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We pray protection for U.S. Attorney Durham and his staff, who are investigating top-level criminal activity. We pray that their work would shine a light on wrongdoing.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

In October, The Times reported that the investigation had shifted from an administrative review into a full-fledged criminal investigation based on evidence that had allegedly been uncovered.

Durham is also reportedly taking a close look at whether Brennan made contradictory statements between his private and public remarks about the anti-Trump Steele dossier and about “any debate among the intelligence agencies over their conclusions on Russia’s interference.”. . .

Attorney General William Barr told Fox News on Wednesday that Durham was “not just looking at the FBI. He is looking at other agencies and also private departments and also private actors and so it is a much broader investigation. And also he is not just looking at the FISA aspect of it. He is looking at all the conduct – both before and after the election.”

Barr also slammed disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, saying, “One of the things that I object to is the tact being taken by Comey, which is to suggest that people who are criticizing or trying to get to the bottom of the misconduct are somehow attacking the FBI. I think that’s nonsense. We’re criticizing and concerned about misconduct by a few actors at the top of the FBI and they should be criticized if they engaged in serious misconduct. That doesn’t mean we are criticizing the FBI and I think the tact of trying to wrap yourself in the institution and say gee, people who are criticizing the decisions I made are attacking the institution. I notice people don’t do that as far as I’m concerned. People feel free to criticize me and I don’t say gee you’re attacking the honest men and women of the Department of Justice. I think leaders have to own their decisions and are fair game if they make bad decisions.”

(Excerpt from Daily Wire. Article by Ryan Saavedra.)

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January 1, 2020

Lord – we stand united with fellow believers who are standing on the authority of God and his Son Jesus Christ. We ask for you to place a wall of angelic protection around Mr Durham and Mr Barr for the entirety of their investigation going forward into 2020. We ask that every action to discount or deflect the truth of their investigation would fall short. We ask the your Holy Spirit would open the hearts of the people of our nation to the revelations of the crimes that are being investigated and that they would be able to see the truth regardless of any spin propaganda or mistruths that are returned. Please fortify, bless and strengthen Mr Durham and Mr Barr in each and every minute of their lives. Please give them the strength and courage of 10000 lions in their pursuit of the truth. When they are tired, be there to pick them up to continue the fight. We ask that in your holy name….amen.

December 31, 2019

A few years ago as I prayed for my country, the President, etc, I could see tentacles of an octopus, under the White House. going so deep in what appeared to be tunnels….Thank You Father for stepping into history to save this nation.

Michael Guidera
December 30, 2019

Dear Lord, you know every single player that was used in this evil plan to spread false information with the purpose of destroying the credibility of a duly elected President, for the purpose of keeping control on a corrupt system that benefited those in power. Oh God how broken our system has become. We humbly ask You to expose all of this abhorrent behavior for all of the American people to see. Lord, by Your wisdom I pray for the truth to be spread across our entire country and even the world. I pray the truth shall go forth on every news channel, on every tv and radio show. I bind the forces of darkness that control so much of the media. I break those chains that hold that entire industry in darkness and deception and perversion. Release those in that industry to be able to comprehend the truth. Move your mighty hand across our country and wake up the masses, open their eyes and their ears to see and understand how they have been fooled. Allow them to receive the truth. Lord, You are a God of justice, and I pray for Your justice to be served on every single person involved in pushing this false narrative that has so divided our country. I pray for all the prosecutors that they act in wisdom and that their indictments that are to come will line up with the laws in our land. I pray the evidence presented be only the truth so that there can be no credible argument against it. I pray this Truth be a gut punch to the enemy, crippling it to where it must reduce its grip on our country. Lord, prepare our country to receive what is about to be exposed. Many will be in confusion and turmoil. I pray You give us compassion, give us a genuine love to all those that need comfort. Show us how to be a positive force in our country to help heal this land. We give You all the glory and praise for for giving us this undeserved chance to right a sinking ship. Amen, in Jesus name.

December 29, 2019

LordJesus, You are Faithful and True, the Lord of Truth. I pray that truth in this matter will be exposed and indeed will rise up during any investigations on Mr Brennan or his cohorts who are expert in hiding. Expose the evil Lord and protect by Your hedge around those who are investigating the malfeasance in our government. Protect our President and First Lady, Vice President and Second Lady and families of each, our Senators and Representatives and the security details of all from the instruments of the evil one against them. For You Glory, Lord Jesus. Amen

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