Unrelenting Disappointment & Beyond
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Unrelenting Disappointment & Beyond
In a recent interview with Elijah Force, I explored the topic of Unshakable Faith. We can’t discuss unshakable faith without acknowledging the disappointments we face along the way in pursuit of that depth of faith. From the feedback I received after the interview, it became clear that many faced devastating letdowns last year. I received numerous emails detailing experiences of disappointment, including the loss of loved ones, financial struggles, and the devastating impacts of the hurricanes this year. It seems many have endured significant hardships.
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The scriptures provide a vivid depiction of God’s love and His care for His children, which is one of the first things I discovered. God is good all the time. However, the truth is that if we walk with God for any length of time, we will encounter situations that we simply do not understand.
- Unanswered prayer
- Suffering abuse or pain
- Illness
- Loss of Loved One
- Financial difficulty
- Devastating storms
- Violence in the land
- Political unrest
Often, when we face difficult situations, we start to question God. We may feel disappointed when we don’t receive answers that satisfy us. If left unaddressed, this disappointment can be dangerous. I once came across a statement that resonated with me: anything unresolved for more than twenty-four hours can take root. Consider that for a moment: if we don’t address our disappointments within a day, they begin to take hold in our hearts and minds.
Disappointment is defined as failing to meet the hope or expectation. To hinder from possession of what was intended, desired, hoped, or expected.
One of the most significant conflicts and hindrances to the flow of blessings and miracles in our lives is unresolved hurt from past disappointment.
The issue is that no one discusses disappointment. In the church, we often hesitate to acknowledge our feelings of disappointment. We put on our “church face” and continue to speak about faith. Many times, if Christians seek to confide in a friend about their disappointment, they risk being criticized by others in the faith community. This is not fair. We all experience disappointment, whether we choose to admit it or not.
If we do not address our disappointment, it can lead to unbelief. Unbelief can open the door to demonic influences in our lives. We cannot allow the spirit of unbelief to take hold, as it often enters through disappointment. Furthermore, it becomes nearly impossible to hear God clearly when we are burdened by unresolved disappointment.
I once experienced what felt like an endless season of disappointments that lasted for years. Year after year, I faced challenge after challenge, attack after attack. The unyielding disappointment seemed unending. However, through it all, God remained faithful. He never abandoned me; He walked alongside me every step of the way.
Over the years, God taught me a lot about disappointment. He showed me how it can impact both your heart and your soul. I learned the importance of not allowing disappointment to linger within you. It’s crucial not to view His Word and promises through the lens of disappointment. Why? Because doing so can alter your perception of His faithfulness and of who He truly is. I also learned that disappointment could lead to unbelief, which can prevent you from receiving your promises if it is not addressed.
Proverbs 13:12 says, Hope deferred makes the heart sick. The Message Bible says this; Unrelenting disappointment makes the heart sick.
This scripture does not address those who take one hit and choose to give up. Instead, it speaks to those who have endured hit after hit, attack after attack, while striving to stand in faith to the best of their ability. When yet another blow comes and they can no longer stand, disappointment can set in. If we allow that disappointment to linger, it will become the lens through which we view everything.
During difficult times, we must hold onto the Word of God tightly. It is essential to spend time daily in His presence and in prayer. We need to find our life scripture—one that brings hope and life even in darkness. For me, that scripture is from Psalm 27: “I would have lost heart if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living.” I clung to this beautiful verse to prevent disappointment from taking hold of me. I am immensely thankful that God brought me through those challenging times, and even more grateful for all the lessons He taught me during that season.
I don’t know where you find yourself today. Perhaps you, too, are in a place of unrelenting disappointment. If so, know this: God will bring you through. He will not leave you or forsake you. Cling to Him, and do not let disappointment change the way you perceive God. Don’t allow it to distort the truth that He is faithful. Losing sight of God’s faithfulness is the enemy’s plan for you. However, God’s plan is to bring you out into complete and utter victory. And He will.
Walking through disappointment is an experience we all face; there’s no way to avoid it. Learning to trust God in the midst of those feelings will teach you a valuable lesson. Cling to God and His Word. As you do, disappointment will lose its grip on you. You will begin to see clearly—not through the lens of disappointment, but through the lens of faith in God and His love for you.
Denying our disappointments won’t help. We need to acknowledge their existence and choose not to let them linger. We should seek God until our thoughts realign with His promises and faithfulness. It’s important to keep believing that we will witness the goodness of God in the land we are living in.
The promises of God reveal His heart and His good plan for us. We must believe in this plan and hold firmly to that truth. Our beliefs influence our hearts and attitudes. If we focus on what we feel God hasn’t done, it can lead to offense toward Him and foster unbelief. Furthermore, during times of disappointment, we become vulnerable to both spiritual and physical ailments. Remember, the Bible states that such disappointment can make our hearts sick, and when our hearts are sick, it affects us both spiritually and physically.
God is seeking those who will continue to trust Him, no matter the circumstances. He desires those who maintain their faith even when they don’t fully understand their situation. We need to believe that He is a good God and that His goodness will be evident in our lives.
Also, it is important to address disappointment as soon as it arises; do not allow it to take root. Refuse to let it linger. The enemy wants to see you crushed and disappointed, hoping you will lose all hope. However, God wants you to trust in His faithfulness, His goodness, and His love for you.
God has a way of transforming your greatest loss and disappointment—the very things the enemy intended to use to weaken your faith—into your greatest strengths. How do I know this? Because the scripture about disappointment in Proverbs 13:12 doesn’t stop there; it continues with, “But when the desire comes, it is the tree of life.”
We all have times when disappointment attempts to take hold. We have all walked through things we don’t understand and in which no explanation would satisfy us. Many of us have experienced unrelenting disappointments, ones that seemed like they would never end. It’s time to be honest and allow God to heal you and remove every root of disappointment in your life. It’s time to be restored to life. That’s God’s plan for you, will you lay hold of it today? (to listen to the interview on disappointment and how to deal with it, go to: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce)
Let’s pray
Father, we thank You for Your goodness and for the wonderful plans You have for Your people. I bring my moments of disappointment before You and ask for healing for my heart today. Please give me a new heart, one filled with hope and a strong expectation of all that is good. I trust in You, God, and I believe I will witness Your goodness in the land I live in today. I look forward to an outpouring of Your goodness in my life in the coming year as You crown my year with Your blessings.
Did this article speak to you? Share your prayers and reflections in the comments below.
Kim Potter is the author of Deeper Still, a 90-day devotional on a deeper relationship with God. She is also the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. To order her new book or receive her daily encouraging writings, visit her website at www.anewthingministries.com, or Books Archives – A New Thing Ministries. Photo credit: Ben White on Unsplash.
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I think we should just learn how to suffer with class, and stop looking for ways to justify it. Just shoulder the burden keep it to yourself and realize this is how it’s going to be in Christianity. The slings and arrow of suffering that Never Ends. Praying is the only relief and it must be continual and I know for one I admit that my belief isn’t always up to Snuff that I’m convinced that God has the best for me in mind l..because I know that he has allowed for calamity in order to bring us through the furnace- so if I said I understood it I would be lying..
I don’t think we’re supposed to understand it.
I think they should tell new Christians when they’re coming in how hard it’s going to be- and how much they’re going to suffer instead of painting a rosy picture of how glorious it is walking with the Lord. Because it’s not.
It’s painful and lonely and is the definition of misery.
That’s what Christ did- he walked a path of misery and suffering.. and the modern Church makes out like it’s this Rosy experience of flowers falling out of the sky.
Let’s be honest for a change.
And make certain you start going to your local City Council meetings- and school board meetings- so you can stand against the evil leftist tyrants that have infiltrated all the cities in America- that are teaching your children perversion.
Hj, I understand some of what you’re saying and agree, but I think Kim acknowledged that the Christian life isn’t all roses. It reminds me of the old song, “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden!” But it isn’t all misery and suffering either, because He promised life, and that abundantly. She is just encouraging us to not allow disappointment to embitter us, or develop into unbelief and/or taking up offense against YHVH. We may have fiery trials, but they produce spiritual growth that is beautiful beyond compare, if we respond in faith. In that we can rejoice! Disappointments will come in this life, but we are appointed to walking daily with the God who created us and all things. What a privilege and honor He bestows on those who will take up their cross daily and follow Him.
Disappointments are darts from Satan! Keep your faith in God to protect you and to keep you fighting the fight till the end! God is with you EVERYWHERE you go! Ask and you shall receive! Disappointments make you stronger, not weak! Keep praying and you will see changes in your life! Prayer is very powerful when you believe! I know, because Disappointments have followed me throughout my entire life! I knew God was with me and so were His angels. He showed me what was missing in my life. In a small Baptist church, I listened to the invitation song and I understood ! The Holy Spirit came upon me, I automatically stood up, went to the front, and said, “I want Jesus in my heart”! I was 22 years old with a husband and a baby girl.
In Jesus name, I am His forever!
I still go through Disappointments, but He walks with me! Amen!
This is beautifully written.
You should have gotten more amens.. a lot more.
Human beings are odd creatures. We always want to look good to those around us.
I couldn’t have written this better myself. Thank you for sharing.
I am reminded of these 2 scriptures where we are revived again as it is written:
Psalm 118: 15-18
Isaiah 61:3
That is a good prayer and it helps. I said I bring my years of disappointments for him, not just moments. I wrote this psalm about a response of praise Beautiful Are The Praises Which Arise Out Of Sorrow
Out of the Dust and Ashes of My Disappointment
I will Praise Your Name, O Lord! https://www.scholarscorner.com/beautiful-are-the-praises-which-arise-out-of-sorrow/
And this one about a LIFE of unanswered prayers: https://www.scholarscorner.com/unanswered-prayer/ ‘
Like the Psalmist… there is room in Gods economy to be honest with him about sorrows. As Isaiah says… He is acquainted with our griefs,
This was truly a help for keeping the Word for encouragement .
Thank you for your timely thoughts!
I was just praying around these things for the release and healing of the body of Christ. For awareness and willingness to yield to the Holy Spirits work. May we no longer allow past, present and things to come to take root and further divide us.
I immediately knew when I looked at the title that it was from you Kim. You are such a blessing to the body of Christ with your encouraging messages. Only when you have been through somethings can you relate. I am so thankful for you. Life is good but hard and I hope and pray that I am learning everything the Lord wants to teach me through these trials. Please keep listening and passing on all that you learn. 🙂
Trusting the Lord at all times.
Thank you Jean!
Thank you for these words. They hit home in my heart. I ask God to remove every root of disappointment in my life. In Him I hope.
I also love Psalms 27. The whole chapter is so strengthening. Verse 1 says: The Lord is the light of my life, whom shall I fear. The Lord is the STRENGTH OF MY LIFE of whom shall I be afraid. I also think we should concentrate on being like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego where in Daniel 3:17 and 18 The tell the king that God will deliver them, and even if not, he is still GOOD and that they will not serve anyone else. That should teach us what we need to do in disappointing times. Cling to him, praying, PRAISING, and BELIEVING because he who promised is FAITHFUL (Hebrews 10:23) and remember 1Thessalonians 5:18 Give Thanks in EVERYTHING (good and bad) for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I know it is hard especially when you are grieving someone you loved, but you can tell God you are thankful that they are no longer suffering , are with him and that they knew and followed Jesus. I also memorized Job 23:10 which has helped me. “He knoweth the way I go, and after he has tried me, I shall come forth as Gold” because I want to model myself after God and learn to be as faithful as he is. How awesome would it be if he could call on any of us at anytime (like we do him constantly) and KNOW he could count on us to do whatever he needed? I want that to be my goal.
In 2022 our beautiful godly 48-year-old daughter went to be with the Lord after battling cancer for three years. The grief and loss was overwhelming. It would be presumptive to say that I have “gotten over it.” Let’s just say I continue to “get through it” with the help of God‘s grace and the love of my dear wife and family. Thank you for your wonderful article. It ministered to me and I’m sure to many others. God bless you.
Bill, you are so welcome…
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful and godly daughter. What a deep, deep grief. May the Lord hold you in His arms and give you peace.
You bring light into the darkness, Kim. What a joy to find your writings years ago and hitch my wagon to your ministry. There is nothing fake about you, only the WORD. Thanks for sharing out of your supernatural abundance this morning and every day.
Thank you Diane!
Thank you for taking the time to write this article.
You are most welcome.
Excellent article, Kim!! I learned early on that the Lord has broad shoulders, and I could trust Him with my disappointments, questions, confusion, etc. He is never offended by our honest communication, and He is fully capable of correcting us if we are out of line. This was revealed to me by Holy Spirit – sorry to say, the church taught me to pretend instead, in the name of being “respectful”. These Scripture verses are some of the treasures I’ve discovered over the years in my own walk of faith.
Job 13:15 “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him . . .”
Habakkuk 3:17-19 “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
The LORD God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places.” (Makes me think of Hannah Hurnard’s book – Hinds Feet on High Places.)
Psalm 43:5 “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” (Actually all of Psalm 42 and 43.)
Hebrews 12:3-4 “Yes, think about Him who endured such hostility against Himself from sinners, so that you won’t grow tired or become despondent.
You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in the contest against sin.”
Thank you Mary Beth!