I Prayed have prayed
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By David Kubal, Pres/CEO, Intercessors for America

So, here we are. Just a week from Election Day. It will be good to have it over. It has been exhausting and stressful. I have read and heard things that have offended me, angered me, and even embarrassed me. As I have observed the Body of Christ process this campaign season, I have come to two conclusions:

1. Liberal press has dominated the conversation. The below stats are taken from Media Research Center (MRC) Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing:

• 91% (1,083 of 1,191 minutes) of the news on ABC, CBS, and NBC from July to mid-October offered a negative slant on Donald Trump.
• 0.5% (7 of 1,191 minutes) were devoted to Hillary Clinton’s comment that half of Trump supporters are a “basket of deplorables.”
• 0.2% (2 out of 1,191 minutes) were devoted to Hillary Clinton’s handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack.

The liberal press has been anything BUT objective. It is not even close! The American public should shutter at this unbalance. A free and objective press is vital for our republic! The Body of Christ has been fractured and swept up in the inflammatory rhetoric, losing focus on the important issues like the protection of life, traditional marriage, fiscal responsibility, etc.

2. The Church has abdicated its role in politics. There is a pervasive attitude that “you can’t talk about politics in church.” I have two reactions: it’s not true, and we shouldn’t obey if it were true.

First, IRS laws state the 501(c)3 non-profits can do anything except endorse or fund a candidate. So, politics can be talked about from the pulpit, with the only two restrictions being a church cannot endorse or fund a candidate. In the history of the 60-year-old law, the IRS has only sued one organization for violation.

The Revolutionary War and our country were birthed from American preachers speaking out from their pulpits on the unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator. We are subject to our Creator first, not our government. Click here to read more on this issue by downloading a Special Report that I wrote: The Unfortunate Restraining of the American Church.

Second, even if our government says we can’t talk about politics in church, should we obey it? As Christians, we are to bow to our Creator. If an unjust government is limiting our religious freedoms, we must speak against that, even to the point of civil disobedience. God created three institutions: marriage, government, and the Church. We need to have a vision for—and fight for—godly government.

These two above trends could prove to have tragic ramifications in our nation for decades to come. In these final days prior to the election, let us pray for truth in media and that the Church would speak out for godly government.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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