I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You intervene in our nation, expose the plans of the wicked
Reading Time: < 1 minute

What do you think about Jonathan Cahn’s prophetic word to America? What encouraged or convicted you most from this teaching?


(Photo Credit: Facebook.)

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Joanne LaRock
December 4, 2020

Jonathan Cahn has a way of bringing the Kingdom of God crashing into our otherwise earthly perspective.
We have been praying, as many others have, for wickedness to be exposed and it is!! Daily, hourly, minute by minute it seems.
Over and over again, we hear 2 Chronicles 7:14 quoted,
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
It seems to me that often what I hear come next are “prayers of repentance” for the sins of our country, the sins of the wicked. But is not God asking us, who bear the name of Christian, to repent for our sins? OUR sins? I wonder if we even know our sins anymore. I feel we are at an impasse. Could it be this is the reason? Around the start of COVID, some ladies got together to study the Word of God with the goal of knowing what we believe and why we believe it. We started with Matthew, chapter 1. It wasn’t long before we got on the topic of marriage, divorce and remarriage. . We searched the Scriptures and discussed this topic for WEEKS, mostly because Jesus taught about this topic in a way most of us had never heard taught, let alone preached from a pulpit before. How could this be? Divorce and remarriage has been a wrecking ball in our land. It has left few, if any, untouched. Yes, we want and pray for justice and judgement to prevail in our land, but let us seek God’s face and TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS, not only for the sake of our nation, but in readiness for the return of our Savior!

December 2, 2020

I agree with everything he said! It is exactly what Godā€™s Word says! His book Harbinger 2 explains it in detail with scripture to back up everything he spoke!

December 1, 2020

A powerful word for our Nation. God bless everyone that planned and administrated this day. May God bless our nation and many return to HIM.

December 1, 2020

Shattered and broken, torn asunder by strife, can America be repaired? With Godā€™s help and His people truly seeking him, I pray God will heal our land. Help us, Lord, the battle seems ominous and dark, May Your light shatter the darkness and make us One Nation, under God, once again. Amen

December 1, 2020

I was impressed with Rabbi Cahn as we watched on the Day of Prayer. I had read the Harbinger and the Oracle before and knew what he thought but his prayers and sermon were powerful and I believe that he has a prophetic gift and I believe in his Word.

Brenda King
December 1, 2020

Jonathan Cahn, Thank you for following GOD’s guidance; thank you for praying for America!

May Scocco
November 30, 2020

We accept and ewceive restoration to the full fellowship of
Your presence and good life in the land of promise.

Jeanie Ross
November 30, 2020

I pray that every human STAND UP NOW, PRAY Daily Proverbs 3; Trust in the Lord with all your hearts, lean NOT on our own understanding – giving him Praise Always; LIGHT UP OUR PORCHES and HOMES, to give GLORY AND PRAISE to Almighty God, REPENT for what we have done as a nation to remove GOD from our towns, schools, homes and our hearts. Time is running out – Stand up every day not for one second giving in to despair, fear and to our enemies and let it be known to every person we meet or come into contact with that indeed GOD SENT HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON for whosoever believes in HIM shall have eternal life.

WE HAVE VERY LITTLE TIME and I am so convinced that if we as Intercessors for America come together as well as those around the world who are praying and praising, GOD in His Infinite GOODNESS will send His Spirit and indeed show wonders in the earth – Revival must come as Jonathan Cahn so eloquently stated! Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be HIS name
HIS will be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEn
Lead us not into temptation BUT Deliver us from evil
FOR HIS is the POWER and the GLORY

May God bless all Intercessors for America.

m cole nelson
November 30, 2020

So thankful for the forgiveness of God. Lord, I am but one person but I ask for your forgiveness, mercy, grace & revival to flow over our land like a flood through the working of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for working in our hearts Lord….turn the hearts of the people of this nation back to you.

Beverly Patterson
November 30, 2020

Glory, Glory, Glory Halleluiah; Help us oh God to continue in your Holy presence. One Nation under God, I repent of my sins against you Lord, and I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Amen

November 30, 2020

What a word. Father have mercy. We plead for mercy. We ask for mercy. We seek for mercy. We need your mercy. Father, You are full of compassion and abounding in great love. Your love is everlasting. Have mercy. Forgive us. We your children ask for mercy for ourselves and we stand in the gap for those who are lost, bound, rebellious, and walking away from You in our nation. Have mercy on us all. Have mercy on our land. Send revival. Wash and cleanse hearts with the precious blood of Your son, Jesus. Circumcise hearts. Replace hearts of stone with hearts of flesh: beating in tandem with Yours. Make us Your people and cause our hearts to love You like only You can. Bring revelation of Jesus to all. Father have mercy. Holy Spirit move in our nation; sweep through our land and capture hearts for Jesus. Help us Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Carole Gabrielson
November 30, 2020

Amen. This is a message from the Holy Spirit. We must pay attention and be ready for whatever the Lord brings our way. We must stand our ground and fight as did the men and women of Nehemiah’s time to be obedient to Almighty God, humble ourselves and trust in Him.

Pam Bultmann
November 30, 2020

What a blessing to again hear this message of HOPE! God has heard the prayers of millions who prayed prayers of repentance. He has promised to heal our land if we return to Him in repentance. Iā€™m anxiously awaiting what He is going to do. Lord, send Your Great Revival and may you be glorified in all the earthā¤ļøšŸ™

Jodi Horner
November 30, 2020

“You were placed in your mother’s womb for such a time as this!” This is what I remind myself and my children of when things seem frightening.

Katherine Fennelly Rioux
November 30, 2020

Yes, a powerful message from Jonathan Cahn. Also from his Book, The Harbinger. I have not been active in church as I once was. I am praying more than ever before and I am repenting. The Lord recently reminded me of the passage in
Joshua 1:7Ā  Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.Ā 
Jos 1:8Ā  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.Ā 
Jos 1:9Ā  Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.Ā 

I am by nature an introvert, but when the Lord lights a fire in me, I become bold and outspoken (and need to check my anger and my tongue) – it is time for me to step out in faith and use my gifts and talents (albeit meager) to advance The Kingdom of God! I humbly ask you, O LORD, to lead me and guide me with thine eye and give me faith and courage to fulfill your purpose for this season in my life. Amen!

Kevin B. Brennan
November 30, 2020

When the jar was broken my heart ached and I wept. May the Lord have mercy on our country and return us to Him. In Jesus name I pray.

    Frances Deering
    December 1, 2020

    At the crashing of the vase, I too immediately fell to my knees, face to the floor and wept in repentance for my selfishness, for our Nation, United States of America. Shook me to the core. I remained face down and wept in that prayer room, praying in the Spirit until I was at peace with His Word: “Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him & He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 also “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

November 30, 2020

I am convicted to keep praying, to keep fasting and to continue doing my part. I am encouraged by Jonathan Cahn’s message of hope, and how God is using him to instruct and encourage the Body of Christ, and lead multitudes to salvation. We need to persevere, whereever God has called us. Jesus is our Prince of Peace and, and the whole world needs to know Him.

November 30, 2020

Father, we receive Your exhortation to arise from our complacency and truly repent. We pray for revival and repentance for every American heart. We repent of disregarding Your commandments, shunning You from our schools, calling evil good, for destroying human life, for desecrating our young children’s minds with wicked ideologies, allowing sexual predators to seduce their thinking and confuse their identities, for allowing them to read books like Harry Potter, and for not teaching them about our nation’s founding principles, spiritual virtues, and family values. Help us to sincerely repent for our nation’s sins, to pray without ceasing for its revival. We pray for President Trump, who is a gift from You, to have four more years so that Your grace may abound, and our nation fully repentant may arise to the calling You have destined for us as a community of families, governing groups, schools, and organizations that honor You and seek to glorify You in all our laws, and interactions with one another. We ask these things which are aligned to Your will, in Jesus Name, and in His mighty name we declare that the evil forces that have ruled over our nation, be now broken, disarmed, and powerless. Where there once was lies, there is now truth, where there once was wickedness there is holiness, where death reigned, now reigns life, light, and righteousness. For if God is with us, who can be against us? We stand with God, and with God nothing is impossible. He rules above all powers. He is God. God bless America!

November 30, 2020

We are given the key to revival! All who know Jesus should be continually crying out for the turning of America.
I declare God is sovereign over America! I pray Holy Spirit expose the evil in our people, break open the corruption at its core and heal our land! Bring your people home to Your Holy rest!

November 30, 2020

You are glorious perfect in all Your ways. We do not question you in the least for You are sovereign and good, holy beyond all.

Whether things go one way or the other, we your people will lift high the name of our King. He reigns at Your right hand and intercedes for us.

We thank you for the love that paid a price we could not for our sin, then defeated sin death and grave, offering us an undeserved inheritance in that consummate victory.

For our country, our temporary home here, we ask Your will be done. Judge the wickedness, bring justice to those oppressed and afflicted. Above all we,ask that all that comes would be for Your glory and none other.

We are small compared to You. We fail at times. But like David we praise Your perfection and trust in Your name. You are our refuge and the Rock of our Salvation.

In the indefatigable unconquerable name above all names, the almighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray.


November 30, 2020

Return but will we? Our nation is faltering. Our cities are crumbling. Our churches are silent. My heart is breaking for our country and our people. Hear us as we pray Oh Lord. Forgive us. Heal us. Let it begin with me.

Linda Wolverton
November 30, 2020

I’ve been wondering if he is hiding in a cave like Elijah. Where is the prophet given the message to lead the saints of God? “Where is the God of Elijah”, as Elisha cried. Let God Arise! Pray saints.

Moe Auggie
November 30, 2020

Return to the heartbeat, our first Love. The Fatherā€™s gift -Jesus Christ!


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