I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to strengthen and protect Israel. While this vote is disheartening, we pray that You would continue to move in the hearts of world leaders. Let them all see the nation of Israel as You do.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a UN vote this week 124 nations demanded that Israel end its “unlawful” presence in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

From All Israel News. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) overwhelmingly voted to adopt a nonbinding Palestinian resolution, calling on Israel to “end without delay unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory” within a year or face consequences, including embargoes.

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The resolution calls on Israel to withdraw from all territories seized after the 1967 Six-Day War, including East Jerusalem. Israel has consistently maintained that holding these territories is necessary for its defense and security.

UNGA’s resolution also called on member states to refrain from selling military equipment or weapons to Israel that could be used in Palestinian territories and called for a boycott of goods produced in Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria. …

Following the vote, Oren Marmorstein, the spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, posted a message to 𝕏 calling it “a distorted decision that is disconnected from reality, encourages terrorism and harms the chances for peace.”

In particular, Marmorstein slammed the resolution for ignoring the issue of Palestinian terrorism targeting Israeli civilians. …

Decisions of the UN General Assembly are not legally binding but are considered expressions of the opinions of world leaders.

Israel is widely expected to ignore the terms of the resolution; however, it previously threatened to halt all cooperation with the Palestinian Authority (PA) if the resolution was pursued. …

Share your prayers for Israel in the comments.

(Excerpt from All Israel News. Photo Credit: cristianl/Getty Images)

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Larry Weiler
September 21, 2024

The UN the WHO and all the other world organizations are in partnership with satan. By trying to isolate Israel they are bringing the destruction of themselves by God. They all had better start reading the bible on what happen to those who attack and try to destroy His chosen people. It will not go well with them and if God deems their transgressions against Israel unforgivable then that pit of everlasting fire will be their sentence. It is not up to me to condemn but those leaders will condemn themselves by their actions. Repent and Trust in God. 🙏😇🙏

September 21, 2024

Father in the name of Jesus, when the leaders of nations and United Nations are ungodly, secular humanists, as many are, how can they be expected to make righteous spiritually wise decisions. Father intervene over the nations and raise up leaders who will be receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ or at leastreceptive to You oh God of Abraham abd your commandments,and be the type of believers who would be pliable in your hands and easily influenced by your Holy Spirit to make wise decisions that protect your people recognizing their covenanted territory according to your word. Father give Holy spirit filled spirit led prayers to your people that will pray in everything necessary according to your highest and best will for your people, and not only them but for America And Isreal’s allies as well. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

September 21, 2024


Errol Reed III
September 21, 2024

I guess the UN needs to get off their butts and pick up a Bible, any good Bible and read what our FATHER has to say about their ignorance of WHO really is in charge! Past time to kick the UN out of this country and cut their funding at the same time.

Errol Reed
September 21, 2024

I guess the UN needs to get off their butts and pick up a Bible, any good Bible and read what our FATHER has to say about their ignorance of WHO really is in charge! Past time to kick the UN out of this country and cut their funding at the same time.

Jeannie Huppert
September 21, 2024

“Israel withdraw from all territories . . . ” NO!!!!!!!!! I wish a knowledgeable Jewish or non-Jew who really understands Israel’s BIBLE BORDERS would present us all with a bona fide map of what God Says Israel is supposed to look like. AND PRAYER: Father God, Please Continue To Give Your Benjamin Netanyahu & IDF all the Wisdom, Guidance, “Witty Inventions”, Strategies You Have to secure proper ownership of Israel by Jewish people to whom YOU Gave it. Open the eyes & ears of all who do not see/hear ways YOU Want them to. Father God, Please Fix & Repair every one of us so that we align with YOUR will, NOT what “news” or anyone else says. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray. Amen so be it!

Mary Beth
September 21, 2024

The Lord is in process of restoring Israel, and revealing their Messiah to them. Any action that works against His will and purposes in this situation not only will not succeed, but it will bring judgment against those who act in opposition to Him. May our nation bless Israel, so we may be blessed by God.

Carole Bogar
September 21, 2024

Heavenly Father, we come before you declaring that no weapon form against Israel will prosper! Isa. 54:17. We stand with the Lord for his chosen people and request your leading on this subject. I believe you are making your will known and that the UN will find out shortly how much their opinion is worth! I condemn the UN and their arrogance! In Jesus Name I pray. Amen and Amen!


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