Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas said he “will refuse” a potential vaccine for the coronavirus if it is made using tissue from “aborted children.”
In a tweet, he expressed his sadness over the fact that “even with Covid-19 we are still debating the use of aborted fetal tissue for medical research.”
So sad…even with Covid-19 we are still debating the use of aborted fetal tissue for medical research…let me go on record…if a vaccine for this virus is only attainable if we use body parts of aborted children then I will refuse the vaccine…I will not kill children to live
— Bishop J. Strickland (@BishStrickland) April 8, 2020
Pro-life organization Children of God for Life, which focuses on the question of ethical vaccines, had found out that several of the leading COVID-19 vaccine developments are using aborted fetal cells.
Debi Vinnedge, executive director of Children of God for Life, said “her heart sank when she discovered that Spike protein,” which is part of a vaccine being developed by Moderna, “was produced using HEK 293 aborted fetal cells.”
Similarly, a vaccine developer owned by Johnson & Johnson “is using [its] PER C6 Ad5 technology, derived from an aborted baby’s retinal tissue.”
According to Children of God for Life, during a hearing of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a physician revealed how he harvested the fetal cells.
“So I isolated retina from a fetus, from a healthy fetus as far as could be seen, of 18 weeks old,” Alex van der Eb said. “There was nothing special with a family history or the pregnancy was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus — abortus provocatus, and that was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus[.] … [W]hat was written down was unknown father, and that was, in fact, the reason why the abortion was requested.”
He then admitted that “PER C6 was made just for pharmaceutical manufacturing of adenovirus vectors[.] … And then pharmaceutical industry standard. I realize that this sounds a bit commercial, but PER C6 were made for that particular purpose.”
In a press release, Children of God for Life explained how “in most seasonal flu vaccines, the need to produce large quantities of vaccine quickly has been a problem for many years as pharmaceutical companies used chicken eggs to cultivate their viruses. It takes several months and millions of eggs needed to produce the vaccines and so many companies began to turn to other cell lines for faster production.”
However, Vinnedge pointed to another company, Sanofi, using a platform based on insect cells. “Their Sf9 cell line comes from the fall armyworm and is highly effective as a rapid growth medium. It has been used for several years in producing influenza vaccines.”
For now, Bishop Strickland appears to be on his own among the bishops in speaking out regarding the unethical use of aborted fetal tissue in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.
(Excerpt from Life Site News.)
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yesss!!!! I am agreement with this Bishop too. God is truly in control of this challenging sitution. One must realize this too is a strongman, a principality that can be bind up in the name of Jesus. This is done by praying in the Holy Ghost and fasting too!!!!!Amen!!! Praying in the Holy Ghost we pray the perfect prayer for spirit know what to pray for!!!! I say be lend by the Holy Ghous the SPIRIT OF TRUTH!!!!!!!! DOT GRIEVE OR QUENCH THE HOLY GHOST AMEN. LISTEN TO THE LORD THOU GOD AND LISTEN TO MY RECORDING ON 40 DAYS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT: FREE CONFERENCE CALL THE NUMBER IS 425-436-6202 ACCESS NUMBER IS 167338 HIT #. WE HAVE PRAYER MONDAY THRU FRIDAY AT 8 P.M. AND ON THURSDAY AT 7 P.M. TONIGHT AT 6 P.M. THE NUMBER IS 425-436-6200 ACCESS NUMBER IS 167338 HIT # PLEASE JOIN US!!!!!!! AN JOIN US ON THE Health and Wellness Journey line Hosted by Pastor Quick. and Pastor Broddie, that number is:701-801-1220 access number is 661966346 Amen be bless by both conference teaching and preaching presentations amen.
Please read this alarming article. Praying that more Christians have their eyes opened on this issue.
Please bring this to the attention of our President who is pro-life. Please ask him to not allow this horrible method for making the vaccine.
I totally agree!!!!!
Will vaccines being developed in Israel use fetal tissue? Surely, there must be a way to develop this without using aborted babies. God can make a way. Thank you for your stand,Bishop.
I will not take it no matter how they feel the need to created it who knows what they don’t tell us what it truly has in it.
Why would anyone care what tissues a life-saving vaccine is made of? People’s fear of science is caused by the belief in the supernatural, don’t you think? Social distancing is crucial. Focus on things you can change, to make better.
What a false dichotomy. No one needs to kill children to ‘live’. No one ever has, to my knowledge. Maybe in the Scripture the did?
It’s thinking like this that has gotten this country into the desperate level of immorality we have seen in this country. May God forgive us for not doing more to stop the horror of abortion in this country and forgive us for any thought that any kind of good can possibly come out of the killing of over 60 million babies since 1973.
An unborn baby is a baby, that’s why you don’t kill it!
Ivar am I correct in thinking you are here because you have had answers to prayer which came out of your own will and so do not qualify as a supernatural event! If I am not correct; then you are here by God’s leading to show us your need of our prayer to God He show you His reality! Also no reply means you really don’t care how about anyone or anything but yourself!
AMEN! Thank you Bishop J. Strickland. I plan to write my congressmen to encourage them to complain and those in my social circle. The more people know about this the better. Public pressure can accomplish a lot. God bless you for your stand. You are not alone in this.
The Death Cult of Planned Parenthood run by billionaire globalists like Bill Gates and George Soros want every human to consume aborted fetuses as part of a dark Satanic sacrament. I’m sure aborted fetus tissue is already in a lot of our processed foods such as the impossible burger which is supposed to be vegan but bleeds and was privately started by Bill Gates who gave 75 million to Impossible Foods.
Its no coincidence the Impossible Burger has 40x the estrogen of beef. Veggies don’t have estrogen, but fetal tissue is full of it.
Are you seriously suggesting that Burger King is harvesting massive amounts of fetal tissue and putting enough of it into an ‘Impossible Burger’ to affect its estrogen level? That is straight up nuts. Offer proof with insane claims such as this. Am I a troll> No. All I ask for is some evidence of truth. None is found ehre.
Burger King has no idea what’s in the impossible burger. No one does but the company that makes it. Not even the FDA, because the recipe is a company secret. The FDA is only authorized to look into secret recipes if massive public illness has been proven to result from it, otherwise the Government can’t be trusted with such sensitive corporate information. Burger King has no idea what’s in the burger. The evidence is in the large amount of estrogen proven to be in every impossible burger, as well as Bill Gates funding both Planned Parenthood and Impossible Foods, which makes the Impossible Burger (and only the burger). If the Satanists who run Planned Parenthood put fetal tissue in our vaccines, they will put it in our food supply. That’s just common sense.
yesss!!!! I am agreement with this Bishop too. God is truly in control of this challenging sitution. One must realize this too is a strongman, a principality that can be bind up in the name of Jesus. This is done by praying in the Holy Ghost and fasting too!!!!!Amen!!! Praying in the Holy Ghost we pray the perfect prayer for spirit know what to pray for!!!! I say be lend by the Holy Ghous the SPIRIT OF TRUTH!!!!!!!! DOT GRIEVE OR QUENCH THE HOLY GHOST AMEN. LISTEN TO THE LORD THOU GOD AND LISTEN TO MY RECORDING ON 40 DAYS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT: FREE CONFERENCE CALL THE NUMBER IS 425-436-6202 ACCESS NUMBER IS 167338 HIT #. WE HAVE PRAYER MONDAY THRU FRIDAY AT 8 P.M. AND ON THURSDAY AT 7 P.M. TONIGHT AT 6 P.M. THE NUMBER IS 425-436-6200 ACCESS NUMBER IS 167338 HIT # PLEASE JOIN US!!!!!!! AN JOIN US ON THE Health and Wellness Journey line Hosted by Pastor Quick. and Pastor Broddie, that number is:701-801-1220 access number is 661966346 Amen be bless by both conference teaching and preaching presentations amen.yess
No evidence has found for your claims of there being no spiritual life different than physical life! Inspite of all of the physical things happening that have NO POSSIBLE PHYSICAL EXPLANATION! So if you are not a troll you are as insane as the people you accuse of it!
Tom, Your first sentence has logic exactly backwards. Your claims for extraordinary actions (results of prayer) are what require proof. There is no (none possible) way to prove a negative.
Have you heard of Russell’s Teapot? It is an argument that has ‘held water’ for close to 100 years. Sorry. Logic and reason re not your tools. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot
So your logic tells you you can prove the negative of there being no evidence of the supernatural? But it also tells you I cannot prove a negative! Which is a logic that is different from what most people use! Meaning most people prove their stupidity by not accepting your version of logic?
Lord God help us! Thank you for revealing this horror!!! I pray that harvesting aborted babies for medical experimentation is HALTED, in the mighty name of Jesus! We cannot turn this nation around without Your help, Lord. Help us Lord!
Its no coincidence the impossible burger has 40x the estrogen of a beef burger. Veggies don’t have estrogen but fetal tissue is of course full of estrogen.
Yes, President Trump put a halt to using aborted babies in medical products. But the demonic left scream until they get their way. I’ve been trying to say for a while now that every vaccine causes harm and is a ritual to poke your child with a sharp object with carcinogens and baby and animal products. This is an offering to Moloch and is untenable and heinous for a Christian to participate.
Prayer against Molech
Lord, we come to You as Your people humbly prostate before Your throne, asking for forgiveness, legally righted before the court of Heaven cancelling Satan’s charges because of the atoning shed blood of Jesus.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, as a member of the body of Christ, I take authority over the spirit of Molech and the torture of babies even the unborn. I bind the spirit of Molech and the spirit of torture and I bind you both in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit and I send you both back through the gates of hell back into the underworld and command you both to remain there bound until your appointed time.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I stand against every assignment of the Devil and his kingdom of darkness against the seed and prodigy of mankind from the point of each conception, development, birthing and life brought forth on the earth. I decree health to every fetus, infant, child, young person and teenager. I decree protection by the Holy Spirit and the holy angels against every evil man, who has conceived the plan of the Devil in his heart to abduct, purchase, steal, kidnap, capture or take by force any living being for any evil purposes intended such as, Satanic rituals or human sacrifice, torture, pedophilia, sex slaves, organ harvesting, or to be trafficked or sold to evil men and women on the earth. I decree a supernatural halt and destruction to all the wicked men who have chosen to partner as children of disobedience with Satan and the kingdom of darkness to provide human beings to the falsely so-called Illuminati elite, or crime families, secret societies, cults, government officials, military, falsely so called Hollywood stars, and every other group of people or individual, who have developed a wicked craving and a wicked desire for such abominations and are willing to horribly sin against other human beings in such manners.
Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Your wrath is revealed from heaven against the children of disobedience. Therefore, I choose to agree with Your Word and pray Your wrath from heaven to fall on the children of disobedience who have chosen the whole Lucerfian agenda of ungodliness, unrighteousness, wickedness, lawlessness, injustices, and wicked perversions before they can commit their atrocities on the earth against mankind just as it happened with with Sapphira and Ananias in the New Testament.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I give the angels charge over these little ones and decree that protection be granted by the power of these angels to physically stop any predator approaching any of the little ones with evil intent in their heart. I decree those predators to fall dead in their tracks before they are able to execute their evil plan and gain any control over these little ones. I decree supernatural protection over the innocent.
In the name of Jesus, I decree that any little ones or individuals that are presently being held captive by anyone to receive a visit from the angel realm, just as did Peter in the New Testament, and have a supernatural release into safety from their captors.
Heavenly Father I pray “Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”
I decree that all that is hidden in darkness and secret, pertaining to the wicked, workers of iniquity, evil doers and bloody and violent men, to be brought to the light of Truth, then judged, condemned and sentenced by lawful officials.
Thank You Heavenly Father that You sent Your Word and healed us and delivered us from our destruction and I praise You and thank You for your wonderful works toward the children of men. Amen in the name of Jesus!
Compiled by Jerry Thomas, my fellow Brother in Christ
Thank you for that beautiful and powerful prayer and I’ll will continue to pray this. A friend has said that abortion has birthed pedophilia and the “saving lives through (demonic) vaccine movement”.
I had just this same day read an article in the publication “People Concerned for the Unborn Child”,on this same subject. That article was stating that a “researcher” with the National Institute of Health recently asked the federal government for a waiver to be allowed to use aborted baby parts in Coronavirus research. It sounds to me from what you are saying such experimentation is already underway. I also had read in a publication a few days ago that vaccines for other diseases already made use of aborted baby tissue. I have never gotten any vaccines since I was a child except for pneumonia one time. I would also never knowingly get a vaccine shot using aborted baby tissue. The problem is, how does the average person get this information? I doubt whether the “researchers” and companies involved would want to make it common knowledge.
Larry, you’re right. They have hidden from common knowledge for years.
I am grieved by two things here. We are becoming cannibals. We are worshiping the God Molech and sacrificing our children on the altar of Molech.
The second thing I am grieved about is that I tried to post this on Facebook and it is banned. Let us each try to post it on our Facebook page in our own words and photos and sound the alarm. I had been praying that Israel would develop the first Covid vaccine, so that they would receive favor from the world and then I researched it yesterday and discovered that they also were using placental tissue.
Jesus I pray for a vaccine to come forth as the most effective and safe that would be using chicken eggs or some other issue other than Our own precious children
the shingles vaccine that is newly released is also made WITHOUT fetal cells. We need to demand a choice!
May God bless you richly Bishop Strickland. God cannot hold guiltless any person or nation who knowingly destroys another human being for personal gain.
We need to understand that we cannot bless God or be blessed by God if we continue to destroy these precious lives on the altars of greed, convenience or the economy.
Save the tiniest Humans!!!!!!
Heavenly Father, we repent as a nation and individually for supporting abortion through our actions and inactions. We repent for forcing it on other nations. Lord God, we cry out for mercy and for transformation. Thank You, that You delight in mercy. We place the precious Blood of Jesus over our sins and ask for changed hearts — so deeply and eternally changed that we become clay that is pliable in Your hands forevermore. Use us on our knees and in our lives for Your purposes. We declare in agreement with you, Lord, that Roe vs. Wade is overturned. We call an end to abortion in this nation and through this nation into other nations, leading with truth in love. We humble our hearts before You. We declare no weapon raised against us or those standing for life will prosper. We speak strength and encouragement and clarity to those who are in government and court systems who are standing for life and for this nation’s God given destiny. Thank You, Lord, for giving us Life again. May we not weary in the journey to where You are leading us. May we not slip back in to old ways. May nothing satisfy us day or night that isn’t of You. In Jesus’ Holy Name, we pray. Thank You, Lord! Amen.
Gates the eugenicist: (Bill Gates admits); he will use Vaccination to reduce population!
And this: SHOCKING! Historian Exposes Bill Gates’ Ties to NAZIs and More. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckd8uxQb7o8
Father I pray for success for Sanofi in using insect parts rather than aborted babies for their vaccines. Give favor to them and may the efforts of those who use aborted babies fail. Thank you for your provision in this fight.
Insect parts?? Really?? I don’t believe that God would ever suggest that we inject insects for our healing. Jehovah Rophe, is the God Who heals, not the god of Science. And this country has “Science” on the throne. And that “Science” has been fake science since Rockefeller snake oil took over medicine/homeopathy over 100 years ago. A court case a few months ago by RFK JR and Del Bigtree of I Can Decide sued the government and proved they had not done one – not ONE safety study proving that vaccines were safe or that they didn’t cause autism.
To use too use the aborted tissue of aborted babies is an abomination to the Lord . God help us!
I pray that President Trump and his advisors will not surcumb to the tricks of the evil one.
Wow what a evil and horrific thing to do and so malicious. God help us and thank you for exposing this evil.
Father God, give wisdom to the medical and research communities to know how to develop a vaccine against Covid 19 without using the tissues of pre-born children to accomplish the task! You O Lord have a way, and You can indeed give your wisdom to these leaders to accomplish the task in a way that honors You! a way that honors life! In the power of the Name of Jesus I pray. amen
Thank you, Lord for this Bishop! And for shining your light upon this darkness. Forgive us!! May many hearts be pricked to pray and respond as your Spirit leads!
We pray for an earnest outcry against developingvaccines that use aborted lives!
Praying also for a spirit of repentance in our nation and world that cherishes life you give!
My God..when will it end!
Do these people have no consciences at all!
They keep coming back to killing babies for others lives as if they are nothing when they are a special person sent by God..
They are not some animal used for our consumption..
These people have no consciences..no value of God created life..God help us!
Thank God for this Bishop standing for life!
Let us all keep standing for life and refuse to bow to their filthy heartless agendas…
Johnson and Johnson is supposed to be FOR babies and we buy their products but the bottom line seems to be $…
Don’t fall too much in love with $..
Use it for good but don’t fall in love with it..it is a trap from the enemy!
amen and amen!
Holy GOD, when will we stop killing babies? When will we end the harvest of tissue of these children for our own selfish advancements. Oh Lord, forgive us! Help us to seek You, to repent and to turn from our evil, selfish ways. Please Lord, change our hearts, open our ears to receive Your Truth, open our eyes to see what is evil and to stop it! Change our hearts oh God that we would walk in Truth! Purify is with Your Holy Word and let Your Holy Spirit transform us from the inside out! Thank you, Lord for Your patience, mercy and grace! May You be glorified in each heart! I pray in the power of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior!
My God Jesus!!! Father God, I humbly ask for the forgiveness of sin personally and nationally. I agree with you that they (leaders) will know that you are LORD. I pray for your children to be sensitive to Holy Spirit about these vaccines and be obedient to Your lead and not be lead by the fear of what men are saying. Whose report will we believe? We will believe the report of the LORD. You have not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Thank You, LORD, for the blood of Jesus that washes and cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. We receive it in Jesus’ name. May we know You and make You known. Amen.🙏🏾🙌🏾
Amen! Yes, Lord! We pray that You will forgive us of our sins as a nation. Oh God! End abortion, and send revival! To You be all of the glory, honor, and praise. We all pray this in Jesus Name, That Name above all names! Amen and amen!!!
Father, my heart is saddened by this unethical news. Forgive us. Thank You for this bishop who is willing to stand for righteousness. Thank You Lord, for the organization CHILDREN OF GOD FOR LIFE. may their voices awaken us and we continue to see abortion come to an end.
Lord, we pray that the wickedness and ungodly deception be fully exposed and that we as a nation will not stand any longer for these wicked and depraved methods in vaccines. I pray cancelling these horrific practices in the powerful name of Jesus. I pray that all promulgating these most ungodly practices be stopped in their tracks in the powerful name of Jesus. That Your church will awake from its slumber and experience a great awaking and will finally rise up against these most ungodly practices. I pray calling an end, a death to the abortion industry and all those promoting it, incoming Planned Parenthood (the irony of this name). In the powerful name of Jesus. Amen
Amen! So be it! In Jesus Name! The Giver and The Sustainer of life, physical and spiritual. We need revival, oh God!!!
I pray that there be a new way to create vaccines. One that does not involve death. I pray for a life giving vaccine that does not have to take a life to be created. Our God is Mighty and full of Wisdom. Please God show your wisdom in the creation of a new way, without harmful chemicals, without side effects, without murdered babies. All things are possible with You Lord!
Let’s kneel and cry to God, our Creator, who is able to do the impossible that God will convict the heart of the Scientist working on the Covid-19 vaccine from Moderna, company owned by J&J NOT to USE ABORTED BABY PARTS.
Please God also raise up a small Christian pharmaceutical company that will know how to make this Covid-19 vaccine without using aborted baby parts.
Thank you God, I know you’re able to fulfill my request. But only Your will be done, In Jesus’ name we pray, my God, my Savior. We love you, thank you for loving us. Amen.
very simple I agree with Bishop Strickland…we ought to know what is in any vaccine they want to give us. And we uphold our right not to receive any vaccine.
Lord, we pray that You will give us the strength and courage not to accept the things to come for our selfish gains.
That we will remember what we’re fighting for that others who are weak and poor and uneducated in Your Word would take heed that there is another way and that away is Salvation in Jesus Christ and it’s in His name that we pray, Amen.
Father, my heart breaks with Yours. In the rush to preserve the “living” , murder of the most innocent of life is condoned. May Bishop Strickland’s words be given flight and Your voice be heard over the fear and darkness driving these devastating and immoral experiments. Lord, You can stop them cold! Let us stand with You like Bishop Strickland in steadfast faith and love in the power of Your Spirit. And Lord, please do not let us grow weary in doing good. The battle is long and drawn out but the VICTORY is YOURS\o/