Unpacking a Powerful Dream
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Unpacking a Powerful Dream
Click Here and Watch Glenn’s 13 Minute Segment First
I have followed Glenn Beck for many years.
Yet, my admiration of his work is not blind. Assuming his research was bomb-proof, I included quotes from his BlazeTV show in one of my pieces. It was on the topic of pornographic books being made available in lower school libraries. As my social-media critics swarmed and assaulted me with the most vicious attacks and accusations I’ve ever experienced, I dove deeper into the research and found that Beck was not accurate in his reporting. I quickly applied the corrections, wrote to Glenn’s staff of their error, but that did not assuage the furor of my friends. The attacks only heightened.
This happened in April, 2022. My next two pieces after that were on the projected overturn of Roe v. Wade and the 2000 Mules release that uncovered more election fraud. This trifecta of taboo topics invoked a tirade of insults that left an indelible mark on me. Up to that point, I had always welcomed dissenting discussion and debate. But this time, something was VERY different. The attacks were so personally defiling, nothing I said seemed to help.
My writing came to a near halt. I questioned everything. I couldn’t hear the voice of the Lord. Each time I sat to write, the only thing I could do was count how many times the cursor mockingly blinked at me. Writers block? Maybe. Emotional shutdown? Most likely. Woundedness from losing friends? For sure.
Spiritual warfare? Absolutely.
Looking back at that time and having just watched Glenn’s segment, I have never been more convinced that the dark and evil forces at work to destroy our country are more intent than ever to swat down any and every attempt made to expose their lies, unveil their deception, and reveal their anti-Christ ethos.
In those days, I will pour my Spirit out on all flesh. Your old people will have dreams and your young people will see visions.
~ Joel 2
Considering that I am just as grey as Beck, may I be counted among those who dream dreams!
Glenn’s dream is powerful. I feverishly took notes as he was speaking. And you can see in his eyes that this is not only real, but has shaped him — as any encounter with Yahweh will.
Consider the elements of the dream. He’s in the White House. “As the head goes, so shall the body.” The governmental head of our country is infected, corrupt, and defiled. Unless the head be sanctified, our nation will succumb to aligning itself with this contorted, malformed head. Glenn was being ushered into the false head of our country.
Sidenote: When Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no where to lay His Head”, this was not a declaration of our Savior’s poverty. Instead, it was a revelation that The Christ is looking for places to rest the governance of His Headship upon — but all He finds are perilous leaders who abscond His rightful place on the thrones here on Earth.
Next, Glenn says that as he was being ushered through a hallway and there were people in cubicles (represents the bureaucracy) who could see the fate of the people he was leading. Beck is not only a thought leader of our day, but a military leader in a spiritual sense. The fact he didn’t know who was following him or what was happening reveals that his LDS construct is greatly lacking and even blocking him from seeing the full landscape of the The Kingdom of God.
He was clear to say a few times that the uniforms were unlike anything he has ever seen. Could this mean that these nefarious players are not members of any obvious cohort or nation, but instead — representatives of another realm? An unseen regime, perhaps? This may infer we should stop analyzing Democrats vs. Republicans, Russia vs. Ukraine, CCP vs. USA, the WEF vs. the World, and instead lift our eyes higher to see what is happening in the unseen realms above and behind.
It makes me think of Paul’s casual nod to his visits to the unseen realms of the third heaven in II Cor. 12:
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— and he heard things that cannot be told which man may not utter.
The most important point of this passage may be: “I do not know, God knows.” This almost sounds like Glenn’s posture in this video.
Might it be possible that Glenn had a dream which revealed to him what is happening not in the third heaven, but rather in the second heaven? The second heaven is where Paul describes the warfare we engage with is not flesh and blood but rather — The unseen realms pertaining to rulers, powers, and the forces of darkness. (Eph. 6)
Once we can effectively “read the news” through a spiritual lens, the Lord can begin moving us from the revelations of the second heaven and reveal to us the greater things of the third heaven.
Next came the three gun shots. “Him, him, and him.” So powerful! This was the enemy’s fallacious portrayal to the country that he has eliminated the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Behold, the fake insurrection of the Universe. Those of us who know the Lord can only laugh at such a claim.
This is when the mask came off and Glenn saw he was face to face with Satan. “You have no idea who you are dealing with”, he said.
I WANT TO KNOW THE PASTOR Glenn FLEW TO MEET WITH!!! That pastor, full of The Spirit, revealed to Glenn the power of Our Lord that LDS never has been able to.
Just as Glenn was spiritually covered by this pastor, after the onslaught I endured last April, May, and June, I rallied myself to ask trusted friends to pray for me each and every time I publish a new piece. I can confidently testify that request and action has changed everything.
And now we land on the revelation for those of us who write. Just as Jesus said to John in the Revelation, “To the angel of the church of ____ , write the following.”
Write the following.
May we not press a key unless we hear the voice of Adonai. May we not publish a word unless we have seen with our own eyes, heard with our own ears, and know in our spirt what the Holy Spirit has spoken. May we grow in understanding to look beyond the news feeds, discern what is truly happening, and prophetically point people to the Living Hope of things.
Therefore, write what you saw, what is, and what will be after these things.
~ Rev 1:19
Father, embolden the prophets in 2023!
What visions have you seen for America? Share in the comments below!
(Used with permission. By Keith Guinta from The Wine Patch. Photo Credit: Canva)
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Father, I thank you for this post. May I walk solidly with you. Protect my family and those around me from the backlash of spiritual warfare. Draw them in to hide in you. Do your work on worth and depose the enemy. We declare in Jesus and through His blood the defeat of Satan and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Keith! This is a very clear and concise unpacking of that piece! And may our great God continue to call Glenn out of darkness into His glorious light. He has been a voice crying in the wilderness in seasons when the church was silent. Amen.
Just as Elijah faced the prophets of Baal, and basically threw down the gauntlet, we are in similar times. Lord, by Your mighty power, with Holy fire from heaven, destroy the altars and sacrifices of and to Molech. And may the peoples declare, The Lord He is God. The Lord He is God.
Cover Your intercessors with a double hedge of protection as they pray into this matter. May the blood of Jesus be their testimony. Amen.
I watched Glenn Beck speak about his dream in a video he posted a few months ago and watched it again just now.
I thought he had excellent insight into the dreams meaning.
In fact I shared the video along with made comments to many of my Christian friends.
Even though he is Latter-Day Saints and he is reporting on secular news he is more aware, more honest,, and more straightforward and preaching better than 99.9% of ministers from every denomination in this country.
You could visit 5000 churches in America and not find a sermon this clear.
Which is what is wrong with the country which is how we got to this point because we have so many ministers that will not speak up will not stand against evil .
I read Eric metaxas book on Bonhoeffer number of years ago and then recently read his letter to the American Church makes it easy to see the parallel that we are repeating 1930s Nazi Germany all because we have spineless ministers in our pulpit that fear man more than God.
Father God I ask you to grab a hold of the hearts and minds of the ministers of this nation and wake them up from their slumber wake them up from their complacency that they will stand and stand strong for Faith and Freedom in this nation
The take-away message from a church men’s encounter last weekend was to be spiritually on the offensive not the defensive. Where He leads me i will follow.
” Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish Your Hearts, for the Coming of the Lord is at hand.” James 5:7-8. The whole earth is being prepared for the Lord’s return. The sufferings and persecutions that the Body of Christ is experiencing worldwide is prophecy fulfilled if we take the time to notice in the midst of our busy lives, especially in America. Good news, Fear Not the Kingdom of God is at hand and Christ Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords will reign forever and ever. Glory! Hallelujah! Rejoice!
Lady America on bended knees trying to rise/stand up. She needs cleansing from defilement and restoration and healing from demonic powers which have knocked her down. Only the Blood of the Lamb can heal and restore her. And only The Holy Spirit can revive her.
Prophets have already spoken. The first three months of 2023 will be difficult. First the weather
After Pentecost we will Stand or settle in our recliner and be the good Nazi..