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Lord, in the midst of this turmoil, we pray for Your will to be done in Russia. Show us how to pray, God!
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What does the mercenary mutiny mean for Russia, Ukraine, and the world as we know it?

From The Wall Street Journal. A day after Wagner’s mutiny showed the unexpected fragility of President Vladimir Putin’s regime, all the main players in Russia’s worst political crisis in decades stayed out of sight—leaving Russians, and the world, to wonder whether the drama was really over.

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Key unanswered questions include the future of Wagner’s 25,000 heavily armed troops, of the paramilitary group’s owner Yevgeny Prigozhin and of Russia’s military leadership, which failed to stop his rapid advance toward Moscow. The details of agreements brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to halt looming bloodshed have yet to be made public. …

“The entire world has seen that Russia is on the brink of the most acute political crisis,” Sergei Markov, a former Putin adviser and a political analyst in Moscow, said on Telegram Sunday. “Yes, the putsch failed now. But putsches have fundamental reasons. And if the reasons remain, a putsch will happen again. And it could be successful.”

One widely shared conclusion in Russia and abroad, however, was that none of the key players in the power struggle—beginning when Prigozhin seized the southern city of Rostov Saturday—has been strengthened by the ordeal that brought the country to the edge of civil war. …

Prigozhin, who showed Wagner’s strength by marching two-thirds of the way toward Moscow with little opposition, ended up aborting the rebellion and accepting, at least for now, exile. The Russian army and security forces, meanwhile, displayed little glory as their troops proved reluctant, if not outright afraid, to try stopping Wagner.

“The entire system has lost yesterday, including Prigozhin, who is also part of the system,” said Andrei Kolesnikov, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment who was in Moscow on Saturday. As for Putin, he added, “it turned out that the czar is not a real czar because he couldn’t control a man from his own system who’s supposed to be under his full control.”

As a result, the authority and self-image of the Russian state has sustained lasting damage, likely fueling future challenges to its writ regardless of what happens to Prigozhin. That is especially so as the war in Ukraine, which helped precipitate the Wagner mutiny, continues raging with no end in sight, causing mounting casualties on both sides. …

The fate of Wagner itself has yet to be determined, Kartapolov added, saying that the Russian parliament is working on new legislation to give private military companies legal status. “To disarm and disband them would be the best gift for NATO and the Ukrainians,” he told Vedomosti. …

Prigozhin was last seen on Saturday night, as he left the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov to an unknown destination. Disconcertingly for Putin, many locals cheered Wagner’s troops as they withdrew from the city—and jeered the regular police that reappeared on Rostov’s streets after hiding for a day.

In Moscow, too, feelings about Prigozhin were mixed at best on Saturday. …

“We’ve seen some very serious cracks emerge,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said about turmoil in Russia in an appearance on ABC Sunday “I doubt we’ve seen the final act.”

From The Wall Street Journal. The grainy footage announcing the insurrection appeared on the Telegram messaging site at 7:24 a.m.: Yevgeny Prigozhin had gathered two of Russia’s most senior commanders in the strategic city of Rostov-on-Don to humiliate them on camera and threaten to march his mercenary army to Moscow.

“Our men die because you treat them like meat…no ammo, no plans,” said the founder of the Wagner Group private military company, flanked by masked fighters who had seized the city’s command center. He demanded the base’s brass hand over their bosses, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valeriy Gerasimov, whom he called “geriatric clowns.”

The video reverberated across the world, offering a partial explanation for the lightning insurrection that posed the gravest threat to President Vladimir Putin’s 23 years in power.

The full story behind why Prigozhin launched—then stunningly halted—his revolt isn’t yet known. But the elements include the culmination of military infighting, financial pressures and Prigozhin’s personal political ambitions, according to Russian defectors, military analysts and Western intelligence officials.

After years of rapid growth that saw Wagner play a leading role in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the mercenary outfit was facing pressure. Russia’s defense ministry was tightening the noose around the company, starving it of recruitment, finance and weapons. …

A key trigger was the June 10 Russian Defense Ministry order that all volunteer detachments would have to sign contracts with the government by July 1, a move to bring Wagner under formal military control. Prigozhin refused. …

A day after the de-escalation agreement, which pledged that Prigozhin would head to Russia’s closest ally, Belarus, in exchange for the dropping of criminal charges against him, neither the Wagner chief nor Putin has spoken publicly about the mutiny. Shoigu and Gerasimov, whose removal was Prigozhin’s key demand, remained out of sight until a video of the former surfaced Monday.

As of Sunday afternoon, Wagner remained in charge of the Millerovo military airfield in southern Russia, according to European intelligence officials. It wasn’t clear when and how Prigozhin would leave for Belarus, and how many of his men would follow suit. The officials speculated that he could use the airfield to fly senior Wagner loyalists to the relative safety of the company’s operations in Africa. If Prigozhin goes to Belarus he would be unlikely to stay long, fearing possible reprisals from the Kremlin, the officials added. …

Opinion is still divided on whether Prigozhin’s aim was to leverage more influence within Putin’s security system or ultimately seize power. …

Prigozhin made his move after state support that once flowed to Wagner was diverted to new private mercenary groups established by state-owned companies such as gas giant Gazprom. …

The uneasy truce struck on Saturday saw Wagner fighters roll out of the stronghold cities of Rostov and Voronezh which they had captured with little to no military resistance. …

It hasn’t been confirmed that Prigozhin has left Russia. Even if he does, he maintains an outsize base of support—not only among his fighters who have dispersed to Ukraine, Belarus and Wagner’s training base in Molkino, Russia—but also among the Russians who admire his courage for openly talking about the country’s endemic corruption.

The fate of his fighters is less clear. The Kremlin has come out of the weekend’s events looking weaker, and tolerance for any known dissent will only likely shrink. While the agreement says all those who took part in Prigozhin’s uprising will be amnestied, Russia watchers believed the Kremlin is likely poised to root out pockets of Progozhin’s armed supporters quietly over time. …

Elite Fracture

The unseen tensions between Wagner and Russia’s military exploded into public view in February when Prigozhin publicly complained that the defense ministry had limited the provision of weapons and ammunition for his 50,000-strong force that had fought in Bakhmut, a small town that had become the most critical front line of the Ukraine invasion.

Wagner’s forces led Bakhmut’s capture in May, Russia’s first material advance in 10 months, but the victory came at a cost of over 20,000 Wagner lives, according to Prigozhin’s public tally. As Wagner troops raised flags in the town center, Prigozhin appeared in a video among the devastation to address Shoigu and Gerasimov directly: “Because of their whims, five times more guys than had been supposed to die have died. They will be held responsible for their actions, which in Russian are called crimes.”

The news boosted Prigozhin in his clash with the defense ministry. Putin kept switching between the two sides as military fortunes ebbed and flowed. He promoted generals who appeared to be aligned with Prigozhin, then fired them and appeared to move more decisively behind Shoigu and Gerasimov. …

When Prigozhin mounted his stunning Saturday takeover of the Rostov military command post, he dispatched a 5,000-strong column led by a key commander named Dmitry Utkin, known for his tattoos of Nazi symbols, toward the capital. By then Prigozhin said Wagner’s strength had been whittled down to 25,000 men. …

Prigozhin late Saturday night left the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov, for an unknown destination. Analysts said the efforts to absorb the Wagner fighters into conventional forces and strip Prigozhin of cash and influence would now accelerate.

Analysts said Putin’s silence suggested he was focused on shoring up support among the fractured elite. One intelligence official said the president’s power had been weakened to such an extent that it had reduced the threat of nuclear conflict, since subordinates would be less likely to enact his orders.  …

What are you hearing from the Lord about this rebellion? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpts from The Wall Street Journal and The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: By Fargoh – Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=133578506)

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July 1, 2023

It isn’t GOD’S Will that any be lost. Those coming against Russia are sent by the globalists that Putin stands against! GOD started me including Vladimir Putin for salvation in my prayers early last year! GOD has HIS Hands on Putin, that I know. What I wonder is why any Christian will still quote and believe the lying media on anything? FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect Vladimir Putin and his government! Also FATHER, please send laborers to them all for salvation! Put YOUR Hands on Russia and the Russians and put up a standard to expose and stop the devil and demons from touching Putin or his government in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Grant Windholz
June 27, 2023

Lord God Almighty, you are the one and only commander and chief of all of mankind! President Putin has been playing Communist God for a long time. It’s time he knows you have in control of everything!!

June 27, 2023

FATHER, we appeal to Heaven for Your POWERFULLY STRONG RIGHT ARM OVER this Wagner situation. His trucks possibly left Russian nuclear storage area with tactical-nukes for use in Ukraine, N.Africa or sale to Islamic terrorist… FATHER, intervene in the lack of adult leadership in the world today

Linda k Rice
June 27, 2023

Check out House of Destiny or Prophetic Rewind to search for Kim Clement’s prophesy re Putin and his fragile spider’s web.

Keith and Megan
June 27, 2023

The Pentagon’s billions of dollars of “overpayments” went to bribe Prigozhin in attempts to destabilize Russia in same way the CIA and FBI receive globalist money to destabilize America through Antifa. antifa.com still redirects to the White House.

These two articles are propaganda. In lieu of what the mainstream media claims, Russia has been winning this war.

Americans who remain apolitical so refuse our due diligence give the powers that be freedom to roam and decide our daily lives for us.

Please, make no mistake, Putin is NOT our friend; however, the war in Ukraine is an American war financially supporting 46 known biolabs in Ukraine. Billions of American taxpayer dollars continue to finance Zelensky who was fraudulently placed in office similar to Biden by satanic globalists who run the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, NATO, etc.

We pray for both Ukrainian and Russian citizens because Zelensky is a godless puppet who terrorizes his own people while Putin is being punished by self-described elitists for fighting against the bioweapons Zelensky sent into Russia. Again, Putin is not anybody’s friend but neither is Zelensky.

Americans must be verrry careful where we get our information because 95% of media is owned by 6 globalist companies who know that information is power and an uninformed populace is easiest to control. Wall Street Journal is one of them.

The good news is that all of these governments rest upon Jesus’ shoulders and He gives us peace of mind in the midst of turmoil.

Heavenly Father,

We thank You that You are in control and Your Son orchestrates all world events but . . . is so personal that His supernatural wisdom all comes down to shaping one individual heart at a time. We do thank You, Jesus, for Your supernatural healings when You suspend natural law but remain amazed in wonder as You orchestrate billions of those hearts in accordance with Your Will and Divine Providence. Thank You for your power and majesty!

We lift up the citizenry who have been caught up in this war and pray for healing and financial resources for those who are injured and comfort for those who have lost loved one in this war. War is brutal. Jesus, reveal Yourself to them that they experience Your Presence.

Give the leaders Your grace to end this war peacefully.

In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

    Carla Sherman
    June 27, 2023

    IFA sent out an emergency prayer request for this coup as it began. Through many prayers, I believe God averted US efforts to take out Putin. Praise God and thanks to Him for IFA.

    Ms Mary
    June 28, 2023

    I am certain that this guy was bribed to turn against Putin. They want us to believe that this tells us Putin is weakened. If that were the case, why did Prigozhin leave the country? He has accepted defeat, and he is now in exile.

    June 30, 2023

    Thank you for this well researched, truthful response! Sometimes I question the ‘news’ reported on this site but am usually heartened by at least one person in the comments re-framing the issue correctly and this is a perfect example.

    I stopped attending a local prayer meeting which regularly lifted up “the hero Zelensky” and prayed along those lines. Surprising how many Christians are still unaware of the massive propaganda machine dedicated to brainwashing the world. We need a Great Awakening in every way!

June 27, 2023

Heavenly Father I give thanks for this avenue and pray for the leaders to be blessed with the desire and thirst for Truth to be known to them, then acting to your will. In Jesus holy name.

Catina Rose
June 26, 2023

Father give these leaders anointed discernment


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