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Father, we pray that the People's Convoy would be successful and achieve all of its stated goals. Protect them from those who seek to harm them, Lord, and grant them strength and courage.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Despite still waiting to see their goals achieved, the People’s Convoy has not given up. They are still circling D.C., spreading hope and inspiring freedom among all they meet.

From The Epoch Times. It’s day 16 since the People’s Convoy arrived at Hagerstown Speedway in Hagerstown, Maryland, on March 4. The base was quiet on Saturday morning after trucks and cars left before 10:30 a.m. to circle the Capital Beltway again.

They made rounds on the highway to raise awareness of their demands: to end the national emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and restore freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution. The emergency declaration was declared in March 2020 under then-President Donald Trump and has since been extended twice by President Joe Biden in February 2021 and March 2022.

A “call to action” board at Hagerstown Speedway tells truckers to call their congressional representatives twice a day to urge them to push for ending the national emergency and remind them that primaries were near in this election year. House representatives will be in their districts during the week of March 21 and will resume voting in Washington the week after.

The Senate earlier this month approved legislation to declare an end to the emergency, but the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives isn’t expected to take up the measures. The White House said on the same day that the bill would be vetoed if the House did approve it.

On March 8, the convoy met with Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Capitol Hill to discuss the group’s concerns over government restrictions encroaching on the personal freedoms of Americans. That was followed by further discussions with several members of the House of Representatives.

Sitting in a camping chair, Steven McLeod from Texas, a sales representative for a software company servicing the trucking industry, was chatting with his new friend Elise from Delaware. Next to him was a big container with some free beer donated by his company.

McLeod firmly believed that all the mandates would be lifted soon. However, that wouldn’t fully address his concerns. He worries about the government gradually taking away people’s choices under the excuse “it’s good for everybody….”

“At a certain point, everybody thought it would be crazy that you’re not allowed to go to work. Your kids can’t go to school. That would have been insane five years ago. Now it’s commonplace,” he added….

McLeod’s 20-year-old daughter, whom he calls his “best friend,” is one of the reasons prompting him to take a stand. She’s attending a college in Texas, on her way to becoming a nurse practitioner….

He said his daughter embraced the idea that vaccine mandates were for the good of everybody and didn’t question any potential loss of freedom. “[They’re] impressionable. You beat that into the younger generation,” said McLeod.

“We’re one generation away from all of our freedoms from the Constitution just being garbage,” he added. “The consequences of their [his daughter’s generation] decisions will be something we all have to deal with. And they don’t understand it well enough….”

Share your prayers for the People’s Convoy in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 27, 2022

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, the Lord’s name be praised! Father, shepherd the People’s Convoy this week as they continue to raise their voices on the Washington beltway. Thank You for infusing them with purpose, determination, love, courage, wisdom, faithfulness to You and to us. Continue to open doors for their message on Capitol Hill. Give them favor with senators and representatives and access to their ears and hearts. Restore our constitutional freedoms and teach us to guard them, for Your glory and our joy. Amen.

Herb Johnston
March 27, 2022

Lord God in Jesus name ,I pray you could help us take action to stand against about a hundred years encroaching tyranny-,that has crept into our system-, I say 100 years ..because it started long ago-,much longer than the currently fashionable and conservative term “decades” suggest..
Lord I am so thankful for the truck Convoy and the brothers that are willing to stand on the front lines against tyranny. I pray that you would help them in their need for sustenance,provision for their families,spiritual and emotional encouragement.. and protection from our evil government.. I pray you would also provide for their wives and children’s spiritual condition.. in their mind hearts and souls.
In the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

March 27, 2022

Father, we thank You for these men and women of the Peop!e’s Convoy standing for our freedoms. Bless them, we pray, with wisdom, safety, strength and success as per Your will.

March 27, 2022

Father, praying for this years mid-term elections are incredibly important. May your Kingdom come and your Will be done as we “stand in th gap” against th evil manipulations of th powers of darkness who are so eagerly destroying your America


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