Unborn Lives at Risk in Missouri
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Unborn Lives at Risk in Missouri
The Missouri Capitol is in a battle over initiative petition (IP) reform, with a bill that ended up getting buried in 2023. As Missouri law currently stands, signature petitions can get a measure put on the ballot in general elections if there are enough signatures. This pits the urban vote against the rural vote and diminishes equal representation across the state, a problem that the current IP reform bill would solve.
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Currently, there are 17 IPs aimed at bringing abortion back into our state — two petitions are collecting signatures primarily in St. Louis and Kansas City. Given the threat of abortion returning to our state, we are convinced that our system of initiative petitions needs to be fixed right now. This reform bill must be passed in 2024.
To compound things, we have a broken lawmaking system. How did this happen? Over time, laws crept in that gave all the power of our Senate and House to a select few. This is a pay-to-play setting. Campaign funders and political action committees hold great powers of control. Our state has a super-majority of Republicans, but many of them do not adhere to the party platform.
Thankfully, God has provided us with a few who are willing to hold the line — our beloved Freedom Caucus. The members of the Freedom Caucus have foreheads of flint, and they are pro-life. They have filibustered to get IP reform into committee. That legislation is now out of committee and ready to go to the Senate. On Feb. 1, the Senate met for less than an hour, and no bills came up. We believe that lots of off-the-record meetings took place that day. We expect that IP reform will soon come to the Senate floor and that Sen. Coleman will present it. The bill has a long way to go, but we remain hopeful.
Yesterday, we rallied with about 400 others at the Capitol to stand with the Freedom Caucus. Many were astounded at the turnout. John and Skye drove in from Kansas, and several others came in from St. Louis side. Larry drove the church van so we could help carpool. Verna, Michelle, and Maurie were at home praying and fasting.
Not many people understand IP reform. Two weeks ago, our IFA Missouri state prayer group hosted Jeremy Jacobs, regional director of Bound4Life, on our noon prayer call. Jacobs provided information to direct us about how to pray and take action. People in our state are not hearing about this issue and what is at stake.
Sadly, there is dark money coming in, and campaign committees have set up a pay-to-play for our elected officials. Those officials who do not “play by the rules” — as dictated by the few in power — receive no position or committee assignments. Senators Eigel, Koenig, Brattin, and Hoskins have been kicked out of the parking garage by the leadership. They’ve lost their committee chairmanships and have even been kicked off committees completely. Now, they believe, they’ll have their office furniture removed, and they’ll possibly lose their offices in the state House.
All of this is happening at lightning speed. We welcome any help we can get to shout it from the housetops to all of Missouri. Missouri intercessors are a humble, fervent bunch who love our Messiah and claim our land for God. We believe that God will turn what Satan intends for the demise of future generations in Missouri to not only save lives, but also bring integrity back into our House.
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(Pam Zook leads IFA’s Missouri state prayer group. Photo Credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)
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Lord God, please give the strength for all people in Missouri to stand tall for the precious infants to live as our Savior has designed them to live 🙏!
Thank you Lord that there is Life in Missouri. Please keep Life going and let them not lose it. Thank you!🙏🙏
Only by your great power Lord can we be saved
Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Creator of Heaven and earth and all life exists at Your good pleasure. You are not concerned with dark money or pay-to-play leadership and for those who are involved, including Senate President Caleb Rowden, I pray they feel the heat of Your fire. As for Senators Eigel, Koenig, Brattin, and Hoskins, I pray Your justice will prevail. This reform bill must be passed in 2024….I am asking, in the Precious Name of Jesus, for You to CANCEL this bill. I am asking for You to rise up for the unborn in Missouri, every state in our nation, and every nation under the sun. Let us all KNOW we are in the hands of the Living God. For those who love You, this is so good. For those who do not, may they be terrified. Amen
Thank You, LORD, that these plans are being made null and void!
Jesus, as a former MO resident, I stand with the intercessors in the state of MO for the lives of preborn children. Keep abortion (termination of life) out of MO.
As a current resident of WI, we in WI are fighting for life in our state. It’s unconstitutional to perform abortions in our state however there’s a bill in our legislature that wants to put abortion on a referendum similar to what’s happened in KS & OH. Lord Jesus deliver us from this culture of death in our states & nation.
We agree with you Christine for your state of Wisconsin. May hearts be turned toward life and lives be turned towards the life-giver in Jesus mighty name,
Thank you for sharing this battle and being part of the prayer on the ground! Intercessors must also be watchmen and you and your team are seeing the skirmishes that need prayer-it is all part of the spiritual battle!
When I read this article a scripture I say daily came to mind Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God. Yea I will strengthen thee, I will help thee, I will lift you up with the right hand of my righteousness. God sees all that is happening. We just need to continue to focus on him, keep praying his will over every situation and then trust him as we know that his will for us is ALWAYS good.
Another thing that irks the devil and moves God to continue helping is 1Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in EVERYTHING for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I know that it is hard to “give thanks” when things seem bad but please try to see the good God can do out of all of this. Start thanking him for all he has done, for giving you even ten people who feel as you do, who know him, who want to honor him. Thank him for being your Savior and for letting you have discernment and his strength to keep fighting for the babies, that you know he can and will intercede in your behalf as he has on so many occasions. Our praise and thanks to him is like incense that draws his attention and help. Praying with you on this and many other levels.
In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshphat put the singers and praisers in front of the army as they went to battle against the 3 armies coming against them. God went before them and decimated the enemy!
Father, You handed the home of Haman over to Mordecai, the one he intended to destroy. I pray that the tides would turn against the dark forces attempting to destroy the babies, and that their money and resources would be redistributed by Your power into hands that will bless the babies and help them land on loving families where they will grow up walking with You. Strengthen Missouri as they pray and fast and give them everything they need to follow through on obedience. Make them victorious God! May the momentum of abortion continue to dwindle in our nation until it is nothing but a shameful piece of America’s history. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Seriously, that childish?! Elected officials removing office furniture like 2-year-olds yanking toys?! Lord, grow us up! Show us the REAL battles, the REAL importance!