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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would reveal the truth of what happened on January 6. Bring those who committed crimes to justice, Lord, and set the innocents free.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As voices continue to shout different stories about Jan. 6, one voice has been silenced. We must pray that truth is not suppressed.

From TrendingPolitics. In the late Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger’s final testimony before Congress, one of the key officials charged with securing the Capitol building on January 6 urged lawmakers to investigate ‘professional agitators.”

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“There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6th,’ Stenger said in his opening statement to Congress on February 23, 2021. “Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators.”

“First Amendment rights should always be considered in conjunction with professional investigations,” he added. “The law enforcement coordination in the National Capitol Region should be reviewed to determine what can be done in a more efficient and productive manner. Intelligence collection and dissemination, training, and concepts on the use of force must be consistent. This integration should be accomplished without regard to self-serving interest and cost.”

“In conclusion, whenever you prepare for a major event, you must always consider the possibility of some form of civil disobedience at these demonstrations and plan accordingly,” Stenger added. “The events of January 6th went beyond disobedience. This was a violent, coordinated attack where the loss of life could have been much worse.”

It is unclear what Stenger meant by “professional agitators,” whether it be members of far-right groups, or members of Antifa, such as self-proclaimed ‘revolutionary’ John Sullivan, who captured the point blank killing of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt on video, incited the crowd by shouting ‘burn it down,’ and was charged with a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot.

Stenger’s death comes one day before a ‘surprise’ January 6 committee hearing, which will call Mark Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson as a witness. The circumstances of the former Sergeant at Arms’ death are still unclear. The news was first reported on Monday night by Fox News’ Chad Pergram, and were confirmed also by Politico’s K. Tully-McManus, but reports on Tuesday still lack details. Becker News reached out to local law enforcement authorities, but clarification of the circumstances of death have not yet been forthcoming as of time of publication.

But reports that he was gunned down in the street are erroneous, and stem from a 2013 event involving a person of the same name. Politico reported that Stenger died on Monday morning, but did not provide details….

“Former Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger died Monday morning,” Politico reported. “A Marine Corps veteran, Stenger spent 35 years in the Secret Service before joining the Senate SAA team focused on protective services and continuity in 2011. He was promoted to serve as deputy under SAA Drew Willison and then served as chief of staff to SAA Frank J. Larkin. He was appointed to the top job himself in 2018. Former colleagues were notified of his death Monday afternoon.”

“Stenger resigned from his position days after the violent insurrection at the Capitol,” the report added. “House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving and Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund also resigned in the aftermath of the attack….”

Now, one of the key figures in the Capitol Riots’ security debacle is dead. No one seems to be willing to say how or why. It’s just another dead end in a January 6 investigation that seems to be heading anywhere but the truth.

How are you praying over the January 6 trials? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from TrendingPolitics. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Sue Pruitt
July 14, 2022

I pray for those who have been held unlawfully in a DC prison. You can hear from someone who is being held in that prison if you go to J6TRUTH.org. I pray the truth will be brought forth and that those being held unlawfully will get a fair trial. Yes, there were agitators being paid in the crowd. May the evil be exposed, brought to light.

July 8, 2022

God has put the Jan 6 Political Prisoners on my heart this past week. I had to do some investigating, because I haven’t seen much news on it. This was just posted today, and it gives strategy to my prayers: https://www.theepochtimes.com/live-at-11am-et-why-has-a-federal-prosecutor-been-given-power-of-life-and-death-over-jan-6-defendants_4584379.html?utm_source=Goodevening&utm_campaign=gv-2022-07-08&utm_medium=email&est=1I17bMdAMyyvf6NOqqeNAJkAeVUFoUUGKzIL%2BUHp3l723ccV83oVPm3LvmtBgooZwQKH

It’s evil through and through our government and we must war spiritually against it.

Christine Cook
July 6, 2022

Father God, we come in Jesus name for the pursuit of truth. Holy Spirit of Truth who leads us all into truth let your presence saturate these court trials and expose all darkness. Let the light of God permeate so that truth cannot be denied or covered over any longer.
Father God let the justice that is in heaven be released on earth in these proceedings. On earth as it is in heaven, your kingdom come and your righteous will be done. Amen.

Marta Gallegos
July 4, 2022

Is anyone investigating Mr steter’s death or will it be swept under the rug? On Jan 6 Victory news was televising and interviewing people I did some social media comments warning people that antifa was going to be showing up and to be extra careful and I still think the same and even BLM included I am praying for All innocent law abiding people to be covered with Father GOD’S Divine protection Righteousness in Christ Jesus amen

Marta Gallegos
July 4, 2022

I keep praying for these innocent Patriots that are locked up No trial no justice I think they can’t be tried because there is No evidence of wrong doing But also the J 6 one sided kangaroo communist hearings Have no proof of any crime But are made up as they go along With the fake media creating unfound crisis. In any and all Father God is a God of JUSTICE And Truth will prevail CHRIST JESUS IS LORD AMEN

July 3, 2022

So Stephen Colbert’s group did the same thing; “broke” into the Capital building”, lets see what happens to them! FATHER GOD please continue to expose those that are against YOU and us in JESUS NAME!

July 3, 2022

Lord I do confess I have been sick about all that too place that Jan 6. They all did all Americans a grave injustice at our capital that day.
But I confess my sin of late, not even praying about it all. Forgive us all, for being so focused on what we think and want to be true from that day…that’s mostly what has been making me so sick to hear any sides so called ‘reporting’.
Poppa God by The Blood of Jesus, please bind the spirits of deception and yes, even religion and loose Your Holy Spirit. Stop testimonies in mid sentence even, wash hearts and minds with a holy fear for You, of Truth and sound mind, so that only truth comes out AND give courage to police, Us Marshall’s and whatever else law enforcement and prosecutors, even defense lawyers, to arrest and bring to justice all those who did evil that day. So this ‘investigation’ is not a waste of time, energy, money and trust. Please Lord, expose any paid aggitators and those who paid them swiftly so they can all be brought to justice and we the people can stop taking sides and be united for truth, real liberty and justice for all.

Martha Jayne
July 3, 2022

Your question regarding agitators on January 6th is a hard yes. I was on the phone with my cousin as he witnessed it first hand. It’s high time that gets addressed. Ask Nancy how much it cost them. Ask Barak. No one’s above the law afterall.

    Doreen D
    January 6, 2023

    My dear friend was there all day, and saw spirited camaraderie, loyal patriots enjoying a rallying and prayer and marching joyfully. She knows it was NOT anyone in this massive group that did harm. It was small groups, some dressed alike, that were doing damage. “Lord expose this evil done in darkness and blamed on others.”

Andrea S.
July 3, 2022

Dear Father God, You know all things and You surely know what happened on January 6th. We pray Your word over this situation Lord God, and You Jesus have authority over all heaven and earth. You know who did this “insurrection” and who is responsible for the deaths of some of the people and You know who has covered it up.

“The Lord sat enthroned at the flood, and the Lord sits as King forever.
The Lord will give strength to His people. The Lord will bless His people with peace.” Psalm 29:10-11
“Do not take me away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity who speak peace with their neighbors, but evil is in their hearts. Give them according to their deeds and according to the wickedness of their endeavors; Give them according to the work of their hands; Render to them what they deserve, because they do not regard the works of the Lord, nor the operation of His hands. He shall destroy them and not build them up. Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusted in Him and I am helped.” Psalms 28:3-7 (first part of 7)

July 2, 2022

I pray that the truth will be revealed. There is something very questionable about his death. The timing makes this look really suspicious. Follow the money.

Gail & Clyde Bangiola
July 2, 2022

Praying 🙏 Justice will be served and the TRUTH WILL PREVAIL in JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR.

July 2, 2022

John 8:32 assures us that knowing Truth shall make us free. We ourselves must see behind the obvious – and pray for exposure.

July 2, 2022

Father God,
I lift up Dr. Simone Gold who was scheduled to be a speaker about medical freedom that day. She has been sentenced for trespassing to 60 days in prison for entering the Capitol and reading her speech. America needs Your Justice and we declare it will be done in Jesus mighty Name!
There was no reason for the FBI to break down her door and violently arrest her like she was a threat to society. May Your Justice be swift and sure to come to the real criminals and those who sponsor them. May they be shamed and humbled so they come to repentance for their sins and receive Your salvation. Amen.

July 2, 2022

Of course! Some of the ones agitating with blm were also in the Capital building on January 6th, and they were definitely not Trump supporters! Anyone with a brain knows this is a farce! My question is, how long are Americans going to put up with this crowd of demonized people in government?? We need to put them out of office ASAP in JESUS NAME! Amen!

July 2, 2022

If we were to look at the confiscation of ammunition and the creation of a secret police force two administrations ago, couple that with people paid to scream at judicial hearings, then go way back to the campus shootings during the Vietnam war, then take a look at the strategic placement of leftist “elected” officials in states with military bases, we see the wickedness emits a putrid smell that is easily discernible once it’s smelled. That may be where we are now.
“Don’t delude yourselves: no one makes a fool of God! A person reaps what he sows.”
‭‭Galatians (Gal)‬ ‭6:7‬ ‭CJB‬‬

July 2, 2022

There has never been another time in history where people could jut walk up to these buildings and get in. This was staged in every way. From professionals to the testimonies-blatant lies abound. Please, God, show the truth to our lawmakers and our people.

July 2, 2022

What a farce!This whole investigation is simply to make President Trump look like a terrible monster. The truth is being ignored completely. Lord Jesus, only You can bring the truth to light about this terrible event. By your mercy and grace, Lord, please, make it so. In Jesus’ name.

Ken Wright
July 2, 2022

Remarkable reporting! Sounds like a staged inciting to riot event by those in the “know’! 🙏

July 2, 2022

My simple but persistent prayer in these perilous times. “Blow it up Jesus” that all the lies and deception are revealed and the swamp obliterated! Uncover ALL that needs to exposed in the mighty name of Yeshua that nothing remains hidden!

Diane Robinson
July 2, 2022

May the truth come out.

Barbara Janicki
July 2, 2022

Heavenly Father, we pray for truth to be uncovered and proclaimed and received about all things relating to the events of January 6th. We ask that the truth would no longer be suppressed, we pray for courage and for protection for those that know the truth, that they might speak it. Without truth, there can be no justice – we need to know the truth. The truth will set the captives, those in prison now, free. The truth will set our nation free from this J6 narrative that is being used to keep our country stuck and captive while many urgent matters that should be getting our elected lawmakers attention, remain undealt with. We pray that You would move the hearts of those covering up the truth, to reveal the truth instead, setting themselves and others free from the bondage of lies. Lies enslave – truth sets free. Lord, raise up many truthtellers before there are more unexplained deaths. Let Your light expose everything the darkness has been hiding. In Jesus’s name, Amen. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

July 2, 2022

Lord, I thank you that you know the beginning from the end. I thank you that there is no thing hidden that you prevent from being exposed. I thank you that for every curse the enemy pronounces you have a blessing waiting for the redeemed.

We do not rejoice in exposure we are relieved. To that end I thank you that all things work together for the good, for those who are the called according to the purpose of God. To the captive I rejoice in their immediate release according to the evidence of things unseen that is being revealed. Amen

Joy Almendarez
July 2, 2022

LORD, Jesus, we ask that all deceitful actions surrounding the January 6th protests, be exposed. So many awaiting trial and in prison, over a year later. So.many secrets as to why they arrested some. There’s even been a suicide of one man who was awaiting trial. It seems many feel hopeless that there will be fair trials. You saw before and after, and during Jan 6th, please help expose the intentions of our Government, and those in the crowds. I PRAY our country will not be distracted by these hearings. Protect those who want to.speak truth from being killed or ” dying”. We ask.in Jesus’s name, that You be the Advocate for Your people. Give us wisdom.in dealing with the enemy of our faith and freedoms and of our families. In Your name we pray


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