This is a must watch video of Pastor Coverstone explaining his heart for America and how a story from his father’s past has inspired him to pursue unity in the midst of the racial divide we are seeing in our nation right now.
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Yes, we who know the LORD Jesus Christ as Saviour, GOD, & King do well to pray fervently daily that His Will is “done on earth as it is in Heaven.” These Spiritual Guidelines will help substantially:
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Father God, At this time as we prepare our hearts and remember the death of your Son, Jesus, may You turn our hearts to You. I thank you for your death in my place. Thank you for taking on yourself my punishment. Thank you for the blood that washes us whiter than snow. Father God, empower us to live as Your disciples during this time in history. I pray we will cling to the Truth of the gospel. I pray we will share it freely with all people. I pray Your Church will rise up and stand in the gap for the people of our Nation. Forgive us of our many sins…worshiping ourselves, money and power, killing the innocent and failure to stand for life and truth. God, unite Your Church on the Truths found in Your Word. Do not allow us to be mislead or deceived. May Your Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Lord God, do not let the lies of the evil one and those under his influence have any sway over us. I pray you will draw the faithful back to You and may we stand in the power of the Spirit and Speak Truth. I pray Your Truth will convict and bring about repentance. I pray for Christ Followers to turn toward You and live steadfastly for you in every aspect of our lives. I pray Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. You have set us free. Those whom You have set free–we are free indeed!! Let us walk in this Truth. In Jesus’ powerful, holy and perfect Name. I humbly and thankfully pray. Amen
Father, I/we lift up our praise unto You the Almighty! Thank you for the gift of prayer, our heart & voice connecting with You; what an honor. You know our thoughts, You know our aches, You know our troubles; You hear, You welcome, You understand; You will answer. We may not understand the “why’s” but yet You have promised to be with us, to help us, to guide us; for You are our Rock and our Refuge.
We come into Your Holy presence and ask that You would continue to reveal Your will through Your Word and Your Spirit so that we may bring honor unto You; You alone. Help us to continue to pray for our leaders in America, and around the world. Praying that You would enlighten the eyes of their heart as they serve in the capacity that You have put them. For the Church, oh how we need Your strength and power to be salt & light in these times of division and evil; You our Hope and anchor for ALL time!
In Jesus Name,
O Lord of Hosts hear our heart’s cry out for Your help to bring true unity and agreement to our nation. Start in Your people and allow our love to flow out to others who will know we are Christians by our love. Help Us to bridge the gaps and destroy the lies and overcome hate in our Nation. We ask in Your mighty Name. Amen
Heavenly Father, Your people desire to know the TRUTH. There are so many lies being told in our nation that we are having a DIFFICULT time knowing who is telling the TRUTH. We hear terrible stories about what is going on at the southern border children in cages, children coming to the USA alone!!, child trafficking, drugs being brought in, people being released with the Covid Virus, and children being raped, stories concerning news about the vaccines being bad for us, stories the vaccine can alter our DNA or RNA, stories the vaccine is like the mark of the beast people won’t be able to buy and sell things, travel on planes, or even get a job, etc. Father, WE want to stand with YOU and YOUR WORD and the TRUTH. I asked for wisdom and revelation from YOU regarding all these things. SHOW us the TRUTH because we know YOUR TRUTH sets us free. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN
Amen. I agree with Pastor Dana’s prayer. Reveal in me, in our state and nation the sins that hinder Your revival in this land, we need a healing in this land. In Jesus name Amen