In a letter to pro-life leaders and activists, President Donald Trump highlighted his administration’s pro-life achievements over the last four years and promised another four years of pro-life work, should he win reelection in November.
Among his promises in the letter, dated September 3, is to work to “fully defund the big abortion industry such as Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars.” Planned Parenthood committed 40% of U.S. abortions in 2018 with a record-high 345,672 abortions, despite an overall national decline. . . .
Additionally, Trump stated that should Congress pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, he would sign into law. This Act would protect preborn children in the United States from abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. He also stated that if passed, he would sign into law the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would mandate that any baby who survives an abortion cannot be left for dead or killed after birth but must be given appropriate medical are. Both of these acts failed to pass in early 2020. Trump also vowed to sign the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which the letter stated would “impose a permanent, comprehensive ban on abortion funding, block tax dollars from financing abortions through Obamacare insurance plans, and enhance disclosure requirements for plans on the exchange that cover abortion.”
In the letter, Trump also wrote that his administration would “[c]ontinue our transformation of the federal judiciary, filling the Supreme Court and lower courts with judges who will respect the Constitution and not legislate an abortion agenda from the bench.”
Since his election in 2016, the Trump administration has appointed two judges to the Supreme Court: Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. The Trump administration also enacted the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy to stop tax dollars from funding the international abortion industry. The letter also lists as the administration’s pro-life accomplishments Planned Parenthood’s exit from Title X funding, the ending of taxpayer funding for research using aborted babies at the National Health Institute (some such research continues, using non-public funding), and the Supreme Court’s decisions in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
(Excerpt from Live Action. Article by Nancy Flanders. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
What do you think about Trump’s plan to defund Planned Parenthood. Let’s press in to prayer for this in the comments below!
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It occurs to me the principle, “We reap what we sow”:
I am wondering if those people who support abortion, while knowing the atrocious agony it causes the precious unborn baby, if they ever stop to think that one day they, too, will die, and perhaps with the same agony that they caused the helpless little baby.
Heavenly Father, we know who the father of lies is: he’s the one behind the lies women are told about abortion and its effects. (and the one behind the pro-choice lie, as well) We ask that the truths of what abortion really is, and the scientific and Biblical truth of life’s beginning be broadcast and communicated clearly. We ask for blessings on the ministries and groups that are communicating this message. We ask you to send your servants to inform women that abortion is a negative choice and has devastating consequences. Open women’s minds to the very real consequences of abortion,not only for herself, but for her pre-born child.
In Psalms: 139 The Bible, God’s Holy Word, tells you and me such a sweet awesome truth. “You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
So many, even some of us that calls ourselves Christian (and I am a born again believer), debate, when does life begin. God says He watched me being formed in my Mother’s womb, and greater still! Every moment has been recorded in the Lamb’s book of life. Praise the Lord! We, especially me, need to repent (I do repent) that we/me am responsible for the murder of millions and millions of God’s precious children by doing nothing. My heart hurts for what we/I have allowed to happen by not standing up!
I believe with my whole being that Trump is God’s man for this season. I believe he will be elected for another 4 years. My prayers are for him to do this, not if congress decides to do, but what Our Heavenly Father decides and expects him to do. Planned Parenthood is an plight on America. President Trump, I pray for God’s mighty warrior Angels surround you and protect you. I pray God’s thoughts are your thoughts, in the name above all others, Jesus Christ our Lord.
I fully agree that abortion is evil and that we must defend the unborn! I appreciate President Trump for His tough stance on this issue!
Lord please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling abortion. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name amen.
God bless President Trump! I just pray in the name of Jesus that Planned Parenthood will be defunded once and for all, and that we will finally see an end to the terrible sin that is abortion.
I grew up in the 80’s when Ronald Reagan was President, and he will always be my favorite President. But I must say, Donald Trump is doing an amazing job as President, too. I plan to vote for him in November, and I pray that he will be our President for four more years. Trump 2020!
Lord, thank You for placing President Trump in office and for his strong stand against abortion. May he win reelection and be given the opportunity to defund PP as he states. Turn the hearts of many abortionists and those who assist in abortions to see the sin against You that they are committing. May they become those who speak out against it. Turn the hearts of this nation to see the evil of abortion. Please have mercy on us. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
My prayer is not that defunding PP is not just what happens but that those who support and perform these abominable acts are imprisoned for murder… and that the President not only work to ban ALL abortions, but would REPENT on behalf of the nation for this act… it is not enough to legislate protection… we must have repentance for ALL the unborn
Thank you Father for changing public attitudes about abortion. More young people are saying they are pro-life. May that number grow. May there be no government funding for Planned Parenthood.Turn the hearts of PP employees against abortion and may we protect our unborn children.
Amen again! Turn the hearts of abortion workers where ever they may work: Planned Parenthood, hospitals, other abortuaries. Use ministries like Abby Johnson’s And Then There Were None to call abortion workers out, from the doctors and nurses to receptionists and janitors. May they be your boldest witnesses for life.
It’s very telling and sad to me that the number of people praying to end the fires is more than saving a human being! Heavenly Father hear our plea to remove this scourge on our nation. Forgive us of our role we play is this killing of your creation and strengthen our will to fight for what is right and true in your eyes. In your son’s name and my Lord Amen.
Sidney, you are right. Shame on us for not having a greater number crying out for the unborn. Thank you for your response.
Our precious Lord Jesus we come to you to repent for allowing the abomination of legalized abortion to have passed under our watch. We ask for you to turn back this tide of bloodshed and send laborers into the field to speak life to those who are being deceived by the enemy. We ask that you pour out your mercy on our land as we repent for the shedding of innocent blood. We pray that you give our president an open door to accomplish your will. We know that the prayers of your children for him and against this great evil are being heard and we ask that you come quickly so that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So, so very important for the general public to be educated in a such a way that each candidate for a local, state or federal office place in writing what there goal would be to work toward accomplishing should they achieve their desired position. The name-calling accusations publicized through campaign ads should not be published, but their written, signed and verbalized goals should be made available to the general public far and wide.
Heavenly Father, please forgive us for the shedding of innocent blood. It is a detestable practice and we know, as Christians, and readers of your word, that you have ended civilizations over the sacrificing of babies. Please speak to our hearts, protect our President and let him finish the job he started. We love you. We believe in you. You are mighty and just. Amen.