of our culture: politics, money, pleasure, etc. and we have risen up to play with our cultural Godās. Paul warns, ālet him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.ā I wonder how many of us are deluded into thinking our half-hearted relationship and worship of God is giving Him our best and that we are worshiping Him in spirit and truth as we afterward rise up and āplay with the worldā and its lusts. Yes, it is time to pray like David, āSearch me, O God, and know my heart: Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any wicked way in me. .ā BUT GOD!!!
Thank you Susan for sharing your heart. Your experience in Russia was such a blessing from the Lord in that He opened your eyes to the true state of affairs of the American Christians. Truly there is much to repent of and asking God for a heart of humility and revelation is at the top of the list. Isn’t it true that the Lord opens our eyes to certain situations so we can know how to pray. I pray I will have a humble heart towards the Lord and fellow believers and have His heart. Bless you Susan and have a wonderful day and thank you again.
Yes yes yes!!! Amen!!!
I have learned from my walk with the Lord, that it is in losing ones life that we gain our life in Christ, more of Him and less of me comes only with a willingness to die to all we desire to control in our life to His will and purpose. Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered and that is the example He has left for us, but He has not left us alone, but given to us His Holy Spirit to do the work in us. May we surrender all to Him, who is Able.
Wow that is good. This last week the Lord took me to Zechariah 9:11 where the man with the writing kit had put a mark on those who were true followers of the Lord. The rest of Zechariah 9 talks of injustice and blood shed in the city. The Lord sent six men to follow the man with the writing kit and they put to death those who did not have the mark. This judgment started at the sanctuary with the elders. Then in Ezekiel 8 it talks of the “idol that provokes to jealousy.” This idol can be many things, but the Lord showed me that it is the idol of self. The body of Christ including myself must get rid of this idol. It is time for us to humble ourselves, seek His face and repent. To weep between the temple porch and altar.
Thank you for sharing. So very sobering.
I believe you meant Ezekiel 9 not Zechariah. The man with the writing kit is in Ezekiel 9. Very sobering indeed. We must ask the Lord to reveal our hearts to us that we might see and confess our apathy. Lord dig deep into our hearts and take away our stony heart and give us a heart of flesh, give us your Spirit Lord that we are able to feel what you feel so that we have the mind and heart of Christ. We need your help Lord and cannot do this life without you.
Yes. Thank you. It is Ezekiel 9, not Zechariah 9.
Yes, accurate observation. It brings purpose and clarity to the verse you quoted, “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.ā I am being disciplined for my own good to bring me out of lukewarmness. Suffering has its purpose of getting us to the end of our rope where we have no one else to turn to but the loving arms of God.
Amen. Lord help us; help me. This is a very timely and needed truth.
The Lord is still with you..start watching Christian TV stations..Kenneth Copeland.Victory channel…be strengthened
If My people will humble themselves cause God resist the PROUD. Earth is a spec of dust to Him. Who are we not to humble ourselves? CASE CLOSED!
Sadly, I think you might be right!
Yes. Israel neglected God’s commandments and fell into idolatry. Our involvements with things of life: cars, houses, hobbies, social media, bank accounts, ‘stuff’, relationships–have become idols and God is one god among our many gods. He didn’t accept Israel’s worship then and he won’t accept our idolatry now. Unfortunately, idolatry and child murder clinched Judah’s descent into captivity. Is that where we are headed, as well?
Yes, Lord, let us rejoice that our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life, and fill us daily with white hot, fervent love for You and what You did for us to make that way for us, to love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and then to love others as You love us, even our enemies, blessing those who curse us, doing good to those who hate us and praying for those who persecute us, that You might open their eyes to Your wonderful love and bring them out of the darkness into Your marvelous light, by the work of Your Spirit!! Help us Lord to always be sharing the good news of Your gospel, which is the power of God to save, in whatever way we can, wherever we are!!
Yes I believe with the author wrote the American church is repenting of the wrong things because we have a man centered gospel and not a God centered gospel partially because of spiritual ignorance And willful selfishness. Until we grow spiritually inwardly we will continue as a church in
America our lack of understanding will be a parent. Grow stands for God revealing our weaknesses then and then only will we begin to be his church as the light and the salt that we are called to be. It is time for the leaders of the church of Jesus Christ toTo begin doing so thank you.
Stunned by the figures given at The Return about the lack of support for the persecuted church.
I generally felt we were the church of Laodicea; then had to add Thyatira to it for tolerating the Jezebel spirit of the government as well as Ephesians for loosing our first love. Grievous. MERCY!
Amen. Such words of wisdom and truth. By Godās Grace I am constantly praying that God would purify my heart and see that there is no wicked way in it. I pray that blinders come off me where needed and that any demonic earwax that the enemy has tried to place in my ears be removed that I might hear clearly Godās voice in this hour and see what He is doing. That I might hear and see things for the way that they really are. I pray this for myself daily and all my loved ones and especially for those who donāt understand the battle for the soul of our nation right now. By Godās Grace, word, and Holy Fire š„ we can and will all be able to reach for that high and lofty goal in Christ Jesus that he has placed before us. In Jesusās Name. Amen.
No doubt, the world has its eyes on its circumstances. The Church must not follow the world into their life of worry, doubt and fear. We have all God’s promises necessary to keep us, but the only thing He wants from us is our heart. There in lies the challenge. “Turn you eyes upon Jesus, look full in His glorious face, and the things of the world will draw strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” This little song tells it all!
Your article has given words to exactly where the LORD has taken me in the last few months. If anyone will read Peter Marshall & David Manuel’s work “The Light & The Glory”; especially the chapters, “Thy Kingdom Come”, “A City Upon A Hill”, and “The Puritan Way”, you will see a picture of American life that exemplified exactly what this author speaks of. This way of life, this brotherhood and self sacrifice existed in America at it’s beginning! Our early forefathers understood the concepts of covenant and kingdom in a way that we do not.
Let us corporately press into God’s mercy; asking for revelation of our true condition and the grace to fully repent. And then, step into joy that we have such a Savior to celebrate! We can not be our own saviors, either in whole or in part! Amen!
Father, open my eyes to exactly what You desire from me. I repent of desire for ease and comfort. I repent of fear of man. Forgive me. Make me Your instrument of love, healing, wisdom, and understanding. Use me to live for You to help others so as many as can be, will be healed and saved. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Seek the Kingdom of God first. Mt.6:33
Thank you so much for this message to know the true meaning of humility and how many time we are not wanting God’s will but for our own agenda. Today I am repenting of my own wants and needs and get into my prayer closet to ask for the Almighty God for His will to be done.
The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about this for months. This is truth of the churches in our country. I, myself, fall in this same category. I repent. So much to attract us and distract us. We donāt begin to know what suffering for Christ is. I pray God changes my mind and heart and outlook on this life I’m living. Lord forgive me and please give me and my church and all churches in this land a revelation from you.
Thank you for showing me how I have cooled down to lukewarmness! Since my cancer, I can’t even muster up a prayer life to join others on line and I am distracted from the WORD. Five years ago I was in a Baptist church in Germany where I got baptized and nurtured in the WORD. (I was a catholic.) I experienced the presence of God. He showed me darkness because I did not think devils were for good people like me! When I retired and came home in 2015 to PA I could not find a church that wasnāt dead.
I am 67, single N M, and had cancer and am helping my sister through her illness. I have to start over to make friends. How can someone who Canāt walk long distances, age 67 and without a church share the gospel? I have NO fruit! I fear and love the LORD. I just donāt know how to walk that out right now. Please pray for the lukewarm to ignite with Holy Spirit Fire! I need a refreshing! and direction. I am stuck!
Ellen, I am praying that the LORD refreshes you with His Holy Spirit and gives you direction. Perhaps your ministry right now is to your sister. Perhaps He is calling you to be a full time prayer warrior. The Word says “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin,” Zechariah 4:10
Hey Eileen. I want to encourage you today, that it is not hopeless. The devil wants you to believe that you canāt be used. Iām sure
that you have been used in countless ways over the years because you have the light of Christ on the inside of you!! I used to be Catholic too. And often that old Catholic guilt based on a workās mentality can creep in and make us feel unworthy or unusable…because it causes us to trust ourselves to do the good work and not really trust in God to work it out through us. I know that now there are a lot of online Bible Studies and prayer groups … and that is a good start. Try to find one and plug in. You will grow and be nurtured and touch the lives of countless many…because Jesus can take your heartfelt little and DO MUCH with it. He can do exponentially far above and greater than we could ever ask or imagine as we put our faith and trust in Him. You just be willing to do what you can and see how he will do the rest. Your life is a testimony!
Prayer is a powerful, invisible force that moves mountains. Even if you canāt get around by foot like you used to…you can be a mighty force for the Lord that reaches across the miles and even to the outer reaches of the earth š!! Do not underestimate yourself, dear lady!!! You are a mighty force for the Lord!! Your mouth is a trumpet to the Lord and āyour tongue is as a pen of a ready writerā as John Eckhardt has stated. You can prophesy your future based on the Word of God and the future of those around you for the good and the glory of God the Father. Hallelujah?! Look up John Eckhardt Ministries. You will be so blessed and well fed there.
Also even when you impact one person with your testimony and the Gospel … it multiplies and spreads. Hallelujah! Today God is wanting to give you a new perspective on everything … a new lense, if you will … His lense, to see things the way they really are. Amen? I decree and declare over you that today is a new day of hope. Today you will rise up and be as bold as a lion for the Lord! Today is the day that you lay down all the struggle and toil in your own strength and receive the Lordās strength. Matthew 11:29 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.ā
So today I release grace, comfort, hope, peace, love, faith and a fresh fire of the Holy Ghost over you in Jesusās Glorious Name. Amen. šš½šš½šš½
Elleen, the good news is that because of the current pandemic the church has gone online. So you no longer need to be able to physically go to a building, but can join in a church service from your home.
And for fellowship or friendship, many churches have their home groups or womenās bible study meeting online also.
So you can check out local churches, contact a local pastor and let them know you want to get better connected to Christian fellowship and they should be able to guide you on how to do that online.
Iām recommending you contact a local church (even though you can join a service anywhere in the world) because once you get connected online, hopefully as you meet people online, youāll be able to start meeting them in person soon. Iāll be praying that God grants the desire of your heart for Christian friendship. Leah
Dear Elleen,
It’s very apparent that you love the LORD!Remember that the HOLY SPIRIT lives within you and LORD JESUS is even interceding for you, even now! The Holy Spirit is groaning prayers on your behalf Ask! Ask HIM to stir your spirit! Ask HIM about new friends and to bring them into your oarh. It may be that HE desires that you befriend HIM in the secret place of intimacy with HIM for awhile. Cast your cares on the LORD because HE loves and cares for you! Read your Bible daily if you aren’t already, starting even a little bit and pray! Ask the LORD to stir you, to give you a hunger and thirst for His Word. He will do it! He is the Word and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and He will! Meet HIM just as you are and just where you are…weak and heavy laden, even STUCK! He’ll “unstuck” you! Believe it and receive it! Trust in and obey HIM! This revival, stirring may come suddenly or it may take time..but don’t stop believing! The LORD is faithful!
P.S. I whispered a pray on your behalf.
You might want to check out bsfinternational.org for an online weekly Bible study group. You will meet other dedicated women who are hungry for GOD’s word and will. This year’s study is Genesis.
Also we curse cancer and whatever is afflicting your sister and command those afflictions to dry up and be totally gone from your bodies and forbid them to return. BE HEALED by the delegated authority and power of LORD JESUS, the Anointed Son of GOD.
Ahh, love you dear sister (“Eileen Sept 29, 2020, 9:49 am”) in the LORD!
TAKE to heart the prayers and encouragements written to you herein.
GO: Community Bible Study International: https://www.communitybiblestudy.org/find-a-class/united-states/ I LOVE this class, and am 72, you will come alive and receive and give encouragement–none of your tears or sufferings are wasted…CBS/ CBSI has “empowering discipleship in 75 countries in over 100 heart languages,” across our globe. THIS YEAR ALL across the USA (maybe Canada and Mexico as well, not sure), we are doing The GOSPEL of JOHN: COME and join us! I’m in the (OHIO) COLUMBUS-NORTHEAST one (I’m sure PA, too): our Zoom CBS has 4 different class times to choose from each Thursday, through-out this year, just 1 hour Zoom weekly, with Gospel of John study book, and your Bible. Soak up, receive His grace and truth, and give the Good News of Life (John 10:10) to others: you WILL experience His words, “…Freely you have received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8) for such a time as this.
Oh Lord, this word of confession and revelation hits us directly where we are! We are so abundantly blessed so much that we donāt see it. We suffer very little and what suffering we do, we often struggle to lay it down to be strengthened and encouraged by and through the suffering. We suffer with a great deal of luxury and contentment even masking it with alcohol, drugs and busyness. Anything from keeping us from hitting the bottom of our despair. Lord, open our eyes! Help us to see all the compromises we are making to maintain a false front! Help us to release all these things to You and bring us to true repentance! Let us not be lulled into a false contentment that leads us to be lukewarm and ineffective! Stir In us hearts that desire to do Your will and to be all You have designed us to be! Raise up Your Church and present us spotless before You! May our lamps be full and our hearts humbled in obedience to You! Lord, grant us wisdom and courage! Maranatha Lord Jesus! Come quickly! In Your Name I pray!
If people truly have a repentant heart and cry out to You, Lord Jesus, please guide them, by the power and grace of Holy Spirit, to pray in intercession for America. I trust you will guide tem in how to pray, and what to pray for.
My response is that I āam wretched and undoneā.
Truly the word of the Lord for the hour – what are we repenting of? Thank you for sharing this.
Mea culpa
I asked the Lord yesterday how I could be a part of the church He wants. Whatās Your plan for me? Christ in me the hope of glory. Whatās that supposed to look like in me. As You are in the world so am I. Then as I am in the world so are You. Iām sorry I have not represented who You want be to be and yet You have loved me regardless. Let me be like You in this. Thatās a big prayer. But You have given me grace to be.
I will pray like you today!
Thank you for this article. I have just returned from Washington DC where I participated in The Return and The Prayer March. I have a different perspective than many. The Holy Spirit showed me the depth of PRIDE. I was sickened. 2 Chronicles 7:14 was quoted countless times, yet we were skipping the first wordS… HUMBLE THEMSELVES. Someone had the audacity to start a chant of USA! USA! Oh, the hubris! Weep! Weep! Weep for the country. Weep for the church!! Weep for the Nations! I heard someone say there was a shift over the nation after this weekend. Pray!!!There may have been a shift, but it may not be in the direction everyone thinks it is. If we won’t bow before God voluntarily, He Just might bring us to our knees. Honestly, we deserve it and it’s where we belong.
It seems some worship President Trump and the America man made. I pray our eyes and hearts are opened to being willing to give up our country, home and lives if it means to joyfully submit to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, asking Jesus to forgive us and pray to receive His salvation.
This is the confidence that we have in Him, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us and because we know that He hears us we know that we receive what we have asked.
We livestreamed The Return all day and we heard heart felt and sincere prayers. It drove us to our knees with tears for our Nation. You act as though it is wrong to love America. I find YOUR comment full of pride as though you are the only one there with discernment. Really sad.
I love you. I bless you. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance to you, and grant you peace,in Jesus name. Amen
And that in a double portion back to you! We are in this together for His glory and in His Name!
Yes, the only way to pray effective prayers is to hear what GOD is saying to us individually deep in our own hearts and then pray accordingly.
Communion with the risen LORD JESUS CHRIST, will always bring about true repentance and oneness with HIM.
O Father GOD, let us be silent in your Presence that we may hear the whispers of your Holy Spirit and become more Christlike in all that we say and do. In Jesus Name. Amen.
The message hit me right in my heart knowing but not knowing. I repent for all of the worldly entanglements that I have gotten myself in thinking I was being so spiritual. Thank you for your article and God for forgiving me.
Amen! I have experienced a similar revelation visiting the underground church in China. Imprisonment was their highest degree in the faith. Superior to a doctorate in college. They knew the heart of God and experienced His power. I cried for weeks after returning home at the condition of the church in America. Itās easy to slide effortlessly into our old pattern of religious acts. I know 1st hand. He is faithful to draw us back to His purposes and give us a repentant heart.
Let us humble ourselves and leave the worldliness behind to seek His face.
Deuteronomy 32 has verses that describe the disasters which are occurring in America but we want to call it global warming. The Lord of hosts, the Supreme Judge of the Universe is the Weather Maker. He is still on His throne
2 Chronicles 7:13-14….time for His people to seek Him with all our heart, soul, mind and body
It is very true,especially with the technological time we are living in. Everything is SHOW AND BLING! Everything in The Showroom. Nothing stored up in The Stockroom. Lord,Help!
This is exactly what Holy Spirit has been laying on my heart for several days: “If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face…” We must seek His face in order to see our true selves, just as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6:1-5. We must not come to God with our presumptuous understanding of ourselves to “confess and repent” but be humbly willing to let the “light brighter than the noonday sun” (Acts 22:6) guide us to Straight Street. (Acts 9:1-11) Maranatha! Rick, Titus 2:13
This topic has been heavy on my heart for some time. As believers we have been taught that repentance is about listing out all our transgressions before God and telling Him that we are sorry for what we have done.
The process of confession is just one aspect of repentance. After confession, we must turn back to God and walk in obedience to His commandments.
When God told Israel to repent, He meant:
1) They were to confess their sins
2) resolve to not commiting that particular act again
3) Return to Him and His Torah (Instructions)
When Israel honoured God’s Torah, they experienced His blessings, but for the most part, they rejected God’s ways.
It is the same thing with believers today. We reject God’s instructions because we have been taught that they are not for us today.
When we begin to humble ourselves and recognize that repentance includes returning to God’s righteous standards as He has revealed in His Word, we will experience His true shalom and transformation in every area of our lives.
May we seek the Face of God so that we can learn the Heart of God
Yes and amen.
So true, Racquel, I have heard some people quote the II Chronicles 7: 14 verse but leave out “turn from their wicked ways”. What good does it do a person to repent if they don’t stop doing what they needed to repent of in the first place.
Our pastor teaches repentance. We are very blessed to have one that does.
Amen and Amen!!! Yes, we are to repent and follow His instruction!
Father have mercy on us, teach us your way, lead us in your path of righteousness for your name sake. We cannot do this on our own.
I have been being drawn to these very facts the last few months. Holy Spirit send Your refining fire to me…I humble myself to need You!
Such a timely word. For the last several weeks our pastor has been teaching from Rev 2 and 3 on the conditions of the various churches mentioned. I see those same conditions in the American church…every one of them… conformity to the world, compromise, tolerance of evil, etc., I see them even in myself. This season of repentance has been an eye opener for me.
Father God, we humbly come before You with our hearts laid open and bare. Cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness, everything thought, intent, and motivation of our beings. Let your perfect will come forth in us and in America as we lay down our preconceived ways, cultural traditions, unbiblical training, and wrong teaching. Teach us, lead us and guide us in Your ways which are higher than ours. We choose to to say “yes” to You today. We may think it hard but You are with us, right by our side. Thank You for your continued love, patience and grace toward us. In our precious Savior’s name we pray, amen.
I’m in the process of relistening on YouTube to Rees Howells Intercessor. I am convicted that I really do believe “we have not because we ask not.” I know no one personally whose prayer life makes me jealous. Rees Howells’ prayer life makes me jealous. I pray but not as long and fervently as I should. Sometimes I get into an attitude of begging my Father, and that bothers me as He is my Father and not the unjust judge. I’m asking Him to change my perspective and cause me to see the workings of prayer and intercession from His perspective. I encourage us all to ask the Father for the assignment of true intercessor. I want to ask, then declare I have received, then fight to make the breach in the enemy lines that I might have what I asked for. Rees Howells Intercessor beginning at six hours 26+ minutes – chapter 32.
Guilty as charged.This so hurt…good. No flowery feel good message. Over a week ago I read 11 Kings chapters 22:13-20 & 23. I saw what I believe was true repentance. Once Josiah knew the Lord he repented, and acted accordingly, he literally cleaned out the swamp of evil. I underlinedseveral times his stand against all evil. When he could find no more he looked at the graves bringing up the bones and burned them, yet sparing the grave of the prophet.
However, even though his devotion and love and obedience to God was like no other, vs 25, God only spared for a short time as he was angry at the past sins of the deceased king Manasseh for his wickedness.
In my notes is something I have been asking God. “Have we gone too far into evil that you can actually heal our land?
In the notes it mentioned that sometimes a nation is so steeped in evil that God’s judgment can no longer be averted.
Josiah’s revival merely delayed the approaching destruction of Judah, but could not avert it.
He is calling us into pure holiness and obedience.
Lord, we, the church in America, have become complacent but You are waking us up. You are shaking Your church in America….much of Your church has fallen into lukewarmness and dullness. We have lost our First Love. We have been too comfortable and āsafeā. Your Bride isnāt prepared and ready for You yet, Pure, Holy, Precious ABBA. We have wandered but You sing a love song over us, You are drawing Your church back to You, You are purifying us for the day that Your Bride meets you in the air. Amen! Come Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with Godās people.
Yes we have been given the greatest blessing. Forgiveness from Jesus. Sealed for eternity.
We are to wait upon him in our humility and by His Spirut see him move.
Just this morning I felt the Lord say that He was going to have to “cut into the eye of the church, so that she may see clearly. Presently her vision is double, with one eye pulled aside and that when He is finished she will see clearly, with a single eye.
Wow, Fritz. Thank you for sharing that.
Amen! A wake up call to my own spiritual luke-warmness. Forgive me Lord and help me to restore the fervor and passion for my first love, Jesus Christ! Help me to not place my light under cover but to be bold in my witness.
Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding us during this transformation of our hearts. Yes, Lord, I say yes to you. I adore you Father God. My desire is to know you more and more and walk humbly before you. I will purpose one my heart to press in, seek your face and be obedient to you.
It seems that the Lord is speaking to one more area after this day of repentance. It is that many need to repent of and turn in our actions to obey Rev 3:17-18. The condition that we are in, of what might be described as a hard reality, especially when we have either grown up in it, is lukewarmness. We sometimes see a move of God, and we are warmed in it, but we return to the cold that we are accustomed to living in. We strive to really learn about Godāsome get a Theological Doctorās degree. We look down on those who do not have those theological degrees, even though they have searched the scripture and spent much time and years in the Word of God. We support missions from afar. Those missions we support must be preaching salvationāBUT are they reaching out and feeding and caring for people???? Thanks be to God that some of these missions are. Are we willing to help them??? Are we willing to reach out and have a cup of coffee with our neighbor, and take an interest in them. Through that time of sharing a cup of coffee we may learn about the needs around us. Yes, we sometimes respond when there is a need. But do we follow up??? I remember once when my wife a few months after a person had an illness, sent a dinner to that person. They responded that it came at a needed time. Are we looking at the whole person and long term concerns and needs. Not just short term needs. I am learning of many personal issues now from some of my friends from 50 years ago. These are issues that they were very slow to open up about. What does it take to be sensitive to the needs and concerns of others? Is that sensitivity to them and action to help them– what it means to move from lukewarmness to buying gold and pure linen? I may have to do even more myself, but my heart burns within me when I hear of needs that are not being metāboth overseas and here in the USA. I do not have the money to help all the calls, but my focus is changing to reaching out and sharing what I canāespecially to those who reach out and at the same time share the good news of Christ.
Yes, I repent of being lukewarm, and may the Lord help me reach out even more to those around me.
Dear Lewis, I don’t know of all the things the Lord has placed on your heart to repent of, but I just wanted to share what others have helped me see when perhaps we can be too hard on ourselves when we see these passages again each time…especially in personally experiencing some of the challenges and some of the overcoming that Jesus talks about to all the churches in Revelation 3.
People have helped me see the different ways the Lord has helped me to be a blessing when I could stay with people a longtime or for a season or for only bringing to the table of God, or for a brief encounter. May we all see that as we walk or sit with others that we are mutually enriched by the Bread of Life, the Word among us…Jesus’ Presence … and the cup of cool refreshing Water He gives us.
I just want to say personally to you Lewis that those precious prayer learnings and recordings you made and enabled through PrayNetwork have forever transformed my heart ā¤ of coming to Christ in prayer as a little child. Also I can never thank you enough for your sharing the profound meaning of the 31 Hebrew Names of our Jehovah God. It has helped me mature in my faith by deeply experiencing God through the meaning of each letter, especially the Nail that Jesus took that was there from the foundation of the world from before time began. This side of Heaven you and we will never know how much God has multiplied these Seeds that were sown and the intercessions of our hearts. I too continue to be challenged to know just where and how to plant seeds or walk closely with other leaders as their intercessors and continue to encourage family and the family of God. But am learning to walk moment by moment and follow the move of God and respond to Holy Spirit promptings. To sometimes stop immediately to respond or pray or praise or to do that long term work that you also did in publishing for all of us.
I continue to know for me that it is so important to be in that quiet place where only Jesus can quiet my heart and calm any storm…the scripture .. to be…to be still…to be still and know that I am God …and to never to lose sight of the Cross and all it means. Learning for me that is all about Salvation and the lost that they may be found here and among the Nations…the Unreached especially. Blessings to you and all the Intercessors.
Ps 24:3-5 NKJV
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
The antidote to lukewarmness is to confess personal pride, self-deception, self-defense, bitterness, unforgiveness, rebellion to authorities, idols, stealing, lying, fighting, jealousy, envying, complaining, criticizing, lusting, cheating, gossiping, controlling, procrastinating, swearing, greediness, laziness, divisiveness ā¦
Identificational intercession is necessary as we repent of the sins of our ancestors and of our generation. Personal repentance is also vital and mandatory. It is not that one is wrong, It is not a case of āeither orā, but āboth andā.
Before addressing the sin(s) of our nation, before championing a cause, let us be sure to take the log out of our own eyes and purify our hands and hearts that we may ascend into the courts of our God and once there, give thanks for the many, rich, undeserved blessings we enjoy as Americans.
I agree wholeheartedly. The distractions and my own inertia seem overwhelming.
Father, forgive us for being self centered. If we were honest, we are a self righteous culture. We live for us and our āpersecutionā is offense. Where is our compassion? We repent from thinking we having āall the answersā Will not the antichrist come as a political figure and have all the answers? Let us reframe from this political spirit. Matthew 10:38 for whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Let us repent and in all we do, do it for the glory of our Lord God.
Thank you for a message such as this. It truly moved me and woke me up with some things I am allowing in my life. I see what’s going on in the Christian community and especially for us as Americans, founded upon the Word of God. I have strayed and as of today with everything within me; I pray that I will strive to do as a child of God, to stay close to Him and His Word, knowing I am not perfect. I pray that the Lord will open my eyes and let me see the things I need to see; to change and to draw closer to Him. I want to please Him and not man. I have Come to the fact that I need to repent and turn my life around. Let go of all excuses and asking the Lord to anoint my eyes to see the spiritual truth. The Word of God says that he hears the prayers of a righteous man. I want this in my life. I feel I need to get my life in line with God and His Word first, not perfect, then I believe He (God) will open up doors and close some for me to become an asset and not a liability. (The head not the tail). I pray for the people of God, God’s Church and the restoration of America. I pray for our president, vice president, and all our leaders that want to see God working in America (our lives) again. I lean on God and His Word. AMEN!!!
Forgive us for Americanizing Your Gospel with our self serving obsession with personal rights and conveniences and not true submission to Your Lordship.
Oh yes! Amen!
Forgive me, my God, for my lukewarmness! Hide me in your cleft!
Thank you for sharing. Agreed. Even in this time of repenting Iāve wondered, āhow are we really turning away from the things of this world?ā We pray in earnest, sing with passion. And yet, what changes in our hearts? Sobering. Lord truly, change our hearts and let it be evident in our devotion to you in external ways. Forgive me Lord. Oh to be like You, Blessed Redeemer! Amen.
very true
I agree with your observation. And yet it is hard for people to understand un-comfort until they are uncomfortable. Hard to understand pain without having pain. My most humble times have been in my deepest most desperate moments- that is when you pour out your heart to God for help and during those times he is the most relevant. What all of us fail to see, is truly the direction the country is headed. Lets say that you decided on Oct 1st to give up Coke. Because you are only 1 of few that gave up Coke, it would have little impact on the production of Coke; however if everyone gave up Coke- then there would no longer be a need for the supplier to make Coke. God is waiting for all of us to band together to give up sin- look to him- and then powerful things will start to happen. The gates of heaven will be open and peace will come upon our land- that is his promise to us.
Yes we have been given the greatest blessing. Forgiveness from Jesus. Sealed for eternity.
We are to wait upon him in our humility and by His Spirut see him move.
Yes! If Christians would all stop supporting ungodly entertainment it would change Hollywood dramatically!! If we would refuse to support the companies that are funding the liberal agenda they would stop using their power to force states and localities to comply with that agenda. Go to 2ndvote.com to find out where companies stand. We know Google and Amazon are some of the worst offenders….
In order to receive Gods great riches and mercy, we must see our sinful condition , like Isaiah did and cried out Woe I am a man of unclean lips….I am asking God to open the eyes of my Heart ā¤ļø and to see God in all His Glory and then I will truly see my sin and receive His Mercy. I pray this for our Nation as well.
Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, I thank You for bringing so many in humble repentance to their knees during this time of Covid, anarchy, rebellion, disrespect for law and order in America. I pray, Lord, for an ongoing
work of the Holy Spirit to turn the hearts of all Americans to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and the Word of God. Lord, we cannot make amends for the sins of past generations, but we can each examine our own hearts, repent, and then in forgiveness walk in boldness to share the love of the Triune God with our family,
friends, neighbors. Thank You Heavenly Father for the privilege You give Believers to be “salt and light”
wherever they go. I thank You for all the many Churches in America bringing the Gospel message to
the world. You understand, and are merciful towards the battle American Christians fight against all the
distractions, temptations, perks surrounding us. I pray all Christians will daily put on the full armor of God. King David, wrote, “O Lord, how many are my foes!” “Many are rising against me”. But then, Lord,
may Your people know as David knew, “the Lord sustained him”.
Thank You Lord for The Return”. Thank You for the revival taking place around the world. Amen.
Yes thankyou for your article. I pray we become repentant . I pray God’s people become hungry and thirsty.
You have nailed it–you have nailed us; may our eyes be opened once again to the reality of cross of Christ and the reality that apart from dying with Him there is no living with with Him in the power of His resurrection. My spirit bears witness to your words. This is what I have sensed all along–had the church not been in the complacent, compromised, lukewarm, half asleep spiritually dull condition she’s been in for years (!)…the nation around us would not have been openly celebrating all that God calls abomination and defiantly trampling truth in our streets with clinched fists engaged in hostility toward God–and in many cases the so-called Christians marching lock-step with them in the streets, marrying homosexuals in our “houses of worship”, confessing to “social injustices” while denying the Master by their lifestyles. Had the church not been in exactly the condition you have described her witness and testimony would have been empowered by the HOLY–HOLY–HOLY Spirit of God so as to have restrained lawlessness and lewdness in our land. The American church has not been a sanctified expression of the Holy One for a very long time; she has not maintained the testimony of Jesus but has panted after the world, imitating the world even in what has been called “worship”, making herself a prey to every scheme of the evil one. The church has not humbled and cleansed herself even during this time of Covid-19–this “God-given time to be still and KNOW that God IS GOD. Throughout Covid-19 she has moaned and howled in lock-step with the world in demonstration of self-righteousness in revolt against governing authorities– as she bore no part in having elected godless rulers and if God Most High were not in control of governing authorities today as much as He was in the days of David and Daniel…and Jesus and Paul…and all the martyrs who’s blood has preserved the Word of God that we know how the holy people of God in former times laid down their lives for the God they loved. We were given opportunity to be still and know –again–that the LORD, HE is GOD, opportunity to seek the Lord and see our spiritual poverty, idolatry, spiritual adulteries which have grieved and broken the heart of God, which have extinguished the flow of His power, made a mockery of all that is holy, and caused the Word of God to be maligned. While the church has flirted and frolicked with the world the devil has been establishing strongholds in hearts and taking possession of souls for whom Jesus bled and died. Popular pastors deny God’s Word and deny God’s right to rule our lives. Demon possession is rampant in this land and the church is too dull of spirit and lacking in discernment to even notice, and too weak in power to render aid even if she did notice. Much like the people addressed in the prophecy of Malachi–just a few short years after their return from Babylonian captivity–the American church absolutely drunk with self-love, self-promotion, and self-righteousness has been *interceding and repenting* of every sin “they, those unsaved people” are committing “out there” while remaining willfully ignorant and oblivious–blind and naked–to her own spiritual poverty, her own sin against God. Just as those whom Malachi addressed, a blind, naked–and defiant church says, “How have we sinned?”, and she says, “how has God loved us?”
May God in His mercy draw us again to the cross of Christ where sin loses its power and grant the gift of repentance.
One area we are blind to that God cares much about is how we Christ-followers have so emulated the world in how many children to have. God said to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Reality is we now have UNDER-population in our world. Within about 35 years, as a result, there will be many more deaths than births. Our median age has never been higher and continues to rise. It gets worse: our insisting on having sex without the possibility of bearing a child is the same attitude held by those who have abortions. That is why there is such ambivalence on the issue of abortion: we applaud the motivation of not wanting another child, but we decry the method being used to accomplish the same goal most of us have. We are hypocrites. We must confess and let Jesus truly be the Lord of our family size.
Thank you. You’re right. That is one area of blindness. But with it comes the spiritual failure as well–we have failed to multiply a holy people whose hope is God…because as the LORD God said in the beginning, all life reproduces after its own kind. A compromised, worldly, culture-blended, tainted testimony church has reproduced in making disciples after its own kind.
Amen. May we turn from darkness to light…from Satan to God and keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus…wherein lies eternal safety from the affliction of blindness by the god of this world.
I agree, there are many who would limit the size of the family, and yet still decry abortion. On the other hand; we are also marrying later, dealing with distance between ourselves and our parents, (or any family, for that matter) watching the church abdicating its role to the government or big insurance, (caring for the elderly, injured, or those giving birth) and having two parent working households, sometimes simply to keep food, clothing and shelter needs met. We have no right to judge others without looking at their unique situation. Not everyone who has a smaller family is intentionally limiting their family size, either. There are infertile couples out there who do not deserve condemnation, as well as couples who have had miscarriages.
Heavenly Father, we really do want you to be Lord of the sizes of our families. We also want to prevent ourselves from judging others for smaller families, especially when there are so many factors involved.
Help us extend to others the grace we ourselves received.
The god of this world has blinded our eyes! Let there be LIGHT! Grant us repentance, I pray.
āIn meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.ā
āā2 Timothyā¬ ā2:25-26ā¬ āKJVā¬ā¬
So true! . Distraction and comfort are prevalent in the church.
Living in the reality of the scriptures has been overtaken by living in the fiction of entertainment such as fiction books, movies, and gaming via all the electronic devises. How does the content of all these compare to what we are exhorted to do and think about in the New Testament?
Social media enables being what scripture defines as a busybody and encourages comparison and judging, coveting and lusting..
Where is the outcry from Christian leaders on all this?
Yes, I agree. Seeking God to reveal truth to me and to all of my brothers and sisters. I pray for each of you. Thank you for this article/perspective.
āSearch me, O God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.ā Psalm 139:23-24
Perfect verse because to do this we MUST take TIME to be with God and LISTEN!!
The WORD- so perfect!
This is so right on target. So little is taught about the suffering side of Christianity. Ty so much for sharing!
At this moment of time I must decide who I will serve. I cannot serve God and mammon. Repent I must for wavering between both.
This day I choose to serve God. I open my heart and let the king of glory come in. Who is the king of glory? The Lord of hosts, Jesus Christ is his name. We are seated together with him at the right hand of the Father. Let us know him and the power of his resurrection. I do not compare myself with anyone else. I compare myself to the word of God and move forward pressing towards the high call in Christ Jesus. May we find the truth for our lives and walk in it.
Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author a d finisher of our faith; (Hebrews 12:1-2).We are in a battle for the very life of this nation but we have become so distracted by what is going around us and have turned aside to the the pleasures of this world,the lust of the flesh,and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not from the Father, but is of the world.Father, forgive us for our sins and for not being obedient to your Word.I pray for the body of Christ to awake and begin to stand against the wiles of the enemy we are not fighting flesh and blood but pricipalities and powers in high places. So, let us get ready for battle get your armour on and stand firm! Great victories come out of great battles.Is there anything to hard God?
2 Chronicles 34. Josiah….19 And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the law, that he rent his clothes.
I truly believe that if I had a true revelation of the Lord God Almighty and see how far I are from HIM….I would all be face down with my heart rent….crying out to HIM for His Mercy…..I do know we have the Blood of Jesus covering us….. but do I really really really honor, revere, humbly bow to our Majesty, the KING of all kings, LORD of all lords……
Dear Heavenly Father….
Reading the posts of persecuted believers today, many of them say the count it a privilege to suffer for our Lord. I am not that mature, Lord forgive. me! Galatians 2:20 ā I am crucified with Christ, not I live but Christ lives in me….ā. Yes, yes I wonder if we are praying for the wrong things? The early church in Acts didnāt pray that life would be easy but that they would have boldness and be faithful until the end. Yes also that the gospel would spread and many would come to faith in our Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for this post!!!
YES!!! God is calling us to repent, repent, repent! We have to take ownership PERSONALLY of all the troubles in our society, and repent for them. I used to think, “Oh, those horrible elected officials in DC have really gotten us in the muck and mire.” But I realize now that we are ALL equally responsible: it happened on our watch, or our parents or grandparents’ watch and we stayed quiet, kept nominating and electing officials without a Godly backbone, or if we did speak out it was to our own choir, and still our hard-earned money went into taxes that paid for so many unGodly practices: the corrupt dealings in our marketplaces — the unequal weights in financial matters and the black market of sex trafficking, pedophilia sex rings, drug running and weapon running; the blood money supporting abortions — baby killings which are really modern-day life sacrifices to Baal and Molech; same sex-marriages and numerous other atrocities. The divorce rate of Christians is no better than with non-Christians. As someone who went through three divorce counselors over a period of 5 years, I can testify that not one of them prayed with me and my then-husband. Not one held us accountable with truth. They are all taught with principles from the Father of Psychology atheist Carl Jung. Porn is rampant. Sexualization of children is rampant.
What to do? Repent, not just casually but formally. And do so with a body of Believers, for personal sins as well as corporate sins. The Return, a national and international day of Repentance, was just held on the National Mall in Washington, DC on Friday and Saturday, September 25 and 26th. Speaker after speaker led the thousands in attendance to repentance of a myriad of subjects. Earnest praise and worship was peppered in and it was beautiful! Over 1 billion people in over 130 countries simulcast the event and joined in! If you missed it, there is no distance in the spirit realm: go to watch it on the website http://www.The REturn.org. And now there is a second wave of national and international repentance coming on 10-10-2020 from Houston, Texas called the Revival for the Survival of the USA. Sign ups for the free simulcast are already from 35 states and many nations. http://www.Revival4Survival.org And it’s being carried on a shortwave radio station WRNO that goes into every time zone in the globe to over 1.6 billion people!
As we follow 2 Chronicles 7:14, we realize we have to quit praying for revival before we have repentance: we have to fully have repentance first! And it’s starting! We need to pray that the Body of Christ awakens and goes into full repentance. All God needs is a faithful remnant — YOU! Spread the word! Let’s humble ourselves with hearts on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer. He is faithful and His promises are TRUE! IF we humble ourselves and turn from OUR wicked ways and call out to Him, He WILL hear and answer us and heal our land! Join in!
oops — the website for The Return is http://www.TheReturn.org
Thank you for the links
Heavenly Father, Your Kingdom come. As we repent, as You search our hearts s as s open our eyes to reveal, show us how to live abiding in You. The Glory of Your Presence burns the useless of our lives; Holy Spirit blows the chaff and ashes Letās receive You more; replacing those self areas with You, Your word, serving You by Your direction, power, strength for testimony of Your honor, Your glory. Every knee will bow, tongue confess how Great is God Almighty.
How precious a testimony is this. Such a special privilege that Susan was given by the Lord. many years ago I read the book, Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. I thought it was a “must read” for all of us who claim to be followers of Christ. I have been thinking about the “would not” that Jesus spoke to Jerusalem. “I would have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks, BUT YOU WOULD NOT. what is it that makes for a “would not” in our lives? God bless America with millions who choose to be gathered under Your wings. Let us remember how Israel stood in the valley while the blessings and the curses were shouted from either side of the valley. “See I have set before you life and death. Therefore CHOOSE LIFE……” Jesus is THE WAY, The TRUTH and the LIFE.
Thank you for this very important perspective/insight at this time.i am from the UK and God has taken me on a very deep journey of research and repentance regarding the role we played in Empire expansion in Ireland and America in the 16th & 17th centuries. By taking the Catholic Doctrine of Discovery and protestanizing it, we set out to do Empire, in the Name of the Crown and the Church! In doing so, we laid a political, legal and theological foundation, a seed, into the soil of our nations. It established how we treated the Native people regarding land acquisition and genocide. Like here in Ireland, we are reaping the fruit of that seed. We came with a peculiar form of the gospel – something that most Christans today would find abhorrent – and with the sword! How can we truly repent if we do not know our British and European roots? My journey in research regarding this was published last year, available on Amazon: āA Destiny Denied… A Dignity Restored.ā I stand with you for a deep profound healing of the roots and for a radical outpouring of the Spirit.
Thank you for your reflection and wisdom from the Lord. I just heard a non-Christian speak parallel to your thoughts. He said, āAmerica doesnāt know how to suffer.ā I have noticed this has become vociferous since the advent of social mediaās seat on the worldās throne. The world is suffocating itself.
Let us pray for the desire to love what He loves and to hate what He hates. We would demand to rid our minds and lives of what steals from Him. Jesus is Lord and King.
Suzan your comments are prophetic and need to be emphasized. “Social media’s seat on the world’s Throne.” ” The world is suffocating itself.”
We are in the battle for Crowns and Thrones. And what has been the cry throughout the “crown” virus “pandemic?” A panic cry of
“I CAN’T BREATHE!” We are wearing masks, causing us to have to inhale our own exhaust (our own hot air). No wonder we are
We have allowed other “gods” to wear the crowns and sit on the thrones of our lives. Social media exalts self. At the cross self dies and only one King remains. Show us the ancient path Lord. Breathe on us Breath of God!
Praise be God for this wisdom. Indeed repentance is the key to victory. O Lord hear our prayers, forgive us of all our sins, and give us the willingness to be your true servants. Amen
Father it is our testimony of your love and grace and ultimate forgiveness, YOUR goodness that leads US to a place of repentance and coupled with the shed blood of the Lamb of God we Are overcoming in this world the things of this world and the enemies snares that have kept us from being zealous for ALL you desire us to be, to display an exemplary life IN CHRIST, led by Holy Spirit convicting us of ANY Unrighteousness, walking in Humility, Loving JUSTICE and Seeking mercy that will See your heart come to Your People, The EKKLESIA. God allow us this day a pure heart, eyes cleansed from deceitful ways, minds washed from impure thoughts, attitudes? Motives and purify and refine us to produce fruit for YOUR Kingdom COME ON EARTH LORD JESUS! Let YOUR LOVE overshadow hatred anger bitterness murder & bring TRUTH to Reign In your body.
Oh Lord let it be that these things come to America and they can only come by your Spirit!
What a beautiful, God-inspired message. I join with you in praying for each and every one of us from the United States of America to examine our own hearts and lives, to inquire of our Lord that He may reveal to each of us what we are lacking, what we have yet to surrender to our Father in Heaven. Indeed, Lord, reveal to each of us what it is as we humble ourselves before your throne of grace that we may confess and repent unto you of our own sin. In the precious name of Jesus! Amen!
What a message! Thank you that was a blessing. Very true Christians need to repent that they have not had the zeal of Black Lives Matter on their beliefs as we should have for Baby’s Lives Matter and stand up and not let another baby die at the slaughter hands of planned parenthood. Instead we are in our churches, saluting one another as on the Titanic not knowing that the blood of all those babies are on our hands because Christians have lost their saltiness and no longer stand up for what is right. We needed this Coronavirus wake up call. WE cannot let another baby die, Christians need to not only pray but get up and protest at abortion clinics and at the US Government to STOP ABORTION in our country. This is the true reason God allowed Coronavirus, I think he has had enough of babies dying and wants us to do something about it. Stand with me, hold a peaceful christian protest in your city hall and lets End abortion together http://www.babyslivesmatter.org.
Amen. Our apathy toward child sacrifice and homosexuality in our land do not reflect God’s heart nor do those abominations so rampant, even celebrated, indicate even a fear of God. “in our churches, saluting one another as on the Titanic not knowing…” is an excellent illustration of the church in America, comparing ourselves with ourselves, feeling smug and self-righteous within ourselves.
Lord, I am not worthy of that to which you have called me. Purify my heart. Search me and reveal my sin. Cleanse me however you will. Draw me out of myself and use me, your servant, however you choose. I surrender everything to you. Let me not fall short but give you cause to be glorified.
Amen and amen and amen!
Abortion, adultry, fornication, homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography, domestic violence, covetousness, pride, idolatry, materialism, thefts, rioting, racism. Lord forgive us!
Proverbs 24:11,12 ought to be read and embraced ….. also, the close of Jude ……….
Highly Recommended: ‘John Bunyan: ‘The Acceptable Sacrifice’ ( The Excellency of a Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit )
God bless you, dear Susan Noble, for this SO TOTALLY RELEVANT call to deeper repentance.
It is not easy.
Many people prefer not to believe in God rather than to admit that they are doing wrong. Curious how they deeply realize that God, if He exists, if NOT PLEASED with them, so they prefer to not believe…
How blessed to get God’s gracious forgiveness, if only we will humble ourselves and repent = the ultimate humiliation but followed by the ultimate freedom to be who God wants us to be, and to THOROUGHLY ENJOY THE PURE JOY OF SUCH FREEDOM. You challenge us to DROP THE SCHAKLES AND BE FREE!
We Must Repent!!!!! Thank you for sharing this Word!