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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we need You. Please turn the leaders of the mainstream media to You. Grip their hearts Father.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing Michael Beller, Principal Counsel for The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), for his statements defending violent attacks on the White House, re-education for the children of Trump supporters and praising the deaths of red state voters as a result of COVID-19.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Michael Beller, PBS principal counsel: “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps.”
  • Beller: “Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day.
  • Beller: “Americans are so f*cking dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place [Washington, D.C.] where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody’s just stupid?”
  • Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great…a lot of them [red state voters] are sick and dying.”

You can watch the video here:

It is outrageous that a senior executive at a publicly funded media institution is calling for such persecution of political opposition.

How can we trust Mainstream Media staffed by individuals like these? Tax dollars pay their salaries.

Make sure to SHARE this video with your friends and family!

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Kathy Burke
January 13, 2021

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

I choose to obey my Lord. His word shall be our families staple with His Holy Spirit our teacher… Jesus walk with all children I pray…protect them from those that would harm them. May they know your Love never fails.. Amen

January 13, 2021

Father God, I pray You would continue to REVEAL that which has been done in the dark, in the secret places, behind closed doors. REVIVE the hearts of those who once called themselves Yours, and REDEEM that which the enemy has sought to steal, kill, and destroy. Remember, Lord, You desire that none should perish – reveal, revive, and redeem that there may be a revival in our world for You. Amen.

January 13, 2021

Thankful to the Lord for those He raises up to do His work according to the Word: expose evil.

Times are dark and these things help us know how to pray and do spiritual warfare for more of these exposures, to boycott PBS, etc.

January 13, 2021

Lord – Mr. Beller needs You Lord. His thinking is so corrupt and evil that it is sickening that someone like this is (was) employed with the use of our taxpayer money.
We pray for his soul Lord. We pray for his salvation. He needs to come to a place in his life where he must call on you. We commit that into your hands Lord. In your name we pray amen.

January 13, 2021

I’m sorry but I’m going to have to step away from IFA news for awhile. Take a look at the headlines – almost all is negative news! I can see that anywhere. I know your heart is in the right place, but every negative headline fights against my faith that God will save us from these evil people. I will keep praying with the remnant who have faith that God has heard us. Blessings to you.

    January 13, 2021

    I agree.

    January 13, 2021

    God has heard us and is revealing the evil in this world to us so we can pray specifically for God to work. We need to be wise as foxes and gentle as doves. We are in this state of corrupt control because Christians do not want to believe how evil is running our country. You cannot make this stuff up.

    IFA thank you for revealing these issues to us. I do not read mainstream media and appreciate your discernment and revelations.

    January 14, 2021

    Evil prevails when good people do nothing. Hiding our heads in the sand accomplishes nothing. That is why we are where we are as a nation, the good people gave up the territory to the enemy. I am sorry if this is offensive to anyone, but I mean it to encourage and wake up the good people to stand and not shrink from a job that God gave us to be salt and light and restrainers of evil. To boldly proclaim truth and stand up for righteousness. Is there anything more important than to protect our children!? God help us to see and understand the danger. Oh LORD, give us boldness while You stretch out Your hand. ACTS 4:23-29

January 13, 2021

From Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — A lawyer for PBS resigned Tuesday after being caught describing President Donald Trump as “close to Hitler” in a right-wing sting operation.

PBS spokesman Jeremy Gaines sai, the lawyer did not speak on behalf of PBS or make any editorial decisions.

“There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individual’s views in no way reflect our values or opinions,” he said.

Michael Beller, a contracts lawyer in PBS’ general counsel office, was recorded offering political opinions in what appeared to be a barroom conversation with a woman. It was released Tuesday by Project Veritas, a conservative group known for using undercover methods to reveal supposed liberal bias.

Beller is heard saying it was “great” that coronavirus cases were spiking in red states because they might infect Trump voters and suggested Republican voters should have their children put in re-education camps. :

Efforts to reach Beller were unsuccessful.

January 13, 2021

Warfare prayer are prayers for RECOVERY.
TO DO LIST for warefare prayer.

1. Need Gods word

2. Power of the Holy Spirit.

3. If your feeling heavy and can’t hear from God spend some time in worship.

The bible says from the mouth of 2 witnesses a thing is established. You will always find at least two verse on the topics for recovering your key. Find as much verse as you want.

For each verse
Pray in your native language for 1-3 minutes. Then pray in the Holy Ghost for 7 minutes. If you dont have the Holy Spirit ask Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY one authorize by YAWEH to baptize people with the Holy Spirit.

The bible says YE shall have power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You need this power in prayer.

Worship is man’s spirit engaging God’s spirit. The engage ment silences the enemy.

January 13, 2021

Saints, don’t stumble believing YAHWEH.


There is an ANGEL that carries prayers to YAHWEH. This ANGEL has NEVER failed carrying prayers to YAHWEH. YAHWEH has every prayers. SO BOMBARD HEAVENS WITH your PRAYERS.

The bible says there remains a DAY where ALLLLL prayers will be answered at ONCE

Sherry Mallory
January 13, 2021

Father, we lift Michael Beller up to You. He is a pawn in the enemy’s camp and is being fed evil ideals. In the name of Jesus, we join You according to the Word and bind every evil force that has influence on him. We release the spirit of Godly truth, salvation, knowledge of You and discernment to see evil for what it is. Holy Spirit penetrate his very soul and replace the darkness that resides with Light. Bring Michael Beller to his knees in repentance and cause him to have a hunger for righteousness. Let him have a Saul to Paul experience. Cover him with the blood of Jesus, where the path to salvation is visible and the enemy cannot interfere. Bring righteous people his way to minister and guide him. Thank you Lord, that a soul converted is a warrior for the Kingdom. Thank you for the power of intercession. To You be the glory, In the mighty name of Jesus.

Mary Lawless
January 13, 2021

Abba Father, we lift this man up to You. Jesus, we pray You encounter this man in the depths of his depravity that he would renounce and denounce this evil and grant him repentance and the knowledge of You,Lord. Set this man and others free from their captivity to satan. I pray this man and others get born again by your Holy Spirit. Father, we commission Your holy warring angels to crush that demon and snuff it out. Do not allow that to take root. In Jesus Name. Amen 🙏.

January 13, 2021

OAN News says they Fired this guy for the comments

Glenn R. Freeman
January 13, 2021

Lord have mercy on his soul.

Romans 12:14
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not.”

Proverbs 25: 21,22
If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
And the Lord will reward you.

Matt. 5:43-45 Jesus in the sermon on the mount
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

January 13, 2021

This is communism! Father, Almighty King and Lord of all, help us and contend for us against this darkness. Give us wisdom and discernment. Restrain the enemy. Give us Your peace in these troubled times and let truth prevail. We are in distress over the comments made by this man. Like David said…. “ who is this uncircumcised philistine who dares to come against the armies if the living God!?” We have been saved by the precious blood of Christ. We are the Church the Body of Christ. You have given us power to tear down strongholds. We take authority over this evil and tear it down. All praise and honor and glory to Your Lord. Amen I know this man has been fired but how many more just like him with communists ideas are still trying to influence others? They say things like “ how can we ( whoever we are) “reprogram” anyone who voted for Trump”???? REPROGRAM???? We come against the forces of darkness who seek to distort the truth and destroy you Church. Give us more time to share the gospel. We are here for this reason alone. In Jesus name we pray. Amen


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