I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for guidance when it come to illegal immigration. Would you give us solutions that display your heart that is filled with compassion and love for every person. Let us be guided by your wisdom!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Republicans criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’s upcoming trip to the Texas border, arguing she’ll be nowhere near the towns most overwhelmed with an influx of illegal immigrants crossing from Mexico.

“She’s going to the wrong part of the border,” former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said Wednesday in an interview with WMAL in Washington, D.C. . . .

The chart showed Harris’s destination of El Paso, which is located on the west Texas border with Mexico but is nowhere near the southern border.

In fact, El Paso is 1,000 miles from the Rio Grande Valley sector, where Republicans say the vast majority of border crossings are occurring, particularly among children and families.

“The reality of the situation is we are nearing a breaking point, and the vice president and president could see that if they are only willing to join me and others who would be more than happy to host them by visiting the Rio Grande Valley,” Cornyn said Wednesday.

Republicans have been critical of the Biden administration and Harris, particularly for refusing to visit the border amid a massive surge in illegal immigration that has left U.S. immigration officials overwhelmed.

The White House announced earlier this week Harris will visit El Paso on Friday. El Paso is considered one of the busiest crossing points for illegal immigrants. However, the Rio Grande Valley is far more overwhelmed with more than double the number of illegal crossings.

Harris’s trip follows criticism from Republicans and Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar who urged her to visit the border after Biden appointed her to lead the administration’s effort to resolve the crisis.

Cuellar sent Harris a letter last week asking her to visit the U.S. southern border “to observe the ongoing humanitarian crisis and share the perspective of Americans who live there.”

Earlier this month, Harris traveled to Guatemala and Mexico to address the reasons immigrants are traveling to the U.S.

Republicans accused Harris of making the trip only after former President Donald Trump announced his intention to visit the border next week.

Border Patrol officials are flying some illegal immigrants from the Rio Grande Valley sector to El Paso for processing and, in some cases, walking them over the border back into Mexico.

What are your thoughts on VP Harris going to the area in Texas that isn’t being hard with illegal immigrants? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Article written by by Susan Ferrechio. Photo by Brian Blanco/Getty Images)

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June 26, 2021

Harris knew exactly which border to go to. I heard the former head of the border security say she would go right where she went to. It’s all about the photo op! This administration is a national disgrace and embarrassment!! The Lord is really showing us who these people are! Will America wake up in time? I pray we will?

Rose Rocha
June 25, 2021

Dear Father God,

We know you love your children. I continue to pray for the children that are being used as pawns. Protect them and bring conviction in the hearts of the Leaders of this nation who mean bad.

Thank you that your word is true that – better a milestone be around the necks and thrown into the sea of those who would harm any of you little ones.
In Jesus Name. I pray.

Karen Secrest
June 25, 2021

Let us continue to pray Psalm 94 over Mrs. Harris. She has no intention of being involved with the families who are still being separated, with children forced into camps where it is easy to sift out those who will be profitable in the slave trade.
If Mrs. Harris actually met with any imvolved with “Shorty” Guzman’s extensive operations, then she wouldn’t have a rebuttal for the humanitarian issues in force there. We have no right to point the finger at countries like Venezuela, Guatemala and China over horrendous inhumane acts against others when you are presented with concrete evidence you choose to ignore.Another example of The “good Nazi”.
Petition the God who gets angry over the spilled bloo of the innocent in this country and the world. Deuteronomy 26, 28, 32 and John 3:16…Amen and Amen…


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