I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, thank You for IFA intercessors and their commitment to seek Your purposes for our nation.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

IFA celebrates 50 years of ministry this year! Here is our question for you:

How are you praying about the next 50 years? We want to hear from you.

Your submission will be featured in a very special project for our 50th anniversary.

Here’s what we need you to do:

Post a brief prayer (no more than two sentences) in the comments. Include your first name and your state. 

That’s all! IFA staff will do the rest.

Thank you for being part of IFA! We appreciate you!

Don’t forget to include your state!

Please share this with other intercessors who will share their prayers!

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Fred L Marley
July 9, 2023

Holy Lord, we ask You to grant us righteous government and a righteous priesthood, nationwide! We ask you to make America greater than it ever was. We pray this in Jesus’ name.

Barbara Molter
July 5, 2023

Lord Jesus, We ask you to put a compelling hunger in people for your Spirit & presence to fill our hearts & our Nation. Lord you alone can bring a Mighty Awakening of your Glory! Let it cover the earth as waters cover the sea! We need YOU! We prayed your Kingdom come & your will be done !

Thomas Eaton
July 4, 2023

Tom – Florida
Father Help our country see the truth and light and give us all the strength to stand up and be heard as one voice for the future of our country in Trusting Gods Word. Amend

Gwen Joseph
July 3, 2023

IFA intercessors are a voice of prayer in the earth! Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! We are staying on our watch, praying without ceasing!

June 26, 2023

Praying that millions will be saved in the worldwide revival! That so many hurting and hungry children will find the Lord and be a great light in our world!

June 24, 2023

Dear Father God, I pray in Jesus’s name. I know that You love your land of Israel and America. You have told us through Your Prophets that you are restoring America. I pray that our leadership will change to godly men and women who will have wisdom, understanding, and discernment to lead this country hand in hand with Israel to victory over the evil one. I also pray that we as Your church will now stand up to lead this wonderful Country to keep evil out of this Country We are alert now and we stand for for You and Your precepts. We have our hearts bursting in gratitude to you my Savior.

Tammy Glenn
June 24, 2023

2 Chronicles 7:14
English Standard Version
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
San Diego, California

June 21, 2023

My Prayer, is Isaiah 59 verse 21 as for me this is the covenant with them, says the Lord, my spirit who is on, you will not depart from you, and my words that I’ve put in your mouth will always be on your lips and on the lips of your children, and all the lips of their descendants from this time on, and forever, says the word, in Jesus name, I pray Amen

Kimberly , North Carolina
June 20, 2023

I , the lord, speak righteousness;
I declare things things that are right.
Isaiah 45:19

Ann Shaw, Texas
June 18, 2023

Dear Father, you have promised that if we cry out to you, seek your face, turn from our wicked ways, then you would hear from heaven, you would forgive our sins and heal our land. I know that I have sinned and I want to join all the other intercession as we all cry out to you.

Janie Buckner
June 18, 2023

Dear Father,Thank you for your unfailing love and your great mercy. We pray your will be done concerning all that is happening in our nation. You are still on the throne and your word still stands.

Wanakee M. Brown-Belin
June 18, 2023

Father, God all things will be the way you say. My faith never wavers. In Jesus name Amen.

Harolee Fairley WA State
June 17, 2023

Heavenly Father, Thank you that You are the Greatness, the Power, the Glory, the Victory ,and the Majesty. We adore You as the One who is over all things, Father I ask that every man, women and child in Your world will become Born Again, Spirit Filled, Bible Believing Christians and that they will have Salvation. May Your Hand be all over the IFA Ministry. Thank you for these prayer warriors. Thank you Father for hearing our prayers. We Praise You, we Honor You, we Glorify thy Great Name. Amen, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Doris Bostick
June 17, 2023

This is a wonderful group of intercessors, so glad I am part of it. May the Lord hear and answer our prayers, PTL.
Doris, PA

Debra Norris
June 16, 2023

America shall be saved!
America will be great again! Harvest and awakening come!

June 15, 2023

Praying for God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Praying for salvation for all and transformation of all people to return to the Father.

Betty Beardsley
June 15, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray Thy kingdom will come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give our children, grandchildren, and future generations wisdom to know what to do to save this country’s freedom to worship and serve YOU. Amen

Becky Robert
June 15, 2023

It looks like I may not be receiving postal mail, but only emails. This is OK, except could you please publish those little side prayer guides tear-outs such as Daily Prayers for PROTECTION, Favor, EDUCATION etc. I have already saved several but don’t want to miss any!

June 15, 2023

I Praise and thank you Father for your faithfulness to every generation. I continue to pray your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus name.

June 14, 2023

Dear Abba Father,
Remove the scales from my eyes and the eyes of all believers and those who have not yet met the life-changing Son of God. May we clearly see YOU and only YOU as we walk this road together.

Raymond Walker
June 14, 2023

What are the chances that YOU are the “Moses” to an answer to a prophetic word to someone 100 years, 200 years or 400 years ago. NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON YOUR CALLING AND DESTINY. Someone in our past may have a prophetic promise they are holding on to, for their descendants. Heavenly Father, I pray that each and every person fulfills their destiny.

Barbara Piechocki, Wisconsin
June 14, 2023

I pray for a return to traditional values for our country, for the sake of my children and grandchildren. I pray for the people of our nation to seek God and his will for our country.

Teresa Gillum
June 14, 2023

Dear Lord I thank you for IFA. Please guide all members with your truth. Amen
Teresa Gillum Illinois

Joye FL
June 14, 2023

Father, may Your perfect will be accomplished in the hearts of men, women and children thru the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit.

June 14, 2023

Descend Holy Spirit! We desperately need you to awaken us, revive us, convict us, transform us & embolden us for Father’s glory.

June 14, 2023

I pray for our government, media and schools to fall in love with You God, and your precepts. I pray for all involved with LGBTQ to find their way home to the foot of the cross.

June 14, 2023

Our judges and lawmakers seek the truth and a desire to truly serve the people. For increased intercessory prayer and boldness, knowledge of Gods word for me and other intercessors

Karen Buckner
June 14, 2023

That the Ekklesia will unify As One and that God’s Kingdom will continue to grow and advance, spreading God’s glory all over the earth, “as the waters cover the seas!” Amen!

June 14, 2023

Father God, I pray for revival around the world, that your Holy Spirit would call many sinners to repentance, and they would have power to preach the gospel. May Your people feel a burden to pray against the wicked schemes of the enemy and rescue many people from destruction into the glorious light of the Lord.

Vivian Florio
June 14, 2023

I am praying that the sparks of spiritual awakening grow into a worldwide raging fire of the Spirit of God, changing the world and bringing a harvest of souls bigger than the first days of the Church.

Mark McClure
June 13, 2023

I pray that a warrior shield of prayer cover and inundate this nation such that only light can be seen in USA

June 13, 2023

The Spirit & the Bride say come! Lord we humble ourselves……Heal our Land Lord Jesus.

Gail Russ
June 13, 2023

Oh Lord, we cry out to You to multiply the ranks of intercessors all across this nation.
May we be found faithful with whatever time we have left, to intercede for America
and take action until Jesus comes. (Matt. 25:21) Gail from Minnesota

June 13, 2023

Lord hear the prayers of Your children, we thank You that You have overcome the world. We love you LORD!!!

Linda Moreno
June 13, 2023

King Jesus come quickly!

June 13, 2023

That we would humble ourselves and pray, repent, and return to God.

June 13, 2023

Help us Lord to trust and be obedient to you in all things. Help us to want what you want and to bring glory to your name.

    Dolette Buchanan
    June 13, 2023

    There is so many aspects in this case to pray about than putting blame on the president. I prayer that we will open our eyes to see that our right are exploited and that the Lord will give us wisdom to know and understand the times we are in. I pray the truth will be revealed and the almight Lord of Justice will direct and resides over this case. This is no only a case about President Trump. Christians stop praying that he is humbled the is the one who searches the heart. Let cleans our hearts first before the Lord

June 13, 2023

Lord, I thank you for the privilege we have to pray for our country with a committed group of believers. Thank you hear from heaven, and we can be confident that as we pray, according to your heart, YOU will hear and answer!

Arline Reed Trowbridge
June 13, 2023

Each day, I intercede for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and those of their generation, I trust in Jesus’ intercession as well.

Linda Ross
June 13, 2023

Praying for unity and fulfillment of the destiny God plans for the body of Christ Jesus.

Marcia Sinkovitz
June 13, 2023

“Heavenly Father, I seek your face in prayer and ask that the will of our nation will align with the will of the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Marcia Sinkovitz, Newville, PA

June 13, 2023

Please pray for salvation and prodigals will come home for my kids and grandkids: Rebecca, Erin, Adam, Joshua, Jordan, Kevin, Cameron, Valerie, Kyle, Maddox, Scarlett, Griffin, Dahlia, Alexandra, Amina and Cheyenne.

Thank you and God Bless!!!

Rebecca J Gring
June 13, 2023

Maranatha! Lord Jesus, Come quickly!

June 13, 2023

Holy Father, we praise and thank You for Your light that always remains in this ever darkening world.
We ask that You would pour out Your spirit and bring great awakening to our younger generation in our schools and in our universities. Amen

June 13, 2023

Learning to use my word weapons (scriptures- Philippians (4:6&7), Colossians 3:1&2, Psalms (5:12, etc) as I go through my days to combat negative thoughts. Praying for justice in this country for more people to come into the Kingdom of God!! Onward Christian Soldiers!! AMen

Beth, Kansas
June 13, 2023

Heavenly Father, strengthen the intercessors of this country to intercede on your behalf where prayer and guidance is needed. May we become bold in this fallen world and keep our eyes on you.

Pat, Illinois
June 13, 2023

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray you will rise up strong and godly boys to be Family men, girls to become ladies and moms who love you!, all with servant and thankful hearts!

June 13, 2023

I am praying that God will expose all the evil in our government and bring justice. I know he is in control and I am standing on that promise.

Deirdre Waters
June 13, 2023

Lord, I pray You would use me and the IFA intercessors, and the body of Christ to proclaim the goodness of You, God, and to proclaim salvation in Your Son, Jesus Christ. May we help prepare the body to receive her Bridegroom as we prepare for His Glorious return as He comes for His Bride! No one knows the day and time, but we must be ready! Amen!

Arkansas checking in here

Sylvia Ortiz
June 13, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray that IFA will continue their ministry for another 50 years and reach many new believers to come to Christ, in Jesus name, I pray! I
I live in Texas

Marilyn Stec
June 13, 2023

fall afresh on IFA.
(And will pray in the Spirit).

alex holloway
June 13, 2023

Praying for the sake of children and grandchildren coming along and the world they will face long after my departure and their safety and boldness in Christ to remain true to Him.

Patrick Quirk
June 13, 2023

Lord JESUS, praying that GOD’s mercy will allow us to be in the 49th year of Your 1,000 year reign on earth in these next 50 years.
Praising You with all Americans, and Your children who know You as Lord and Saviour through the Centuries. Amen

June 13, 2023

Heavenly Father, You make a way when there is no way. Help us to run with Your vision. Give us godly leaders who will honor You and protect the sanctity of life

Hester Helm
June 13, 2023

I am praying for the protection if all children in America as well as the world, therefore, for our future generations. That they will encounter the Living God and His power personally!!
Praying from South Africa.

June 13, 2023


June 13, 2023

Lord, Jesus, be glorified through your children. For you are worthy!

June 13, 2023

Lord, prepare the hearts of men & women for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the earth for such a time as this. That they would step into the plans and purposes you predestined for them before the beginning of time according to your will. Amen and Amen, so let it be.

Gail Thurman
June 13, 2023

Lord, please help us, our children, grandchildren, and all who are born after them (if You wait that long before Your return) to follow You and Your ways. Let them not fall prey to the deceitfulness of the world. Let them follow You regardless of the cost.

June 13, 2023

.Father we thank You for this great nation. We thank You for our Freedoms and abundance of blessings we enjoy. “ Illinois-Priscilla”

June 13, 2023

My grace is enough, Says God, It is sufficient for you; because My strength is made perfect in your weakness. I pray for you even when you do not have enough human strength to overcome, but God does. “ Priscilla-Il.”

Sue Armand
June 13, 2023

That the youngsters involved in VBS and the HS graduates will catch the vision and take their places as leaders and Christ’s ambassadors.

June 13, 2023

I pray that my grandchildren will be free of this woke craziness & will be able to worship Jesus & find peace & love in this life & the next. I pray that the world will stop murdering children & truly respect life.

June 13, 2023


Venisa, NC
June 13, 2023

Abba Father, May souls be saved through fervent prayer and people in America and across the world come to know that You are exactly Who You say You are..,ENOUGH for Us!…that addictions are no longer such an issue …because we will trust in You, Your Son & Spirit. In Jesus’ Name I pray believing. Amen.

Denise Weaver
June 12, 2023

Denise; New Mexico

Praying for an outpouring of Holy Spirit to revive the Ecclesia and restoration of our land. Praying the Body of Christ is equipped for greater works and greater faith to believe in miracles, signs, and wonders.

June 12, 2023

Lord,God, bring America BACK TO BEING A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY where Your Name is glorified. Help us to end all practices which are contrary to your will.

Mary Buck
June 12, 2023

Father, as we progress through the next 50 years, may You guide our thoughts and prayers. May You help us to clearly see the path to follow You and only You, in Jesus name, Amen.

June 12, 2023

Father, we give Praise & Thanksgiving for the past 50 years of IFA. We ask the next 50 years be blessed with fruit for our labors and souls for the Kingdom. Amen.

Nancy Gonzalez
June 12, 2023

Praying that there would be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the lost to come accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

June 12, 2023

May the Lord bless you and may lord make his face shine upon you and protect you. In Jesus name. Amen

June 12, 2023

Praying for the Lord’s will to be done – more people brought to salvation in Christ, and perseverance and faithfulness for believers till Jesus returns soon.

June 12, 2023

I am praying the Holy Spirit inspires critical thinking in our younger and older generation.

Deb Manz
June 12, 2023

Hoping for the rapture

June 12, 2023

I have been praying that God will not forsake the United States of America. I pray that there will be a major shift back to trusting in God.

Teresa Daigrepont
June 12, 2023

Praying that God’s Holy Spirit will be poured out on humanity, as promised, for all is vain ” should we in our own strength abide/ our striving would be losing”. Praying for bible translators so that all people groups can learn scripture; for our dear Savior is ” the desire of nations”.

Billie Reynolds
June 12, 2023

Prayer is so vital to our Christian living and sharing God’s love to others. Keep up the good work.
Grace, peace and love,
Billie Reynolds [email protected]

Teresa Bower
June 12, 2023

We are praying for the Holy Spirit to illuminate our culture and inspire revival and mass repentance and turning to the Lord, a forever committment to Him!

June 12, 2023

Almighty God, our Father, pour out Your Holy Spirit! Open eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the only Way to You, the One True God!

June 12, 2023

Michaelle, Oregon
Father I’m asking that America once again be a nation serving and surrendered to you.

Brian Lynch
June 12, 2023

I will be honest– I live my life one day at a time. I don’t even try to imagine what will happen in the next 50 years. I pray daily for the Lord’s will to be done.

June 12, 2023

Father I am asking that America will one again be a nation serving and surrendered to you.

Patricia Everett
June 12, 2023

Trish North Carolina
Thank you, Lord, that your word says that our latter half shall be greater than the first. Thank you for a strong powerful “Ecclesia”

Patricia Everett
June 12, 2023

Trish North Carolina
Thank you Lord that your word says that our latter half shall be greater than the first. Thank you Lord for a strong powerful “Ekklesia”.

Brenda Horine
June 12, 2023

I’m so thankful for Christians who are praying for our nation Lord. And for IFA. They let us know what’s breaking around us so we know how to pray. Thank you God!

June 12, 2023

“Father in heaven, I pray and beg for you to assert your divine authority over this pagan country, the United States, at the first possible moment.”

Juinne Negus
June 12, 2023

Father, Your Will Be Done!!!!

Mary Jo McCaulry
June 12, 2023

My children and grandchildren.

Judy Peterson
June 12, 2023

Most Awesome God, Please hear our prayers for our rapidly deteriorating nation!
We ask you to heal individuals, families, local governments, state governments and the Federal Government.
In Jesus precious name, Amen

Grace -South Carolina
June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, I thank you for IFA and their commitment to standing up and pressing in. I pray for more of your guidance to carry us forward with love, compassion and a strong heart to continue this journey together.

Cindy Gates
June 12, 2023

Dear Lord May our country come back to our Judeo Christian values.
Cindy Texas

June 12, 2023

Oh God help us return to Your Standards. We need a return of the sanctity of life, marriage, and family.

June 12, 2023

I pray in the name of JESUS, that this nation would return to be one nation under our mighty GOD. Amen!

June 12, 2023

I’m praying for a baptism of the Holy Spirit upon our young people that will bring about a revival for the United States and

Karen Wadington
June 12, 2023

I pray for a revival and for world peace.

Monica Schalock
June 12, 2023

Father, I pray that Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Please open the eyes, ears, and hearts of people so they can choose to love Your son, Jesus. Monica in Oregon

Laurie Langworthy
June 12, 2023

I pray a great move of the Holy Spirit sweep over our land and cause every life be changed for His glory!

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, my two requests for the next 50 years are for REVIVAL and then The SECOND COMING of Jesus!

Joseph G Bell
June 12, 2023

I pray that a nation that has lost it’s way will rediscover God;s plan and turn away from evil!

Tina Scott
June 12, 2023

Praying for IFA and all they do & share. God bless.

June 12, 2023

My first prayer is for America to be well healed and a true blessing to the world. Most of all I pray for Christ’s return and we are praising Him for all eternity.

Kay Bowman
June 12, 2023

Kay Bowman, Hickory, NC 28601

America is in need of revival. We must diligently pray for the
election of 2024, for Ron DeSantis to be elected if it is God’s will.

Terry Green
June 12, 2023

Father I ask that you would draw your church together in unity to rise and be involved in every aspect of life and government as your victorious eklesia. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen Terry Green, Texas

June 12, 2023

Farther have mercy on us ‘[poor sinners]. Our country is suffering and barely recognizable from the damage being caused by the evil one. Remove this darkness from us. Let your light shine FATHER. In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN

June 12, 2023

Lord, I lift up all the people of the world, especially those who do not know you or know their need for you. Open their hearts and minds to receive your Word and become part of your family.

Susan Crittenden
June 12, 2023

I pray that God will expose and judge evil worldwide, and we will see the greatest awakening in the history of the world, with at least a billion souls saved!!!!!!!!

Raymond Sharp
June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus we pray that the next 50 years in America will be the best years for the spreading of your Gospel to the nations!

Laura Maddox
June 12, 2023

In 50 years I would like to see worldwide revival, my grandchildren living in freedom and my whole family saved.

Mari Williams
June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus, You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Nothing is hid from your eyes. Nobody can spoil the plans that you have, and no army is greater than the Word that comes forth from Your mouth. Say but the Word Father GOD and the mountains will move and the stars will cease their shining. Nothing is impossible with YOU our wonderful Creator GOD, and You will stop at nothing to accomplish Your divine purpose. We rest in Your promises Our Father, held safely in Your Hand resting in the promises of Psalm 91 . In Jesus Name, Amen.

Marianne Y Pearce
June 12, 2023

Thy Kingdom Come! Thy Will be Done!! In Jesus’ precious Name! Amen

Stacey Gibbs-Phillips
June 12, 2023

Yahweh, Father God, in the Name of Yeshua, I decree & declare that the United States will always be called the United States of America, one nation under God (Jesus Christ – Yahweh) & no other gods or government will steal her title.

I decree & declare the family units will not be fragmented or destroyed by any work of the devil. That God will not be mocked, family and love & God’s Word will not be mocked. That Your Word will not be deemed hate speech when we speak it publicly. That Your Favor is on our voice and it is amplified. And that when persecution comes, that we and those we have sown The Word & Your Ways into, including our own spirits & those around us, will stand up boldly against anything or anyone coming against our Faith… Our Trust …in You, the most high God. Help keep us close to You so we will hear the voice of Holy Spirit when He whispers in a storm & during times uncertainty. We stand under and on the blood of Jesus now and for all eternity.

Empower us with your Anointing and let the love of God keep us alive, thriving, in joy & peace with needs met, & miracles in The Glory realm & with a constant circle of sold out, faithful to Your Word believers & pray-ers in the family of God who will always be multiplying, even if only a remnant, while we remain on earth, for such a time as this.

Give dreams and visions of our future to us, show us that our prayers wait for us in our future — for those & your creation that we pray for. Show us Your angels who fight for us to bring our prayers, Your Word, Your Will to pass Holy Spirit help us keep our body temples clean and pure & our souls purged of hurtful contaminates. Help us be mindful of Your covenant ways & hedges of protection and to not cause a breach in those hedges. Give us wisdom to steward the Anointing wisely and to not become arrogant or deceived with the authority & power you gave us, as You jealously protect the individual and corporate Anointing on our lives.

Let us make you proud as your children and the legacy of Truth that we impart into those in our sphere of influence including those we impact who are yet to be born. And Lord, be ever enlarging our territories and boundaries for Your Glory .

Oh God, make those coming after us the kindest yet fiercest warriors this world has ever known. Make us into who you want us to be before during and after Your Glory invades this earth. Give us fearless strength to die for Christ should that be written in any of our destiny books in heaven.

In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.. let it be.

Kevin Krzyske
June 12, 2023

Father, we pray for Your amazing, unmatched, and powerful mercy and grace as we fall on our faces for a national revival that can be birthed through the pain we are currently experiencing throughout our nation. We also ask that You get our loved ones “rapture ready” as we see the day rapidly approaching when we meet our Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Kevin from Michigan

Leslie J Garrard
June 12, 2023

Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit, continue to RISE UP in Your Beloved remnant that they may carry forth Your Glory 24/7 to all those people You send across their paths. May Your Glory and Fire rest so heavily on Your people that those unsaved or confused are snatched from the flames of hell and transferred into the Kingdom of the Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jude: 22=23. Colossians 1:13<
Leslie, North Carolina

patricia egland
June 12, 2023

Your Kingdom come, your will be done ,in USA and all the nations. All things will be renewed as a kingdom of God , Patricia Egland ALASKA

Bridget A. Bonczyk, Florida
June 12, 2023

Dear Jesus, am believing for a move of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of leaders. As we go into eternity, may God’s Ekklesia receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings because of what Jesus demonstrated on the cross. May forgiveness reign in the lives of His children. I love you Jesus.

Lewis Bishop, Jr.
June 12, 2023

Our Creator, Loving Holy Spirit, move in the hearts of your children that they implore their state governments to boldly declare their rightful legacy ownership of the US Constitution. Lead a number of state governments to band together and demand that the Supreme Court began functioning to end federal tyranny over the cultural, religious, and family, lives of our citizens in their State and local domains. In the Name of Thy Holy Son Jesus, and for his sake, I pray. Lewis Bishop, Upshur County, Texas

    Teresa Daigrepont
    June 12, 2023

    Pray that supreme court will grant a hearing to loy brunson’s case on docket for june 22nd. See loybrunson.com for how to easily contact SCOTUS and implore them, (like the persistent widow) to do their constituational duty regarding the electoral college in the 2020 election; this would nullify the current administration…act quickly, thats just a little over a week from now! God is moving!!

Barbara San Roman
June 12, 2023

FG protect our Pres. Donald Trump from the weaponization of DOJ. Triple protection around him and his family in Jesus Yeshua mighty name I pray.

June 12, 2023

God gives us your Mercy and Grace upon this country and forgive us
Enlight our leadership and give them direction.

Wanda Reichow
June 12, 2023

Father God, let Your Kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit now and forever! Amen!

Brenda Urness
June 12, 2023

Lord, I claim your covenant in Isaiah 59:21 declaring your Spirit will never depart from those who repent of their sins for America’s children and their descendents forever. Amen

June 12, 2023

Thank you, Father, for this great land and all the many blessings we enjoy. Thank you for IFA and their commitment to keep us informed so we can pray with confidence.

James T.
June 12, 2023

Praying that God would continue to bless IFA greatly and that many more believer’s would join as prayer warriors, and that God would move mightily in our nation and throughout our world!

James – Texas

Margaret L Wescott
June 12, 2023

Lord, turn America back to You and also as many countries as will listen to You. Bless Israel and help them to fulfill their destiny as written in Your Word, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Laura M
June 12, 2023

I pray for the deceived in our nation that the scales would fall off of their eyes and they would see the Light! For our youth to be protected!

Carole F Morris, Indiana
June 12, 2023

My heart’s cry is for the youth of our nation and world to have godly leadership and the ears to hear, with a heart to turn to God through Jesus. For protected elections.

Carole F Morris
June 12, 2023

My heart’s cry is for the youth of our nation and world to have godly leadership and the ears to hear, with a heart to turn to God through Jesus. For protected elections.

Stevan Horning Family
June 12, 2023

“One nation under God … with liberty and justice for all” and “In God We Trust” are covenantal declarations made by citizens of Heaven who happen to live in this commonwealth in North America. May our gracious Sovereign show us mercy in preserving these declarations for our descendants 50 years from now!

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father I come to seek your will for this ministry for the next 50 years Thank you for answered prayers and maythe coming years be full of more answers and may we never fail to pray and go. In Jesus’s Name amen.

Mary D
June 12, 2023

I pray that our Family and myself will love God with all our heart, soul, and strength as He enlightens our understanding. I pray that we would carry God’s Glory wherever we go!

Neal Vickers
June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray that you us more Wisdom in our Prayer life and an Unwavering Faith, that out shines the sun!

Cecilia Riendeau
June 12, 2023

Dear Jesus , Thank you for praying the price for us. Thank you for coming with your true Presence in the Eucharist to feed us every day.Amen

Brandal Paul & Ruth
June 12, 2023

Pray unceasingly with every breath from God. until God tells His Son Jesus go bring MY Children HOME. Keep on keeping on in the Name of JESUS.

Dawn Jarvie
June 12, 2023

Father thank you for going before us and lighting the paths we should take. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear from you and your Grace be with us in the future.

Mary Jo Wilhelms
June 12, 2023

Lord, we pray that all hearts and minds would be one at peace with each other and focused on You. May You transform lives to love all as brothers and sisters.

June 12, 2023

Holy Spirit, I am asking You to fill the Body of The Christ with the Wisdom of Jesus, uniting them according to God’s Word to the Glory of our Heavenly Father.

June 12, 2023

I thank and praise God for all His Blessings and ask that all will come to Faith in Christ and live their lives to Glorify Him.

Tom Cooper
June 12, 2023

I pray for your soon coming Lord. That you will vanquish the enemy completely and heal our world.

I pray for the Jewish people to have the veil lifted and that they will see their Messiah and cry out “Baruch ha ba B’Shem Adonai” Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. For it is then that you will return and establish your Kingdom in Jerusalem.

I pray that you save all who will respond to your call, even the worst of the worst for hell is too horrible to contemplate for any man or woman.

At the same time you must have mercy on the children and the innocent in this world and stop the evil that is preying upon our souls.

May Your Name Be Exalted and Glorified in all the earth and on the lips of everything that draws a breath.

In Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name


Jane Milligan
June 12, 2023

I pray for the ushering in of the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. Nothing can be compared to this manifestation of His glory. May it come as a.spiritual tsunami, unstoppable, without measure to His glory and to honor His coming ❤

June 12, 2023

I pray for a spiritual revival in our country, bringing more and more people to Christ so that we become a Christian nation once again and follow His Word. I pray that God lifts up Godly people to lead us, both in the government and in the church.

Rose Marie Distefano
June 12, 2023

I continue to pray for this great nation founded on Christian principles, but in the end, LORD, THY WILL BE DONE.

Cathy - Nevada
June 12, 2023

Praying Father God, restore our minds, hearts, souls, and strength with heavenly truth, faith, hope, and love….

Ethel - Hawaii
June 12, 2023

Praying all my loved ones and others be spiritually born again in God’s family; that our nation, USA, be a nation under God, His Kingdom rules.

Roxana Rogers
June 12, 2023

Praying from Hosea 2:19-23 Over the next 50 years, Father we ask that you betroth us to you in faithfulness.justice, steadfast love and in mercy.

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father I ask for revival, continuous breakthrough prayer for 100 years. Family alters & families restored to You and one another. For You to send forth your legion of angels before and beside ALL the children ❤️🙏🏻

Lydia Wiggins Rawls
June 12, 2023

Father God we ask for your peace for the next fity years, the peace that transcends all understaning. We ask that your will be done not ours in the name of Jesus.

June 12, 2023

Father, allow IFA to lead and guide everyone to your savings knowledge, and may each find all of God’s blessings found in Your love. Your kingdom come and Your will be done in America as it’s done in heaven, in Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Our anointed Messiah, Amen. 🙏🏼 AMERICA WILl BE SAVED! 🙏🏼

June 12, 2023

Abba Father, I pray that our nation turns to You! May You, Father always be first in each and everyone’s lives so that the world we see. This I pray in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!

June 12, 2023

Sovereign Lord Jesus, You alone can save mankind’s souls. Thank you for providing the way now and into eternity for the next fifty years. Amen

June 12, 2023

Lord, I thank You your Kingdom is like a stone cut out without hands, that becomes a great Mountain and crushes every other Kingdom and false God. Thank you for the restoration of Israel and Global harvest ! Dan. 2.32-35. Amos 9.11-15. The greatest and best is yet ahead!

June 12, 2023

The next 50 YEARS??? I’m sorry, I am overwhelmed with today’s prayer needs and can barely keep up with all the prayer requests IFA presents on a daily basis.

June 12, 2023

YESHUA KING YOU Are HOLY HOLY HOLY n Worthy of All Praises Thanks Blessings Honor Glory Worship Riches Power, We desire YOUR RULE N REIGN SET UP YOUR KINGDOM IN JERUSALEM Soon n in our days! AMEN

Elia Hubrich
June 12, 2023

For where two or three gather together as my follower, I am there among them. (Matthew 18:20)
Let them be as chaff before the wind, let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. (Psalm 35:5)

Etta Danielson
June 12, 2023

I pray that Your kingdom will come Father and your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

Diane Mulford
June 12, 2023

Thank you, Father, that you frustrate the plans of the nations and thwart all their schemes. Only your plans and purposes stand firm forever, your intentions can never be shaken. (Ps 33:10-11)

Carol Vigo
June 12, 2023

Abba Father, Your will be done on earth until You come for us in glory and beyond. Give us grace to stand as You fight for us to Victory.
Originally California, now over 50+ years in Spain

Rosalie -Minnesota
June 12, 2023

Our Father in Heaven, we praise You for Your faithful love and mercy. We ask
that Your Spirit will fill and use us to be faithful to Christ each day of our lives.

Carolyn Howell
June 12, 2023

Lord I pray that many will seek only your direction for the future of the United States! Help us to remember you are a spiritual leader and to connect with you in a spiritual way! Help us to always put your ways above our own thoughts to be a pleasure to your nostrils in Jesus name ❤️🙏🙌❤️

Michele Apicela
June 12, 2023

Michele – Pennsylvania

I declare Matthew 16:18, “Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it”. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind”.

June 12, 2023

Lord we ask for a Great Awakening that will transform our communities, our nation and the world. Lord May the church rise up in unity and step boldly into the plans you have for us!

Winnie harvey
June 12, 2023

Praying with you daily even though I don’t post it
Grateful for all of you

June 12, 2023

Lord and Savior, My Counselor, I pray that we keep our eyes on You, Jesus! Your Word is truth and it is unfolding right before our eyes! My hope is that Jesus comes soon to redeem His bride for such a time as this. Looking forward to spending eternity worshipping You in all Your Glory!

June 12, 2023

I declare Mathew 16:18 “Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it”
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” 2 Tim1:7
Michele – Pennsylvania

June 12, 2023

I am praying for the darkness in this nation to be pushed back so that light of the glory of God can penetrate every heart & every knee will bow & every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Esther Fellows
June 12, 2023

Thank you for the question. I realize that I haven’t been praying that far ahead. I expect His return imminently. But God’s timing isn’t mine, and I may not have read the signs correctly. I will be prayerfully inquiring of Him how to pray for the long haul. Thank you.

Gary Goodmund
June 12, 2023

There is only ONE thing left we have to DO. Pray for the REVIVAL and then Come LORD JESUS COME!!!! Don’t need 50, 40, 30, 20 or even 10 We will be with HIM first at the Supper for 10 years then back Here forever with HIM. Countdown is now, for can’t you hear HIM knocking!!!!

Jennie Chapman
June 12, 2023

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, LORD. In Jesus’ Name!

June 12, 2023

I have been praying for salvation of those in government and positions of influence so they can be a positive influence for God and resist the temptations of the enemy and the world

A. Schultz
June 12, 2023

Actually All the signs are here for the Rapture. Only God’s government works. Isaiah 54:11-16 TLB. We pray for Israel and we pray for the Rapture. We pray for America. God’s plan is working.
Ha Satan’s plan is failing

Charlene - New York
June 12, 2023

Lord please bring to you those who don’t yet know you. They need you so desperately. Amen

Cathleen D Bonavida
June 12, 2023

Lord. Go before all our leaders each day and make their paths straight. Let them be lead by you and your divine wisdom

Tammy - North Carolina
June 12, 2023

That more will be filled with Holy Spirit .

June 12, 2023

Thy Will be done.

June 12, 2023

Dear lord, please continue to wake up your church, and raise up anointed intercessors all over America! Strengthen your intercessors, let us not be weary, for you are Greater than anyone or anything any where .
In Jesus Name

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray that our hearts would continue to cry out for you. That your spirit would pour out over us from generation to generation and there would a great harvest and revival. The eyes of the blind would be open to see the truth and salvation for the lost before your return in Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏻.

June 12, 2023

Dear God, Guide me by your will to carry out your work. Give me the strength to remain humble. Amen

June 12, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we combine our prayers with the prayers of those who have gone before us releasing the synergy of the ages and declare the righteous will possess the land because You are a covenant keeping God!

Janet M Craig
June 12, 2023

Father, Thank You for IFA as we pray for our nation and our States. What a blessing to be able to pray with others in these critical times.

June 12, 2023

Lord I trust you to capture our hearts with Your Great Love so that young and old will seek You, worship You, and follow You into the great destiny and plans you have for this nation until the return of Christ.

angelo sturino
June 12, 2023

Our prayers for the future of the US, and generations as many trends in society have weakened the traditional values, of faith, family, and education. Our prayers for those who are being victimize because of their values, faith, family, Judeo Christian teachings and beliefs.. amen

Kathleen- New Hampshire
June 12, 2023

Father, thank you, for raising up mighty warriors, and incredible worshipers from generation to generation, to usher in your plans and purposes fulfilling America’s destiny.

I pray and degree this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, The Lion Of Judah! Amen and Amen, (so be it!)

June 12, 2023

Holy One of Israel I thank you for your hedge of protection around your Chosen Ones and Grafted-In in the United States and in the World. I pray that the evil that is occurring in the United States and World will be wiped away and our eyes will be open to your Holy Word and to Your Glory.


June 12, 2023

Father, thank you for hearing our prayers to restore this nation to what you have intended. Thank you for continuing to reveal the truth and to heal our land.

June 12, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sparing our nation from the total destruction that we deserve. In Jesus’ name I ask that You destroy every evil stronghold over us, and open our eyes to see the light of Christ beckoning us to new life in Him.

Tom Knoff
June 12, 2023

From Matthew 6:33 – ‘We must’ seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to ‘us’. 34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

June 12, 2023


June 12, 2023

Lord, we thank you for your wisdom, love, protection, provision, and faithfulness in doing all that is right and good as in Heaven. It is written: “with God all things are possible”, and because your word is true, we place our trust in you.

June 12, 2023

Pain and sufferings, misunderstandings offered up in union with all my brothers and sisters asking for His Divine Mercy to cover the whole world. Please Holy Spirit, enkindle a fire in our hearts!

Barbara Reynolds
June 12, 2023

Father I pray America will turn back to God! He is our only answer and hope

June 12, 2023

Lord, I realize we are in a mess in our country, but I know you knew it before any of us. I ask that you will intercede on our behalf and give me courage and knowledge to do my part.

June 12, 2023

For our nation to turn back to the Lord and to praise and glorify Him.

June 12, 2023

Father, open the eyes of
Ekklesia’s understanding.
To know YOUR;
Not add or subtract:
Deu4:2 & 12:32,
Rev22:18-19… or

Sylvia, Florida
June 12, 2023

I pray that the Body of Christ qill rise up and shout down the leaders throughout the world that have stolen their positions. May church leaders open their church doors to new jmembers in the greatest revival of all time.

June 12, 2023

Leaders’ salvation, scales of deception come off the people, nation return to righteous laws, righteousness and serve Christ Jesus and be salt and light in the earth. Truth to set captives free and all those in positions of governmental authority be born again saved and God’s Word abiding to lead the nation in reverential fear of the Lord again.

Sylvia Switts
June 12, 2023

I pray that the Body of Christ will rise up and shout down the leaders around the world who have stolen their positions. May church leders open the doors of their churches to new members in the greatest revival of all times.

June 12, 2023

Father continue to raise up an army of prayer warriors in every generation that will stand in the gap for our Nation and world.
In Jesus Name

Andrea Meador
June 12, 2023

Lord, that You would make Yourself known. That we would always seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness.


June 12, 2023

I’m praying for a great holy revival in America where God is honored and obeyed, and is the leader of our country.

Sue Seamon
June 12, 2023

That Holy Spirit would fall on those in the womb like John the Baptist. That this generation would have an extra measure of faith, wisdom, and revelation.

Joanne Gilbert
June 12, 2023

Father your faithful children upon this earth will increase to destroy the strongholds of the enemy. To bow to you alone and obey your commands, precepts and will.

June 12, 2023

I hope not to disappoint, but I truly am praying for now, which means the next year or two. I cannot see how we will still be here in 50 years. Jesus Christ will surely have returned by the, based on all that is happening in the world today. As one person says, the technology is all in place to usher in the antichrist so it will not be long at all!

June 12, 2023

Lord, we pray for Your people to hunger after Your presence and seek Your face. We pray for those who don’t know You, for their salvation; draw them by Your goodness, deliver and redeem them.
Sharon CA

Debbie from MA
June 12, 2023

Fulfill now, O Lord, our desires and petitions as may be best for us; granting us in this world knowledge of your truth,
and in the age to come
life everlasting.

Dixie Koehn
June 12, 2023

Praying for IFA

June 12, 2023

Father, save our lost children, and then come Lord Jesus! America won’t be here in 50 years, not even five. Penny WA

Gaynelle Merriwether
June 12, 2023

Dear Lord, Thankful for your grace. Praying for your peace and deliverance from evil.

Marie, California
June 12, 2023

Great God of the Universe,
We celebrate your Sovreignty, Divinity & Lordship over all- in heaven & on earth. Before you breathed life to this earth you created, you held the future in your hand so in obedience we lean into Your authority, wisdom & might, trusting your favor & protection over, in & around the world’s remnant now & forever.

June 12, 2023

I pray for the United States of America, that we will remember the covenant made between God and the the Pilgrims at Plymouth, that this nation is founded and stands on our relationship and committment to Holy God.

June 12, 2023

Lord God Almighty, please lead Your children safely to You and pray Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus’s name Amen. Donna Tx

Bob Burgess
June 12, 2023

Salvation for son David and granddaughters Avery & Kylie. Praise for the blessing of my godly wife, Marti.

Mary Bernadette Drury
June 12, 2023

May God give us the right President & Vice President in 2025. Also may God give us an entire new administration that believe in Judeo-Christian principles. Hopefully the violence will stop and abortion will be banned forever.

Katie Lane
June 12, 2023


I am praying for the children. Please protect them and cover them in your truth and please give them the will to stand for it and you. In Jesus name. Amen.

June 12, 2023

I’m believing that this Country returns, in love, to the foundation of the Lord’s ways. And the next generations love this Country, the history it’s founded on and determination and boldness to stand up to preserving it in the Lord.

Shirley Hutson
June 12, 2023

I decree and declare Psalm 2:1-10, Scepter of wickedness will not reign over the righteous. We kiss the Son and say woe to them who need to turn. The Lord shall break them with a rod of iron and multitudes will come to the Glory of our LORD.

Janis Shelton
June 12, 2023

Our kind and Gracious Heavenly Father please bless our Nation with your Grace and give our prayer partners hope for many years of sharing your love. In Jesus name we pray.

Joseph Blanton
June 12, 2023

Holy Father in heaven, may Your Name be glorified on earth and throughout Your creation. May every knee bow, may every tongue confess, that Jesus Your Anointed One is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lord’s, so that in all things Your Great Name will be glorified forever. Sanctify all of Your children wherever we are and fill the
us with Your Holy Spirit, that we might let the Light of the Good News of Christ’s salvation shine brightly wherever we are. Holy Father, please reveal all of the wickedness and evil of the devil. Please let the Light of Your Presence shine into all darkness so that the devil’s intentions may be plainly seen. Help all of Your children to pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus so that we in turn can lead those who follow behind us to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord not just by our words, but by the lives that we live. And please bless our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being slaughtered in great numbers. Please sustain their families who are left behind to face horrible persecution because of their faith in Christ. Holy Father in heaven, we know the return of Christ is near. Please bless your children with oil-filled lamps that will be burning brightly when He returns. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 🙏

Linda Chapman
June 12, 2023

In Jesus Christ, I pray that we, the sons and daughters of the Most High God, come into a full manifestation of releasing the Glory of God so that the Kingdom of God reaches it fullness to bring God’s will of “on Earth as it is in Heaven”! Hallelujah!! Linda-Michigan

June 12, 2023

I pray for a return to Christian-Judeo values in America. Protect the children, restore morality and guide us to truth in all things. Oregon

Jodi H.
June 12, 2023

I pray for revival in the church, in the teaching of the Gospel and for the salvation of my children and grandchildren. I pray that God’s Grace and protection cover the United States of America and that we as a nation can return to putting God first in our lives, and our families.

June 12, 2023

Lord God,
Let Your light shine on us,
Let Your Word shine on us.

John Swiniarski
June 12, 2023

Your kingdom come may your will be done in Jesus mighty name. Souls come to you every day as we share the Gospel!
New York

Cindy NC
June 12, 2023

Dear Jesus, please hold President Trump in your arms and keep him safe from physical and judicial harm so he can run for President in the 2024 election. Please cause the Satanists at the global, governmental, and local levels to have much chaos amongst themselves so their goals cannot be met and come to fruition. In your name I pray. Amen

Jill Morse
June 12, 2023

Praying that in the next 50 years, millions more will come to know Jesus through a significant worldwide revival. Also for current believers to use Holy Spirit powered prayers to turn the USA back to God, for the sake of our children and grandchildren!

William jefferson
June 12, 2023

Thank you Lord for allowing me a seat at the marriage supper of the lamb.(next to an IFA team member)

M Greven
June 12, 2023

We are in a satanic war so we must pray against this evil that is trying to take over.

Charles Hughes
June 12, 2023

Do you really think that time will go on another 50 years.?
Well, there are those of us that believe that is a very real potentiality.
BUT, as always (for the last 2000 years), I pray for the preparation of the bride of Christ for the bridegroom and the marriage feast;
for, SURELY, He comes quickly!

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father ,
Thank you for the prayer ministryt od IFA. Continue to give them wisdom and resolve to keep being prayer warriors for our Nation, In the Precious Name of Jesus


Kevin Lindsey
June 12, 2023

My prayer is, over the next 50 years, not 1 person on this Earth has failed to come to know Jesus died for their sins. Repented of those sins and found their way to His Glory!

Scott Blair
June 12, 2023

Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly. In Jesus’ name, Amen and amen.

James Edward Davis
June 12, 2023

Heavenly father I humbly bow before you thank you for all your blessings and father God I ask you to open our eyes that we may see your glory and deliver us from the tradition of men and we shout out hallelujah and we give you all the praise and glory in Jesus name amen

Maryrose Rinaudo
June 12, 2023

I pray for the USA to be a beacon of light for the world, to be a God fearing and God centered nation, as our founding fathers put their lives on the line for. May we be strong spiritually, financially, technologically, militarily, energy dominant, for hope and a future for 1,000 generations! In Jesus name, Amen

Susan gilchrist
June 12, 2023

Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I praise you that you founded the United States of America to serve you. I pray that righteousness prevail, and your sheep be empowered with wisdom and boldness to declare your truths, as we see your sovereignty rule, and reign over this nation. One nation under your Lordship!

June 12, 2023

I pray that God’s church will arise in holiness, courage, and Spirit-led power– and partner with God to usher in the final Great Awakening before the glorious return of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Michelle, Massachusetts

Robin Harper
June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus, apart from you we have no hope! Spare us, Father, from Your hand of judgment! Flood our nation with Your mercy, grace, and love. Holy Spirit bring Truth, Repentance, and Healing. Forgive us for sinning against You! Robin of Kansas

Cecilia Collard
June 12, 2023

Cecilia from Michigan
I pray in agreement for the synergy of all prayers past and present to be brought to fruition. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

June 12, 2023

Please bring Trump back to office so he can get our country back to You God and to the way it should be before it’s too late. Please stop the negativity and bring people together again.

Ruth Myers
June 12, 2023

Father, I pray Your kingdom come. I pray for salvation for those evil ones who are perverting Your will and killing the innocents.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Janet Morgan Phillips
June 12, 2023

Living Lord, Yours is The Sun of Righteousness Rising with Healing in its Wings: Light rays reaching to dispel the darkness throughout our land. Show us Your Glory!! Malachi 4:2,3. ; John 11:40

June 12, 2023

That God leads my sons James and John to victory over addiction, and that our country returns to the God fearing nation it once was.
Karen, California

June 12, 2023

I pray the power and purpose of the church that Christ started would be manifested in this country once again and in all nations.

June 12, 2023

Heavenly father, I ask for your hand to cover our state of PA, for our nation, and the hearts and mind of your people to turn back to you.

Jane Copper
June 12, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon our nation, our USA! I ask You to show mercy and revive us that we become a nation that honors You first and always!
In Jesus name,

June 12, 2023

For my daughter to see her idenity as a loved daughter of Christ and not a trans man. Denise, Illinois

    June 12, 2023

    Hi Denise. I pray this with you. Do you have a support group or people who walk this pin with you? I have a group of ladies that meets and connects for this very reason. Email me if you feel led [email protected]

Glory Swiniarski
June 12, 2023

Glory Swiniarski-Western New York

Bob southcarolina
June 12, 2023

Thank you God for the gift of old age (82). I hope to see the future that I fear unfold from heaven.

Mike Sanderson
June 12, 2023

In the name of and for the glory Jesus Christ I pray that we who trust in and follow Christ, Stand firm in faith, commitment, love, truth, generosity, and courage, to honor our Lord and Savior. May the world see Jesus Christ in us as we continue as His ambassadors on earth.

Marjorie Gray
June 12, 2023

I pray that America’s people would live by its motto “one nation, under God”.by returning wholeheartedly to the one true God! I also pray that my children and grandchildren will be trusting in the Lord with all their heart, not leaning on their own understanding, in ALL their ways acknowledging God!!

Bill, North Carolina
June 12, 2023

LORD GOD OF ALL, break great light over the three branches of government and news media, in the Glorious NAME of JESUS!

June 12, 2023

Father, I pray that America will be revived and saved the forces of evil and that my children and grandchildren will rise up as strong Christians and leaders!

Julia G Connell
June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus, praying your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven! Praying for healing and deliverance! Amen.

Sheryl Dawson
June 12, 2023

May the Lord use IFA to bring revival to America, return our government at all levels to Biblical truth, and bring His Kindom on earth as it is in Heaven.

Renee S Beltrand
June 12, 2023

Lord purify our country, we loose holiness, righteousness, justice and the peace that passes all understanding. Loose tremendous salvations unto you Lord Jesus until you come. In Jesus mighty and powerful name, Amen.

June 12, 2023

For this country (US) to return to the Lord.

June 12, 2023

Father, we ask you to intervene on behalf of America! Revive and restore our great heritage of freedom. Bring us back to You and Your covenant with America!
In Jesus’ name.

Maureen Catherine Lauer
June 12, 2023

Praying that every lying, dark religious spirit be completely bound, obliterated from our families, the Church, USA and ISRAEL in the matchless Name of Jesus. The fear of God, the Holy Spirit of Truth, and Your warrior angels be loosed POWERFULLY for eternal results bringing many sons to glory.

Teri Kleber
June 12, 2023

Praying for leaders teacher everyone in authority so we may do the will of God and teach our children about This great country and how this country is founded on God

Glory Swiniarski
June 12, 2023

Father God, we call on your mighty name and you hear us when we call. We ask now for your help and deliver us from all evil!

June 12, 2023

Father God, thank you for restoration of America back to our Biblical Covenant with you and our roots. May we be salt to make the culture Godly and may we, believers, restrain evil by standing against principalities and powers according to Your Word.

June 12, 2023

Thank you Lord for the last 50 years and answered prayer! We pray now that Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen

Vicky Payton
June 12, 2023

Father, I pray that pastors all over the U.S.A. will fervently lead & teach their congregations to press in w/ You & TRULY know You & have a walking & talking close relationship w/ You.
Also, Father, that pastors would pitch that pre-tribulation rapture teaching & fervently & consistently prepare their beloved flocks to be able to serve You THRU the tribulation — w/ great joy & love because they KNOW You so intimately & completely & will be able to “take up their crosses & follow Jesus”, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

June 12, 2023

Father, I pray that this nation will return to Your Biblical principles upon which it was founded. Thank You that Your Word does not return void but accomplishes what it was sent to do, therefore this nation shall return to Your Biblical principles upon which it was founded. Anita, Texas

Laura Z Hill
June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus please come soon and help Your people to wait and watch expectantly for You. Until then, help us to believe You and to never deny Your POWER as we pray in Jesus’ Name

June 12, 2023

LORD, please help the people of the World Unite in Prayer to help save themselves and their children and their children’s children.

Only through Unity of Prayer to you LORD, can we save ourselves from the coming bondage that is trying to take over the World.


June 12, 2023

Father God, as One in Your Spirit, may Your Body rise up a purified, courageous Bride in order that every people and place experience the fullness of Your Kingdom coming and Your will being done to Your glory among all peoples. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive all honor and glory, power, riches, wisdom and strength, Amen!

June 12, 2023

Father let you kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Jacque Calkins
June 12, 2023

Abba Father
I pray for you to show yourself again in our age in a way that the world will recognize you as they have never before. I your wrath remember mercy

June 12, 2023

Lord please bring peace and love to our country and to the world and turn their eyes to you in love and understanding of how you want us to live in the manner you want us to live. Amen

June Cole Michigan
June 12, 2023

Dear God please save our nation

Michael White
June 12, 2023

Father, in these ever increasing evil days, by the Holy Spirit cause the truth of the Good News
to penetrate the hearts of the lost who are looking for you and don’t know it. Even so come Lord Jesus.

Don Dutcher
June 12, 2023

Don – Idaho –> Dear Lord, please return our hearts & heads to the faith of our Founding Fathers. They honored You & recognized that this country’s declarations & constitution will not work without godly people; so, make us again, as we repent & look to You, those godly people.

June 12, 2023

It’s all about the children. Their identities and destinies. Matthew 18:6

    Vicky Payton
    June 12, 2023

    Yes, their identities IN JESUS & no other, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

M M Dove
June 12, 2023

Pray for the salvation of souls in all countries, all circumstances good and bad, all peoples especially our enemies within and without. Amen.

    Vicky Payton
    June 12, 2023

    Amen & amen! Lord, help us to co-labor w/ You to bring in the harvest. And Lord, my this prayer download into every believers heart, in Jesus’ name!

Catherine S Green
June 12, 2023

Exodus 25:8 “let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.’
I pray that every heart will desire to make the Lord a sanctuary. Amen

Kenneth Ferrell Tennessee
June 12, 2023

Lord I pray that you will bring all this darkness to the light . In Jesus name Amen .

June 12, 2023

Lord, we are believing for millions, here in the United State of America, to turn to you as their Lord and Savior. The hearts of the people must be turned to you, Oh, Lord, so that the Glory of the Lord will engulf our land and Your Kingdom will reign in our nation’s heart. Amen.

Dr/Prophet C KANG
June 12, 2023

Moses, Daniel and Jonah all stood before God for their Nations and governme
I cry out lord bring us back to the hot seat of fiery and impacting prayer again

June 12, 2023

In God we Trust. I pray for Love to be given, Trust to be earned and Truth to be Told. Arizona

June 12, 2023

Please Lord, let your Heavenly Light shine on everyone through prayer.

Robin Robinson
June 12, 2023

Praying for my family, friends, and neighbor’s salvation.

June 12, 2023

Father, my granddaughter Kendyl, who, in 50 years will be one year older than I am now, will live in a very different America than the one I have known. . I pray that she, and all those Christ-followers in her generation, will continue to carry the Light, to America, following the Master all the way.

Leah Hess
June 12, 2023

May the Bride be filled w/Greater Glory and Yeshua receive the reward if His suffering – souls!

June 12, 2023

Please God help everyone to see your light and live by, and for you.

Rick Pollard
June 12, 2023

Our Father and Our God, continue to bring others to their knees in Prayer for Your Glory, and discernment in doing your will in their lives. That as they grow in Christ Jesus they may lead others to Pray always to be You Hands, Feet , and Voice, in a fallen world that will glorify You and change Hearts and minds to follow Your Word Always.

June 12, 2023

THY WILL be done!!!

June 12, 2023

I pray for Victory in our country! I pray for Victories with a revival in the Nations. I pray for Victory in what we are going through. In Jesus name Amen.

June 12, 2023

I pray that we will be more independent and rely on our resources more. I pray that God will take over and strengthen our country.

June 12, 2023

Our Father who art in heaven! Thank you for salvation and remission of sin . Forgive us all for failing you daily.I repent for my great nation these United States of America..Thank you for your word in Romans 10:9-10. I praise your Holy name!!

Heather Cogan-Ohio
June 12, 2023

Father, i pray for revival. For all people to know You, love You, live for You; be healed, delivered & saved by You. In Jesus Mighty Name, I thank You & Pray. Amen.

June 12, 2023

Father, God, your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Show the world that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and let Him be exhalted on high.

June 12, 2023

Pray Americans will have wisdom not to lose the freedoms our ancestors fought and died for . Realize the evil one wants to bring our country down to socialism.

June 12, 2023

Father, thank you for the greatest revival ever in these last days. Let us all fulfill your will in each of our lives that we may glorify you in all we do and bring in the End Time Harvest.
Debbie in Virginia

Iris Dutton
June 12, 2023

Iris Dutton. Nebraska. We Thank-you Father for the emminent return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Thomas Cordell
June 12, 2023

Please Dear God make your Word Prevail and Truth be told.

June 12, 2023

My state, Georgia

June 12, 2023


I pray for another Great Awakening as multitudes accept Jesus Christ. I pray that the country’s moral compass aligns once again with God’s Word, in love. OH

Patsy Behney
June 12, 2023

Lord God, I can only imagine what it will be like when we meet you in the air. Come, Lord Jesus!

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus I pray for your Church to be filled with the Holy Spirit, full of wisdom and discernment. May we put on the Full Armor of God and stand, Lord!
In Jesus’ name, Amen

June 12, 2023

I pray that God will deliver us from all evil. I pray for God to give us the authority and wisdom to control all evil. In the upcoming years, I believe that those who dare to believe will be given the ability to do super-human things. It will only be limited to the extent of our belief.
In the name of Jesus, will I be praying for these things.

June 12, 2023

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Gail California
June 12, 2023

Lord, your kingdom come. Your will be done here in California, even as it is done in heaven.

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, let Your Glory cover the earth and bring many souls into Your kingdom.🙏🏻
Joann from Alabama

Mark Loftus
June 12, 2023

Mark – California – That Jesus’ would be exalted and His name be lifted up in all the earth. He is exalted! The King is exalted on high!

June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus, I pray that you will bring another Great Awakening to the USA. May your church once again love and live by your Word.

Jennifer L Koehler
June 12, 2023

Lord, please raise up the next generations to know you so they can follow you and glorify you by fulfilling the work you have for them to do during their time on earth and into eternity. Jud. 2:10 KY

Risa Klemme
June 12, 2023

I pray for revival with the Church. I pray the revival is so powerful it will move across America and the world.

June 12, 2023

Oh Lord I lift up this nation to you. Redeem her people oh Lord. Mercy! California

June 12, 2023

Heavenly Father, please help us to be diligent and persistent in rearing up our children to know, love and honor You. And please help us to be salt and light for You so that our lives are a witness to Your greatness and all who come in contact with us will want to know You, our Divine Hope.


June 12, 2023

Our Future is in YOUR Hands, as YOU Started in the Beginning with Love & Accountable future.
We PRAY, Your same Heart, under YOUR Will, will be done! Amen

Barbara Sonin-Robbins
June 12, 2023

Lord, thank you, in advance for breaking the bondage caused by sin or wounding in every heart and anoint with Your Holy Spirit, every believer with courage. May your LIVING WATER OVERFLOW, in REVIVAL. In Yeshua’s Name

June 12, 2023

Claiming 2 Chronicles 7:14 & 1 Timothy 2! Turning back to God is America’s only hope!

Stacy Golovach
June 12, 2023

Lord I pray that the USA will turn back to you and seek you in all that it does.

June 12, 2023

I pray that my grandchildren will grow up in a country where God is revered as the founder and sustainer of our nation and America is again a source of pride for those who are blessed to live here. I pray that they will wave the American flag with love and honor. Sue – PA

June 12, 2023

Pray Psalm 67 every day for yourself and your country!

Ethel Landry
June 12, 2023

Father God, please do whatever it takes for people in your World to return to you and living on Biblical Principles. In Jesus name.

Denny Finnegan
June 12, 2023

Lord Jesus, help me “keep in step” with what your Spirit has prepared for me to walk in for Your Kingdom (Cf. Ephes.2:10; Gal.5:25).

June 12, 2023


Christy L Willis
June 12, 2023

Father God, have mercy upon us. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

June 12, 2023

Lord, I pray for a glory filled national and world-wide revival. Bring your children back to you, their first love.

June 12, 2023

I pray that God’s Kingdom will be in America’s plan.

MaryAnn Florida
June 12, 2023

We Thank & Praise You, Father God, that no matter what it looks like to everyone else, we know You have a plan and You are in control! Hallelujah! You are never surprised!

David Kelley
June 12, 2023

Almighty God, YESHUA Savior,
We pray for Your coming Kingdom on Earth to come quickly,
And that Your Powerful Name be glorified above all names.

June 12, 2023

I pray that God will intervein and open the eyes of those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior so they can be saved and be ready for His return. AMEN.

June 12, 2023

Lord I pray for true revival and protection for all babies in the womb. I pray for the church to raise up for adoption, in Jesus Name, Amen

Lauren E Ramey
June 12, 2023

Lauren (WA), my prayer is that many will see through the deception of the evil one & will come into an everlasting covenant of salvation with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Suzanne, PA
June 12, 2023

Lord thank you for your Holy Spirit. May we, in any circumstance, be desperate for you and your truth

Sandra Neyman
June 12, 2023

Gods truth will arise and the enemies be scattered.
My family’s restoration.

Georgene, Oklahoma
June 12, 2023

Father God, we declare and decree for the all the plans and destinies you have ordained for the future of each of your children and Your nations to come forth NOW in order for You to receive all the glory and honor due to You, in Jesus’ Name and by the blood of the Lamb. Amen.

Mead Babcock
June 12, 2023

I pray for the renewal of the Catholic Church in America and throughout the world.

John Ribando
June 12, 2023

Lord we pray for Christian based leadership, inciting world peace and your blessing on our our country

Kay Elam
June 12, 2023

Father God, we are completely off the rails. Please get our people up and out of the dirt and once again a nation that love, honors and obeys You.

June 12, 2023

Lord may Your truth be revealed

June 12, 2023

LORD, raise up an army of Joshuas throughout America to train the next generation to keep fighting for our nation and keep the enemy out. In Jesus’ mighty name! Amen

Paul Fishman
June 12, 2023

We must pray to continue to be faithful even IF things go back to worse and we are persecuted for believing in Christ and praying as activists in more evil times ahead as they did in the first and second centuries.

Deborah Krauss
June 12, 2023

Praying for the entire world to hear the Gospel, and supporting this when I can.

Ann Shaw
June 11, 2023

Almighty Father, hear our cries and listen to our repentance so that our nation will be blessed and healed.In Jesus’s name Amen.

Pamela Beary - Illinois
June 11, 2023

Lord God, we trust You to raise up a generation of young leaders who are wholly devoted to following You and have a ever-deepening hunger for Your Word, sharing it and standing on it with fervor and passion.

Doris Bostick
June 11, 2023

Dear God, this land was dedicated to you in 1607 and shall not be taken from you ever. We are yours always. Thank you for protecting your children as you always have. Dee PA

June 10, 2023

Lord, bring your people to their knees at the foot of the cross seeking your will and your way for this nation, to the praise of your glory! Delores Nebraska

Josephine Oregon
June 10, 2023

James 1:16 do not be deceived my beloved brethren.

June 9, 2023

Praying with thanksgiving that you are faithful in all you do! Praise you that you are in control of all and we praise you for upholding us as we worship and pray to you! Ruth AZ

Joy Anna
June 9, 2023

Oh Lord, move on churches, bringing them to deep repentance and a hunger to submit to you fully. Then inundate the churches with your glory and revival power, which will spread revival fires all across our nation and the world. Amen.

Penni Bulten
June 9, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray that those who profess the name Christian, would either live up to the Christian standard, or repent for not living up to the standard. I also pray that we would see that a lawless Christianity is not Christianity at all, but neither is a graceless one, and would avoid those extremes.

Kathleen LaFountain
June 9, 2023

Praying with IFA has been a great boost to my prayers of intercession. Dear Lord please protect and provide for this ministry in the coming years.
Buffalo, NY

Esther Wells
June 9, 2023

Esther… Texas
Lord, Your heart leads me to pray for the children especially from broken families and along our southern border. Protect them and bring strong godly mentors into their lives to teach them your ways. Amen

Linda Hartman
June 9, 2023

Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Thank You, Father God, for directing IFA’s steps as they determine to bathe our nation in prayer. Amen!
Linda – Washington

June 9, 2023

I pray the Blood of Jesus over America and as it pores forth it will cleanse and heal our land in the Name of Jesus. We glorify and worship You Father!

From Texas

Norma Ramey
June 9, 2023

IFA is desperately needed in this hour of major evil which is increasing. Praying that others will know about IFA and join in prayer.

June 9, 2023

Father God, prepare IFA for the next
50 years. Help IFA to do Your will.
Beverly California

Mary Stockton
June 8, 2023

Thank you Father for who you are and all you do. Help us keep our eyes on you.

Patricia Kendall
June 8, 2023

Pat Delaware Thank you Father for stirring Your church to do Your will. We trust You. You are wise and righteous and powerful.

Leslie Calianno
June 8, 2023

Heavenly Father, we thank you that we are still free to pray and invite you in to our country and ask for your protection. We are so thankful and grateful for IFA and for unity! We pray that this continues to grow and we ask for REVIVAL IN AMERICA, in Jesus’ mighty precious glorious name. AMEN!

Ray and Christy Fuller
June 8, 2023

All-knowing, All-loving and All-powerful God, We humbly ask that you would supernaturally restore pastors and churches to Biblical truth, uproot strongholds that have taken so many Christians captive by a lie. Awaken your church to be the salt and light you have called us to be in this dark and depraved world.

Ray and Christy Fuller

June 8, 2023

Father, I am thankful that you are the Lord and you hear me when I pray. I pray for the lost and prodigal. They need salvation, healing and deliverance. Bring them in. You created us to glorify you. May your will be done. I love you Lord.

Christine Stott
June 8, 2023

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please give IFA victory over the darkness, sustain, embolden, and empower all intercessors, prevent the enemy from causing discouragement, doubt, or excessive sorrow, thank You Christine from Idaho.

Linda Houchens
June 8, 2023

Heavenly Father please help us. As you know things are very bad down here. Right is being called wrong and wrong is being called right. We need your divine intervention! Please wake this nation up and send a revival!!

June 8, 2023

Expose evil, let truth prevail and may you,Lord, be glorified

June 8, 2023

Claiming 50 states of America and Washington D. C. For Jesus Christ using Isaiah 55:5

June 8, 2023

Lord, please open our eyes and ears to the corruption in our culture today. Please cause repentance and revival to revitalize us.

June 8, 2023

Thank you IFA for providing the truth about the issues of the day that help me know how to bring them before God in prayer. Barbara from New YOrk

June 8, 2023

Papa; we as followers of Christ, know you are in control. As the lamp to our feet and light to our path, we stand steadfast as noted in Isaiah 40:31

June 8, 2023

Father, my prayer is that more people come to know Your Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and not a false christ that many are following in these last days that we’re living in. Time is short, and I pray that people come to salvation through Him before it’s too late. In His name I pray, Amen.
Vicki, NY

Rebecca Edmondson
June 8, 2023

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” Habakkuk 2:14

Toni Kushner
June 8, 2023

I cannot explain how grateful I’am for connecting with IFA several years back. It keeps me informed, but more importantly the prayer points keep me focused on God’s heart and God’s purposes It is so easy to pray out of my own frustration and anger, but I want my prayers to “that none should perish”. God Bless

June 8, 2023

Father God we pray for our families, that they would have a sure foundation that is only found in You.

Rowland W Moore
June 8, 2023


Shiree Ashby
June 8, 2023

Thank God for IFA and all you do. May God be with you and bless you.

June 8, 2023

Thank you for all you do, I’ve learned so much. May God continue to use IFA. Blessings to you all.

Mary Annette Curry
June 8, 2023

Father thank you for IFA and the inspiration it gives intercessors all over this great country to to pray for and speak out over the many issues that are attempting to destroy us as a people. May the numbers of intercessors everywhere continue to grow as the evil proliferates in every city and state across this country so God can grow the trickle to a flood as prayer warriors take back this land.

June 8, 2023

Father God, I stand in prayer with and for IFA, asking that You allow revival will go across out nation, spreading You love and salvation.

Faith Thordahl
June 8, 2023

Thank you Lord for the years of faithfulness and truth through IFA. May you continue to expand and bless and use this ministry boldly for your kingdom

Mary Ann, CT
June 8, 2023

Thanks and praise to God: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit for taking care of everything. The past, the present, and the future are in Your hands.

Pat Moulton
June 8, 2023

The maturing on content by IFA has been so relevant. Thank God for 50 years of IFA and God’s truth being prayed into this nation!

Sherri Petersen
June 8, 2023

Sherri Petersen, OR
Father God, continue to use y bless IFA for helping us to know how to pray!!

June 8, 2023

Happy Jubilee IFA
Congratulations &
Thank you for intercession
Shalom Shalom be onto y’all

Wendell Owens-New Mexico
June 8, 2023

Father, I thank you for the blessed 50 years You have given IFA. My Prayer O’ Lord is that you will not wait another 50 years before taking us all home, and that we will many souls to Christ while we wait!…… In Jesus name,,, Amen!

Darlene Estlow
June 8, 2023

Darlene Estlow, Ohio. I will continue praying that God would bring many into his kingdom and life with Him. I will pray for peace and order as God makes his will known.

cindy Schiller
June 8, 2023

Thank you all for your faithfulness and may God continue to bless you all in our great need for prayer in this world in its current status. May we all pray fervently and continuously for our leaders and the world leaders to come into the prescense of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

June 8, 2023

Father, continue to give IFA wisdom from above and godly leadership! Fill their coffers with all the finances they need to help us advance Your Kingdom Agenda in our regions! We ask for Your Glory in Jesus’ Name!
Linda from Texas

Amnerys from Florida
June 8, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, May you continue igniting our hearts with prayers that move and are pleasing to your heart.

June 8, 2023

That more people would come to know the LOVE of God.
It would transform their hearts & minds; having an affect on their identity, perspective, direction, priorities,relationships.
Katy from Wisc

June 8, 2023

I’m praying for God to pour out His Holy Spirit, revival, on us, our kids, and grandkids (Acts 2:17-18) and for more souls to be added to His Kingdom than ever before (2 Peter 3:9.) I’m also praying for repentance and revival across the U.S. for us to truly be “one nation under God” again (Psalm 33:12.)

Debra DeMaria
June 8, 2023

I love being a part of Intercessors for America. Even though I can’t be on all the calls, having the information and passing it along to others is invaluable. God bless you greatly for the work you are doing.

Rene Upchurch
June 8, 2023

Thank you Father for your mercy and grace. We continue to pray for your will to be done all across our world.
Rene from Alabama

Rene Upchurch
June 8, 2023

Thank you Father for your mercy and grace. We continue to pray for your will to be done all over our world.

Herb Johnston
June 8, 2023

Lord, let our prayers and our prayer leaders be correctly informed, that your voice would trumpet loudly through them,across all of America and the world,deliveing your salvation to willing Hearts.

Pastor Gerald Waldron
June 8, 2023

Abba Father, thank you for your Kingdom. I pray that our world sees your son and their sin. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, in Jesus’s name I say and pray… Amen.

Terrie Veltrie
June 8, 2023

Dear Lord … I pray that you would tear down and crumble the foundations of the evil organizations and structures that oppose Your intended will for the nations and the peoples of this world. Protect the generations of today and of tomorrow so that they may stand strong for Your principles as a witness for You. Amen.

June 8, 2023

Father God, Forgive us for our many transgressions against you; we know that they are numerous. Heal America and give us a desire for you alone, cleansing us through the blood of Jesus from all unrighteousness!

Shelly from Arizona

Judith Downey
June 8, 2023

Thank you Lord for setting IFA as a watchman on the wall. Continue to bless them with your insights and wisdom as they lead us into intercession for Your world in these last days. Come Lord Jesus!

June 8, 2023

Dear Lord, God almighty!! You are the creator and ruler of all the earth, all the nations, and all the Universe. Nothing is impossibly for you! We pray for a great renewal of our nation; that we will return to a country under God, the way we were founded. May your hand guide and give our leaders wisdom to return our country back to you.

Marie Giddings
June 8, 2023

I pray for today’s young adults,, teenagers, children, infants, and babies in the womb to know and receive The Way, The Truth, and The Life — Jesus Christ. I pray they will be fully equipped to take the gospel into all the earth, to every tribe and tongue and nation.
Marie, Florida

June 8, 2023

Lord, You are the way, the truth, and the life. Send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.. You are our salvation.

Patricia Bricker
June 8, 2023

Thank you Heavenly Father for raising up a praying body over our Nation during my adult life. Thank you for not leaving us during these tumultuous years.
I pray the next 50 years will be even more secure in your perfect will as IFA lifts up this new generation to go forth in your word with power bringing more glory to your Name & reaching many more people towards their heavenly home in Jesus Name Amen

June 8, 2023

Lord, thank you for being our defense and refuge. Thank you for exposure, justice and the the destruction of the evil in their own iniquity. Ps. 94

Sharon, FL

JD Klein
June 8, 2023

Even so Lord come quickly

Rick Pollard
June 8, 2023

Thank You Lord Jesus for inspiring through your Holy Word for those who created this site to reach others and allow them to Pray for your Commission to The World. That as these Prayers are lifted up to you, you know their Hearts and Supplication for your Creation on this Earth that will come to know you and create the change in Man that You, and The Father Desire.
In Your Holy Name We Pray

Jeanne Scheitler
June 8, 2023

Jeanne from Georgia

Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer.

June 8, 2023

Thank you IFA for the continued obedience to our Father. We ask You, Father, for protection, guidance, faithfulness, and Truth for all.

Brenda McDaniel
June 8, 2023

Father, we thank you for 50 years of prayer through IFA and we continue to petition you through Jesus Christ for our nation, our families and our children for forgiveness, protection and blessings. May we be pleasing to you for another 50 years. Amen

Art Sanborn
June 8, 2023

Thank you so much for this needed ministry!!!!

June 8, 2023

Praying for great awakening to the Lord and great turnaround.
Ready for the Lords return.

Charla Mitchell
June 8, 2023

Thank you Father for Intercessors for America. Thank you for their connections which enables them to give us accurate and timely news to pray over.

Lori Lee
June 8, 2023

Father, I pray Isaiah 64:1 “Oh that, you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you.” Let us see your Shekinah glory!

Susan CC
June 8, 2023

Ephesians 2:8
Dear Father and Almighty God, Your ultimate gift is Salvation. Through this ministry and in each day of IFA’s 50th year, I pray Salvation flows like a river. From YOU and through YOU and to YOU are all things. To God be the Glory FOREVER! I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen (Susan CC, NC)

Mari Williams
June 8, 2023

Our Father in Heaven, Your Word makes it clear in the Old Testament in Leviticus Chapter 18 “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” And also in the New Testaments in Romans 1 and 2 where it is made plain that homosexuality is a terrible sin and will cost people their eternal life. Let this TRUTH be preached from every pulpit in the land, Father GOD, that people would realize the terrible consequences of being involved in this wickedness. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Tricia Diambra
June 8, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray that each one of us in this country will turn our hearts toward You. Revive us O Lord!

Kelly PA
June 8, 2023

Lord, I thank you for Your Will and Your sovereignty over Your children and the earth you created and trust in the promise of salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Your holy son, Jesus Christ. Bless us with Your wisdom, peace and grace. Amen

June 8, 2023

I pray for the children and young adults of today. I’m almost seventy, and one of the joys I have is seeing the front third of our church- home filled with children and young adults every Sunday. I pray for the adults who mentor them, as well as the children. The congregation prays for every graduate who is stepping out in this world, every parent, everyone who might encounter the child. These children are the future; and they are precious and strong in the Lord’s word. I am so thankful for each one of them, and their parents! They have the power to keep this nation sane.

Karina Amundson
June 8, 2023

Karina. Georgia, Father I pray that your name and gospel will continue to do doble impact in my town, my state , my country, and in the world that your great hands of wisdom created for us to have dominion. Please may our culture be transform with your gospel and reach many generations to Christ..

June 8, 2023

Thank you, Lord, for IFA, a resource we can trust to give us truth in the news. May you truly bless them, guide them & make provision for their every need. In Jesus precious name.

Pam Johnson
June 8, 2023

I am praying for the children of America. That God will move in the hearts of young people and truth will be revealed to them.

June 8, 2023

Marianne NY
Father, we give ALL praise and glory to You for raising up the hearts of Your people to stand in faith. May You be glorified in every praise, request, battle, purpose and desire spoken through Your Spirit. In Jesus Name we pray Amen.

June 8, 2023

May every world leader come to recognize Jesus as their Lord and Savior. May they lead their country with humility, serving their people with the love of Jesus.

June 8, 2023

Father, in Jesus’s name, Your word is truth, absolute, unmovable, and pure love. We will win every battle because Jesus won the war. Amen!

Daniel Harvey
June 8, 2023

50 years, Congrats IFA and God Bless You All!
The next 50? Only if the Lord tarries, if so,
We are NOT lukewarm, so help us King Jesus we Pray.

James Allen
June 8, 2023

Thank for IFA and others committed to prayer for our nation and others in need.

June 8, 2023

Pray through us Holy Spirit as we watch and pray. Diane, SC

Victoria Lynn Pierson
June 8, 2023

Abba Father. I thank you for IFA Intercessors and honored to be apart of such. I pray Your special will for IFA for the future ahead. Amen

June 8, 2023

Father, raise up more prayer warriors. Save my loved ones (Jason, Lachlan, Leona, Michele, Cale, Jacque) so that they have a personal relationship with you. And, bring my loved ones together so that we aren’t separate/spread apart. In Jesus’ name, Amen

June 8, 2023

Lord, you intend prayer to change people, circumstances and outcomes. May IFA outreach on prayer for our nation reach to all your church as a responsibility and a privilege.

June 8, 2023

Father God, we need your guidance for IFA in these days to do your will where we are needed to help spread your word and prayer. Give us discernment where our voices need to be shared with others in your name, Amen

June 8, 2023

Jesus you are the center of it all. Thank you for your Holy Spirit’s power as we ignite hope in this world through prayer and action.


June 8, 2023

Annalee- Nebraska
Father we thankfully give you all the Glory for the truths that have been revealed and IFA for reporting and bringing them forth.
Continue Please. Thank you

John Crawford
June 8, 2023

Father, we thank You for Your great love for mankind and all of Your creation. We thank You for and agree with Jesus’ prayer in John 17. I live in Mississippi.

June 8, 2023

Ps.139:13-16 Prov.3;5,6

Jan Barwick
June 8, 2023

Oh Lord, have mercy on Canada and the US. Please Lord, bring rain and showers of your blessings! Bring all of us to the throne of grace as we ask for forgiveness.

Elaine Gates
June 8, 2023

I thank you Father for a privilege to listen to us & answer out prayers! IFA intercessory, prayer warriors I thank you for praying for our nation’s& government! I feel like we all are in the hands of God!🙏

June 8, 2023

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Mighty name of Jesus seeking wisdom to know what to do to turn our nation back to You. I also ask for revelation in how we are to do what You show us. Amen

Hadassah Vincent
June 8, 2023

Abba Father thank You for Your vessels of honour wrestling, travailing and prevailing against evils for the advancement of Your Kingdom on earth! We receive glorious answers of peace in Your name Amen and Amen!

June 8, 2023

Thank you, Father God, for showing me that you are bringing down Communism, and that America WILL fulfill her destiny!! You are in control of every detail that goes on on the earth, over the earth and on the earth, and you are bringing great awakening and final harvest all over the world!!

June 8, 2023

Heavenly Father, we are in Your hands and cry out for mercy. We need Your guidance and discernment in what we do. May we glorify with that gift.

Kathy - Ohio
June 8, 2023

Father in Heaven, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done in the United States of America as You have planned it in Heaven. Show us how to leave a legacy for future generations so that You will be Glorified here in our nation.

June 8, 2023

Praying for the Body of Christ to be so focused on Him, loving Him, that He is manifested through their obedience (John 14:21, 23) and the Great Commission is fulfilled. For the nation to experience the Holy Spirit as individuals and corporately, being LIGHT to other nations.

Joe in Louisiana
June 8, 2023

I release Your Ruach over our nation and every state capital to revive, restore, and heal our land!
In Yeshua’s Name! Amen!

June 8, 2023

I get my daily news from IFA because of the reliability and urgency of each article. These are what I target in my prayer times. Thank you IFA!!


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Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

Dave Kubal
IFA President
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