Greetings from Ukraine!
We live in times when spiritual warfare is so real as never before. We are witnessing unprecedented ideological influences on nations and continents.
Almost 30 years ago the communist empire of USSR went crumbling down. Because of itās bloodthirsty demonic nature, the Soviet Union killed dozens of millions of its own people, pastors and ministers were imprisoned, thousands of churches destroyed.
Ukraine gained its independence in 1991, and the fall of the Iron Curtain revealed great spiritual hunger in our people, they were genuinely seeking after God, but the laborers were so few. Till this day we are very thankful to God for laborers from USA and other countries who saw the need and responded by sending missionaries to Ukraine and other countries of ex-Soviet block.Ā Our local church in Kharkiv was planted and pastored by American missionaries.
Christians from the US have been our role models in sacrificial giving, living and ministry, which inspired thousands of missionaries from Ukraine to go to Asia, Africa and Western Europe to preach the Gospel and plant churches.
Problems and Challenges. Today Ukraine is experiencing the same onslaught as the US and Europe: humanistic liberal leftist ideology is trying to take over. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured in Ukraine by the Soros organizations to influence our system of education, mass media, government, healthcare, culture and entertainment and other spheres. There have been dozens of their attempts to change legislation, introducing gender ideology, same sex marriages and other perversions.
On top of that there is an ongoing military conflict sponsored by Russia. 14,000 Ukrainians died because of it since 2014, the Crimean peninsula was annexed and parts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions were occupied. Evangelical Christians are being persecuted there and church buildings taken away by new authorities.
Less than 5% of born again believers in Ukraine are actively promoting Biblical pro-family values and fighting the attacks of the destructive ideologies.
Prayer Marathon and Meeting Dave Kubal
Since 2017 weāve been doing an all-year-round Fasting and Prayer Marathon which was supported by the Council of Protestant Churches of Ukraine and more than 100k intercessors were involved in it. In late 2019 we met Dave Kubal of Intercessors for America, we were so inspired by their fire of intercession and systematic prayer.Ā Today we are working on creating the Prayer Platform of Intercessors for Ukraine to identify prayer warriors and assist them to pray constantly for our nation.
Here in Ukraine, we are praying for America, for God to expose and destroy the plans of the wicked and His Glory to shine over your nation.
And we are craving your prayers for Ukraine, here are some prayer points:
1) People of Ukraine to repent and wake up from slumber
2) Destroy the plans of the wicked to legalize perverse ideologies
3) Spirit filled and Spirit led government workers to implement God strategies for Ukraine
4) Stop war and stolen territories to come back
5) Laborers in the harvest and new churches to be planted
6) Intercessors to be raised
7) Leadership and finances for the Intercessors for Ukraine Platform
Don’t miss Dave Kubal’s conversation with the leaders of Intercessors for Ukraine on the July First Friday Prayer Conference Call. They appear just after 38:00 in the video below.
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Agreeing with our brethren in Ukraine. That the Lord God will do all that is on the hearts of the intercessors as led by the Holy Spirit! For America and Ukraine! May His glory be revealed, that the world may know!
In JESUS’ all-powerful name!
Father God, Thank you that Ukraine is praying for America. God both countries need Your Wisdom, Your intervention. Father, bless Ukraine with Godly leaders. Strengthen the intercessors, meet their needs and grant them favor everywhere they go and with whatever they need. I plead the Blood of Jesus over Ukraine. Lord, You LOVE Ukraine. You have great plans for Ukraine. Cut off every evil/demonic plan of the enemy against Ukraine. Angels be strengthened in fighting for Ukraine’s freedom and restoration. Father, may YOUR GLORY flood Ukraine, radiate Your Bride that the harvest will be drawn to her. God we need YOU. Thank you that Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world. All Praise and Honor belong to You Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name.
I missed the call yesterday. Just picking it up. THIS IS A QUESTION: I heard just yesterday (July 4) that 8 countries have banned Soros from their nations. Is Ukraine one of them? U.S. needs to. He is an enemy to freedom around the globe. With God all things are possible.
I will take this request seriously and support this brave folks in prayer, but my form of prayer for situations like this and for America cannoy be posted on this site. It is violent, II Cor ch 10.
Saints of The Most High God, we must fall on our knees & pray…now!
I was so led to give to IFU yesterday and I feel so blessed. I will continue to lift you up in my prayers
to our fellow brothers & sisters in Christ living in Ukraine, thank you for praying for us. We also lift you up as we are in the same boat. we thank our heavenly father to destroy the plans of the wicked to legalize any perverse ideologies any where in the world. nothing is hard foe God, and nothing is impossible for him. he wants our input. We agree with you in prayer for a great awakening! Blessings to all of you!!
As an American with Ukrainian heritage I am fervently in prayer for the people of Ukraine. I was praying before when they were under the Soviet Union. Then I continued to pray and I even prayed them into USA. Although I lost many of my relatives through lack of langage ability I still pray for them abroad and in USA etc. May all the oppression they have suffered be far from them and may they find total freedom in Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:19-20 ‘One mans disobedience opened the door for all humanity to become sinners. So also one Mans obedience opened the door for many to be made perfectly right with God and acceptable to Him. So then, the law was introduced into God’s plan to bring the reality of human sinfulness out of hiding. And yet, wherever sin increased, there was more than enough of Gods grace to triumph all the more.’ (The Passion translation).
The restrainer is in us, He is present and at work in us until we are taken home. Today is Independance day and I really felt led to go on a (40 day) fast for the state of our nation. The first 3 days are for personal repentance and to have Him cleanse me, then the next 7 for repentance for the sins of our nation, they are many. I had not specifically known yet how to direct my prayers beyond the 1st 10 days, but can see that my plans were near sighted. I will pray for the state of the nations: for the grip of the destroyer to be loosed, the eyes of the people to be opened, and their hearts to be turned to Jesus. This is the Lords will (John 6:39). He said that grace would be abounding, or ‘huperperisseou’ – which can be translated ‘super-hyperabundant’ (Romans 5:20).
Matthew 18:19 – where 2 or 3 agree…we have a majority. I’m looking for my Fathers hand to move in a big way, but it begins with repentance (2 Chronicles 7:14).
I can sense the urgency in me so I be obedient and will fast and will pray. It’s time to get out the big guns of humility, repentance, prayer, fasting, and obedience.
Angela, I love your post. I am praying the Triune God will also inspire me to seek Jesus more,
improve my prayer life, instill in me a healthy, bold, and joyful approach to personal repentance,
prayer intercession, and find I am walking closer to Jesus so that through me Triune God will use my life to serve His Kingdom and others according to His will. All glory be to the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank you for your encouragement and example. God, bless, Joan B.
Thank you Ukraine intercessors for praying for America, and for the glory to fall on us. Please continue to pray for repentance in our nation. Bless and care for President Donald J. Trump and his family.
On my way to our weekly corporate prayer meeting last night I had an open vision about a foreign military officer praying for America. In the vision I saw him speaking in a language that sounded like Russian but I heard the words in English. He was praying for the Christians in America to WAKE UP from their SLUMBER! To WAKE up to the THREAT that was looming over the whole earth. Then I opened up my email and saw the letter from the Ukraine Intercessors. AMERICA WAKE UP! ARISE FROM YOUR SLUMBER NOW IN JESUS NAME!
The word “slumber” sounds so innocent, but it is actually the sin of slothfulness!
Praying for Ukraine that many souls will be saved from eternal damnation and many workers for His Kingdom will rise up and minister to the needs of Ukraine people .Lord I pray that you take away this pandemic over the face of the earth for the battle is yours not ours in Jesus Mighty Name AMEN šš