I Prayed have prayed
Father, may the U.N. not elevate Hamas-controlled Palestine and set up any two-state solution! Your will in Your way!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

From The Times of Israel. Diplomats say the United Nations Security Council is scheduled to vote Friday on a Palestinian request for full UN membership. …

The 15-member council is due to vote at 3 p.m. Friday on a draft resolution that recommends to the 193-member UN General Assembly that “the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations,” said diplomats. …

… Diplomats say the measure could have the support of up to 13 council members, which would force the US to use its veto.

A senior diplomat for a country on the Security Council tells The Times of Israel that the US is expected to veto the resolution if the vote goes ahead. …

Intercessors, your most fervent prayers about this are urgently needed!

(Excerpt from The Times of Israel. Photo Credit: shavnya.com on Unsplash)

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Grant Windholz
April 22, 2024

Lord God Almighty 🙏, we as a country have needed to dump the U.N. in NY City because it’s been a huge joke for many years! Americans need to see the truth of Christ Jesus instead of supporting Hamas/Palestinian junk!!! Spiritual warfare at its finest. Wake up USA, Keep your eyes on Jesus because he is the only answer to global madness!!

Ann Shaw
April 21, 2024

Worship his Majesty. Hallelujah!!!

Sheila Dunn
April 19, 2024

I pray that their plan be block my Abba Father and they will not be allowed to be a member of the UN in Jesus name.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
April 19, 2024

We know the Truth… “Palestine” is an illusion! The name came from Roman Empire hatred for Israel; ‘they’ never had a country or capital~ they exist only as pawns of the Persian madmen who plan to destroy Israel… BUT to NO AVAIL!

Abba Father, we ask for the Peace of Jerusalem and ALL of Israel, as well as ALL the children of Israel scattered throughout the world. We pray for Wisdom and Your Holy Will to be done in our midst, as we stand against the MANY forces of darkness in battle over us… By the Power of Your Holy Spirit, to Your Glory, Holy Father, in the Name of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, AMEN & AMEN!


Ann NMN Shaw
April 19, 2024

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to us through Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus to prevent Isreal’s land to be further divided.

In Jesus’s name Amen

April 18, 2024

As a Christian American I fully support Israel and think that we need to get out of the UN. They are not America’s and Israel’s friends.

Dennis Spinks
April 18, 2024

Our Lord is watching over Israel, and those of the UN. Those of the UN will be held accountable for their decisions regardine Israel and Palestine.
May our Lord bless those who stand up and defend the nation of Israel!

Donna Broutin
April 18, 2024

I just want to remind our elected officials, that we the people voted them into office, and to look back at the constitution, THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUND ON GOD AND HE IS STILL IN CONTROL. These elected officials need get on their knees and plead for THE LORD,’S forgiven in how they are treat us the ones that voted them, and for their own sins to be forgiven for the crimes they are committing. I pray that this message get seen and brought to heart and each of these politicians turn from their wick ways, and turn to THE LORD

    Stop the Lies
    April 19, 2024

    No this country was actually not founded on Christian principles

      April 20, 2024

      This country was founded on biblical principles as well as Christian. Is IFA becoming infiltrated? I ask this bc it seems like some comments from a few days ago and this one are really ignorant about truth

Pat M
April 18, 2024

Father God, You tell us to love our enemies but we do not have to live with them! Give your best solution that we can align and agree with according to Your Word. We won’t tell you how to do, when to do or what we think but lean wholly on Your decree from the courts of Heaven.

Robert L. Kahlcke
April 18, 2024


Mary Barham
April 18, 2024

The radical-controlled Palestinians (not a nation, by the way) should NOT be given membership in the UN. This would be like allowing a fox into the hen house.

    Susan CC
    April 20, 2024


    Jesus said, “I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every empty (idle, careless, useless, thoughtless, evil) word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” We will all give an account of ourself to God. Matthew 12: 36,37; Romans 14:12

    Mui Si, I believe I returned to this page to give you this warning. I hope you will take seriously Jesus’ words.

    April 20, 2024

    Suck it to whom? Explain yourself.
    Again, it seems like Christians and Christianity is being attacked

April 18, 2024

Everyone needs to pray diligently and read John McTernan’s book As America Has Done to Israel. If you don’t have time to read the entire book, at least go to chapter Nine :America on a collision course with God. It details all the times America has interfered in Israels matters and tried to make them give up land and what has happened here because of it by dates. Our inept leaders are still trying to force Israel to divide land that God has given to his people or otherwise have them succumb to people trying to harm them. Every attempt to do that has been met with horrible totally unexplainable and horribly damaging storms, stock market crashes, earthquakes etc. Even when our diplomats visit them or they visited America to set things like that in motion, horrible things have happened including 911. Israel’s leader and Mr. Biden both need to get a copy of the bible and this book also and read it as God is warning all of us. Ignorance is not an excuse. God also warns that his people (including us in his church) are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. In the bible it says I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle . . .Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east (Zechariah 14:2-4. Trying to divide Jerusalem or Israel’s land is wrong. Read Zechariah 12: 3 In that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone (an anvil) for all people; all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Dear Heavenly Father, please know that I stand with you in protecting Israel. I know you love them, that they will one day return to you proclaiming you as their Messiah. I pray your protection and YOUR WILL as I know all of this and all the other things that are playing out are in the bible, are part of your plan from the beginning and have to take place before your soon return. Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord. Amen

April 18, 2024

We pray Father God that the vote will be NO, to not have a Palestinian voted in to the UN. We pray against this right now and we ask you Father God to move in the peoples hearts and minds and to give them clarity and to NOT allow this palestien to be voted into the UN. We close all doors to the palestiens and we rebuke this person and that this person will NOT take its place in the UN and we pray the people that are working at the UN, tp want and desire to do things the right way and be for Isreal and be for America in Jesus name.
We come against the sly, slick, sneaky, creepy enemies and who think they can sneak their way into the UN to be a part of the UN and we say NO once and for all. We call upon you, Father God to sweep through the UN and weed out those who needed uprooted who are working there and doing wrong, that is behind the scences and that they will be once and for all not be working for the UN the wrong way, in Jesus name. We pray for Godly Christians workers to work in the UN and we call them in and we thank you ahead of time, Father God that you will move on their behalf and things will start working in order, and not out of order anymore. We pray for salvation for the people who work at the UN and we call them into the Kingdom fo God for such a time as this. We bind the enemy and we bind this person who wants to be voted in to the UN. We come against this onslaught and it has to render powerless and be null and void now in Jesus name! WE loose unity in the UN with the Power of the Holy Spirit and we ask the Holy Spirit to move upon their hearts and minds and to make the right decicions with the help of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. For the people who work at the UN to start to make wise decisions instead of a hasty decisions that will cost people their lives and more. We pray for a turn around for God’s Glory and we ask you Father God to move and sweep through the UN by the power of your Holy Spirit in Jesus name. Amen so be it.

John Curry
April 18, 2024

Heavenly Father, we beseech You to obstruct in any way possible this attempt to seat a genocidal nest of murderers, whose Number One Principle is “Death to Israel!”, into the Community of bona fide nations of the world. An acceptance of such organized and formalized murder can accomplish nothing less than the disintegration of the “United Nations” into a seed-bed of hatred. It makes no more sense than inviting a cobra into your sleeping bag. Father, have mercy upon this tattered remnant of Man’s futile attempt to accomplish goodness in this world, which lies within the realm of our ancient enemy, the Serpent.

J. Ronald Burnet
April 18, 2024

How absolutely hypocritical and contradictory to admit a nation or entity to full membership when such a nation or entity calls for the annihilation another nation. A vote to allow full Palestinian membership will simply prove that the United Nations is incapable of fulfilling the purpose for which it was formed, and unworthy of support.

Lynn Molnar
April 18, 2024

Absolutely vote NO on allowing a terrorist-run territory that wants to annihilate all Jewish Israeli’s and completely take away their Homeland, given to them by the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Not to mention that it’s been proven that UNRA has been corrupt to the core and actually participated and facilitated terrorism, even against Palestinian citizens, instead of providing humanitarian aid to them!

Victoria Z
April 18, 2024

Father in the name of Jesus, who won authority over every being and every thing in this universe, and our only hope of all that pertains to faith and righteousness, we ask that your Holy Spirit moves on the heart of those voting to choose wisely, please see to it that everyone who needs to be present is there and if some need to not be present, please work that out. Speak to all in dreams, in their thoughts and in their conscience, or however you choose, to help them choose Your perfect will above their own. Please insure that they are not swayed by peers, the elite, bribery, media, or opinion, but by your spirit only may they only choose righteously. Show the world, especially Israel’s enemies, and unbelievers, that your faithful covenant with Israel is forever. In Jesus name we ask and thank you for all ypur faithfulness to Israel these many thousands of years, and for answering our prayers.

Lucille Yuen
April 18, 2024

Please vote No to admit Palestine to the UN. They have never been a bonafide nation on its own, but illegally claimed the land that rightfully belongs to Israel, both historically and by national law ince 1945. People have worked the land and improved it from the time it was a deadbones desert and marsh. It is wrong to grant a terrorist group membership in the UN as if they are a bonfide country. They are instead, a self-proclaimed group that has been at war against the rightful inhabitants of the land. If they had not been provoked, Israel would be at peace with all its neighbors throughout the land. They have a right to defend their homeland and safety against terrorism. Terrorists are the culprit, not the rightful inhabitants of Israel. Please vote NO to admitting established terrorists to the UN.

Earl Turner
April 18, 2024


Nancy Norvell
April 18, 2024

There has NEVER been a country of Palestine! Rome’s Emperor Hadrian called Israel “Palestine” because he hated Jews & because Philistines had lived in that area, & he called Philistines “Palestinians”! God gave the land to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) forever, & changed Abraham’s grandson Jacob’s name to Israel forever! God also promised to “Bless those who bless Israel & curse those who curse Israel.” He has kept that promise & will forever!

April 18, 2024

Palestine is not a country . . . yet . . . So how can this resolution pass adding a country to the United Nations that does not exist???

Lord, please move the US to VETO this absurd resolution! God’s will be done!!

April 18, 2024

Heavenly Father,
I pray as in Numbers 24, your people Israel may only be blessed by the decision..

5 “How beautiful are your tents, Jacob,
your dwelling places, Israel!
6 “Like valleys they spread out,
like gardens beside a river,
like aloes planted by the Lord,
like cedars beside the waters.
7 Water will flow from their buckets;
their seed will have abundant water.
“Their king will be greater than Agag;
their kingdom will be exalted.

Carol Garrott
April 18, 2024

Lord God, I pray the U.N. vote will either not go against Israel or that the vote will not go through at all. We intercede for Israel against the enemy’s attacks and against Satan’s anti-Jew demonic influence through Muslims and other individuals. May Your will be done now and forever! Our blessings and honor go up to you, Father.

Dianne DeEulio
April 18, 2024

The UN fronted as a peace keeping organization really functions as an organization that provokes war. This vote would cause in my opinion more war. We need to pray also that the UN should be abolished.

Brian Lynch
April 18, 2024

Dear Lord, You are in control, in spite of what the United Nations votes on. I pray for your will to be done regarding this, and all, issues related to Israel and Palestine. Thank you, Jesus.

April 18, 2024

Quite simply, we need a gigantic miracle move here because there is so much evil to overcome in this institution. Divinely illuminate the eyes of evil, shut the mouths of wolves and supernaturally take care of this vote Yeshua!

Robert valkanet
April 18, 2024

No Palestinian membership at un and get the us out the un and get the un out of america

Claire Taylor
April 18, 2024

Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your protection over Israel. We petition Your throne room of Heaven to move & not make Palestine a member of the UN. Open the eyes of those in the UN to the lies & deceptions of Palestine’s true intent & convince them to vote against Palestine membership. Lord Jesus may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen

Paula Hammock
April 18, 2024

Let praise arise and His enemies be scattered. Papa, You exalt nations and You put down nations (state of Palistine). You nullify the counsel of the wicked and You set up Your Kingdom rule that is eternal. I ask that You take the heart of every Council member and turn them to Your way of thinking, being, and doing right; effectively nullifying this vote. Remove enough of their support that this vote is turned for the good of Israel. Papa, remember Your covenant, and protect this land from being handed over to the people group, Palistine. I decree it belongs to Israel from this day forward and forever. Amen.

    Debbie Markley
    April 18, 2024

    Yes yes yes and amen!! I pray in agreement and proclaim peace over Israel in the mighty Name of Yeshua, the true Messiah 🙏❤✝️📖🕊🙌

April 18, 2024

Lord Jesus we ask Your perfect will be done.
Surround every voter in UN, give them wisdom AND courage to follow your wisdom. In fact give boldness to say no 2 state unless that second state not only condemns Hamas and others, for its acts to destroy Israel’s existence, but the second state will ally itself with Israel and others for authentic freedom, authentic human rights and democracy.
I know that would be a miracle Lord, but they are not too hard for you.

Pat Massi
April 18, 2024

This is so evil. There is no such thing as a Palestinian state. As Lori Meed as quoted scripture: as we pray let us remember that our covenant keeping God will have the last word! Ps.33:10-12 says
[10] The Lord frustrates the counsel of the nations; he thwarts the plans of the peoples. [11] The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart from generation to generation. [12] Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord  — the people he has chosen to be his own possession!

Here in three verses we see that the plans of Nations or United Nations will come to nothing but God’s eternal plans for Israel his chosen possession will stand forever, from generation to generation!

Lori Meed
April 18, 2024

First of all, thank you IFA for focusing on Israel in this season. Secondly, as we pray let us remember that our covenant keeping God will have the last word! Ps.33:10-12 says
[10] The Lord frustrates the counsel of the nations; he thwarts the plans of the peoples. [11] The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart from generation to generation. [12] Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord  — the people he has chosen to be his own possession!

Here in three verses we see that the plans of Nations or United Nations will come to nothing but God’s eternal plans for Israel his chosen possession will stand forever, from generation to generation!

Cheryl SpottedBear
April 18, 2024

Father teach us how to use our authority in Christ to remove the authority of the ungodly in Jesus name amen!

Susan CC
April 18, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, You can close and open, raise and remove, favor and discard.  
You need no advice from anyone and as far as instruction goes, who can teach You what is good? Yours is a path is justice and this is what I am praying for in this consideration. May Your righteousness and justice prevail in every heart and mind comprising the United Nations Security Council ‘s vote. I pray Your presence is felt in that room and Your presence causes all to tremble at Your authority. May this vote glorify You as that is always to our good. I ask this and so much more in the MIGHTY Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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