I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would keep this bill from passing. Prevent our government from redefining marriage, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Senate intends to vote to codify same-sex marriage which would have far-reaching implications for Bible-believing Christians. We have to take action and pray to stop this bill from passing.

From WORLD. Here is a law of politics you can take to the bank: You should be most worried when a legislator smiles patronizingly and assures you that there is nothing to worry about. A group of senators is now telling Americans that the Senate is ready to pass what they dare to call the Respect for Marriage Act, and that all our concerns about religious liberty have just disappeared. …

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Less than a week after the midterm elections, Senate leaders are ready to push the legalization of same-sex marriage as a bipartisan deal. …

We are about to find out what Republicans in the Senate are made of, and whether they have any real intention of conserving the truths and structures that make civilization possible. For a ā€œconservativeā€ who will not courageously defend marriage as the union of a man and a woman is no conservative at all. …

The version of the bill passed by the House of Representatives represents a direct threat to religious liberty and the freedom of Christian ministries and institutions. It also opened the door for the legalization of polygamy, through that may not have been intentional. …

Speak up against this bill!
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The new amended Senate billā€”the ā€œcommonsenseā€ bill that ā€œprotects Americansā€™ religious libertiesā€ā€”actually does no such thing. The amended language includes vague assurances that the legislation will not violate religious freedom but it mostly assures us that the bill will not do what no one claimed it would do, such as require congregations and churches to solemnize same-sex marriages. What is left wide open is the threat to ministries such as Christian orphanages and childrenā€™s care as well as adoption ministries and foster care. …

Take a closer look at the … Republican senators included in the bipartisan group pushing to legalize same-sex marriage. … Rob Portman is retiring from the Senate at the end of this lame-duck term, and that might explain his urgency. But there is more to this story.

Rob Portman opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage until he did a U-turn on the issue in 2013. Why the sudden turn? I call it the Republican form of moral relativismā€”a relative comes out of the closet.

In this case it was Portmanā€™s son, then 21, who told his parents he identified as gay. … He told CNN at the time: ā€œNow itā€™s different, you know. I hadnā€™t expected to be in this position. But I do think … this is where I am, for reasons that are consistent with my political philosophy, including family values, including being a conservative who believes the family is a building block of societyā€ …

A father properly loves his son, but must also stand for truth. You see the language deployed hereā€”family values, family the building block of society, being a conservative. But letā€™s be really clear about this: Anyone who would redefine marriage, the most fundamental building block of society, is no conservative, no friend of the natural family, and no defender of family values. …

Please share this article to encourage others to pray and act.

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Teddy Ɩsterblom on Unsplash)

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Barbara McTighe
November 26, 2022

Please respect the present laws on marriage, a union between a man and a woman!

Darren Rousseau
November 19, 2022

The only thing needed for evil to overcome good is for good to do nothing. Will be in prayer about this matter along with passing it on to others. I thank God for you all bringing this matter to light, hopefully what the enemy means for evil will bring unity to believers.

Zora Strickland
November 16, 2022

Father God, Lord Jesus,
Please help us in these times.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, Holy is Your Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Paul Richard Alexeeff
November 16, 2022

It is in times like these where “Reason” and “Faith” are divided. Human beings begin life relying and depending on reason to guide them and to make decisions based on empirical evidence; oftentimes influenced by culture. It is only when an individual invites his/her Creator to unite with their spirit that reason becomes secondary to Faith. Faith combined with the Wisdom (reason) of God changes the entire landscape of one’s life. A person of faith only looks to God to guide them and to make decisions in life. I pray that Senators who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them will look for Wisdom from above and to see clearly that they cannot change the moral teachings of God that were given for the well being of every person that He created. I pray that secular Senators will demonstrate their resolve to uphold marriage between one man and one woman as the foundation and strength of our nation.

Linda L. Huffman
November 16, 2022

Father we pray that YOU would keep this bill from passing, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirt.

Just because the government wants to legalize same-sex marriage, that does not change what God says, Man should not marry man, nor woman should not marry a woman. It is forbidden. It is adolatry.

Darla Smith
November 16, 2022

This has happened in my family. After my daughter’s son notified his parents he was gay, my daughter has a changed attitude about homosexuality. I cannot talk against this with her without upsetting her.

Nancy Gregory
November 16, 2022

Protect our religious freedom. And that means leaving it in tack as founded and protected under the constitution, peoples have the freedom to go where ever they like if one doesnā€™t meet your need then you are free to go to another one. Freedom of religion doesnā€™t mean you get to change that religion it means it gets to exist as intended.

Amnerys Salivia
November 16, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, We ask for your super natural intervention in todayā€™s meeting. Your Word says that the gates of hell will not prevail. We are standing in Your righteousness. We come against the evil agenda trying to destroy what is marriage according to your statutes. Our faith is in You alone and claiming Psalm 21:11-12 ā€œ Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they CANNOT succeed, for YOU will make them turn their backs when YOU aim at them with drawn bowā€. In Jesus powerful name! Amen!.

Linda Colby
November 16, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,
We need you . Oh ! How we need you in the Senate today.
We call out to you to wreck the passage of this bill to harm your body of believers here in the USA. We ask for people of truth and goodness to prevail in this vote, regardless of party.
May the Holy Spirit and your army of angels fight for us in the US Senate today.

Ruby Light
November 16, 2022

This bill is an evil bill. Marriage has, is and will always be between a man and a woman. I pray this Bill will not pass.

November 16, 2022

I pray, O King of the Universe, that the righteous will trust in You with all their hearts and lean not to their own understanding, in all their ways acknowledging You and allowing You to direct their paths.

Sandra Butler
November 16, 2022
Earl Mangum
November 16, 2022

Marriage is meant by God’s perfect design between a man and a women. Gen 2:24, Eph 5:25, and Titus 2:4 so that through it humanity can serve God through children, through faithful intimacy, and through properly ordered sexual relationships. God will judge the man or women politicians who do not honor HIM. MO man can withstand God’s WRATH.

Pat M
November 16, 2022

Jesus, we join You in dropping Your plumbline of justice over the US Senate today (and every day) for righteous voting, moral righteousness, to be paramount in each Senator’s vote especially this marriage defining bill that is an afront to Jesus, our Bridegroom, and us, His bride.

November 16, 2022

What is the actual language and number of the bill?

And isn’t this really a state issue not a federal issue. It seems outside of the federal purview.

November 16, 2022

So Rob Portman changed or may change his vote because his son is gay? We teachers deal every day with students whose parents let them decide the direction of the household! Portman obviously doesn’t have the backbone to tell his son NO! Contrary to what it seems, his son wants him to stand for Holiness and not cave into this wrong ideology. Children need parents to stand for Right even when it is unpopular! His son knows what the family has stood for, and him changing his vote signifies a loss of hope and respect from his son. Children need parents that won’t give in! FATHER GOD please show Portman that his son ultimately will have respect for his father not caving in his values because of his (son’s) sin in JESUS NAME! Amen!

November 16, 2022

Refuse to obey an unholy law! We obey GOD rather than man. Period! Let us be willing to suffer for CHRIST so we can reign with HIM! Remember the civil unrest in 2020 over George Floyd? We must obey GOD in JESUS NAME!

November 16, 2022

We stand in agreement with Christ our Savior against the lies about marriage, gender and sex. May the destructive consequences of this bill be revealed to all those voting. Grant them the grace to boldly say NO to all that is releasing destruction to our nation,
to our children, families, marriages, and churches. In His name we agree for His will to be done in our nation. We pray for the fear of God to fill the hearts of these legislators considering this and all issues. Open their eyes to see the truth of what a blessed marriage and family and life consists of. Strengthen them with a desire and determination to choose to bless our nation by rejecting this ungodly bill.
May the lives of our legislators be delivered from ungodly counsel and manipulations. We pray you fill the rooms and halls of our government with a Spirit of Truth.

Marianne Dubie
November 16, 2022

Father you can make a way where we see no way. We need righteousness to reign here in this work. The hearts of these legislators are hardened against You. They probably think they know what they are doing yet the true ramifications are so much darker then they realize. I pray that the minority can break through with your truth and defeat this horrible rule. I need to forgive them because they donā€™t have the same world view. Reveal yourself to them.You are Holy and mighty and so so good. I love you Lord. Your Will be done

Susan Baron
November 16, 2022

We will NOT forget how our representatives in government stood on this vile bill.

Diane Barry
November 16, 2022

Thank you for your time and for wanting to change the quality of American lives.

Please do not pass this bill. Without living the gay lifestyle, I cannot fully comprehend all it entails not having walked in their shoes. In my eyes, the gay community has every right I and all Americans have and more, due to the current marriage and gay rights legislation.

Please work toward things that will change everyone’s life for the better, not just a specific group of people.

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 16, 2022

This is where bible verses about marriage come in. Father God the Senators Rod Portman has stepped into lies about Marriage because of his sonā€™s identity about marriage. The law they are trying to pass is riddled with sin. The scriptures say One Man, One Woman in a marriage.
Marriage is a spiritual union, and it is important you start seeing it that way.
These bible verses are simple to understand (with the grace of the holy spirit). You only need to digest and obey them. 1 – Corinthians -6:19:20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. Leviticus 18:22[47] which refers to homosexuality as an “abomination” before God. God I lift up prayers concerning this bill which is a reminder of Sodom and Gomorrah as punishment for the sin of homosexual sex. I decree in Jesus name this bill will not pass it is a threat to Christian marriage, it is a sin sickness of Satan trying to destroy marriages, families and it violates Gods definition of marriage. God speak to hearts to vote NO concerning this bill. I bind the spirit of Satan and his words spoken out of mouths of the Democrats and the unbelievers trying to make it sound legal. Thank u Father God for your powerful presence in the meeting. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø

Daylynne Starr
November 16, 2022

I think some of the comments here have a misunderstanding.
GAY marriage is legal in the USA!. That is
what all the gay colored flags are about (pun intended).
This addition to that law, is to make demands on the CHURCHES
on the “wording” and intent of what the LAW WILL DEMAND!
The LAW cannot CHANGE THE BIBLE, or its intention, nor can
it tell any religion how to have their services or change their beliefs.
Our fear is that this would be the beginning of multiple “small”
changes that could (or would) not stop there.
They are already trying to call “atheism” a new religion, it would
give those people certain rights which they could force other things
onto the rest of the country.
No matter how you look at this– it stinks! Don’t tell me how I can
worship my GOD! And I am NOT going to jail because I do! AMEN!

Rolf A. Funk
November 16, 2022

Nov. 15, 2022
My heart is broken over the thought that the leaders of our Country would even put this ungodly bill before the Senate. I pray the Senate will not even considering something that is so destructive. Not only spiritually, but to families, and to individuals who move in that direction. I pray that the Holy Spirit will intervene in our Senates heart, and that Holy Spirits conviction will bar them signing for this. If I’m not mistaken this was voted on and was was passed it by we the who people who voted that marriage is between One Man and one Woman. God will bring judgement, and then they will know that he is “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

November 15, 2022

We are right here today with this bogus government! This is what our Constitution says: “In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty of a people to “alter or abolish” a government that acts against their common interests or threatens the safety of the people without cause.” I will call Alliance Defending Freedom to see where we stand with this! FATHER GOD please order our steps as we stand against Tyranny in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

November 15, 2022

I remember that bill, Carol. It still stands. TLetā€™s start a letter campaign and defeat this new bill. There must be a way. Maybe we could start a petition to the House of Representatives?? Ideas šŸ’”??

November 15, 2022

Marriage of man and woman and family form Godā€™s foundation for a successful society. The farther we get away from this, the farther we are from Fatherā€™s will and blessings. This is a MAJOR ISSUE!!! May this bill be totally rejected and those who vote for it never win a government office again. In Jesusā€™s Name let these words stand. Let Godā€™s will prevail!!

November 15, 2022

Back when Obama was president and forced this abomination on America we should have fought it with everything in us but we didn’t! During Bush’s term, it was on the ballot that marriage is between a man and a woman only, and it passed overwhelmingly! Then we let Obama force it on us like he was Hitler! So this isn’t legal anyway because Americans VOTED that marriage is between a man and a woman! Am I the only one that remembers that being on the ballot? We need to pull that ballot out and force congress to enforce the will of the majority of the people! In our nation, the states created the federal government, not the other way around! States Rights takes precedence over federal! Please read the entire Constitution! So let’s bombard our state legislature to pass marriage between a man and a woman only for our states! FATHER GOD please teach us YOUR Will and YOUR Way and order our steps as we fight the enemy on every front, including fighting for YOUR definition of marriage in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

November 15, 2022

We read in scripture where the disciples stood against the demonic culture and were jailed. GOD never left them nor forsook them! We are in the days of Moses and Elijah where we must be willing to stand for Truth no matter what! We must be willing to stand for Righteousness no matter what! FATHER GOD please speak to these representatives and senators to stand for YOUR WORD and Truth in JESUS NAME! Give us strength and courage to follow YOU
and stand just like the disciples did in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen

Alice Castillo
November 15, 2022

GOD answers prayers according to His Will.
Whatsoever we asked for in prayer, believe that we have received it and we will have it.
Mark 11:24

November 15, 2022

I am against ANY form of marriage that is not based in The Bible. Same-sex marriage is a SIN.

November 15, 2022

I sent a personal email to my Wyoming Senators and also told them that Mitch McConnell needs to be relieved of his duties. As a veteran, I am so disheartened and discouraged with the state of my once beautiful country that so many have given so much for.

Rebecca Brizzee
November 15, 2022

Need your input; when I asked others in my family and relatives to contact heir seators to ask them to vote no tomorrow on the afore mentioned bill, I got a response that said that the bill will not force Christian clergy to perform gay marriages- which is what I said.
Was I wrong?

This is how I understood it
am I wrong to infer thig=?”

Eileen Mitzel
November 15, 2022

Marriage is one man and one woman!!! Always has been and always will be!!! Dear Lord, we need your intervention in this atrocity to Your Word.. Open our legislators eyes and ears to your Word and please stop this action in your Son’s Precious Name, Jesus Christ. Thank you for listening.

Eileen Mitzel
November 15, 2022

Marriage is one man and one woman!!! Always has been and always will be!!! O aging for this to be continued as such. Dear Lord, we need your intervention in this atrocity to Your Word.

Judy Anderson
November 15, 2022

God loves the family….
It is His creation, male/female!!
This “respect for marriage act” is an abomination of God’s intention!
It is a lie straight from hell!
Please God, we need your devine intervention!!

Bridget Bonczyk
November 15, 2022

Father God, we ask for your mercy over those who are leading this bill on gay marriages. God may your will be done to expose those who are behind this unrighteous and evil agenda. Am asking for their salvation, healing, and deliverance. What the enemy means for harm, am believing YOUR WILL reign supreme and no weapon formed against those who are against this agenda will prosper, Isaiah 54:17 Living Bible. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Have a free hand in this request. Jesus, Jesus. I speak Jesus and the blood of the Lamb over this. Thank you, Father God, for turning this evil around for good. Amen and alleluia.

Sandy McQuain
November 15, 2022

The Bible God’s own word states that a marriage is between a Man And A Woman male and female God instituted marriage that was not up to man to have authority over changing His Word or changing the sanctification or union of what clearly states marriage between man and woman. Woe to anyone that should change His Word to glorify their own sinful beliefs. Please vote against this bill trying to legalize same sex marriage and jepordizing the rights of the true Christians belief of Gods word.

James Allen
November 15, 2022

Itā€™s sad that legalized legislation in the natural (proposed United States law) does NOT mean itā€™s legal in the Kingdom of GOD (1st Corinthians 6:9) and thatā€™s the tragedy. These politicians are so irresponsible in legislating morality (legalizing sin) that contradicts the WORD of GOD. They think GOD wonā€™t hold people accountable – thatā€™s a serious mistaken presumption

MaryAnn Stuart
November 15, 2022

Isn’t this the same bill “protecting” child marriages, even if the child is being forced into marrying his or her own sibling or parent or a pedophile?

November 15, 2022

I oppose the “common sense gay bill” as I cannot in good conscience be a willing participant as a stumbling block to my brothers in Christ.

November 15, 2022

The only reason that Rob Portman is a senator is because the people elected him… to REPRESENT THEM… NOT HIS PERSONAL FAMILY ISSUES. He has to be reminded that he represents the people that elected him and he is only allowed to vote according to their choice. That is what he is being paid to do. His salary is paid by the people’s earnings, not some private company that he works for. He has to change his vote accordingly or be replaced by someone who will do his job..REPRESENT THE PEOPLE.

Johnjoseph Pajor
November 15, 2022

Tried to give verification code but completely knocked off page to send my opposition to this insanity of Satan driven agendas.

Barbara Hampton
November 15, 2022

Separation of Church and State works both ways.
The government has no right to interfere with religious teachings Christian, Muslim or Judaism. It is not for government to require any Church solemnize such a union.

Kathleen Parsley
November 15, 2022

Almighty God is the Wise Creator who designed marriage and solemnized it in the beginning as being a covenant of trust between one man and one woman for life. If you vote this into Law, you will make yourselves into enemies of God. This is very serious business, and it puts our nation on a wide path toward many more broken relationships, toward broken innocent adopted children who will be tossed around and fought over more than the many past situations we have seen. The doors you’ll be opening to removal of our Christian liberties is appalling! We will not take in quietly to lose the rights we now have to exercise our religious freedoms in choice of what we will teach and what we’ll stand against, based on God’s Word. Please Do Not Codify the Evil of Same Sex Marriages Into American Law.

tony smith
November 15, 2022

CALLING ALL who don’t want America to become a global entity under UN control— WAKE UP! Historically, God will only wait so long before He honors peoples’ demands to be ruled by demonic entities. ISHTAR is the power behind this legislation, which she will win unless the People Called by God’s Name FAST, PRAY, SEEK His face and TURN from their own sin NOW. THEN He will bring healing, wholeness and life in exchange for our darkness, deceit and death.

Karen Cambre
November 15, 2022

Mr Schumer I am asking for the senate to vote against same sex marriage. It is morally wrong & against biblical teaching. God created Adam & Eve. Not Adam & Steve. Everything that our forefathers fought & died for in America is being sold out by you our congressmen. Socialism & liberalism is what the 1st & 2nd world wars were fought against. May God have mercy & open your eyes.

Patricia Pickens
November 15, 2022

We take back our country for God. We put an end to these diabolical schemes that are designed to weaken our nation and go against God.

Marybeth D
November 15, 2022

I have sent the following message to my liberal Senators:

The “Respect for Marriage Act” is dangerous legislation which is offensive to millions of Americans of faith who believe Biblical teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman. It places the ideology of the LGBTQ minority ahead of two of the core freedoms stated in our Constitution- freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

This illegitimate legislation will have significant ramifications on churches and faith-based non-profits as well as businesses owned by people of faith. If passed, this bill could require churches to solemnize same-sex marriages. It would harm and severely impact the mission and success of Christian adoption agencies who seek to place children for adoption into homes that reflect the Biblical standard of marriage and family. And it could force Christian business owners out of business if their sincerely held religious beliefs prevent them from serving the LGBTQ+ minority.

This bill allows the agenda of the LGBTQ+ minority to be shoved onto every area of American life without the consent of the majority. It abrogates the Free Exercise Clause undergirding our freedom of religion and creates a breech of trust between voting Americans and their governmental representatives.

There is NO REASON for Congress to pass this legislation. I am praying you will vote to represent the MAJORITY of your constituents and vote NO on this legislation.

Allen Harris
November 15, 2022

Mr. Schumer………..do you recall the message John Adams penned in October, 1805, when asked about the durability of our Constitution that was adopted some 15 years earlier? Well sir, Mr. Adams penned that…………”our Constitution was made for a wholly (generally) moral and religions people………….and it will work for none other……”.

Mr. Schumer, can you not recognize that gay marriage is immoral? At least according to the basis of all American civil law……….the Bible. Gay marriage is unnatural and immoral, whether you personally agree with it or not. The violation by you of by supporting another immoral issue is another nail in the coffin. With so many problem Senator, and due to them and the resulting decades old decline, have you wondered if a collapse is inevitable…………or can we escape it?

I only hope this email finds you sir, because of your stance for gay marriage being legal in the USA, and because of many, many of the actions you have taken in the past in your claim to be a “progressive liberal”………. it is not my disgust of your stances and your actions sir with which you have to worry…………….youo might consider all this as you will not escape that moment when you will met your maker.

November 15, 2022


Mary J. Hyman
November 15, 2022

I typed my message.
God said marriage is one man and one woman for a lifetime. When we try and tread on what God said about marriage we are asking for trouble. He told Adam and Eve to multiply and populate the earth after He had married them. Two men or two women cannot do that. Do you wonder why?? I hope our elected leaders know more about what God said about marriage and will do the right thing. May God have mercy and change the hearts and minds of those who think that two men or two women can populate the earth as God commanded Adam and Eve. It seems to be a mixed up world!!! Read Genesis Chapter 2 and Romans Chapter 1 beginning with the 18th verse. God, please help our elected leaders. Thanks, Mary Hyman

Mary Hyman
November 15, 2022

God is in charge and He said marriage was between one MAN And one WOMAN, for a lifetime. Whoever treads on what God set forth in marriage is treading on thin ice. Iā€™m hoping our elected leaders know this , fear and respect God and do the right thing. God will balance the scales. Read Genesis 2 and Romans first chapter. May God bless our leaders as they do the right thing regarding MARRIAGE!!!

Marva Duncan
November 15, 2022

To all who approve this, you are taking away the Creator’s authority. What God said in the Bible is Non-changeable!! He never changes!!
If you go against Him, you will be damned by Him!! You are subjecting the people, that He created, a loss of freedom to follow His rules and regulations!! You are putting yourselves OVER God, who created the Heaven and Earth and all that IS!! Surely you see that you are fighting a losing battle. Lucifer tried this and you know where he is and what his end will be!! The Lake of Fire!!!! There is NO Absolution! Praying that you will see the LIGHT!!!

Raymond Via
November 15, 2022

Father, I ask you give sound discernment of those who dare attack our fundamental beliefs of one man one woman in marriage. Make your Holy Spirit come and guide these liberals into all truth in Jesus Name

Darlene DeAngelis
November 15, 2022

Father God continue to shake all of us Christians awake remind all Christians they have a spirit of boldness and encourage your expectations is the church to push back speak loud clear and know that you go before us Lord there is too much allowance through the church for the devil to have fun move all Christians to stand up speak out and push the Gates of Hell back with a belong Christians need to show the world how powerful and almighty God is forgive the church for shutting down over 2 years ago and showing the world how weak and helpless and defenseless and how it was okay to be controlled Lord God it is time for us to come out of the church and let the devil know who you are and who’s we are in Jesus name I pray no weapon formed against the positives that you want for us and they will not prosper we need as Christians to stop all the evilness once and for all cuz we are children of you Lord we need to stop insulting you rejecting you and allowing this world to mold us as we worship you that is a mockery enough is enough Lord keep shaking us cuz Christians need to wake up in Jesus name I pray

    November 15, 2022

    I believe that Christians are awake. We are just so used to being obedient that we don’t know how to fight against this. WHAT DO WE DO???

November 15, 2022

Fasted and prayed on this, and also sent a request to my senators to vote NO on this bill. I pray as many believers as possible take this same action.


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