I Prayed have prayed
Father God, our schools need You! Show us how to pray for the schools from a national perspective, state perspective, and local perspective.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Two weeks ago, IFA originally ran this story about one of the nation’s leading high schools gave floor plans, curricula, and syllabi to the CCP in exchange for a $3 million donation. Now 20 clones of the celebrated school are running in China. The school used to be regularly ranked number one in the country but over the last few years dropped to 14. Why? Because a principal, backed by the county, changed the mission to incorporate DEI principles in order to make the high achieving magnet school more diverse and equitable, and reduce the academic pressure.

The county has responded, but it’s astonishing and reminds us that prayer for educational. Read on . . . 

From the Fairfax County Times. Late Tuesday afternoon, the Fairfax County Times learned, Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Michelle Reid and an entourage of school district executives walked through the doors of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology—formerly America’s No. 1 high school—for an unceremonious mandatory meeting in the school’s drab cafeteria to announce the school’s controversial principal, Ann Bonitatibus, is stepping down.

The announcement came at about 4:15 p.m. when Reid informed the assembled teachers and staff that Bonitatibus was out as principal of the elite magnet school.

Audible cheers erupted from some staff members upon hearing the news, but they quickly squashed their reaction for fear of retaliation. This reflects the contentious tenure of Bonitatibus, who has overseen controversial changes to the school’s admissions process, prioritizing “equal outcomes” and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” over merit-based standards.

Less than half an hour later, at 4:46 p.m., Bonitatibus sent an email to TJ parents announcing she had “pursued and accepted” a “promotion” to a role in the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Human Resources as “Executive Director of Talent Acquisition and Management,” a move that has been met with widespread skepticism. . . .

Srilekha Palle, the mother of a TJ student, expressed disbelief that the principal is being elevated to a district-level role after driving the school down to No. 14 from No. 1 in national rankings. “Talk about spinning and gaslighting,” she said. “Ann Bonitatibus’s so-called ‘promotion’ reminds me of the Peter Principle, the management theory that employees will continue to be promoted until they reach their level of incompetence.

“As a parent of a TJ student and as an engaged community member, I’m baffled by the decision to elevate someone whose policies directly contributed to the erosion of academic excellence at TJ,” Palle said. “It’s disheartening to see merit-based achievement sidelined in favor of superficial changes that have damaged the school’s standing. This so-called promotion reflects a troubling pattern in our school system, where accountability takes a back seat to political agendas. Our focus should be on restoring TJ’s core mission—academic rigor and opportunities for the brightest students.”

Bonitatibus framed her departure as a “bittersweet” decision, highlighting her achievements during her seven-year tenure at the prestigious STEM institution. She cited efforts to improve students’ “social and emotional health,” promote “diversity,” and maintain “academic excellence” as her signature accomplishments.

. . .

Many view Bonitatibus’ departure as emblematic of a broader trend within the Fairfax County school system: the practice of “fail up,” said Helen Miller, a former TJ mother. . . .

Critics argue that under Reid’s leadership, administrators overseeing declining academic standards are often rewarded with promotions rather than held accountable. With her “equity” policy, Reid has pushed the idea of “equal outcomes” for students. . . .

While Bonitatibus points to a greater focus on “diversity” as a key accomplishment, critics argue that she presided over the school’s decline in academic success and national prestige. Her new role in “talent acquisition and management” fuels concerns that her promotion is part of a broader pattern of bureaucratic failure within FCPS. . . . Bonitatibus will play a role in selecting her replacement.

What follows is the article about the sale of intellectual property to the Chinese:

From National Review. The State of Virginia has promised to look into Chinese Communist Party influence in Fairfax County Public Schools, after National Review reported a bombshell allegation that administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School sold the public school’s intellectual property to America’s adversaries. 

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Parental-advocacy organization Parents Defending Education claimed on Thursday that a nonprofit organization affiliated with TJ High School, and run partly by the school’s administrators, made contractual agreements with three CCP-linked Chinese entities to exchange intellectual property for $3.6 million in cash payments.

TJ High School, which was for years America’s leading science, technology, engineering, and math school, was replicated in China at least 20 times, under a program named the “Thomas Schools.” Chinese officials who sought to “clone” the Virginia public school did so successfully, and with the help of TJ officials …

“Governor Youngkin has been clear about the extent of the deeply disturbing efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate educational institutions in the United States,” Youngkin press secretary Christian Martinez told National Review. …

A spokesman for the Virginia attorney general’s office confirmed to NR that “we are aware of the issue and will be placing it under review.” …

What do you think of this allegation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: Mark Nolan/Getty Images)

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Ron Glenn Deere
November 5, 2024

This continues to be amazing to me that people will not pursue DEI until it causes (in this case, a school) to fall from first to 14th in the nation. If I were an administrator at that school, I would try DEI a little bit and when this caused the school to fall just out of first place, I would drop DEI.

Marty Robinson
November 5, 2024

We are a people called by God’s name, leaning on, relying on and
trusting in Him and being confident IN HIM. We are a people
seeking to do God’s will in all things, knowing Him, acknowledging
Him and leaning not to our own insight or understanding. God – Our Father
in Heaven – is not a weak, stupid, liar Who is umable to effect righteous
judgment in the earth that He created and sustains!!! He is the One Who
is revealing evil and He is the One Who will defeat it, as we keep our
trust in Him.
In the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior we will stand on the
Word of Truth, emboldened and strengthened by the Way, the Truth
and the Life! Glory and honor and praise to the King of Kings, our
Savior and Deliverer and soon coming King!!!

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 4, 2024

A Cry for FREEDOM and DELIVERANCE–We pray and prophesy deliverance from every stranglehold that the dictator leaders communists China that has unlegally filtrated the schools, school leaders, we bind the spirit of the dictator and tyrant, in the name of Jesus. We have allowed Satan who raises up dictatorial leaders, it is time we raise up a cry to keep freedom paramount, we ask deliverance against our liberty and bondage. We must learn to use the liberty that is found in salvation through Jesus shall reighn supreme. Psalm 119–45

Marianne Korman
November 4, 2024

Holy and Precious Father you are God who knows all ,sees all and hears all, I pray your will be done not man’s , not government not the evil ones . Thank you for exposing all the deception that is taking place , raise up your army of warriors to bind up and break down every chain every curse every bondage over Gods children , may Yeshua’s will be done and may your kingdom com down here on earth as it is planned in heaven🙌 Father take all that the enemy has meant for evil and turn iit around for the good for your will and your purpose. All Glory unto You Father in in Jesus name Amen!🙏

Carole F Morris
November 4, 2024

How do we let this sort of thing go to such extent and damage to our country, our children? We must stand up to the evil as soon as it is detected!
I pray Heavenly Father, give those in charge your discernment to protect our schools and children’s futures for America

Rev. Sophia N. Snyder
November 4, 2024

So sad Lord Jesus I cry out to you. In behalf of this nation which You have called to be great and be an example of love and a melting pot the foundation of the nations for this modern time. Yet within we find those who in greed and maybe need sell out the soul of this nation. Rise up God and let all your enemies be scattered. So be it that those who transgress against You when they think of mammon more than You. Help us and listen to our cry as we ask have mercy, grace, and love upon those who have remained loyal to You and take seriously the mandate to keep boundaries in the places You have set. Psalm 1: 1 says : What delight comes to the one who follows God’s ways ! He won’t walk in step with the wicked, nor share the sinner’s way , nor be found siting in the scorner’s seat. (Passion translation) So on the premise of this Word we ask for mercy, forgiveness and grace for us and that those who have sold us out will come to the gift of repentance in Jesus name Amen.

November 4, 2024


Phyllis Lanser
October 29, 2024


October 29, 2024

I am disgusted that TJ plans and mgmt could be sold to the Chinese government for millions of dollars. Seems it is all about money and greed and not what is good for the USA. What has happened to loyalty? They took our heritage out of our schools and now our students don’t know what to fight for. Their brains are scrambled, and now we have administrators selling our schools down the pike! This is absolutely traitorous. Somewhere we have to put an end to disloyalty to our country.

    November 4, 2024

    She and all her cohorts need to be locked up for treason! Shame on anyone for consorting with the enemy!!

Darlene Estlow
October 29, 2024

Father, I pray for our schools. I pray you would give us school administrators that would strive for excellence in our education system, that would love our kids and want them to succeed. Forgive us that we have been ignorant of all this and have not prayed for it to be revealed until now. Protect our children and draw them to you.

October 29, 2024

dera lord god
plesepunish the traitors who have done this to our youth.
I ask in Jesus’ Name

Katie Rowland
October 29, 2024

I don’t see a problem in sharing curriculum with other countries who want to improve their schools. The problem is accepting money from a hostile nation. That makes the school here beholding to them and open to be manipulated by that foreign power. It doesn’t sound like any personal information was shared, but the floor plans could leave the school vulnerable if we are ever in an armed conflict with China in the future.

Mary Beth
October 29, 2024

Insanity upon insanity! – awarding failure! I loved the quotes of the mothers, “Ann Bonitatibus’s so-called ‘promotion’ reminds me of the Peter Principle, the management theory that employees will continue to be promoted until they reach their level of incompetence.” And, “the practice of “fail up”. This isn’t even upside-down logic, it doesn’t allow logic and rationality into the same universe with it. It is the exact opposite of what Yeshua spoke in regard to “promotion”. In a parable, Yeshua refutes the above by making clear that promotion in His Kingdom will be performance based. Luke 19:17  ‘Excellent!’ he said to him. ‘You are a good servant. Because you have been trustworthy in a small matter, I am putting you in charge of ten towns.” I am absolutely in support of all people being given opportunity to excel, because that is also a Biblical principle, but each person is responsible for how he/she invests in their own success.  

Lord, please protect us from this mind-set in the current elections – no promotion for VP Harris. 

    October 30, 2024

    Mary Beth:

    Are you plugged into TX IFA Prayer Group?

    Trying to figure out how we can exchange email address without posting so all can see…

October 29, 2024

Father God, I pray that prayer to start off each and every school day and The 10 Commandments on school walls would be returned to our schools. Please have mercy(!) on us Lord. I pray that the spirit of pride would be replaced with a spirit of humility in our schools, govt and country. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

October 29, 2024


But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned… 2 Timothy 3: 13-14.

The Gospel of “Social Justice” – the gospel of socialism, extreme political correctness, social action. Love is love. Same sex marriage. Late term – on demand abortion. Murderers, rapists, robbers, sex trafficking, drug lords, assaults, corruption, religion on ‘my’ terms, calling good evil and evil good, gaslighting, corruption (yes, again) and the list goes on.

That which is corrupted, corrupts.

Talk about spinning and gaslighting,

“FCPS employees and staff bent over backwards to provide foreign donors unprecedented access to the inner workings of what was once the country’s premier secondary school — a courtesy that, strangely, has not been extended to either parents or the taxpayers who underwrote such innovation.

“Because the self-appointed social redeemers seek too much power, and do not understand the source of evil and injustice, they will only make matters worse— as the romance with communism has shown.” We Will Not Be Silenced”. Erwin Lutzer

El Olam- You carefully observe and justly weigh all the actions of men, those who lift themselves up against you, defy Your Providence, profane Your Name and Your Holiness.

Father, I look for Your divine interruption, intervention and intercession of these matters, standing in/on Your Word and appointments that You have for me, that evil be lessened in the government, lessened in the schools, counties, towns, lessened in Your Churches.

God, have mercy on us in Yahshua’s – Jesus’ Name.

Allena Jordan
October 29, 2024

Father, You said that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” Power, control, warped mindsets can stem from this. Lord, somehow take this school and all educational facilities back to excellence in reading, writing, arithmetic and the reading of God’s Word. Take us back to the original purpose for which schools were established in the U.S., to glorify You and to give the gospel, to teach non-English speakers how to speak English. Deliver this school from evil. Forgive us for prideful ways. Save us, Lord. Amen.

October 29, 2024

They sell out our Children on on levels for what? Money?

Yes we need money, but when you make money your god. It’s evil.
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

David Coe
October 29, 2024

Those of us who are old enough to remember that In the early 1960’s our Government-specifically the Supreme Court took the 10 Commandments and eventually prayer out of schools across America.
Today we are paying a huge price for that decision. as our country’s moral values decline even further.
As a Prison Chaplain I see the results of that most unfortunate decision, that is the destruction of the family as our Lord Jesus intended it to be.
In the Gospel of St. John Jesus said this; “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.”
I consider that scripture God’s Mission Statement.
The “they” in the Gospel is you and I My question is will you make it yours? If so how will you make it happen.

Mr Arthur D. Griffin
October 29, 2024

Anti DEI is purely racist in origin! It’s whites nationalist attempt to further divide black and white! It’s the white racist push to be sure they stay in power as opposed to sharing wealth. Public school is for the public. Giving Everyone the opportunity to succeed.

You hypocrite! You want a specific school to maintain 1st place status, but won’t fund “All” public schools the supports needed to give 1st class education to all

Mr Arthur D. Griffin
October 29, 2024

Anti DEI is purely racist in origin! It’s whites nationalist attempt to further divide black and white! It’s the white racist push to be sure they stay in power as opposed to sharing wealth. Public school is for the public. Giving Eve the opportunity to succeed.

You hypocrite! You want a specific school to maintain 1st place status, but won’t fund “All” public schools the funds needed to give 1st class education to all

    October 29, 2024

    It must be earned.
    Your accusation is hypocrite.. does that accusation not emanate from a fool?

Maria F
October 29, 2024

Father God we need you, Open the Eyes of the blind to see clearly your truth and may your church be a light that shines bright in this Dark World. Your mercy upon our youth in this country we pray, Don’t let them be deceived by evil we pray in the name of Jesus the name above all names powerful and true I love you Lord amen.

T Mc
October 28, 2024

This is good news. IFA frequently rails against ‘elites’ and it is good if others apart from the kids of ‘elites’ can attend TJ High. Being no 14 is not bad – it gives other schools hope and encouragement and they may one day be ‘no 1’. As the Christian gospel prioritizes care for the disadvantaged and the preference for the poor it is good if some such can find their way to schools like TJ High.
And if their curriculum and practice was so good then the Chinese received a bargain – which many a brilliant Chinese student will appreciate – and they may acknowledge it as they, in the future, receive the Nobel Prize.

DrRuth Charles
October 28, 2024

Prayed for justice and jail for those that committed the crimes and those who are complicit by belittling what needs to be addressed. Also Prayed that the CHRIST followers would rise up and take positions of power in that region to bring down the forces of Jezebel and darkness. The only way for the kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our GOD and HIS MESSIAH, is for us to become the violent that forcibly takes back all that has been lost and stolen.

T Mc
October 15, 2024

Seems a good idea. Millions of Chinese students study overseas, USA, Australia, Canada, UK, etc. to add an American model of schooling to the mix at home seems a great way to go. Congratulations to TJ High School.

October 15, 2024


Peg B
October 15, 2024

Heavenly Father, we seek Your forgiveness in selling the blessings You had given and entrusted to us for a price. Lord have mercy on us. Luke 22:40-46 Tells us as Jesus was in agony on the Mount of Olives, that He gave these instructions to His disciples “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” vs. 40 Again in vs. 46, “Rise and pray that you many not enter into temptation.” Lord we hear Your instruction and know when we lack in this, this is exactly how we become deceived and misled with every kind of evil. Thank You for this sound wisdom. Please remind us daily to exercise this valuable teaching. As we submit in obedience to You, You redeem us and this nation and set us on the straight path. Glory to God! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Mary Beth
October 15, 2024

The god of mammon is still calling the shots in many people’s lives. Lord, may we recognize the fact that You are YHVH Yireh – our Provider – and cease bowing down to any other – only You deserve our allegiance and worship.

Flora G Vela
October 15, 2024

Number one question ? Where did the money go? To line the pockets of the board, or to further education?

Darlene Estlow
October 15, 2024

Father, we look to you to protect our nation from China’s desire to destroy us. May we be faithful to you and repent of our sins so you can protect and restore us, defending us from our enemies. I pray for China’s leaders that you would turn their hearts to you and to your truth.

October 15, 2024

There is a reason that these mindless “education”bureaucrats are becoming obedient globalists. Oldest reason around…they are corrupt and being bought. The real players pushing globalism are financial and/or political insiders are overtly satanic. They know a shallow interpretation of the Scriptures and are hoping that satan can pull off his rebellion, maintain control of the earth and reward these fools with eternal power right here on
earth. In fact they will suffer the worst eternal punishments of any and these lower level players will not end up in a much better place. The average know nothing liberal who vaguely supports globalism but doesn’t really know why, should realize they have been subtly brainwashed by the totalitarian-minded main stream media and have opinions totally ungrounded in reality. An example is supporting an empty pantsuit who hates this country and will do whatever she is told to bring about its demise. The main point is that all these silly globalist projects…such as selling out to the Chinese Communist party…reflect a hatred for God
and the vain hope that mankind can set up utopia on earth and prevent the return of Jesus Christ. That is a loser’s bet for sure.

    October 29, 2024

    It seems like it’s too late.. however I know that is Satan’s ploy. It is unmistakable that this is just another bid to overtake more of the educational infrastructure and related Enterprise along with the actual physical land that they have conned their way into buying. The proponents of this evil here in this column are trumpeting the usual “not fair” mantra, anything to keep from requiring that students are diligent to earn the academic achievement that results in earned opportunity

Nancy Bell
October 15, 2024

Responsible persons MUST be held ACCOUNTABLE! Let God have his turn on Judgment Day! Lives have been impacted! This must cease!
Bless & SUPPORT Parents Defending Ed!

October 15, 2024

The officials within that school who made the deal with the CCP should be tried for treason.

October 15, 2024

Dear God,
Open the eyes of Americans to the infiltration of our society by communists and radical Islamists, so we would resist instead of helping our enemies. Bring revival so many would be saved from the evil that has blinded them. For, you are greater than the enemy of our souls. Amen

October 15, 2024

I continue to pray for God’s Holy intervention. My heart’s cry is for God to save us and I keep declaring that Jesus is Lord over all. May God be glorified!

    October 29, 2024

    I agree.. we are so far down the road from the initial infiltration of ccp’s nefarious and covert corruption of many of our institutions-, like secretaries of State, starting in the Midwest, that I cannot fathom how this Insidious evil poison can be undone without God’s miraculous intervention

October 15, 2024

The article is quite short. Some nations have only a desire to tear down America and will do so using any means possible. Infiltrating our nation through any loop hole provided by use of the carrot on a stick of dollars is just easy reliable access. works every time.

God is not selling out America and we must stand with Him. What Esther said is what we must say, if I perish, I perish. NKBJ


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