Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) wanted to leave no doubt about his position when the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) asked him to stop putting Bible verses on his official Facebook page.
“The Freedom from Religion Foundation has demanded that I stop sharing Bible verses with you. The Left won’t bully me into canceling Christianity. Their request is denied,” Cassidy wrote in a tweet on Sept. 1.
“Our constitution says we have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion,” Cassidy said during a telephone interview with The Epoch Times from Louisiana on Sept. 2. “They want for themselves freedom from religion and therefore, cancel everybody else’s freedom of religion.” . . .
“One thing I think we have got to cancel is the cancel culture,” Cassidy said. “The idea that our fellow Americans cannot live freely because somebody is triggered by whatever, it’s just too much.”
The Louisiana Republican, who’s a medical doctor, was responding to an Aug. 14 letter he received from FFRF’s co-Presidents Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor.
“A concerned Louisiana resident contacted FFRF to report that every Sunday, bible verses are posted to your official government Facebook page. Please see the enclosed screenshots,” the letter states.
“We write to request that you refrain from posting messages that proselytize or endorse religion on your official government social media accounts. When a government official uses his elected office, including governmental platforms such as an official Facebook page, to promote his personal religious beliefs, he violates the spirit of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.”
Barker and Gaylor head a nonprofit foundation that claims to have 32,000 members. The foundation’s purpose is “to protect the constitutional principle of separation between state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to non-theism” . . . .
“The Supreme Court has long held that the Establishment Clause ‘mandates government neutrality between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion.’ Your office violates this constitutional mandate when it proselytizes the Christian faith to all constituents, such as directing them to ‘Trust in the Lord.’”
But a top official with a Texas-based legal institute that specializes in First Amendment litigation disagreed.
“Once again, the FFRF is wrong on the law,” First Liberty Institute General Counsel Mike Berry told The Epoch Times on Sept. 2.
“Americans do not give up their religious freedom just because they are elected to office. But what is truly outrageous is that the FFRF would choose to target Senator Cassidy for expressing a message of peace and hope,” Berry said. “This proves that the FFRF is not interested in anything other than erasing the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.”
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Mark Tapscott. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Are you encouraged by this Senator’s position? Share your prayer for him in the comments . . .
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There are more that be with us than they that be with them
I wish more politicians would post scripture on their Facebook page. Keep up the good work Senator Cassidy, God’s word is living and powerful. “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword…” God bless you, Sen. Cassidy, and thank you for not backing down!!
Father-God in Heaven, thank You for godly men in public office. Thank You that we can trust them to be led by Your Spirit in their daily obligations. ALL of America should appreciate that a godly Christian will display the fruit of the Spirit, peace, love, joy, kindness, etc. Loyalty and honesty are great attributes in a public servant. Thank you for this man, Sen. Cassidy, who is not allowing antagonists to cause him to retreat. Thank You for blessing him in ratio to his obedience. Thank You for his boldness. Give us other such great leaders who will work for all, spreading kindness and love equally and freely to all mankind. AMEN.
I stand with you as you openly declare Gods Love to this nation thru your facebook page. We will not let back down and we cover you and your family in the blood of Jesus… Psalm 91 is your protection. The U.S A is ONe Nation under God!!!
Senator Cassidy, thank you for your stand for God and His word. I decree that others in positions of leadership will do likewise. I pray that those who oppose you will experience the fear of the Lord, repent and turn from their wicked ways. Just as Peter and John were warned in Acts 4 not to speak at all in or about the name of Jesus, they replied to them in verse 19 “whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you and obey you rather than God,you must decide (judge). 20″ But we cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.” You have the law on your side and all of heaven backing you! God bless and protect you and your family.
Heavenly Father You said that You fight our battles and I thank you that are fighting this battle against Your enemies and no weapon formed against Senator Cassidy shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against him in judgement shall be condemned. In Jesus name.
Thank you Lord for Senator Cassidy. He speaks for so many of us that are quietly going about our daily lives taking care of our familes and our responsibilities as we believe that provision for our lives is not our neighbors responsibility. Lord bless and protect him, his family and his faith. Do not stop scripture. It is exactly what we need in this country. Those who are opposed do not have to read or listen to it. If they don’t believe it, why are they so afraid of it? Are they afraid that it has more power than themselves? Lord I ask that you protect those of us who believe in you and that you protect the United States that was blessed by you.
This FFRF is truly a FASCIST group, attempting to control personal and government expression and speech. They are dangerous and evil and I pray for either their salvation or removal as an entity. God is greater than any man…
Father, bless Senator Cassidy for his trust and faith in you and for knowing his rights according to the Constitution of the United States of America. Give him boldness and let the Scriptures he posts be read by many and that they will receive them.
As a proud Louisianan, I thank God for Senator Cassidy and Kennedy for their fight for Louisiana and the people. I am blessed that even our Governor, John Bel Edwards, who is a Democrat and for whom I did not vote, invokes prayer over our situations with COVID and Hurricane Laura. We do not let outside demons attack our elected officials. I stand in support of him and am grateful Senator Cassidy kneels at the cross. May no weapons(s) formed against him stand or prosper. In Jesus name we pray.
Father God,
Thank you for this article. Thank You Holy Spirit for so evident in the life of Senator Bill Cassidy. Please raise more people like him.
Please help him to talk to the people in charge of Freedom from Religion Foundation so that he can enlighten them about Christianity which is not a religion but a relationship between Bill Cassidy and his Creator-God.
In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for Senator Cassidy and his stand for You. Please encourage his brothers and sisters who serve in government to be fearless, and use their freedom to share Your Word.
Senator Cassidy, Thank you so much for standing for our freedom to worship and pray to our Lord and Savior. We will pray and as I do I cover you with the hedge of protection, the blood of Jesus. The power in the blood will cover you and protect you. I pray for strength and wisdom. I thank the Lord that Senator Cassidy is strong in his faith and belief in God. You Lord hold him in the palm of your hand. You see the things that are evil coming against him and I pray that the evil is bound here on this earth as we bind and loose with the Word on our side. I ask you Lord to bind this movement as we pour out our Love and faith. I come against all fear Psalm 25:4 4 Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. 5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. We will follow the Word of the Lord and he will guide us. We will not fear, there is a phrase I hear and a song saying FEAR IS A LIAR. It is so. My God takes away all fear and covers me with his feathers. He is my hiding place in times of trouble and also for all and the Senator. Praying for you and strongly thank you for letting us know you are in a place of great help for us. That your fight is for God and for the people of God and this beautiful country we live in.
Thank God for Rep. Bill Cassidy. Where are these who know their God and take down these flimsy dark players trying to bully us.
I will praise my God and bring the blessing with it.
“For the eyes of the Lord roam to and fro over all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose
hearts are fully devoted to Him!” Thank you, Lord that Senator Cassidy is in this worthy company, focusing on
his audience of One.
Hallelujah! THANKS BE TO GOD! how appropriate and we need to be reminded….
Senator Cassidy, we support you! May God bless, strengthen and protect you and your family. May He give you supernatural wisdom from above as you lead. Stay faithful! HE IS WORTHY!
AMP Proverb 28:1
The wicked flee when no one pursues them, But the righteous are as bold as a lion. Thank you for standing for with God for right, freedom, Justice; against such there is no law that will stand against. Pray ‘righteous/indignation’ that moved over David against Goliath continually move over every member of this administration in this nation’s critical hour and forever. Thank you Senator for calling right, right and AMEN!
Stand firm in the Lord!!!
Many are grateful to you for your confidence of standing for freedom.
Many will be blessed by your actions.
Dear Senator Cassidy,
Thank you for taking a stand as an American citizen to express your views as a Christian. For way to long this nation has bowed to the cries of a few with no valid reason.
Oh Father God give Senator Cassidy continued boldness to stand for You as well as Your protection over him and his family. Help us as Americans and Christians to rise up and proclaim You, the answer to all of the unrest in our country. In Jesus Name.
Thank you for this article and thank you senator for your willingness to pursue what is right and understand fully what our constitutional rights are.
Thank you so much for speaking what is in your heart. The Lord will honor your faithfulness. Keep speaking you have a platform that I don’t have. I have prayed for your protection as well as your family. God Bless You
Dear Senator Cassidy,
It is so refreshing to see a Senator of the United States of America stand up for biblical truths. We applaud your commitment, determination, and perseverance for standing your spiritual ground against those whose greatest desire is to shut up the mouth of truth and righteousness in the land of the free and the home of the brave; God’s country. May our blessed Lord send angelic help to guide, and protect you and yours always. In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen.
Thank you for standing by your convictions!
I applaud the efforts and witness of Se. Bill Cassidy to post scripture passages on his facebook page. He did not cave into the bullies as so many Christians do for lack of knowledge of their constitutional rights. Good for him and 1 Samuel 2:30 says “He who honors Me (God) I will honor…”God bless this man for standing for his faith. Catherine W.
Senator Cassidy, Thank you for your convictions and expressing them on your face book page. It is evident that
the FFRF worships the god of “Political Correctness” and wants God out of everything. In reality those who do
worship this god really want to be like god and dictate to others what is right and wrong. We know that satan
wanted to be like God. I like the words found in Isaiah Chapter 45, verses 18 “For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited; I am the LORD, and there is no other. Jesus is LORD!
Father God,
Please bless Senator Cassidy with Your protection, wisdom, and divine favor. Thank You for putting such a Christian in office. Use him in a mighty way to lead our nation with godly government.
In Jesus name I bring these requests. Amen.
Sen. Bill CassidyJesus Christ has Blessed you. Amen
Praise God for this Senator! Reading this article is assuring me my prayers are being answered! Our nation so needs the pure Word of God spoken in public secular gatherings, shared through social media, declared in government settings,( ie in the House and Senate,and by their Chaplains, and Christian members).The power of the Word cuts through like a 2 edged sword and will not return void without accomplishing its purposes ! We have become so overly sensitive to offending others so we are hesitating to share the Word boldly, and thus are losing the power of eternal truths being declared to our current culture and government officials. I am thankful that Sen.Cassidy is proclaiming the Word, so eternal truths can be seen/read or heard by both Believers( we all can use reminders of His truths) and Unbelievers! Lord, please help each of us to take the holy boldness you have equipped us to have, and with discernment, love, and wisdom , proclaim Your pure Word! Glory to God! Amen.
We are in “The Long War Against God” (Dr. H. Morris) From the War in Heaven to the Fall in the Garden, from Noah & the World Wide Flood to Abram & Sarai, from Joseph to Moses, from David to The Exile, from John the Baptist to the Wedding at Cana, from the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, from Antioch to Jesus Return. Age to Age He is the same, enthroned upon the Pinnacle of the Earth, High Noon with no shifting shadow. What can man do to me?
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Heb:12:1-3
Lord Jesus, you promised you would be a shield and a buckler for those who worship you and fear not to proclaim your name. Be the honorable Senator Casitys shield and buckler. Bless him and anoint him with the anointing oil that can only come from your heavenly throne. Use him to convince the people who know the story of Jesus but waver in embracing Him. Cause that story of Jesus to come alive in their hearts and minds. Use him to convince those who are at the end of their ropes and void of hope and impart a hope and faith of Jesus within them. Pour out your amazing love, love that melts the hate that is blinding so many. I ask these things in the holy name of Jesus and glorify Jesus through this nation as you turn this nation back to you.
Lord, bring honor and glory to your name. Protect your people. Protect Senator Cassidy. We pray for those who come against you and your word and ask you to open the eyes of their understanding. We specifically pray for FFRF and their leaders Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor. Bless them. Pour out your spirit upon them. Open their eyes and use them to bring You glory. Use these times of persecution to fan the fires of revival. Forgive us for taking you and your Word for granted. Help us, your people to draw near to you and keep your words in our hearts so we will not sin against you. Give us a President who will appoint Supreme Court Justices who will protect our freedoms for the next generation. Have mercy on us and and heal our land. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed LORD, to the cross where you have died, draw me nearer, nearer blessed LORD, to your precious bleeding side.
God, first thank you for the hope that stirs in my heart. To be made aware of a Senator who puts you first is truly a gift for our entire country. You say in your word that no evil will cone near our tent. Thank you that you will put a hedge of protection around Senator Cassidy.
I’m so proud of you for standing up for yours/mine, our countries beliefs. Will keep you in our prayers.
May the Lord bless Sen. Cassidy exponentially for his boldness and standing on God’s Holy Word. Thank You Lord for people like him.
Yeah and Amen to Senator Cassidy!
I’m praying for you, don’t stop sharing scriptures. Especially at a time like this when the people that are rioting and destroying our cities in ignorance. I pray all Christians in high offices all post scriptures to help educate the people who are ignorant of knowing the Bible.
I put you on my prayer list for Adopt A Cop Nevada which I am a part of. God bless you in all that you do. Scriptures are very important and we can share them with more ease than ever.
Praise God for the senator’s boldness for God and our constitutional rights. May Holy Spirit anoint him with wisdom, might and the fear of the Lord and burn up all his enemies.
Five year-olds in WA state school curriculum pandering and preparing children for abuse.
You are doing exactly what our Lord and Savior expects us as believers to do.
Our US currency and coins all have In God We Trust on the. Our government buildings all have reference to God on them. This country was founded on freedom of religion and the people trying to remove religion are evil. It’s time to stand up and defeat them. God Bless you Senator Cassidy. May more of our leaders get the guts to stand up against the attempt to ruin our great Nation.
Thank you Senator Cassidy, please continue your stand of FFR & May God bless you!!
I decree and declare, Senator Cassidy will continue to Honor and exalt the name of the Lord. Senator Cassidy voice will not be silenced. I bind the Spirit of Goliath, and loose the Angelic Armies of the Lord, fear of God and the power of the Blood of Jesus. I place a Wall of Fire around Senator Cassidy,In Jesus Name.
We stand by you Senator Cassidy … I would be proud to have you as my senator!
The government is upon His shoulders … Christ is already sitting at the right hand of the Father.
When governments at every level try to silence their employees and redesignate them as beholden to rules that separate them from also being citizens of their neighborhoods, municipalities and states censorship is at its root.
It is wrong to be offended by wholesomeness while upholding immortality and that is where we find ourselves this day. I rebuke the enemy for gaslighting generations of people into believing every lie that questions integrity, critical thinking and demonstrating morality. God really did say, stay away from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because he knew that their eyes would be open to doubt instead of faith.
It happened again on a wide scale when the direct descendants of Noah got so full of themselves and thought in their arrogance they could build a tower that would reach directly into the heavens, granting direct access to God and that they would be therefore saved from any future flood when God distinctly said He would never destroy the earth again by manner of flood. God saw what they were up to and destroyed their abomination lest they would consider their efforts unstoppable … they would be deceived into thinking they could be like God themselves.
And now we see the madness of communication throughout the world dictating the plans of the enemy to corrupt and destroy the minds of unbelievers first and delivering doubt to believers both weak and strong. God really did say be fruitful and multiply not sacrifice babies on the altar of Planned Parenthood for the harvesting of Adrenochrome and body parts to satisfy the hunger of demon possessed makers of the internet and social media platforms. For this reason and more God is going to tear down the tower of deception that has captured the hearts and minds of believers and unbelievers alike. We are not gods of our own making that can make a superstition transform into the truth. Yet a strong delusion has been drunk from the cup of the enemy at his altar of false sacrifice and murder.
Trust the Lord in ALL your ways and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6
Senator Cassidy I want to thank you for standing for truth and now allowing the enemy to cause you to pull back from the truth of sharing God’s word. I pray that many more men and women will follow your example and speak truth into the darkness of this world. May God continue to give you the strength and boldness to continue on. Dress daily in the full armor of God.
Ephesians 6:10-12 NLT
[10] A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. [11] Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. [12] For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
In Jesus name I lift up a banner of praise for your obedience!
Bless you. Jesus is smiling with joy over your honor of Him and His Word.
Father thank you for Sen.Sen. Bill Cassidy, how You created him to be to stand in the truth. Father, I ask you to continue to give more courage in all areas of his life. I ask Father to protect him from all evil activities around him. Amen
Father. Thank you for the opportunity to share the truth that Bill Cassidy put on Facebook. Thank you for his boldness. Grant him favor and provide for him and his family. Protect him and guide him. Give him knowledge understanding and discernment. Send him friends of like precious faith Prosper him physically and financially and bless the work of his hands. Thank you Father for choosing him for service in government. Move on other elected officials and make them true statesmen. In Jesus name I ask. Make America into the nation You have called us to be and stop those who do not want Your best for us. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Wake up the church to vote righteously. Amen
Father help us all speak boldly like we ought.
Thank You Father for this Senator!
Thank you Senator for your stand. We pray for you, and support you, because really you are standing for us.
Thank you Sen. Cassidy for your courageous stand for religious liberty! You are an excellent example of being “salt & light” for our culture & nation.
Senator Cassidy, I applaud you for your courage and boldness and your faith in taking a stand in the face of great adversity. Be encouraged when you are persecuted for God’s namesake.
from Mary in Temple Texas say that every-one who has a face book account should post a scripture in support of the senator.
Great idea, Mary! Scripture everyday keeps the devil at bay.
Thank you for being bold to protect our religious rights. I am praying that you and all of our and senators and congressmen/women will have the courage to stand up for our constitution and our freedoms.
God bless you.
We must continue the fight for our positions, this is a free country to practice as we like, if you do not like religious prose, or language do not read it, and we will do the same for your speech
Praying for your continued strength to proclaim God’s truth. And for your safety in doing so.
Lord, I lift up Senator Cassidy. That you protect him and give him the courage to keep fighting this fight and give him the rest he needs when needed. I pray for protection over his family as well. I pray that people all over, see this and stand up to fight with him and that all that are not Christians will wake up and the scales are melted off their eyes and they come to know you, Lord, through this fight. All for your Glory Father God all for your Glory! In Jesus’ mighty name Amen!
Thank you sir for doing what is not only right but exercising your God given right as guaranteed by the 1st amendment of our Constitution.
Nowhere does it say that there is a separation of church and state. It does say that (paraphrase) the gov’t cannot endorse nor “PROHIBIT” the free exercise of religion. Atheists love to both leave out a part of the 1st amendment while applying their own “definition” of what the 1st amendment is “supposed to mean”.
Americans have long exhausted their patience with “perverted interpretations” from any atheist or secular individual/ organization who do not value the original intent of the Constitution!!
My prayer is that more of elected leaders of our nation, cities and states who carry the conviction of Christ will follow your lead and stand firm.
This is why the enemy hates God’s word so much:
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
It exposes them for who they truly are.
Thank you, Senator, for standing strong.
Thank God for Sen. Cassidy!
Thank you, Lord, that you have given Senator Cassidy boldness to stand for you and share the truth of God’s Word. He is right – the cancel culture must be cancelled. Let freedom ring!
Yes, so thankful for our elected officials stand up for our freedoms!
Obviously Barker and Gaylor from the FFRF don’t really understand the constitution in regards to separation of church and state.
Thank you for standing up! As the Lord tells us in Ephesians to put on the full armor of God and STAND! We all need to do this and this troublesome time!
Brother Bill Cassidy!
What a blessing you are dear Brother. Stand firm and know that we stand with you. It is truly time for the church to get off of the defensive and zealously go on the aggressive. “Bu My Spirit, saith the Lord.” Without scripture we have no weapons that work. When we apply scripture in our lives we are taking up the weapon of choice of the Holy Spirit…and the enemy cannot stand it. One can almost tell who the real enemies of God are by who stands against the Word of God. With out Scripture we are left merely shadow boxing. When the enemy comes against the Scriptures the real battle become more clear. They are not against us…they are nervous because they realize their own personal battle is really against the God Who gave the Scriptures. And of course they do NOT like that. Light has a glorious way of revealing sin. The battle intensifies we draw near to His return! Keep on Brother…stand firm….Joshua 1:8-9. John 17:17.
Praying for you. Many of us are standing with you by His grace.
In His name,
Al W.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the boldness of Senator Cassidy. We need more men and women in our government who are willing to fight the giants like the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Senator Cassidy is taking a strong stand just like David did against Goliath in the Bible. I pray that You will give him the five smooth stones to fight this battle and WIN. May the head of this giant fighting the freedom of religion be cut off and no longer have any power to destroy our freedom.
I pray that the 2 presidents of FFRF, Dan Barker & Annie Laurie Gaylor, would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. I pray that You will reveal Yourself to them in a powerful way so they know they are wrong just like Saul was wrong as he sought to kill and imprison the early believers. You got Saul’s attention and I pray You will get their attention too. May their 32,000 follower be set free from the lies and deception of satan and choose to follow You.
I ask for protection, wisdom, more boldness, peace, joy, and confidence for Sen. Cassidy, his coworkers, his family, and others standing for You in our government. To YOU be the glory and honor forever and ever. AMEN
God bless Senator Cassidy and all who stand boldly and unashamed for religious freedom.
Lord I praise you name. I lift up Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and thank you for working in him to give him courage in the face of those who would deny him the freedom to share your Holy Word. I know you are surrounding him with your love and protection. Keep him strong as he continues in the path that you have given him to walk.
Way to SHINE for JesusSenator Cassidy!!! We support you as you face opposition! Father, may you watch over Senator Cassidy and his family.Keep them safe against the enemy of our souls. Embolden him with the power of the Holy Spirit as he brings light to the dark places on his Facebook page and while in office. Thank you for his bravery, and his faith in you!
Bless this Senator in all he does and encourage him each day. In Jesus Name! Amen!
LORD bless Senator Cassidy and his Family, allow him to continue in his boldness to speak out and pray in your name JESUS,cover him LORD and protect him ,Bless him to continue to be a light in the midst of this darkness, in JESUS name we Pray, AMEN
Thank you Senitor Cassidy for your bold courageous Faith in posting God’s word on your Facebook page!!! We need more godly faith filled Christian’s to stand against the tides of evil!! Father thank You for this faithful servant continue to strengthen his convictions and faith in Your mighty hand to move mountains in Jesus name amen.
I am encouraged by Senator Cassidy and i will continue to lift him up in prayer. May the Lord strengthen you and give you boldness in the face of evil
Sen. Bill Cassidy, Thank you for your boldness, in the face of the enemy of GOD, and for the strength, you have ignited in many Believers to do the same. It is time for our light, the TRUE Light to shine in this darkness. We pray for you and your FAMILY to be abundantly blessed, all the more as another Believer gets their boldness from your actions of FAITH.
Thank you
Stay the course. If God before me who can be against me!
Amen Senator Cassidy, i as an intercessor in this spiritual war, stand with you for your boldness to stand! I pray psalm 91 protection over you and your family, if others would stand up, we would have a fortified wall!
Father, thank you for Senator Cassidy. Continue to give him boldness in the persecution. Turn the hearts of those who are against him to you. Give his attorneys wisdom and favor. We plead the blood over him.
Entirely support the Senator!
Thank you, Senator Cassidy!!!! I so wish all believers in office would do the same!! Just think what that would say to our country!! It would be an awesome message to all believers, as well as non-believers. This is what our country needs, along with PRAYER!! God is still in control and all powerful. May God richly bless you and your family.
Praise God for righteousness Senators who stand for Biblical values and speak out boldly.
Thank you, Father, for govt officials who let their light shine in their works to GLORIFY THEE.
Thank you father for Bill Cassidy . I ask that you would bless him exceedingly and abundantly above all he could think or ask .I pray that you would bless the work of his hands and let him be a beacon of light in a dark place. Let him continue to share the gospel and strengthen him, Father. Help him to set his face like flint against all the evil doers. Help him to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove but you never compromise on the truth of your word. We pray blessings upon him and his family. Place a hedge of protection and a wall of fire about him and his family and all other people who are in positions of authority above us who are crying out for righteousness and justice and for the truth of your word, father. In Jesus name
Father, thank you for Senator Cassidy for his courageous boldness. God bless him oodles and gobs in his work and private life. He is an inspiration. God, you told us to be bold and courageous and you would be with us and fight our battle if we only take our positions. We ask protection over his health and personal protection from harm and evil.May God surround him with a protective hedge that no weapon formed against him will stand.
Thankful for truth being revealed! Senator Bill Cassidy is like David (Shepard boy) slaying the giant! The stone has knocked him down! Now it’s time for us the body of Christ to pick up the double edged sword of the Spirit and Word. We cut off the giant’s head through Intercessor praise and prayer! There are many giant descendants ( 1Chronicles 20:8) being slain at this present time. Thanks to Gods people like Bill Cassidy. Lord help us along with all IFA to cut off those heads and offer them all to the King of Gods Kingdom, Jesus Christ!!
We stand with you sir. What this country needs is hope and encouragement more than ever. Spiritually the enemy does not like having scriptural truth thrown at him. The Lord has given us spiritual weapons to use. God Bless You
I am thankful for men of God such as you who have the courage to share their Christian faith publicly with the people of our country. We need more strong Christians in positions of leadership to be willing to share their faith. Thank you.
Thank you for taking a stand for Christianity. Praying for you and all our Christian leaders in office that God will put a hedge of protection around you and keep all of you and your families safe. All Christians need to put on their spiritual armor and stand firm.
Thank you for standing strong! If more government officials who call themselves Christians would stand on GOD’S word we wouldn’t be in this mess. HE warned us with 9/11 & we did not listen. May GOD continue to bless you & use you
Thank you for standing in righteousness and truth. I bless your courage and strength to confront the enemy and stand. May you continue to be a light on the Hill.
God’s word will not fall void nor fail to produce fruit.
At the very mention of Jesus name all hell breaks loose because every knee will now to HIM.
May blessing of favor and protection continue to cover you and pour out upon you.
Christ in you the hope of glory!
May His kingdom come and His perfect will be done in Jesus name.
Our government needs more men like you.
I praise God for you and am grateful .
Thank you
Keep on standing on the Rock
God bless you, Senator Cassidy!!! America needs more like you!!! May God continue to bless and protect you, and to use you to encourage His people, especially for such a time as this. You are brave, righteous and loved. I pray Psalm 91 over you and your family… In JESUS’s mighty name. Amen
Dear Senator Cassidy,
I praise God and thank him for you and your boldness to stand your ground against those who seek to destroy our country. You are as bold as David when he slayed Goliath! And as fearless as Daniel when he faced the lions den.
I pray God will honor and protect you as you fight on the front lines for our Constitution and our freedoms. May He shelter you under the shadow of his wings and give you guidance and strength in the battle.
To God be the glory!
When is some leader gonna shout from the halls of Congress that “separation of church and state” is NEVER mentioned in our Constitition ! That lie has been used to silence schools, courts and businesses. Enough is enough !
you’re so right. that was in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to a group of baptist which was to protect the church from the government. people really need to read the constitution and see what is actually in it but that’s what happens when history is no longer taught in school. thank you sentor cassidy for standing up for what you believe. we could use more men and women in congress and other political offices like you. i voted for you when you ran for office and haven’t regretted it at all and will vote for you again when you run for re-election. God bless and protect both you and your family.
Thank you for standing for your right to express your religious beliefs. At a time such as this, we need brave men and women to stand up for God! There is a battle going on between good and bad in our nation. We need to trust God and to do His will, or we will be unfaithful to our Lord who gave His life for us!
God bless you Senator Cassidy! May the Lord give me and other Christians the same courage and convictions to live obediently to the Lord.
Thank you Senator Cassidy for your courage and your persistence in taking a stand for our Christian values and our our faith and trust in the Lord almighty.
Dear Senator Cassidy Praise God for your stance against the spirit of the amalek which is in opposition to the House of God. The Lord is your banner. There are more with you than against you. The Lord bless you more and more in Jesus name amen.
I thank our faithful God for you, Senator Cassidy. Continue to be strong in the faith,sir. I pray God will turn his enemies from the power of Satan to the power of Jesus Christ.
Dear Senator Cassidy:
I thank God, the Father, for you & your standing on our right to free speech & the exercise of our religious liberty. May God bless you. I pray for you & others like you in our Congress. I pray that we, the citizens & voters, will elect more men & women like you & vote out of office those who are anti-God.
Thank you Sen. Cassidy
There are MORE FOR US than those against us • many are destined to be SAVED ..
God’s Word is ALIVE
Hebrews 1:14 The Aramaic can be translated “The angels are spirit-winds-of-ministry sent to minister to those destined to receive salvation.” The angels are glad to minister to us, for they see us “in Christ..
thank you for standing up for christianity
Senator Cassidy:
It takes courage that comes from the Lord to stand up for your faith. May the Lord Cont. To empower you to use your voice to speak of Him, tohonor Him, to bring glory to Him, as the world grows darker we must be the points of light that represents His truths Jesus is his name! No other name is higher! God bless you richly.
Indeed, we must
“ Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.
God bless you and all of America including the members of the FFRF. I pray that they will become Christ followers too.