Weaponizing Religion for the Climate
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Weaponizing Religion for the Climate
Analysis. What happens when religion becomes weaponized for the sake of climate change? The UN isn’t concerned with this question, because the UN believes such a tactic is necessary to avoid a “climate hell.”
Have you taken your place on the wall?
UN Secretary-General António Guterres used strong words in his doomsday speech kicking off the COP27 Climate Conference, in November, in Egypt:
“What did you do for our world — and for our planet — when you had the chance? This UN Climate Conference is a reminder that the answer is in our hands. And the clock is ticking. We are in the fight of our lives. And we are losing. Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Global temperatures keep rising. And our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible. We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.”
The conference consisted of world leaders coming together against “an existential threat that we can only overcome through concerted action and effective implementation,” in Guterres’ words. This year, however, the event took on something of a spiritual tone, with religious leaders from Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism officiating over “repentance” ceremonies around the world, including in the cities of London and Jerusalem, and even on Mt. Sinai.
Notably, at the Mt. Sinai ceremony, climate activists read aloud the so-called Ten Principles for Climate Repentance — apparently meant to be reminiscent of the Ten Commandments given by Moses, to the point of having two tablets smashed to the ground, mimicking the biblical account described in Exodus.
The UN apparently believes that faith leaders can help advance ethical and moral motivations in order to shift climate actions on all levels. In essence, faith and science must form a bridge, and this integration of faith into climate action is essential to bring about a rapid transformation.
Though some religious leaders have embraced this idea, many others are alarmed by the notion of the UN’s climate-action agenda being a spiritual or biblical responsibility. Essentially, that world body is preaching a “gospel” of environmentalism, rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead of urging people to repent of the sins addressed in the biblical Ten Commandments as set forth in Exodus 20 — murder, idolatry, stealing, lying, adultery, coveting, and worshipping other gods — these UN principles (its own version of “commandments”) urge humanity to repent for its CO2 greenhouse-gas emissions and its consumption of meat.
Weaponizing Religion
Alex Newman, an award-winning Christian investigative journalist, warns that the UN is weaponizing religion for the purpose of implementing its 2030 Agenda (for so-called sustainable development) and other globalist goals. This is all part of a three-legged-stool strategy that includes the public sector of civil governments, the private sector of successful businesses, and the social sector of faith-based organizations. All three of these must work together to persuade the world to accept change. The first leg of the stool consists of the numerous world governments that have embraced implementation of climate regulations and laws. The second leg was fashioned by such organizations as the World Economic Forum, which uses high-profile businesses to implement “stakeholder capitalism.” The third element stabilizes the stool by pulling in pastors, bishops, rabbis, gurus, spiritual advisers, and members of civil society to lend credibility to this climate movement.
Newman attended COP27 and interviewed several organizers of the interfaith climate movement, who discussed why religion is such an important part of this alleged solution. James Sternlicht, co-founder and CEO of The Peace Department, explained that “one conduit for reaching millions upon billions of people around the world is religion.” He even called for an addendum to the Ten Commandments: “All religions teach us to respect the creation that we have been given, and we’ve done kind of a terrible job of that, and so, with a new kind of Ten Commandments of Climate Change — which are an addendum to, not a replacement for the original Ten Commandments, and a third covenant that we are kind of working on between mankind and creation — we would refocus on those elements of the teachings from across religions that point us in the direction of fixing the problems that we’ve created.” Sternlicht insists that this is all part of “building the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
Newman also interviewed Rabbi Yonatan Neril, of the Interfaith Institute for Sustainable Development. Neril emphasized the need to leverage faith communities to get involved, stressing that “religion and religious clergy and leaders need to be the delivery vehicle for climate action.” He said also that the solutions to our ecological crises are spiritual solutions, because the roots of our ecological crises are spiritual roots.
Iyad Abumoghli, head of the UN’s Faith for Earth Initiative, asserts that we need to harness faith leaders and followers to protect the earth. The organization’s website states that its mission is to “encourage, empower and engage with faith-based organizations as partners, at all levels, toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fulfilling the 2030 Agenda.”
On May 9, 2022, the World Council of Churches, the Muslim Council of Elders, and the New York Board of Rabbis joined with the United Nations’ environment program by signing onto a landmark appeal called Climate Responsible Finance. This calls upon financial services providers to require “oil and gas companies to stop all new development or expansion projects.” The Rev. Ioan Sauca, a professor, launched the appeal by saying: “Family money, church money, a company’s money, a nation’s money — we need everyone to take this step for a sustainable future for our children.” The group defines this as “a moral imperative and responsibility.” Secretary-General Guterres added: “This year, all private financiers need to stop funding the entire coal sector, from mining to power generation, and actively shift finance to renewables. People, communities, and organizations of faith have the influence needed to affect this transition. I welcome this important faith-based initiative.”
Months later, faith leaders at COP27 echoed that message: “This should be an implementation COP where finance is at the heart of delivering for those most impacted by climate change. A failure to reach the critical decisions will betray the most marginalized.”
The UN has always had an interest in religion, because leaders of faith are needed to lend credibility to the world body’s goals and initiatives. But this interest in tying religion to this climate activism that many are calling “earth worship,” has roots in ideas propagated by leaders with ties to the occult.
Occult Roots at the UN
Former Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller served with the UN for 40 years, and his ideas about global government, education, world peace, and spirituality led to religion’s becoming an essential part of the UN agenda. He had a keen interest in the New Age movement and was called the “Prophet of Hope.” He helped create many of the UN agencies still functioning today, as well as a core curriculum for schools that earned him a UNESCO peace prize in education in 1989. Additionally, he developed the Framework for Planetary and Cosmic Consciousness, and he wrote such books as Shaping a Global Spirituality and The Birth of Global Civilization.
Much of Muller’s work with the UN is based on the writings of New Age spiritualist and author Alice Bailey, who, along with her husband (a 32nd-degree Freemason) founded an organization called The Lucis Trust. According to its website, “Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer (Satan) as one of the solar angels, those advanced Beings who Theosophy says descended from Venus to our planets eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. … The descent of those solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace, but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name ‘Lucifer’ which means light-bearer.”
Lucis Trust is on the roster of the UN Economic and Social Council and holds a consultative position. Its World Goodwill program plays an active role in spreading information and drumming up support for the UN agenda, including the SDGs. Goodwill also sponsors meditation groups for anyone “who cares to cooperate in this planetary service.” The Lucis Trust reading room, at 866 United Nations Plaza, contains books on the occult, philosophy, religion, and astrology.
Both Muller and Bailey viewed the world from an evolutionary standpoint and believed that man must intervene to save the planet. Bailey’s New Age teachings, which include messages from an “Ascended Master” known as “The Tibetan,” fueled Muller’s worldview and thus became an integral part of the UN plan for “world peace.” Bailey and Muller believed that all the religions of the world could come together and create a new humanity through globalism.
Today we are seeing the rise of a “one-world religion” in which faith leaders are being used to push a vision for one global humanity under the rule of the UN and other globalist organizations.
It is imperative that we realize that the UN is using a common tactic to draw many people into their snare: FEAR. And Scripture says: The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts the Lord is safe (Proverbs 29:25). Those who follow Jesus should not be worried about the destruction of the earth through climate change. Instead, we should look forward to a new heaven and a new earth — the promised home of righteousness.
Mark 7:8 says: “You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.” As Christians, we cannot abandon God’s Ten Commandments to follow an “addendum” proposed by man. Certainly, we are in the world, but we are not of the world. And yes, we can and will take care of this planet, but never at the expense of biblical truth.
Lord Jesus, open the eyes of those who have been deceived by the climate-chaos narrative. And wake up any faith leaders who have fallen into this trap, and turn them back to your word, which brings hope instead of fear. Praise be to You, O Lord, creator and redeemer of planet Earth.
Why do you think so many faith leaders have fallen into this “climate justice” snare and its false “repentance”? How can we pray about this?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. Photo Credit: Getty Images.
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Lord God Almighty, please help the world realize this “climate change” mentality is all a deceptional lie from Satan! We need as believers in Christ, to open our eyes and see the truth because He is in control, AMEN 🙏!
“It is imperative that we realize that the UN is using a common tactic to draw many people into their snare: FEAR. And Scripture says: The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts the Lord is safe (Proverbs 29:25). “ It is not only the UN that are laying a snare of fear. Our children in every level of school are being indoctrinated in the false religion of “climate guilt” and inundated with the fear of “climate change” each day in their classrooms, and beyond! And it is taking a horrible toll on their spirits, minds, heart, free thought, peace, life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness! The fakirs and false teachings must be exposed, ridiculed, and permanently derailed for the shysters and shams they are!
There are many sources of truth, counter-facts, and real science produced, packaged, and ready for the battle with leaders, activists, agents, navigators, followers, and fans of these dangerous “mind-tricks” and “climate change” lies: IFA articles, PragerU videos, The Christian Post, National Review, CO2 Coalition, U.K. Institute for Economic Affairs, The Competitive Enterprise Institute, Hoover Institute, Marshall Institute, Pacific Research Institute, Hudson Institute, CATO Institute, Science and Environmental Policy Project, Heritage Foundation, and many, many other blogs, publications, groups, and writers; true scientists’ testimony and articles; news accounts of falsified science, fake data, and pre-scripted computer models; and probably most undeniable in force, and effective in turning minds are the brazen lies and predictions themselves, professed by exalted “climate change”/”climate action” “experts” and “leaders”—all kinds of absurd disasters predicted to occur by named, certain dates—which never happen! None!
There are compilations of these false predictions in very simple and more complex presentations which prompt ridicule and distrust where it should, but also enlightenment, reflection, and healthy skepticism. With these, you can take action now: show your children and grandchildren age-appropriate counter arguments to all the “climate change” fear and non-sense! Ease their minds and hearts. Practice presenting. Show them a video or chart, etc. And be sure everyone gets a good laugh at these climate deceivers—they are motivated by evil or have been misled, dangerously so, and thus feel they are entitled to mislead our children and us toward true and real disasters.
Two more sources, one quite handy, the other more far-reaching, in refuting the worldly religion of climate action.
Many have fallen into believing the Climate Change Theory because they make it sound so logical and they appeal to our higher values. It is pure trash in reality and a total “fairytale “ !! The reality is all known reasearch shows it is just the opposite. Sri Lanka’s government failed completely and and large protests occurred as every thing that composes a successful government came crashing down on the people as they followed the Climate Change recommendations. This happened just a few months ago. There is now a desperate need for food. The Netherlands is also suffering as the EU forces the farmers to shut down farms, claiming that they are causing climate change (falsely). God’s word says : “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease. “ Genesis 8:22. Please share this information.
Agreed 100%. And yet with the disastrous results they only ramp up their efforts. Just as the pandemic reaction was NOT about maintaining health and curing sickness, climate activism is NOT about sustaining the economic welfare and environmental health of the planet. How comforting that God is aware of their motives and schemes. BUT – we have his beloved Son, King Jesus firmly placed on Mt. Zion! Psalm 2! Glory to the Prince of Peace, the Loving Creator, our Heavenly Father!
Dear Lord –
Thank you for this article about the danger from those inspired by and through false religion to promote a false salvation from human-caused global warming. Thank you for the insight many have gained through the false predictions and hypocricy of the promoters. Please, Lord, may many more, particularly those in your churches, awaken to the dangers from agents of Lucifer, like the Luci Trust, masquerading as saviors, and resist their temptations. Thank you for the power given us to resist the devil — may he indeed flee from your supporters.
Since I’m now in my 60’s, I can say from experience that we have been fed this climate fear mongering for the last 4 decades, and their predictions have never come true, not even close. I knew it was a scam 40 years ago when they said we would run out of fossil fuels, then they claimed the oceans were rising (while all the rich kept buying beachfront homes), the Amazon rain forest was dying, global warming and cooling, and so forth. NONE of what they ever said came true. So don’t believe them now, it is just a ‘steal from the poor to make the rich richer’ scheme.
Father there is only one who can control the weather and let man not be deceived any longer as to who is really in control and we put all of our trust in you and not man… Amen
The climate has been changing for millennia.
Our climate today is not what God originally created;
and, likewise, it is not what the new/restored earth will have.
Whereas it is true that we need to be responsible for our actions and be good stewards of what God has given us;
it is equally true that we are Not God. We have absolutely no control over anything; where God has control over everything.
He has set His timeline and His plans will not be thwarted.
Climate justice is a real issue. The harmful effects of climate change impact the poor more than the well-to-do. We should be concerned about climate justice as part of Jesus’ command to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” I am disappointed that IFA seeks to minimize the problem of climate change and the response that Christians should make to care for creation and the poor.
Please read up on some studies evaluating the risk/benefits of forcing societies to switch to alternative energy. A comment above mentions the problems that nations have had trying to force it onto societies . It’s the POOR people who are in desperate need of RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE energy who would suffer the most from being prohibited from using fossil fuels for energy, which are presently the cheapest, most reliable form of energy, not to mention all the other uses, one of which is enabling the production of the device you’re using to view and write on this website.
At best, you have been misled, like many, into the religion of “climate change”. And now, those deceivers have added a new term in line with their Marxist worldview and ideology built on seizure of private property for collectivist redistribution—“Climate Justice”. It is a false justice, however, for Justice needs no modifier: not economic, not racial, not climate, etc. Fortunately, those who have eyes have seen the death, destruction, suffering, and evil promulgated by marxism and its operational model of Communism—deadly failure whenever and wherever it has reared its horrific head—and the poor, it is clear, suffer the worst of all.
These faith leaders are becoming part of the false church in Revelation. We as God’s ekklesia need to stand firm and pray against this worship of the earth. Jesus is coming soon!
Ask yourself these questions.
1. If the NGOs really believed in global warming (climate change), why do they facilitate the mass migration (invasion) of the U.S. and the E.U. which will only increase the carbon footprints of these countries?
2. Why do the elites buy ocean front property if they expect sea levels to rise?
3. Why don’t they have their climate summits in places like Buffalo, Duluth, Edmonton, Fairbanks, Greenland or Siberia during the winter if they do not want global warming?
4. What are the carbon footprints of the elites?
5. Why was it warmer 1000 years ago when the Vikings farmed in Greenland?
These are good points. But we all know the elites are above doing what they expect the rest of us to do. Thank you for your questions!!
With the decline of religion and of faith – people need something to fill that void – so this movement comes at an opportune time – people need a “cause” to give their life meaning and purpose – so climate change, which we used to call weather, incorporating religious formats like the ten commandments into its doctrine helps to draw more people in. This “new religion” promotes worshiping the created thing, the earth, rather than the Creator, God. God gave us abundant natural resources, we should thankfully use them instead of letting people live in the cold and dark, because “renewables” (all made in China – solar panels and wind turbines – China makes them but does not use them, China uses coal) are not reliable. When those that are keeping our oil production shut down are using wind and solar power only in their homes and businesses, and driving electric cars themselves and eating no meat and no longer flying on airplanes – then I will listen to what they have to say. Right now they are trying to legislate that I do these things that they are not doing themselves. It is not about the climate. It never has been. It is all about power and control and our loss of freedoms. Think you can get very far in an electric car before you have to spend hours charging? If you can find a charging station, if its working, if the power grid is not shut down for whatever reason. Remember – fossil fuel is what you plug into to charge the car battery. Remember – these are the people who told you that you could keep your doctor. And now they want us to believe we will still be free with electric cars – not when government controls the power grid . . . so grateful that God is Sovereign over all the affairs of men – my hope is in Him alone – He is faithful, wise and loving towards all He has made. I have peace and joy as His child. Lord help me to be wise, to be a good steward of this earth You have given us, but may I always remember to worship You alone – not the gifts You give me. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
Such a frustration to watch this doctrine of demons – climate change- wrapping our nation in fear. Thank you for this lucid article. I sometimes muse that they ngs will warm up here on earth as we move toward the restoration of all things – a new heaven and a new earth. May the veil of deception be torn away, the weapon of fear be broken by perfect love, and Truth – a person – be central to our understanding of good stewardship of our planet earth.
Romans 1:20-25
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.