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Father, we thank You for Özgür Özel's condemnation of Hamas. We ask that You continue to change the hearts and views of Turkey's leaders so that they may come to honor and love Israel once again.
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Following months of Turkish President Erdoğan’s praise of Hamas, the nation’s opposition leader has strongly condemned the terrorist group.

From All Israel News. Turkish opposition leader Özgür Özel, who heads the Republican People’s Party (CHP), condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization during a TV interview on Saturday.

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“Hamas rains bombs on innocent people in the middle of the night, with balloons, drones, and I don’t know what else,” Özel said. He condemned the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion and massacre of 1,200 Israelis that ignited the ongoing war in Gaza.

“You must see that this issue started there [with Hamas]. What Hamas did was an act of terror. Hamas fired bombs at sleeping Jews in the middle of the night,” the opposition leader emphasized. …

pray for israel

Özel’s condemnation of Hamas contrasts sharply with the current president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has expressed support for the terror group and referred to it as a legitimate political actor. …

Prior to Erdoğan’s rise to power, Turkey and Israel enjoyed close commercial, military and security ties.

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(Excerpt from All Israel News. Photo Credit: Dogusanozer – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=136140531)

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July 3, 2024

Bless the leader, Özgür Özel, who calls for condemnation of Hamas’ terrorists org., acts of inhumane brutality, and blesses Israel. Lift him up to a place of power and sow peace in Turkey as a result of his standing with Israel. May those supporting Hamas be removed from leadership and silenced in their cursing of Israel. Raise up leaders in the middle east who will bless Israel and seek Your Kingdom through Christ Jesus.

July 3, 2024

May Turkey and Israel renew their friendship and work together to bless their people with God’s beautiful and perfect will. May these two countries also unite together with the USA to help one another under the prayers of the Christian people of each country. Precious Lord, may your Kingdom come and your will be done as we continue to pray and seek your Face daily. Let’s be sure to put God Time on our daily schedules. God does listen and act when we pray. It’s the most important thing a Christian can do and leads to the amazing work of God through us and in us. We’re world changers. Praise and Glory to God !!

Paula Moore
July 2, 2024

Thank God for Turkey’s opposition leader’s forthright comments properly assigning blame of the October 2023 Hamas attack and defending Israel! He does well for his country; God bless the Truth to prevail. Send Revival to the Middle East nations, and to Israel! In Yeshua’s Name, Yes & Amen!

Darlene Estlow
July 2, 2024

Father, I lift up Israel in the face of all the voices against them. Strengthen them. Protect them. Turn their enemies into your disciples. Stifle the voices of hatred; turn them into voices of love for you and your people.

July 2, 2024

When daling with any Muslim it is imperative that you read the Koran before the interaction begins.Alsoeadthe life of the prophet. In both instances read between the lines. Take it seriously or you will be cheated, abused, murdered. once you read the thing you’ll know the depth of the perversion and hatred to all non muslim’s. Bigots, Racists, Mysogynists, Narcisists, Genocide perpetrators. DEFEND YOURSELVES WITH ALL POSSIBLE FORCE. Loed God Convert all these people who are acting insanely.
I ask in Jesus’name

Mary Beth
July 2, 2024

Thank you for raising up voices in support of Israel’s self-defense and condemnation of Hamas, and even better in Turkey. Please protect those who take a stand to support truth, and expose the lies of the enemy.

July 2, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father: thank you for opening the eyes of this man and we ask that you do likewise for many others in positions of power. Use them Father to do your will as we pray your will over all Nations. We stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and pray your divine protection and victory for Israel. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Amen


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