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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You help us to walk in Your ways by acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with You. Micah 6:8
Reading Time: < 1 minute

This global prayer call is an installment in a series of special live prayer events for election integrity and against election fraud.

(Photo Credit: Facebook.)

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January 8, 2021

In the furnace or the lions den He will never leave us or forsake us. Father, we call on you. We come to you for help. We run into your the everlasting arms. In Jesus name Amen!

January 8, 2021

Great is your reward in heaven for the Holy spirit of our God is moving mightily through your leading.
I am thankful for his great Love in showing his children to trust in him. Jesus alone is faithful and true. He will bring those God has given him into God’s Glorious presence. I praise ourGreat God who is lord of all that is or ever will be. Amen

January 8, 2021

Glad to see the most recent Global Prayer call was put here.
We need to pray more than ever! Hopefully more people will join the next one this Sunday.

January 8, 2021

Notwithstanding trolls who parrot claims of the left that “there is no evidence…” we pray that the forensic evidence on Dominion voter machines will be added to the overwhelming evidence from the thousands of brave whistleblowers who risked loss of job, reputation and safety to file affidavits, the filmed fraudulent illegal vote tabulation, the boxes of printed ballots, the documentation by life long Democrat Navarro on the president’s staff that there was election turning fraud and on and on will have its day in court. We thank you for the president’s attorney who persists in the face of judicial politics. We pray that the corrupt judges who used side issues to block litigation will be impeached for judicial malpractice. We don’t believe that a Satanic communist government is God’s will for this nation under God and the he will reverse this coup. Thank you for this prayer call which brought the truth about this invasion of the capitol to daylight.

January 8, 2021

I don’t know where we go from here, except to keep praying and knowing NO PLAN of GOD’S CAN BE THWARTED. That was some powerful praying, thank you, prayed with you even though I’m was here watching on the 8th. Thank you Michelle for sharing and praying. And when you’ve done everything, stand! Let’s continue to pray and stand onGod,s word and his promises!

Barbara Hesch
January 8, 2021

You don’t belong on this prayer site. You are here to sow discord and division. We will pray for your soul.

Kelly Brown
January 8, 2021

This statement by Michele Bachmann NEEDS to be heard by Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 8, 2021

I have been listening to Michelle for 20 years. She is spot on. I gather from this that there was no exposition of the facts of voter fraud and no deliberation. It was just another stage of the coup: Russian Collusion, phone call, lockdowns, riots, changing election laws, voter fraud, denial of fair trial, and now the fake Trump supporters.

    Rosemary B
    January 8, 2021

    All there in black and white, what we’ve witnessed the past four years: evil portrayed as good, good being raped and battered, thrown out the door and displayed like it is evil. Keep praying fervently all you beautiful people of God. In Jesus’ name, Amen


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