I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask for accountability in all elections in this country. We ask for a course correction where there has been fraud. And we ask You to ensure that our legal, legitimate votes are correctly counted.
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A group called A1000cuts.org released a video compilation of a number of interviews done of observers in the Arizona…recount. The observers were interviewed for the first time.

A person close to the project told me: “We got exclusive interviews with a bunch of the audit volunteers who had been under NDA and put together a really powerful compilation of their sound bites detailing what they saw and experienced during the audit…”…

The people behind this video are individual American citizens that stepped up to help others hear the voices of our fellow citizens. This is…inclusive of all citizens, regardless of ideology. Every one of our voices matters, and WILL be heard. Our elections are to be decided by US; not big tech, not big media…not by anyone else…

The audit was designed to be a comprehensive review of the results from the Maricopa County 2020 General Election…

Maricopa County Audit of 2020 Election
April 22nd -September 24th, 2021.
2.1M ballots processed by hand
Over 1,500 Volunteers donating over 100,000 hours
All counters were Maricopa residents who voted in the last election…

In the video eyewitness to the audit process reacted with sadness and surprise at what they saw…[V]olunteers described what can only be described as very curious details about the shape of the stamp, the condition of the ballot, the weight of the paper of the ballots…being audited.

After watching this video footage there is no doubt that something very strange happened in the…Election…

Watch here:

What are your thoughts? Share in the comments below.

(Excerpt from DJHJ Media. Article by Kari Donovan. Photo Credit: Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images).

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October 12, 2021

Richard LAWRENCE LESTE – Please try https://a1000cuts.org 🙂

October 11, 2021

I pray this response is from Carol, and the Rancho Santa Margarita Chapel, which has been closed down in part due to this deception contrived by the devil’s work. If so, please call me, and may God /Bless you richly.
Lovingly in Christ

Beverly G Patterson
October 11, 2021

It breaks my heart to hear people that witnessed a corrupt election, facts that positively showed fraud, but nothing has been done to bring justice. We elect people to govern our nation and it looks as if they all have turned their backs on defending our Constitution, we need a true miracle; we must pray that God will intervene and he will raise up honest God fearing men and women to turn America around. Lord we seek your will for our country, one Nation under God in Jesus name amen.

October 11, 2021

Please see the response when I entered 1000cuts.org separately on my browser.
You don’t have permission to access this resource.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”
Thankfully was able to view on your website as you suggested, but 1000cuts should know the Microsoft Edge is apparently banning this important video.

    October 11, 2021

    I was able to get it on duckduckgo. Amazing how bold the liars are. I think they believe the election won’t be reversed. Why destroy records if your candidate won legitimately? FATHER GOD please right the wrong in our country. Please stand up for us and continue to expose wickedness in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!

October 11, 2021

Thank you in advance for exposing all election fraud from A to Z across every state in this nation as was initiated and modeled by AZ. Bring all culprits of the fraud to judgement in both heavenly and earthly courts. Reveal Yourself as Judge, Jury and Prosecutor to bring forth justice to all Your children and those who seek Your will for this nation. Those whose hearts are crying out for Your intervention, who are ripe for the harvest, let them see Your glory and receive Jesus as their Lord. Allow those who’ve been deceived to see the truth, repent and turn from their wicked ways, and receive Jesus as their hope of eternal salvation. Grant Your helpers, Your righteous arm of the law the discernment, wisdom, knowledge to uncover and obtain all the evidence to prosecute and condemn, lock up these treasonous criminals. You are God, above all things, defend our liberties and destroy our enemies both foreign and domestic, strengthen and unite Your people who love You, who love Your law, and who love this nation that You have given to us and our children as a heritage. We declare Your righteousness and justice to reign over our land. We pray for righteous, God fearing intercessors, workers and leaders to rise up and defend our Constitution through prayer and action. We pray for the overthrow of Roe and Wade, for the right of birth and the fulfillment of their destinies aligned with our national destiny to bring forth Your glorious gospel to the whole world with signs and wonders that reveal You as the Only True, Gracious and Holy God, worthy of all praise. We declare Your will be done in America, friend of Israel, blessed of God, in Jesus’ name, amen!

October 11, 2021

Lord, remove the legal and verbal opposition to audits of the 2020 eletion ballots in three Pennsylvania counties. Bind the fear tactics of the enemies of our freedoms and foundation of one person one vote. Reinstate the Constitution as our guide. Overcome corruption.

Sherry Mallory
October 11, 2021

Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, we continue to cry out and contend for justice, righteousness, and truth to prevail. Your Kingdom come, Your good and perfect will be done. Protect and cause Holy Boldness to rise up among those You have strategically placed in Arizona and throughout our nation. Let the undeniable testimony of their lips be heard loud and clear. Shift the atmosphere in our nation and make Your glory known. Build Your church as You continue to destroy and defuse every scheme of the enemy. We declare with confidence You, Lord, are faithful and mighty to save. You reign above all, and our eyes are fixed on You.

October 11, 2021

Lord, I believe You brought us this far. Direct Your righteous people in next steps. You guide and direct. You led good citizens to uncover truth…we actively wait upon You, remembering You never sleep nor slumber and are always at work. We wait in the name of Jesus~


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