I Prayed have prayed
Lord, prepare us for what is ahead. Help us to always remember to put on the armor of God to arm ourselves during these times we are facing.
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Want to know how we, as a church, can prepare for what’s ahead? Watch this teaching from Wanda Alger and Dave Kubal on how we an equip ourselves for what is ahead.

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October 15, 2020

Trim our wicks and be about our Fathers business

October 14, 2020

Last weekend I traveled several miles going on a color tour. I found myself continually praying over each town we went through that the Lord would stir up a hunger for righteousness (which scripture says he will satisfy)and reveal himself in such a way as to inspire a fear of the Lord (the beginning of wisdom) and reveal truth. I’ve bound spirits of lies, confusion, and witchcraft which help to plug the ears so people cannot hear the truth and dim their eyes so they cannot see. I also seek to “tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Even so this just prepares the ground. The seed needs to be broadcast out.
I agree with Wanda that we have already ceded a great deal of ground and the enemy has stepped in to capture hearts and minds because the church has not stood strong in our beliefs and sought to pass on the Gospel. Even so, I also stand in hope for revival to spring forth – but a revival with a voice to spread the Good News and commit to a walk of holiness.

Susan C
October 14, 2020

I appreciate the insights Wanda shared in this video clip.

Truly it is not enough to just call down principalities and powers in the city streets, though spiritual warfare in necessary. As Algar shares, we must build up the body of Christ in order to guard, keep, and occupy what the Lord plans to do. We must take our stand and stand our ground despite the persecution that is bound to come our way for having done so. Obviously, this comment is preaching to the choir, the ecclesia, those who stand at the door, fully awake with oil in their lamps.

The early church taught, preached, prayed, and rejoiced, when they were thrown in jail. They moved powerfully with signs, wonders, and miracles exemplifying the power of their testimony. History reflects they did not love their lives even unto death. This is how the Almighty used them to build the first church. The American Gospel documentary* insinuates our generation, unfortunately, is cut by a different cloth, yet He wishes to use us the same way.

Revivals are not intended to transform a nation, but to bring transformation to souls. Though revivals shifted cultures, at least for a time, the lasting government we seek will only come during His millennial rule. In the meantime, how do we build the body of Christ as Wanda exhorts? How do we prepare for the days ahead?

First, we accept that we are living in the end times of the last days. There is no going back to the 1950’s needless to say 2019, then again who wants to? A new normal may elude us as birth pains quicken in intensity and frequency. We press onward for the joy set before us.

Second, we assure our lamps have sufficient oil to remain lit until He comes by daily refreshing in His word, worship, prayer, and service. Despite COVID 19 restrictions, we must not give up joining together, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as we see the Day approaching. Corporate unity yields spiritual power and presence. Where possible, attend church in person despite how comfortable it is to connect via the internet in your pajama pants on Sunday morning; who knows how long you will have the liberty to do so!

Third, opt to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, not by what we see with our eyes or feel in our flesh. Our daily lives are enriched by praying in the Spirit. We grow in the gift of prophecy by encouraging, exhorting, and comforting those He sends us and we intercede prophetically by declaring what has been spoken by the prophets. Recall communication is a 2-way process, and spend time listening to His still small voice; contemplative prayer is powerful.

Fourth, actions speak louder than words. In a culture where 62% of Americans are afraid to share their political views, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.
Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. Be the church the world is looking for the government to be….give with abandon.

Fifth, shelter under the wings of the Almighty. As we rest in Him, He will lift us up on angels’ wings and accomplish His purpose through us. Hold out the scepter of authority that He has place in your hand and declare and decree from the 3rd heaven “The righteous rule and divine justice of His Kingdom be on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Three great resources:
Last Days Survival Guide by Rick Renner, 2020, Harrison House.
YouTube: Should We Be Prepping by Perry Stone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0M6NUYTGNs
FEMA: Ready.gov. https://www.ready.gov

*I do not fully agree with this documentary, but they raise many salient points regarding the state of the American church.

Barbara Lachance
October 14, 2020

This is excellent. I have been praying for the church to be awakened for months, but to think of it as being strengthen is another issue. We can be awakened and enjoy the glow but to walk in strength we do need the power of the Holy Spirit


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