UFOs, Nonhuman Intelligence, and You
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UFOs, Nonhuman Intelligence, and You
David Copperfield is one of the most popular magicians in the world, known for creating such grand illusions as the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty, for escaping from Alcatraz, and even for levitating over the Grand Canyon. Recently, I attended one of his shows in Las Vegas, where he performed many magic tricks to baffle and amuse the audience. One illusion in particular caught my attention — and left me with an uneasy feeling.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
With gusto and grandeur, Copperfield made a large, illuminated flying saucer appear. As it levitated above my head, I felt a strong check in my spirit, reminding me of research I had recently come across regarding UFOs. This mysterious spaceship that seemed to pop up from nowhere belonged to a small, animatronic alien named Blu32, with whom Copperfield interacted during the program. So, what was Blu32’s message to the people of earth? “I come in peace and love.”
After I left the show, a question immediately came to mind. What would the typical Christian say if one day he or she were to opened a newsfeed and see this headline: “U.S. Government Discloses UFO Bombshell: We Are Not Alone in the Universe.” The mere mention of “aliens” or “extraterrestrial life” is laughable to some, while to others, it’s a valid reason to stock up on tinfoil. But let’s get serious for a moment. As Christians, we should always be prepared to give an answer, even when it comes to “alien life” or “nonhuman intelligence.”
Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many (Matthew 24:4–5 NKJV).
The subject of extraterrestrials can certainly bring deception or confusion. When approaching this topic, it’s important to understand that there are large numbers of people primed to accept that a highly evolved species created human beings, seeding our planet millions of years ago. Many of these same people also believe that “aliens” could be the saviors of our dying planet. Using the CE-5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) method, founded by prominent ufologist Dr. Steven Greer, they are proactively engaging with entities through deep meditation. In fact, these enthusiasts are ready and willing to be initiated into a New Age of enlightenment and higher consciousness.
Some believe that only New Agers ascribe to such beliefs. But in truth, the average person has been exposed to hundreds of Hollywood movies, books, and celebrities pushing these very ideas. Recently, however, the fringe topic of UFOs (also known as UAPs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), aliens, and nonhuman intelligence has made its way into mainstream news, spurring debate among scientific scholars and skeptics alike. While many of us were busy digging into the numerous stories of governmental corruption, one whistleblower’s story seems to have slipped through the cracks. After all, the nature and topic of this informant’s report was likely too “out of this world” for many to grasp or believe.
In June 2023, David Charles Grusch, a former combat officer and veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), as well as a representative of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, hit the news circuit with some compelling albeit questionable information. In an interview with investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, reporting for NewsNation, Grusch shared that while he was part of the UAP Task Force, he became aware of evidence that the U.S. government is running a “broad crash-retrieval program” — meaning government is “retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles — call it spacecraft if you will — nonhuman, exotic-origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed.” Asked whether U.S. intelligence has spacecraft in its possession from another species, he answered: “We do, yeah.” This response surprised Coulthart, who asked, “How many?” Grusch answered, “Quite a number.”
Though Grusch himself was never part of this alleged secret retrieval program, he explains he was made aware of it through numerous intelligence officers who confided in him. “They named the program. … I’d never heard of it. They told me, based on their oral testimony, and they provided me documents and other proof, that there was in fact a program,” he insisted. Grusch divulged that he was able to interview at least 40 firsthand witnesses over a period of four years. “Some of the subjects provided me with sensitive and foreign intelligence to read … program documents and photographs to evaluate.”
Coulthart then said: “You are alleging that the U.S. government has been concealing the existence on this planet of alien life.” To which Grusch responded: “I would couch it as nonhuman intelligence, you know NHI. … I don’t want to necessarily denote origin. I don’t think we have all the data to say ‘Oh, they’re coming from a certain location.’ And I couch it as somebody who has studied physics, where maybe they’re coming from a different physical dimension as described in quantum mechanics. We know there are extra dimensions due to high-energy particle collisions, etc., and there’s a theoretical framework to explain that.”
Coulthhart reiterated: “Let me cut to the quick then — you’re saying there is an intelligent species engaging with this planet.” Grusch replied: “Yeah, that’s potentially extraterrestrial.”
Grusch maintains that after being made aware of the retrieval program, he worked tirelessly to gain access, but this led to what he has termed “administrative terrorism.” He explains that after being met with illegal retaliation, he filed a whistleblower complaint with the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) so he could share the information he discovered with the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal reveal in their article published by The Debrief that “an unclassified version of the complaint provided to us states that Grusch has direct knowledge that UAP-related classified information has been withheld and/or concealed from Congress by ‘elements of the intelligence community’ to purposely and intentionally thwart legitimate Congressional oversight of the UAP Program.” Despite a firestorm of skepticism, Grusch’s claims have been backed up by members within intelligence circles. Karl E. Nell, a retired Army colonel and an aerospace executive who worked with Grusch on the UAP Task Force insists that his character is “beyond reproach.”
In response to his complaint, on July 26, 2023, a “Hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” took place during which Grusch testified before a House subcommittee. He was joined by retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and former Navy pilot Ryan Graves. Fravor described his encounter with a wingless, exhaustless, “tic-tac-shaped” UAP in 2004 that maneuvered with unprecedented speed and could not be locked onto conventional radar. Even though the incident was eventually reported in the New York Times in 2017 and on a Joe Rogan podcast, it was never thoroughly investigated by the U.S. government.
Graves recounted in his testimony that during his time as an F-18 pilot, he had seen objects operating at “zero air speed.” He explained: “That means, just like a river, if you throw a bobber in, it’s going to float downstream. These objects were staying completely stationary in Category 4 hurricane winds. These objects would then accelerate to supersonic speeds, 1.1, 1.2 Mach, and they would do so in very erratic and quick behaviors that we don’t … have an explanation for.” In previous interviews, Graves stressed that seeing UAPs was a regular occurrence, happening “every day for at least a couple of years.”
During the hearing, Rep. Nancy Mace, (R-S.C., asked Grusch two straightforward questions: “Do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials? Do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft?” Mr. Grusch responded that “nonhuman biologics” came with some of the craft recoveries.
Common among those three testimonies is that they each describe the stigma that comes from reporting UAP (UFO) encounters and how this must change if true transparency is to take place.
As Christians, when we hear that reports of an “intelligent species of nonhuman origin” are being kept hidden from the public, our first response could be disbelief, confusion, or even fear. But biblical scholars and secular researchers have weighed in on this issue, offering opinions about what could be happening if these reports are in fact true. Prophecy Watchers hosts Gary Stearman and Mondo Gonzalez warn: “There’s a great deception coming soon … a Satanic illusion that may involve these unidentified UAPs, some flying at speeds of 13,000 miles per hour and appearing and disappearing off radar screens in an instant. It’s not science fiction. It’s about fallen angels and demons who operate freely in our world, but remain hidden from our sight. The Bible calls them principalities and powers … rulers of darkness in high places. Could this deception be the current UFO (UAP) phenomenon?”
Grusch alleges that these beings are coming from “a different physical dimension.” The concept of other dimensions is not a foreign topic in the Bible. Genesis 6 describes what happened when fallen angels (“the sons of God”) came to earth and had children with human women. Hybrid beings known as the Nephilim were the result of those unions.
When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them … (Genesis 6:1–4).
Though many of us may not fully understand what is happening with the UAP (UFO) phenomenon, we must realize that there is a supernatural, spiritual realm that includes angels and demons (fallen angels) that can materialize, even “popping in and out” of our realm in all sorts of ways. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. If we apply this truth to the UAP (UFO) phenomenon, we cannot just dismiss all reports as mere delusion or fantasy.
Though reports and investigations of UAPs (UFOs) have been happening since the 1930s and ’40s through such programs as Project Blue Book, Project Grudge, and Project Sign, the media have for the most part treated the subject as the stuff of tinfoil-hat enthusiasts. Since 2017, however, unprecedented information about UAPs has been disclosed that comes from credible witnesses. Respected pilots have described encounters with unidentified objects that defy the laws of physics. Reports of secret government UFO programs have trickled into mainstream news as whistleblowers in these units began telling their stories. Tucker Carlson has been covering the subject for several years now.
Author, lecturer, and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli calls the media’s and the government’s sudden but incremental coverage of the UAP (UFO) phenomenon the “ladder of disclosure.” On his website, lamarzulli.net, he presents evidence about what he dubs the “Trail of the Nephilim,” through which he investigates the supernatural from a biblical perspective. He says that while not every UAP/UFO sighting or encounter is legitimate, there are some credible examples. Whether it’s an abduction experience, a crop circle, a cattle mutilation, or the appearance of some giant “spaceship,” he asserts that the fallen angels (demons) are involved in some way.
Marzulli says the UAP (UFO) phenomenon is part of the seed war — in which the interdimensional fallen angels mentioned in the Bible attempted to mingle their seed with mankind. He references Genesis 3:15, which says: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed (NKJV). He warns that Christians and non-Christians alike must be educated about what/who these beings really are — stressing that they’re not “benevolent extraterrestrials that have come to help mankind evolve.”
In October 2020, Tucker Carlson spoke about UFOs on Fox News: “There’s an enormous amount of evidence, including physical evidence that UFOs, whatever they are, are real. Why don’t we know a lot more about this? Because the government has hidden that information from us, outrageously.” Next, Carlson played a clip from a documentary titled “Phenomenon,” which features Internet pioneer, astronomer, and ufologist Dr. Jacques Vallee. Since 1947 (the year of the infamous Roswell UFO crash), Vallee has collected metal debris from UFO cases and analyzed their components. He says his findings reveal that in many cases “this material was manufactured. It’s not natural to the materials that we have around us in the lab or on the earth.” Vallee is well-known for promoting the interdimensional hypothesis, which proposes that UFOs travel from other dimensions. Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, features a French investigator whose character was inspired by Vallee’s real life as a UFO scientist. His work with J. Allen Hynek on Project Blue Book helped to establish the first computer database of UFO observations.
While there are increasing numbers of officials blowing the whistle on secret UFO programs, there is considerable pushback as well. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), says the AARO has found “no credible evidence thus far of extra-terrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics.” Nonetheless, the AARO has investigated at least 800 reports of UAPs as of May 2023.
These UAP/UFO experiences are just the tip of the iceberg, and there’s much more to be shared. There’s also the phenomenon of “alien abduction,” which bears a striking resemblance to demonic encounters. Recently, Daily Wire commentator Michael Knowles showed a clip of UFO whistleblower and ex-Pentagon Special Agent Luiz Elizondo, who shared that a respected, high-level Department of Defense agent once told him to stop investigating UFOs. When asked why, that official said: “We already know what this is. Do you read your Bible? These things are demonic and we should not be pursuing them.”
It goes without saying that not every UAP/UFO story is true. Certainly, continual prayer and discernment is needed for understanding this complex issue. Nevertheless, as Marzulli says: “UFOs are real, burgeoning and not going away.” Thus, we must remain steadfast in our pursuit of the truth, making sure that we always consult the Bible, listen to the Holy Spirit, and stay on guard for any deceptions.
In the end, many people are hoping for a close encounter with an “alien” — when what they really need is a close encounter with the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
We can pray this way:
Lord Jesus, this world is full of deception, confusion, and even bizarre phenomena like UAPs and UFOs. Give us Your eyes and ears so that we can understand what’s really going on. May the Holy Spirit be our compass, guided by a biblical worldview, so that we will not be deceived.
(This article is the first of a series in which UAPs, UFOs, and interdimensional phenomena will be discussed. The topic is so broad that further information must be shared in order to have a full and clear understanding.)
What do you think about the subject of UAPs (UFOs)? And what do you believe the Holy Spirit is saying about this?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, awaiting the release of her first children’s book in September 2023, titled Hallelujah’s Great Ride. Photo Credit: Albert Antony on Unsplash.
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With God we have a King ship.
Satan- a Sin king ship.
Having been deceives in an intependent church with Pentecostal teachingsconcerning tongure, modern-day prophesies, and gifts of divine healing, I am thouroughly on guard for deception–from the enemy as well as other deceived Christians.
Thanks so much for your article. I agree 100%. I am a apologetics See more about me at creationshope.org..
I have a talk on Aliens that gets a lot of interest. I am interested in hearing more of what you have to say.
As far as I understand from the Bible God says angels can’t have sex …so I think God’s words throw that theory out the window. The Sons of God in those scriptures I believe are men of faith who had sex with non-believing or pagan women. Just my opinion and what I feel like Holy Spirit as spoken to me. There’s nothing to big or to hard for our God…Who of us really know what is in all the unexplored vastness of His world He created!!! But, if He wants us to know…He will make it known. If not, we don’t need to know!! But we all need to trust He knows what He is doing and why!!!
Hi Venisa,
Jesus mentions that the angels do not give and receive in marriage, as they are eternal and have no use for reproduction (and that our heavenly bodies will be like theirs). That does NOT rule out what mischievous angels could do if they so chose. Angels are far beyond us (as of right now, anyways) in physical ability, in astral ability, in technological capability. I would not doubt what a bad angel could do or produce, especially seeing as how the modern UFO abduction stories always involve sperm being taken from males, and eggs taken from females. They seem to tinker with it, and may have done so similarly in Genesis 6. Just something to think about, we’re seeing it all repeat again (like the Days of Noah).
I always like to exercise caution in throwing entire theories out the window due to one verse sounding like it is against it. Bible needs to interpret Bible. It is all one integrated message !
Our Heavenly Father may come from a Heavenly star system far away, beyond our present human comprehension. Not too long ago religious tradition thought that if GOD wanted humans to fly He’d given us wings. Some religious traditions and new doctrinal teachings are not universal truth for multiple reasons including the evil communist subversion of America’s religions.
In August of 1945 earth humans sent a scalar message to the cosmos faster than the speed of light. E=MxCxC revealing our uncivilized spiritual nature to use this paradigm shift in energy to destroy one another. This drew major attention to ‘the heavens/(cosmos)’, God’s throne/domain. Thus many intelligent beings are majorly concerned.
The major coverup (lies or silence) to the public has been around since before Roswell. The reverse engineering of these otherworldly technologies has given earth humans the ability to travel and carry our barbaric spiritual attitude to kill beings that are different from ourselves.
GOD will not allow that. Genesis 6, GOD repented over earthly behaviors.
Most of the UAP/UFO sightings seen nowadays are human manufactured, from ‘dark protects’ not for the benefits of the people of earth.
GOD loves humanity. He sent His hybrid Son The Resurrected Christ Jesus to redeem/save HUMANKIND.
Is in control!
The surviving 66 books that we call the BIBLE
Tells us much, not all.
Heavenly intelligent entities are mostly benevolent but the good and evil in the cosmos and what has been unleashed on planet EARTH is also very real and active.
I could really elaborate.
The ongoing depopulation of planet earth is happening right before our eyes, hidden in plain sight. Not just the shedding of innocent PREBORN HUMAN CHILDREN but………do some honest truthful research into the communist created diseases and the experimental experimental jabs mandated on our military, the defense of our beloved America. It is a depopulation inoculation, go to their websites. They can’t patent the poison as a vaccine. There programmable gene therapy and they’ll continue to lie to us as to what that is.
America bless GOD So that
GOD can bless America again
I believe that it is fallen angels, demons, or other beings from the spirit world of Satan. May God give us wisdom and discernment to not fall prey to fear or false ideas.
God Almighty is sovereign and created everything and nothing that is created is without God’s consent. I praise God that He wants to be our friend. What a blessing.
Thank you for this article. I strongly suggest you go to YouTube & search “Hugh Ross existence of aliens.” He is a prominent Christian Astrophysicist who has written books about this. He explains clearly in this video & gives some clear answers.
His organization is Reasons To Believe.
At Reasons.org.
Thank you, be careful and discerning on you tube. It censors real truth that exposes the luciferian marxist globalists cabal’s agendas.
Depopulation of our beloved planet is a major one in progress. Continued shedding innocent blood of PRECIOUS PREBORN HUMAN beings is solid in the antigod prodeath demon cratic / luciferian communist party
Even as a born again Christian I can say, “just because it’s not in the bible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist”.
Not judging,..but….And a Christian would be in Las Vegas going to a magic, oops, illusionist’ show, WHY? FATHER GOD please order our steps and direct our path and speak clearly to us about ufo’s and the demonic so we won’t be ignorant of satan’s devices sent to delude YOUR people in JESUS NAME! Amen!
Excellent article, very interesting. Thank you for talking about this subject and providing insight and informative links.
“…and the power to deceive even the elect, if that were possible.” I heard another presentation on this subject recently, and was quite surprised that the speakers so easily entertained the alien theories, as well as angels having sexual relation with mankind. In light of the very many deceptions/”smoke & mirror” politics currently(and yes, in the past as well) why are we falling for things like this again? A good read is Gary Bates’ 2004 book, “Alien Intrusion”.
Bates also made it into an excellent documentary by that same name. They interview several who had “alien encounters,” and [SPOILER ALERT] all of the aliens left when people called on the name of Jesus.
Thank you!
That’s one of those secrets that not shared widely through out the ufo/uap world. His name has the ultimate authority. Many whistle-blowers have come out who have worked in black ops and have had to sign Contracts that they won’t say ” Jesus Christ ” around any of these demonic entities. I’ve heard repeatedly that his name literally cause cellular ripping/deterioration and terrible pain for the dark ones. How incredible is it that we as his body have authority through his suffering. Praise his holy name 🙌
This article makes a lot of sense
Yes, most of the UFO’s are demonic in origin. But some are definitely man made. The best book on that aspect of the subject is probably Flying Saucer Technology by Bill Rose. Virtually all the unexplained UFO reports can be explained by these two suppositions, no Aliens need apply! I could never buy the notion that spaceships could come through all the dangers of such long range space travel only to have so many of their craft crash on earth! A man made craft is what I believe crashed at Roswell etc. And Aliens would not need to keep mutilating cows for so many years to learn everything about them. But as blood sacrifices orchestrated by Demons it starts to make sense. UFO’s that split into several “craft” all the same size? Advanced technology doesn’t begin to explain it but the Supernatural can!
I’m stickin to “I don’t know”. Nobody can credibly argue against that statement 🥴
Does anyone ever consider our Masonic roots being connected to all this demonic activity involving our government and UFO’s etc..?
It wasn’t until the 1800s when the European Masons infiltrated some of the American Masonic Lodges. Initial American Masons were Christian in nature. European was definitely demonic.
Just want to add… don’t forget our advanced technologies with AI , CERN, and things they are putting in our food, water, air and vax. It’s all changing dna. Combined with the demonic, witchcraft sacrifices, 5g mind control, experiments on our children with gender drugs and mutilations…. It’s all linked. This is nothing new. I’d say be careful not to glorify it in your reporting but just keep us in the Biblical perspective and reminding people of the Word as you have done in this article!
A good question to ask “Why would a disciple of Jesus go to a performance of David Copperfield a magician in Las Vegas?” Would you go see a fortune teller, a palm reader, tarot card reader, go to a Yoga class, go to a tattoo show, go to a Buddhist ritual, or any kind of satanic/pagan ritual? I would certainly hope NOT as a follower of Messiah. These things are detestable to God. I encourage anyone who has to ask God’s forgiveness and cleanse you of any unclean spirit that may have attached to you because of it.
Magicians in Scripture worked for Kings and Pharaohs of pagan nations. They were conjuring up demons. Grouped with astrologers, fortunetellers, diviners, enchanters, worldly wise men and knew secret arts (from demons). Daniel 2:27, 4:7; Gen.41:8; Ex. 7:22, 8:19 Clearly, Copperfield is one of these.
This verse is talking about deception coming from within the believing community by those saying Jesus is the Christ. They mix lies with truth.
“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many. “(Matthew 24:4–5
Doing a Bible/Concordance study on angels. and the Holy Spirit would be a good idea. Many people today worship angels, have statues of them, and pray to them or pray incorrectly concerning them. They are created beings like you and me. Obedient angels to the Lord minister to those who belong to the Lord, not everyone.
There will be signs and wonders BUT not all are from the Lord. or His Holy Spirit. The only way to know truth and NOT be deceived is study the Bible carefully so you will know the counterfeit. Look at what Scripture is saying and what it is NOT saying. Don’t be distracted. Keep your focus on Messiah! Share the Gospel in love and truth because many are and will be deceived. We each have to give account to the Lord.
Rev. 16:14 On the great day of the Lord demons will be performing great signs for Kings of the earth. Personally, I believe all this “UFO stuff” is very demonic.
You are confusing what we now term Magicians with what we would term sorcerers. The former deal with illusions and the latter with the Occult. I had a Sunday School teacher who was very fond of magicians because they could fake greater feats than sorcerers could perform and were responsible for the latter’s fall from popularity during the Renaissance etc. David Copperfield is not a sorcerer but he is a very valuable reminder not to believe everything we think we are seeing!
And you know that David Copperfield is NOT a sorcerer, how? Any power outside of our HOLY SPIRIT is counterfeit! Christians had better be careful not to be deceived. Better to stay miles away from the appearance of sin than to be deceived in JESUS NAME!
By that reasoning, how does anyone know you’re not a sorceror? A sower of dissent? Illusionists are simply
Jesus’ Salvation by grace prevents all believers from being possessed because demons cannot indwell a human heart already indwelled by the Holy Spirit. We can, however, through sin, allow ourselves to be oppressed.
Sorry, but you don’t know what you are talking about.
Lanie, who are you referring to? The author of the article or the Intercessors posting? Please be more specific
My response is to remember what God said.. In Romans, He said He would send a strong delusion in the end times..This verse is about sexual perversion…God also allows the enemy to deceive us with anything that promotes confusion and doesn’t match up to the word of God. We have to ask from God, His wisdom to ferret out truth and lie. (James)
Astrophysicists have determined there are at least 9 Dimensions.!! So it would follow that entities ( yes demons) could use these dimensions that are not available to our human eyes… And, for the most part, everything written in this article I have tracked with and understood, as well, to be on 🎯 target.
I suggest if one is questioning the legitimacy of this article, with kindness I ask them to do deeper research on their own.
I have and it was both rewarding while drawing me closer to the Sovereign God where nothing escapes His purview. He guides us when we ask Him and shows us things.. Jeremiah 33:3
We are at a time where we as believers should test everything and do our due diligence. We are also at a pivotal time for unity of believers, abounding in love.. God commands a blessing for those that seek unity and peace and love (Psalm 133)
I would suggest to be prayerful and consider testing the spirits..
Only those with the spirit of Christ can say that Jesus is Lord.. So, if the aliens say they come in peace and love, I will ask them if they believe in Jesus Christ as savior and the son of the true God.
(Be ready to give an answer or ask a question 1. Peter 3:15)
I thank you for the article because it tests my faith and gives the opportunity for my faith to grow.
We need not be given to fear, God is Almighty, none like Him or beside Him.
He will shake the heavens and earth one more time.. for the things unshakable to remain (Hebrews 12)
We will be unshakeable and not given to unbelief or fear.
I’m not surprised by the enemy’s attempts to confuse or make us disloyal to our Elohim Adonai Jehovah God.
We should expect the enemy’s ploys and be on guard. Guard your heart ❤️
Lord God, thru Jesus I ask you release Your spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might and the fear of the Lord across the ekklesia… amen. Isaiah 11:2
Definitely need prayers for this issues. There is a great deal to unpack and understand. Unfortunately, I was raised that all things like this were demonic. But that explanation does not address the 10,000s of sightings, (all through history, including paintings from 1500’s,)
personal experiences, and the physical evidence. It is just not that simple! That paradigm is busted. God absolutely has all knowledge and wisdom. It is we who lack. We need to seek wisdom and truth, expand our understanding but keep our firm foundation. And we, as believers have got to have the answers for our hope when the world comes running. Reformed pastor, Doug Van Dorn has excellent resources on this, including a response to Ken Ham’s Sethite perspective. And I heartily recommend the Blurry Creatures podcast. They unpack these issues, and more, from a Bible perspective, with a heart for truth and for Jesus.
Actually, Ken Ham’s Answers in Genesis article thoroughly researched the four most popular Nephilim theories including the Sethite view. We did a long-term Bible study on all the Scriptures presented and concluded that though there is Scripture to consider all of them, the most compelling was Sons of God were referred to as both angels and men by theLord. The Nephilim were evil human giants, not angels. The Sethite view suggests his descendants were Godly men of renown but they were not evil as were the Nephilim.
I keep thinking about Sodom and Gomorrah and how the men of the town were so perversely attracted to the angels and wonder if it’s because they had a history of interacting with fallen angels,which would be a reoccurrence of what happened before Noah? Just a weird thought.
Not a weird thought. Jude, Jesus brother clearly new this and referenced it in his epistle. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were multiple incursions by the fallen ones and Sodom was an absolute cesspit of debauchery. In some of non canonical apocryphal books it goes into great detail about Sodom. There’s so much more to the scriptures then people understand…btw, fornication in the STRONGS has multiple meanings and one of them is mingling the seed with the fallen/hybrids and their seed.
I believe the devil is a defeated foe.
And I think it more important than ever, (and it was always extremely important) that we abide under the shadow of the wings of Almighty GOD. Curiosity about UFO’s etc., can lead us away from the truth that keep us aligned with GOD’s purpose for our lives. Let’s keep our eyes on HIM.
Quite frankly I’m a bit surprised that our brothers and sisters at IFA pray would post such an article. Way to much room for skepticism and conjecture as is illustrated by the previous replies.
No flying saucer has ever lead anyone to Jesus that I know of .So until then I will pray for our savior to be lifted up regarding this situation and HIS truth be known.
In our savior Jesus’s name I pray and confidently rest … AMEN!!!
It did not take long for me to believe that these were demonic and I pray that people will realize this and not be turned toward thinking things like this will ‘help’ them..
This has been talked about many years. These are absolutely demonic entities.
Christians must be warned and taught from God’s Word. China creating a “new” Bible falls right into plans of world wide anti Christ deception. Steal, kill & destroy. Speak up and pray for God’s protection for minds & hearts. All Glory to our God.
Whitley Strieber has had numerous encounters with what he believes to be “aliens” since his childhood and he has written many books about this. From his secular viewpoint he writes, ” I can’t shake the feeling that there is something deeply evil about these creatures”, yet he finally concludes that they are good and helpful to humans and that he just needs to move beyond his innate fear and embrace them. ( No- he should have listened to that first, correct gut feeling!!)
Dr. Steven Greer ( previously an ER physician) is of this mind as well and believes Christians are old fashioned and not ” evolved” enough to embrace the aliens and all they can teach humans. He believes they have come to help save planet earth. These secular folks are of the mind that Christians are keeping the earth from “harmonic convergence” and reaching the next stage of enlightment. These are the days of great deception and we need God’s Word and Holy Spirit’s guidance now more than ever. I fear many Christians are going to buy into false new age doctrines and be deceived. Stand firm, hold your ground and prepare to go against the grain, fellow comrades. Things will not be easy for us.
Tracy, the Godly line of Seth is one of the four most popular theories but, because the Nephilim were evil rather than Godly giants of renown, do you think Scripture describes them more from the line of Anak? Ken Ham’s Answers in Genesis has a terrific article on this subject. Lots of Scripture to ponder.
I posted/submitted a link to the AIG article/biblical research along with comment and prayer in this comment trail.
Can you be more specific D Doane? What Biblical research are you referring to?
Angles did not have sex with women. The Godly line from Seth did. Angels were not created to procreate with humans. Jesus said that in heaven they neither marry nor are given in marriage.
We saw an excellent documentary (forget the name) that was very good till he went off the deep end towards the end and we shut it down. But the U.S. has the technical capability to create many things and pass them off as UFO’s. Through gaslighting and brain washing they have actually led some folks to believe they actually had an encounter with one. None of this fits my biblical world view and I believe truth will prevail. The earth was made for man and we are brining Gods Kingdom to earth. There’s nothing in the word to support life anywhere else. And yes, powers and principalities are very real. Praying for TRUTH to prevail and that truth is Jesus and his word.
KNOW YeHoVaH Yeshua Ruach
ONE THIRD FELL AND FEW TOOK daughters of ADAM/man and Nephallim’s produced.
DNA of man and animals were altered. This is why YeHoVaH directed Joshua to destroy ALL.
Dennis, human nor animal DNA was altered by fallen angels because angels do not possess DNA. Know your Scripture.
Angels do not possess DNA so therefore cannot create children with or through human women.
Although a surface understanding of the Nephilim would lead believers to think they could be offspring of a hybrid angel / human creation, a deeper study of Scripture reveals that these giant men of (evil) renown were more likely descendants of the unusually tall Anak, the Anakites. A great article from Answers in Genesis explains the four most popular theories of the origin of the Nephilim.
Heavenly Father,
We realize that with the dramatic increase of satanic worship within our government, national leaders are influencing a naive and unsuspecting citizenry in preparation of explaining away the Rapture. Though we are not yet living in the End Times that begins with the Rapture, we are fast hurtling toward a culture of nonbelief and easy deception.
We ask You to open the eyes of the citizenry and give us ears to hear Your Biblical Truth that describes the existence of demons and supernatural demonic activity yet does not even infer life outside of Your Son’s created earth. We know Your Word clearly and specifically states that Jesus died for mankind, not animals, not plants, and not alien non-human creatures. Please reveal the Truth of Your Word on this subject to believers and nonbelievers alike.
In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Why no mention of Joe Jordan? His research and experience lends tons of credibility to the Christian perspective on this UFO issue.
I am very thankful that you mentioned this. However, you did not mention an alien recovery in the very late 19th century (after they had video capability). The video included an actual alien being examined/treated. Not long after this this alien died. The alien looked like what is usually depicted as an alien. It did not attempt to speak and did not seem to be hostile (probably due to its being near death).
Satan is ramping up his deception because he knows his time is short. People will believe in UFOs but not in angels and demons.
The whole idea of “benevolent” beings reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where aliens come to earth and initially the humans are afraid of them. But then they run across a book by the aliens titled “How to Serve Man.” Wonderful, they ARE benevolent after all! But in true Twilight Zone fashion, at the very end, they find out the book is a cookbook. Beware the deception!
I don’t believe for a minute that these beings and vehicles are spiritual in nature. I cannot believe that our creator in His great power only created intelligent beings on only our world out of his unimaginably huge cosmos and creation. Why are there so many, Many worlds around other stars unless to house others besides ourselves. Is it really at all sensical that spiritual beings created by God would need any sort of technological vehicles to come here? I personally don’t think so. I pray that God will let us meet and get to know these visitors/ambassadors from elsewhere and NOT fear them but always at the same time remain strong in our own faith.
We don’t fear them Patriot because the indwelling Holy Spirit gives us discernment to understand they are demonic beings pretending to be intelligent life. Do not underestimate satan. Jesus died for mankind, He did not die for animals, not for plants, and not for other non-human creations.
Your last statement causes me great concern for you, AmericanPatriot. You may open yourself up to the demonic with that attitude. You can’t have it both ways. ( “But always at the same time remain strong in the faith”)
You can’t serve both Satan and God. Pick one, and we all pay for you that you pick the right side.
AmericanPatriot, read your Bible and draw all of your conclusions from it! In JESUS NAME!
Pastor Jack Hibbsin Chino Hills Calvary Chapel just completed a 3-part sermon on this very thing along with Genesis 6. It is, for now, on uTube. The series is called “In the Daze of Deception.” I watched each one 3 times. Eye opening. Thank you. AND I am praying!
Judie, excellent messages!
That’s Pastor Jack Hibbs.He is truly a man of God.For such a time as this.
He’s not a fraud to speak the truth from the word of God.Pray,Lord thy kingdom come.Look up the rapture is before us,
He’s not afraid to speak the word of God.
We agree that Pastor Jack Hibbs is a Godly man and enjoyed watching his Daze of Deception Sermons.
Having said that, he does need to explore Scripture a little deeper because the Sons of God were referred to by the Lord as both angels and men. They were not merely angels.
You Tube, not utube. There is a utube which seems to be of evil intent.
I’m so glad that I read your comment. I just finished watching his series and they are fantastic. Every believer needs to watch it. We need to wake up to what is happening in this world, strengthen our faith and reach the lost because our redemption draws near.
I would suggest tuning in to the podcast, “Blurry Creatures” if you’re interested in this topic and others like this, all seen through a BIBLICAL paradigm. The information I’ve learned from the guests on the podcast have given me a deeply profound respect and awe for God, and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Despite what Satan is trying to pull with UFO/UAPs and other entities, we’ve got the Victory through Jesus! Praise God!
(Chuck Missler is another good resource on these topics).
As in the days of Noah… Blurry Creatures is SPOT on.