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Father, we pray for President Trump. We pray that You would change his heart and make him into a champion for the unborn.
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During Tuesday’s debate, President Trump refused to say whether or not he would veto a national abortion ban. Is this a good sign? What do you think?

From The Hill. Former President Trump refused to commit to vetoing a national abortion ban during Tuesday night’s presidential debate.

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When asked directly if he would veto a ban, Trump indicated Congress wouldn’t need to pass one.

“I’m not in favor of an abortion ban, but it doesn’t matter, because this issue has now been taken over by the states,” Trump said. …

Democrats are concerned that a Trump presidency could enact national abortion restrictions or a ban even without Congress by invoking the Comstock Act, a law from 1873 that bars the mailing of abortion-related materials.

Trump once again took credit for overturning Roe v. Wade …

Vice President Harris attacked him for the current patchwork of abortion laws across the country. Abortion is banned or restricted in nearly two dozen states, and Harris referred to the laws repeatedly as “Trump abortion bans.” …

You can view Trump’s comments in the embedded video below.

What did you think of Trump’s comments on abortion, and the debate as a whole? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Hill. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0,

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Brian Lynch
September 12, 2024

Lord Jesus, I cry out to You about this issue of abortion. I pray that Your will may prevail in our nation in everything that is said and done .I pray that people’s hearts be changed. Thank You, Jesus.

September 12, 2024

He did the right thing. Let the states continue to decide. If he would’ve given them what they wanted, they would’ve ran with it, and he would never be president. The left blows all things out of proportion and lies. Just like they are lying now by saying there would be no help for women who miscarriage. When that happens, it’s a medical emergency and medical insurance covers it.
So yes, this is where we are where are-we have to choose between the lesser of two evils and pray at our state level for godly leaders like we have in South Dakota with Kristi Noem. And also pray that horrible bills that allow abortion at any stage will not be passed

David Strittmatter
September 12, 2024

Abortion is a supremely important issue the church at large, apart from several good and tenacious Pro-Life organizations, has been relegated to an honorable mention at best on Right to Life Sunday. The Supreme Court Justices appointed during President Trump’s term overturned Roe v Wade, something we’ve wanted for decades, which put the issue of abortion back in our arenas in the states. It seems we’re not doing, at least initially, as well as we’d like even in “Red” states. National and state denominational Christian church leadership seemingly can’t unify around the protection of the unborn beyond lip service and rally congregations or speak as one voice to government. In Genesis 11 God confused their language as there would be nothing, because of their unity, impossible for them. In John 17: 20-23 Jesus prayed that we would be perfectly one, so the world would know he was sent. Instead of being disappointed with Trump for not committing to a national ban; we should better steward what we’ve been given.

September 12, 2024

I commend DJT for NOT speaking his personal belief here, for should he do that, this abortion issue would instantly become a national one once again! He has done us a favor by allowing this to become/remain a state issue, where each of us has a clearer voice to speak our desires. Of course we would like to know how Pres Trump personally feels, but what he DOES is more important. Was Cyrus a priest, a spiritual leader? No, but he didn’t need to be to accomplish the Lord’s will in his day. We shall see DJT do exactly the same in our time and with regard to sanctity of life.

September 12, 2024

President Donald Trump will not have opportunity to veto an abortion bill as he turned that over to the states.

    Paula Allen
    September 12, 2024

    It is now the responsibility of the states. For over 50 years we have been on the front lines, handing out information on abortion, showing them pictures, sharing the truth…and we continue to do so. Bottom line we can’t stop or force anyone from having an abortion if they decide to. We don’t control people we pray for them.
    They (pro-choice) will always find a way even if it were banned.
    Take the pressure off of President Donald Trump.
    Only God can remove the scales from their eyes (I am one who has partaken of this evil. But God encountered me, revealed the truth, convicted me, and with his kindness led me to repentance).
    God is able!


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