I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray that You would protect Ukrainians from 'individuals who want to mock the faith and truth of God.'
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We want to share with you this message IFA just received from Intercessors for Ukraine. But first with deep sadness we need to report that in the city of Okhtyrka, Sumy region of Ukraine, Russian missiles hit a storage facility and a kindergarten.

The children died.

Dear friends, brothers, and sisters from different parts of the world,

We are appealing to you at this dark time for all of us, when black clouds from the explosions are blocking the sun over our capital.

Tonight, the elite special forces of the Russian Federation along with the Chechen Muslim units will storm one of the most ancient and beautiful cities in the world, the spiritual capital of Eastern Europe – the city of Kiev🇺🇦.  Everyone who can hold a weapon has risen to defend the capital, including students, school children, and even the retired.  

Tonight and tomorrow are crucial. Everything that the entire civilized world believed in and built up thus far is at stake.  With tears in our eyes we ask you, regardless of the time zone, to spend all of this time fasting and praying to God🙏.  Pray that the Lord will protect us from the individuals who want to mock the faith and truth of God.

Please forward this message to all your friends, relatives and acquaintances in Europe, Asia, America and around the world!  

Prayer is stronger than the strongest enemy🙏🙏🙏!

With love and hope in the Lord,

Intercessors for Ukraine

Your brothers and sisters from Ukraine💙💛.

Will you join us in fasting and praying for Ukraine today?

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Sara Burns
March 7, 2022

Father God protect the innocent children and your people. Bring calmness and peace to their spirit. Give them hope that this war will bring peace and stop this insanity going on. Bring conviction to those evil doers. In Jesus’s name, Amen

Mo Luke
February 26, 2022

PLEASE create a “TAKE ACTION” to share our request to national and local leaders. On this issue. We have a David and Goliath issue here with Ukraine. They must fight in their land, and we most help them. Freezing SWIFT for Russians and Putin is imperative. 69% support for Putin is unexplainable and must continue to shift, as people realize they lies He has been fabricating. In the meantime, Christians/America must act quickly from multiple fronts. If Putin takes control of Ukraine, this will mean an irreversible shift of economic, political, geopolitical, social structure for Europe and the globe. Our responses should be decisive, quick, and aggressive enough. We can’t ran away from bullies, and believe we will have peace. This is a lie from the enemy. Most of the time we have to respond decisively, with great strength, against a bully, to have peace.

God, Lord, in your merci and grace, please give our global leaders David’s strength and courage.

Ellen Hoffman
February 26, 2022

I read this last night, just before we left to purchase our new to us car. On the way there, my husband was agonizing over this decision as to whether we could afford it- cars have gone up astronomically. I remembered reading this and I immediately prayed. Focus makes ours problems seem so much less. While I am grateful to God for everything, I hold it loosely, knowing it can be taken in a minute. We can only take other people with us to heaven.

Pastor Ron Biggers
February 26, 2022

Lord God please protect your children in war waged by adults. They are the victims. Amen

February 26, 2022

I am praying for you. Im so sorry for you children that have been taken from you. I pray Holy Spirit wraps his arms around you & fill you with His. I cry over you & ask for the Lord to rise up & fight for you. Dtsnd & see the salvation of the Lord.

Heather gill
February 25, 2022

Makes my heart sad. I’m sharing to help us over here to get mad enough to change our thoughts to demand our leaders do something

February 25, 2022

Father, Russia needs Jesus. Cause a revival to explode and spill over to meet the revival in Ukraine so the Russian soldiers can become Heaven’s soldiers!

Rick Kuiper
February 25, 2022

My brother please reconsider your statement that Prayer is stronger than the strongest enemy. Our praying is the means that God uses to remove the mountains and strong enemies in our life. So it is the Power of God through the prayer of the saints that defeats the strongest enemy and all to the Glory of God. We are praying for you, our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine.

Herb Johnston
February 25, 2022

Lord-,, what more tragic consequence can there be..than the destruction of innocent children.. as we praise you and bless You Lord.. even in the midst of this tragedy-, I must confess that..I really struggle with this aspect of tragedy , -..and although I know that innocent children, at some point ..are not held accountable.. and some, will go to heaven ..it still seems so heartbreakingly unnecessary to me-,and I know still-, the blame falls on us as humans.. and as Christians.. who have fallen short in our duty-, so Lord, help us to deal with this-,help me to deal with it..as I grope for words..as I struggle to continue on in these continued useless and wasted slaughter of innocents- and of innocent life-, Lord, help my grief to not overwhelm my duty as a prayer Warrior… instead Lord, once again I choose to turn my thoughts and my prayer effort,.. toward You, Lord -choosing to roll this burden of grief.. for these poor destroyed children..and their grieving parents-on to You-,who may well, who are probably dying ..as well-, in this time, Lord ..that my grief for them would be concentrated in focusing on You, ….
… Lord,and your healing..in your redeeming blood that we pray over this situation.. that I pray, over this onslaught of evil- that I pray over these tormented dying bodies..Lord that you will bring goodness out of this-,that those who remain alive will be protected-, that in the videos I saw, of women and children scurrying to basements,.. will be saved alive- and that even maybe Putin and his minions.. his soldiers..will see the light of day as your goodness is poured out-, in the power of your Holy Spirit ..and maybe your light will shine in their minds.. and hearts, Lord, help us to pray- that this will be redeemed- in Jesus Mighty Name..Amen.

This morning Dutch was praying about this article..I prayed with him..and the thousands were playing along on his website.

February 25, 2022

Heavenly Father, our True Friend, Savior and Mighty Fortress,
I humble myself, a sinner, redeemed by Jesus’ blood, before You.
I beg You, at Your Feet, please stop the war with Your might. The war that’s been waged on innocent people. Protect them, strengthen them and let all know that You are the One True God, the Only Savior. They will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Diana Ortiz
February 25, 2022

Father, we pray divine intervention and protection from our Lord Jesus Christ right now over our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Cover them all with your precious blood in Jesus mighty name.

Susan CC
February 25, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, I do not desire to instruct You but simply ask, “please change Vladimir Putin’s heart.” You see his plans and know the destruction that is to come. You know how wicked his heart and mind are and how many will suffer as a result. If You would open his eyes and move in his heart so many would rejoice. So many would praise Your Name. Abba Father, I pray You will have mercy on those who are already suffering pain and the death of loved ones. I pray Your mercy will be on glorious display worldwide. I ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

February 25, 2022

Father, we are given this time to rise in prayer. King David’s victories were based, fought and won in and through You! Let it be so, now, again!
Drop a blanket of Love upon Ukraine that the Russians would drop their weapons and embrace Your tender Love against which no force can stand!
As for the demonic forces behind this evil, the plans, schemes and plans, rebuke, bind, cast down, expose and expel them.
We celebrate Your victory and pray for no further loss of life in Ukraine. We pray for a triple hedge of protection around Ukraine and Kiev.
Thank You for being the God Who is there, the God Who hears and the God Who sees!
We declare victory in You!

In the name of Jesus!

    Susan CC
    February 25, 2022

    Yes, Father God, once again! May Your blanket of love accomplish more than we can think or imagine, in the Beautiful Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    Herb Johnston
    February 25, 2022

    I agree-,.I just prayed your prayer here as well..In Jesus mighty name, Amen

Rose Rocha
February 25, 2022

Thank you Father God that you love all people. I am praying for you to send you army of angels over the people of the Ukraine who are arming up to fight tyranny. Protect their families and give the confidence that we are praying for them. Their are more with them than those against them. In Jesus name. Amen.


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