I Prayed have prayed
Lord, guide us with Your Spirit of discernment and truth. Help us navigate these issues with your grace.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Watch this video to hear the important distinction between why we should vote for policy not personality in this upcoming election!

Watch this video on the importance of voting for policy and procedures vs. voting for personality.

Posted by Intercessors for America on Monday, October 19, 2020

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(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Myrna Leija
November 1, 2020

Thank you Cornerstone Chapel and Pastor Gary for this fantastic Election Day Sermon. A friend of mine posted it a week ago, I listened to it and then reposted it 2 more times. I believe that only one of my friends actually watched it but they did comment that they too agreed with the sermon 100% . I know that God is in control and I am trusting Him for the outcome even if it doesn’t go how I would like it. What I am in shock about is that my 42 year old son ( whom I have always been very close too) seems to have gone off the deep end, meaning he has drank the poison kool aid of the liberal Biden/Harries agenda. Fifteen years ago he attended a University in Washington State and majored in Psychology & Philosophy. I realized at that time that he had drank the poison socialist agenda but I had hoped that some of that may evaporate over time. However, over this election this socialist agenda has reared its ugly head. He wrote me a long letter saying every vile evil thing that the liberals have made up about President Trump and told me that if I voted for or backed Trump that I am not a Christian or following Christ. I am in shock. However, I do know that the Bible says in the end times children will turn against their parents. I’m 75 and he is 42 years old. I have never told him who to vote for or got into his business ever. So I am hurt and bewildered. I am trusting God . God is in complete control. I voted all Red and have been a life long Republican as their platform most closely follows my Christian values.

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November 1, 2020

Lord, You are King over all. You know the outcome of this election, You know who wins in the end, You alone are ruler over this earth, no matter what anyone may say. Today, Dear Lord, I will live in hope. If I become downhearted, I will trust in you. You are my Father, and I place my hope and faith in you! Amen

Rich B
November 1, 2020

Went to Facebook and clicked on the video and it is not playing. Maybe this should also be posted on IFA website so we can all listen.

Ellie Diegelmann
November 1, 2020

Where’s the video?? I REALLY want to watch it!!

November 1, 2020

I have had a few people tell me they cannot vote for Trump because of the way he talks! My sister, my neighbor, they are turned off by President Trump’s personality. I think this pastor “hit the nail on the head”! I shared this video with my facebook page. However, I believe that “never Trumpers” have their heart set against Trump’s Godly agenda. They are really against hia being pro-life, pro-Isreal, etc. They are using the “personality issue” as an excuse to vote for the other candidate. Such deception & it is rampant in Christian circles, too. Satan has made his inroads. This is where we need to “fight with love & prayer” right now, among our brothers & sisters in Christ who don’t understand the extent to which President Trump has supported our religious freedom! Wow, the enemy is quite the deceiver! Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Father, I give up to easily when talking to my fellow Americans who hate Trump. Please help me to persevere in prayer and talking with love to neighbors & family who will listen. Open minds & hearts in these last few days before the election! Trump is not our Savior, but U have set him in this high place for such a time as this. Father, build your church today as Pastors preach the Word to our nation. Use this day in a mighty way for the advancement of Christ & our Godly heritage as a nation. In Jesus precious name. Amen.


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