I Prayed have prayed
Lord, heal our land. Give our government officials wisdom and discernment and let us glorify You, as a nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dividing people is always easy. All it takes is a lie dressed up in a hashtag. Uniting people is never easy. It takes a lot of work, a lot of listening, and a lot of learning. It takes humility and honesty. It requires context that brings clarity. And it’s worth every effort.

We live in the United States of America. From sea to shining sea we are the most diverse, most charitable, most unique nation in the world. In America passion and perseverance transform poverty into Oprahs, refugees into Albert Einsteins, and Holocaust survivors into Nobel Laureates like Elie Wiesel. It’s why more flock to this great country from around the globe than any other country on earth. 

Stop apologizing for America. This is the place where justice rolls down like a mighty river, where impossible dreams do come true, and blood-bought freedom is as precious as the air we breathe. This is the place where we can put our faith into action and speak freely because we have a Constitution like none other. Even former slaves such as Frederick Douglass, once shackled by the Law, praised our founding document saying: “…the Constitution is a glorious liberty document.” . . .

“biracial” adoptees like Colin Kaepernick–adopted and loved by white parents—can become a multimillion dollar athlete and activist.

I was adopted and loved into a multiethnic tribe of fifteen. Ten of us were rescued, chosen and cherished by two parents who should never—for a moment—feel any collective (fake) guilt. Their selfless love changed our individual fragility into family.

We are the United States of America. And we can’t breathe in the smoldering ruins of anarchy and violence. Too many have sacrificed their very lives to free us from the chains of injustice for anyone to be forced to or willingly wear those shackles. We thrive when we embrace the truths that are self-evident: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This Land of Opportunity makes people like Dr. Ben Carson possible, once a young child who grew up in poverty with his single mom. She was determined that her sons would not be victims, but victors. He became a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon who has given millions in scholarships to students across the country. . . .

It makes success stories like Cathy Hughes, possible. She’s an African-American woman who, despite an unplanned pregnancy as a teen, founded the hugely successful Urban One media network. She rejected aborting her son and chose to be stronger than her circumstances, saying: “I became an entrepreneur because of him”. . . .

It’s the triumph of David Green, who grew up in poverty but understood the power of giving.   Through lots of hard work, grit and a passionate Christian faith he turned a craft business that began in his kitchen into a multi-billion business that enables his vast philanthropy—Hobby Lobby.

We have so much to celebrate in these United States of America where our national creed is centered on the truth that we’re all created equal. The strength of our humanity is revealed in how we care for the weakest among us, in and out of the womb. It shines when we see each other as humans with the same inherent and irrevocable worth.

Red. Yellow. Black. Brown. And White. Left. Middle. And Right. We rise together. Or we fall together.

Let’s rise. Let’s stand for the country that is still the beacon of hope to the world. Let’s feed ourselves, daily, not with the bitter division dished out by our news media but with the nourishing work of our churches, our community organizations, and the joy that comes from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Our solutions are not political. They’re deeply personal…moral…spiritual. When we truly are one nation under God, we can be indivisible.

America. We haven’t even seen our best days yet.

So, stop apologizing. And start uniting.

(Excerpt from The Radiance Foundation. Article by Ryan Scott Bomberger. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Blanca Holland
August 22, 2020

That is what America is : a melting pot of cultures and opportunities to prosper in the coat of many colors forged by dreamers of a United States a republic for which it stands one nation under GOD indivisible with liberty and justice for all: all flesh . Awesome let our light shine for all to see. In JESUS YESHUA NAME given to us by the FATHER-WHO IS IN HEAVEN .

Frankie Hutchens
August 21, 2020

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for choosing me to be one of Yours blessed born in the United States. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. I praise you for the freedoms our forefathers laid down for us and those like my husband who fought to keep them. I pray his life and the millions of others who have fought and continue to fight for the freedom founded on your word not be fought in vain. Protect us Lord, and our freedom, arrest, expose, imprison and extinguish each and every one of those who are underhandedly attempting to take away those freedoms. True American citizens, those who have a Love and Heart for You and our Country have nothing for which to apologize. It’s the poor souls (deep state) who are being manipulated and controlled by non-other than satan himself and creeping along the earth. The sad thing is Lord, they don’t know they are being manipulated by the man of sin himself. What a hopeless condition they are. I pray for their salvation. In your Sweet Precious Name. Amen.

August 21, 2020

Thank you for this well stated reminder. Please help the truth in all its fullness be known and heard. Bind the lies of the evil one and give the truth wings. Tear down the power of the media that propagates the lies against you and this nation. Cause many journalists to desire to report truth rather promote a specific negative agenda.And we are reminded that in Romans one it states that they neither acknowledged God nor gave Him thanks. Pride and ingratitude lead to more destructive ways and spiritual blindness. Please forgive us for taking our nation and all of its beauty for granted. It has had to be defended over the years and now it is our turn. It is worth defending. We ask for media and platforms to get the message out in big ways. Help us to tear down the lies that our school children have been spoon fed for years- namely that we come from nothing and go to nothing and that capitalism and America is evil. Forgive us for letting these lies be entrenched in curriculum and thus undermining what we as Americans should be defending. May we see a return to the humility and posture of our forefathers. May we see a move of the Spirit that convicts of righteousness, sin and judgement. May we return to you and truly be one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Deborah Melicharek
August 20, 2020

Excellent article, Yes, amen!!!

August 20, 2020

Any Nation with the freedom we have to worship our God the only (True & Living God) can not be a bad place to live. We have missions all over the world, I will guarantee you these rioters/protesters would never leave America. Only in America can they get away with this kind of action. I was in the Army, trust me the reason we have to watch our borders so much. Everyone wants to live here. How many other countries have that problem, people risk their lives to come here. America is worth the Pres. Trump’s attitude America 1st, I have never heard or seen any other President say that or prove that he means we are truly #1 in his heart. All the rest just go through the motions as President. Prove you love your country.

Mel Teoh
August 20, 2020

Father God,
In Jesus Name, I pray that Colin Kaepernick, 25, shared that his first tattoo was Psalm 18:39, set on a scroll on his right shoulder. The Bible verse reads: “You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet.”
“Basically, it’s saying the Lord is giving me all the tools to be successful, I just have to go out and do my part to uphold that,” he explained earlier this year.

Holy Spirit, please imprint upon Colin heart that the flag and national anthem is about unity as a country. Soften Colin heart so that he can be grateful back and be a better representative of You with all his tattoo in display. Humble Colin’s heart to know that he has been given mercy by You.

Holy Spirit, I pray for all the Democratic Party (Michell Obama etc), Sport People (Drew Breeze etc) or Hollywood People (Robert DeNiro etc), Artists (Taylor Swift, etc), Talk Show Host (Oprah etc). It is their right of the freedom that You gave to voice their opinion. I pray that all their words or their stands using the platforms that are available to them will be uniting NOT dividing the country. Their agenda will ONLY be uniting the country.

Thank You Father. Amen.

Darlene Estlow
August 19, 2020

Thank you for this article reminding us of our marvelous history. Father, turn the anger of many to love for you. May they see the history of our country as a place of many blessings and one used by you in many ways. May we walk in repentance for national and personal sins, our hearts full of gratitude for your gracious hand of blessing.

August 19, 2020

This is a stirring article. Many great thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

Jesus, You are King of Kings. That means You are King of countries. You are really the leader of this unique place. No nation, no person is born outside Your will. For a nation like the United States to be born, and established, and hold together, it is Your will. For any earthly country to make one of the goals of its existence: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all; it is nearly unimaginable for any country before Your return.

Lord, thank You for allowing this country to form, to serve Your purposes, for Your plans. It is easy for us to forget we are participating in the divine plan of restoring the earth at Your return. Awaken us to our passions and purposes for living, moving, and having our being. Enlighten us with divine, transformative, biblical perspective by the power of Your Spirit.

Thank You for making this place a refuge to the world in past centuries. Thank You that this country offered many people more than refuge, but opportunity to pursue life, with liberty, pursuing their dreams. What a unique place. For all are other such places in the world, we thank You for ordaining them.

Thank You for finishing what You started in the founding of the United States. Thank You for fulfilling the prophecy spoken by our nation’s early voices. Prophetically, we declare it: We are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all…with certain unalienable rights, such as the God-breathed right to life and dignity. With the blessing of liberty, Lord help us to bless. With the blessing of peace so that we may pursue happiness, Lord we thank You. Please cause our desires for happiness to align with heaven, which we find in Knowing You and serving You creatively and joyfully.

Attaining our collective destiny IS deeply personal. It will absolutely require grace, humility, gratitude, child-like faith in YOU, child-like hope and care for our neighbors, which only comes if You stir us. Have mercy on us. Turn our will to You, God, cause us to desire You and pursue You for living purposeful, joyful lives in times of trouble and times of peace. Cause us to care to listen to each other, share each other’s burdens, to empathize with each other, to encourage each other and offer participation and opportunity.

Awaken all Americans to a greater call, Your greater purposes. Help us joyfully pursue Kingdom living on earth, as it is in heaven. Make us honorable within, and to those we influence.

Start with us, Your family. Make us glad to represent You and Your Kingdom to our family, friends, and neighbors.

What education would You call right? And in what context?

Please direct our activities. Increase our passion and unity on the matters important to You.

Build a godly culture in our hearts. Raise a godly culture our home. Give us victory and make the seed we sow be Spirit and truth. Increase our spiritual diet from milk to meat in Spirit and truth. Raise Your standard of love and creativity in popular culture through us.

Help us change the impression of American people who wait on the sidelines, curious, seeking, but not trusting Your American church.

Forgive us when we have collectively failed to represent You to our neighbors. When we lived for ourselves, doubted You, or ignored You, we ignored the very target of Your affection, those who are deprived of critical needs for life, liberty, and happiness (Isaiah 60).

Re-present Yourself to our nation, Lord Jesus. Use us. Revive Your church. Breathe prayers of Your will through us. Speak life through us to people around us. In representatives like us, humble and wanting to see people live with amazement and awe of You.

We bind every enemy of the Kingdom seeking to steal, kill, and destroy the plans of God and the people of the United States.

We acknowledge the mess we hear and see among Americans is triggered by the wickedness in high places.

In the name of Jesus Christ, high places come down. Demons working against Americans in government, education, family, economics, arts and entertainment, media and religion, we bind you and command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. We ask for confusion in your territories, and zero success in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. One puts 1,000 to flight. Two put 10,000 to flight. Lord, we request that everyone who comes into agreement with this prayer and all the prayers like it will cause more and more demons to fall and leave. Do not come back. Do not go to any other human. Do not pursue any other human territory. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. To whom all must obey, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.

Thank You causing effective prayers to be counted as one in heaven, a pleasing aroma, and reaching the ears of the mighty for the tearing down of strongholds. Have Your way! For Your glory! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Elisabeth E. Kohlstadt
    August 19, 2020

    Amen to this powerful prayer of intercession, confession and thanksgiving!!
    And thank You, Father, for the promise; where two of you agree in praying,
    God not only hears it, but will answer their request! To the Glory and Honor
    of Jesus Christ, and in His Name we pray.

Cheri Frey
August 19, 2020

Praise the Lord for this beautifully written story of how blessed America is. I pray that all Americans will read this and their hidden hurts and pain will be healed so they see the truth of God’s love upon them as members of this great nation. Thank you Jesus for the USA and heal our land so we can praise you and continue to be a light for all people.

e. schroth
August 19, 2020

I believe that we are blessed by our God enormously but we must repent of sins, ask forgiveness and go about our lives joyously, singing praises to our Lord. We must commence again to hold our heads high, stop the infighting in politics, restore our peacekeepers (police) and return to our constitution and lawfulness. The world watches America, always has. The world is watching now and waiting. Let us give God the glory and go forward in peace.

August 19, 2020

The ground is level at the cross. We have the freest country in the world and people that are born here seem to forget because of not being told, of what we have. History needs to be taught from the home through the schools.Hatred starts from the home.


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