I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Father, for bringing justice here. Protect Trump and others from attacks like these in the future.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former IRS consultant Charles Littlejohn has been sentenced to five years in prison for leaking the tax returns of many people, including former President Trump.

From POLITICO. A former IRS consultant was sentenced to five years in prison for leaking former President Donald Trump’s tax returns as well as the filings of thousands of other wealthy people to the news media.

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A district court judge on Monday agreed with the Justice Department that Charles Littlejohn, 38, deserved the maximum statutory sentence for what she called “egregious” crimes.

Judge Ana Reyes, a Biden nominee to the bench, focused on Littlejohn’s decision to release Trump’s filings, which Reyes called “an attack on our constitutional democracy.”

“When you target the sitting president of the United States, you’re targeting the office and when you’re targeting the office of the president of the United States, you’re targeting democracy — you’re targeting our constitutional system of government.” …

Littlejohn’s lawyers had asked for leniency in the form of a sentence of between 12 and 18 months, saying that, at the time, he believed the public had the right to know how much Trump and the others paid in taxes.

He has since come to regret leaking the information, his representatives told the court.

The Justice Department praised the judge’s decision.

“Today’s sentence sends a strong message that those who violate laws intended to protect sensitive tax information will face significant punishment,” said acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri. …

Altogether, at least 152 people had their private information published in the media. …

In court filings, Littlejohn’s lawyers said he was incensed by Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, despite a decades-old tradition of presidents volunteering their filings.

At the same time, he became increasingly concerned with income inequality, his interest fanned by a critique of the tax system written by liberal economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman. After repeatedly discovering wealthy people paying little in taxes, he leaked the filings in hopes of prompting policymakers to act. …

“There was nothing noble or moral about the nature of his offense,” said Reyes. “It did not produce a single social good that could not have been — has not been produced in some way by lawful means.”

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(Excerpt from POLITICO. Photo Credit: EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA/Pexels via Canva Pro)

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Doris Carpenter
February 8, 2024

Praise the Lord for rightful outcome we pray for. Did everyone forget President Trump received no salary at all while in office.

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 3, 2024

Thank You Father for justice concerning the invasion of personal tax attacks on President Trump and many others. The Constitution Laws were put in place for a reason to protect us. God it’s no body’s business what others taxes look like. If a person violets or commits fraud on his taxes -God knows. God knows all. “ He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?“ Micah- 6-8 ) God the push was fanned by a liberal person liberal economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman. Being a liberal and most likely he insisted to do a lot of pushing for Littlejohns to expose personal taxes which was a criminal act not only against DJ Trump but other citizens as well. The liberals will do anything to keep DJ Trump from running as President, since the 2020 elections were stolen from Him. God we give Thanks that the Lawyer Reyes has an honest heart, honest mind even though he was an appointed Democrat, the justice of honestly won over dis- honesty. “ It cannot be open season on our elected officials — it just can’t.” We thank God for this “ Today’s sentence sends a strong message that those who violate laws intended to protect sensitive tax information will face significant punishment! “ was nothing noble or moral about the nature of his offense,” said Reyes. “It did not produce a single social good that could not have been —and has not been produced in some way by lawful means.” God says in Isaiah 30-18 “ Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.” If we follow Gods words and plant them in our hearts justice will prevail.. Being vindictive will only create evilness. God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work. Thank you Father God for all Your words and encouragement You plant in our minds, shows kindness and mercy to one another, Praise God for this win of true justice.

Rick Milordi
February 2, 2024


Iris Butler
February 1, 2024

May God richly bless & protect this Judge! Judge accordance to what’s right instead political party line. 🇺🇸

February 1, 2024

Father i Pray that this lesson will turn his decision to serve the lord after the preson sentence .I pray he will be restored and also overtake in Jesus name

Darlene Estlow
February 1, 2024

There are people who come to prisons to minister to people and bring the gospel. As he goes to prison, I pray it may be a place of repentance (not just “I’m sorry”) and healing as God changes his heart to righteousness.

February 1, 2024

EL ROI, God Who Sees Me, who sees all, Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and His discernment. I need more of Your discernment, more of Your forgiveness, love, grace and mercy. Open my eyes further, Father.

Let me not be placated with man’s measure of justice, thank You that the “tip of the iceberg” is being chipped away in this matter. I ask that you bring Littlejohn’s intentional release of the other 152 taxpayers returns to justice. Bring Your light to the deceit of which this man operated/operates from. Do not let me be tickled with words – for while Saul was Saul, he persecuted Your people, then became obedient (repenting) to the vision from heaven.

Let all those who need to be exposed, be exposed; all those who need to be expelled, expelled; and exhaust all the wicked who speak peace but devise deceitful matters.

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD. Proverbs 21:30

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to Me. Matthew 28:18

In Jesus’ authority I pray…


Val Vanorden
February 1, 2024

Lord, please help this person straighten up and get out and do something like community service instead of being behind bars, where it’s a university of crime. Thank you Lord for hearing your children when we pray according to your Word and will. May this person get into your word in the prison and in probation and afterward. Also, Lord, I believe it is your will that this person reconcile emotionally, as far as possible, with the clients he defrauded, and that he forgive all the slights, hurts wounds and wrongs against him so he can move forward with peace. May he believe very soon on your Son, the Lord Jesus, who we know is returning for His own very soon to tak us all up to new Jerusalem. Thank you. Amen.

February 1, 2024

Lord, Thank You for clearing the minds of Justice and ensuring some measure of real Justice has been served in Donald Trumps’ defence. Please now turn Your attention to the multitude of other illconceived and politically motivated “lawfare” attacks on the ex-President as he seeks to defend his good name and all that is good and positive in this lawless land of pagans and faithless cretins. Amen.


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