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I Prayed have prayed
Father, continue to protect our nation and help us to call on Your name. Guide this transition process and help us to lean into trusting you.
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After Congress formally affirmed the results of the election, President Trump on early Thursday morning promised an “orderly transition” for Joe Biden, and acknowledged his term was coming to an end. . . .

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th,” the statement said.

“I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by John Solomon. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)

Share your thoughts on Trump’s comments. . .

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Janice Pollock
January 9, 2021

President Trump did not concede

Carole D Gabrielson
January 8, 2021

President Trump continues to amaze me . He is such a wonderful leader! That is why the enemy wants him out. But, God is not through using him. I am so grateful to hear him say that he will continue to fight to make America great. We will be marching right along in step with him by praying for him, Melania and his entire family . I know that God could still do a great miracle and we could inaugurate him on January 20. God bless him.

January 8, 2021

Matthew 24:13, MSG:
“Staying with it—that’s what God requires. Stay with it to the end. You won’t be sorry, and you’ll be saved…”

President Trump has not conceded- neither should we! Show yourself to be a faithful member of God’s remnant church! Prophesy to yourself- command your mind, will and emotions to line up to the Word of God every time wayward thoughts and feelings arise. Pray for wisdom and discernment- “If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking…” -James 1:5, VOICE

Let us pray:
Let the Lion of Judah restore the roar of President Donald Trump and make it stronger than ever before!! Let President Trump be filled with dunamis power, energy, boldness, courage and perseverance from on High- he will never give up, never surrender, and never concede to false results. Dress him in the full armor of God! The Lion of Judah with His Mighty Sword in hand goes before him; Yahweh Sabaoth and His Heavenly Hosts follow behind; he is flanked by and encouraged by the great cloud of witnesses; he is completely surrounded by a hedge of protection, and fully covered by the blood of the Lamb! Let him wave the Banner of Jehovah Nissi in one hand and uphold the Blessed Constitution of the United States of America in the other!

We loose the Truth, and we bind every lie and send them back to the pit of hell from whence they came. Let every twisted lie, scheme, deception, curse and hex of the enemy be brought to light, uprooted, nullified, and totally destroyed; let every new seed of evil that the enemy tries to plant fall on rocky ground, and be sterilized so that they can never germinate and grow in the first place!

Those that are for President Trump are both greater in number and greater in Holy Spirit Power than those evil forces of any and all kinds that are arrayed against him. Therefore, we proclaim, declare and decree that this battle for the soul of America belongs to the Lord, and the King of Kings will be victorious, His Glory wil blaze forth across America!! AMEN AND AMEN!

We also pray for those who have been deceived to believe the lies of the enemy: Lord, remove the blinders from their eyes- give them eyes to see, and circumcised ears to hear, and resurrected hearts of flesh to understand that Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life! Let the conviction of the Holy Spirit pursue them, the loving-kindness of God lead them to repentance, and the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ wash them whiter than snow from all their sins and make them citizens of Your heavenly Kingdom, Lord!  We thank you for the blessings of more souls saved; we praise you for the mighty works these newly converted souls will do for Your Kingdom through the Holy Spirit dunamis power you fill them with when they accept You as their own personal Savior; and we worship you because of who you are- the perfect, loving God of the whole universe! In Jesus’s name, Amen!!!

Lisa Pia Eason
January 8, 2021

I really need the LORD to do something and soon please. Dear God how much more of this crap must we deal with.
This is like letting Satan take over the world on the 20th if biden is in🤦🔥😳
God we trust in your plan but can you give us a little hope down here. It looks like all is lost but we know it’s not.
Help us Lord help us!!!!! 😳

January 8, 2021

Lord, these are difficult times. I think of President Trump who has been betrayed by his own staff, own circle, mainstream media, social media, and betrayed by so many politicians. Lord have mercy on him. Help him to process this great wrong and somehow come to accept it. Give him people he can trust, Lord. Comfort and console him. Tell him that as they hated Jesus, they will hate him. Protect those who stood up for him and provide them with protection, like Powell, Wood, Guiliani, Ellis, Sekulow and many others. Protect the members of Congress who stood up for him. Kyrie. Amen.

January 8, 2021

anybody has heard of Italy conspiracy theory? lots of rumors, etc, not sure which one to believe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4dfplSrkcw&t=550s

    Donna piper
    January 8, 2021

    Yes heard OB connection & Italian intel whistleblower
    Dont give up quite yet.
    Its not the 20th. Why do you think they are making So much fuss to impeach w only days left?! ?! The guilty are still not quite at ease while Trump has power.

Terry Montague
January 8, 2021

Dear strong intercessors, I echo the comments of Mimi below. The writer of this article is not just incorrect (he did NOT say a peaceful transition to Biden!), but he did say “it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!” He spoke of his first term. Please don’t be like the lukewarm Church. Keep standing for righteousness, Justice and the unborn babies!
This is a time to acquire the warrior spirit.
Listen to Dutch Sheets: https://youtu.be/FXEwNo2TxP0
God is looking to and fro to see who is still standing for Him, still in the prayer closet taking on the evil forces in the heavenlies. …and being transformed into the holy warrior bride of Christ!
Rev 3:15-16 is very clear about lukewarmness. Repent of it and rise up to the authority that Jesus Christ gave us. His shed blood on the mercy seat is our redemption, justification, sanctification, our food, drink, and our authority to pray at all times to pray for all the saints in focused prayer. Acts 4:31 The weapon of all prayer had and will, in our days ahead, demolish Satan’s stronghold.
Remember thanksgiving and praise. Praise is our weapon, too. Ps 100.
Remember how we, as a praying nation, before 2019, had become a lukewarm Church, so throw off all discouragement, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, evil thoughts/evil speaking and
1. pray against the lukewarmness in and around you and your Church.
2. pray for unity in the Church. Do not yield to the temptation to attack others
3. pray for God’s holy fire from the altar of God that will take us to a higher temperature
4. pray for God’s angel armies to act; we have authority over them and we are to use them; they are flames of fire
5. Heb 1:7 “And of the angels He says: ‘Who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.'”
6. Heb 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
7. Send God’s angels on special assignments. God had myriads of millions of them, use them. Ps 91:11 “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”
8. The fire of God from the altar is hot so we need to be hot. We need to rebuke and toss off anything in our lives that prevent us from being as hot as we could be. Ask forgiveness or our lukewarmness and anything in our lives that has prevented us from being hot. Repent and get on with it.
9. When we get hot, the body of Christ gets hot, the Church is hot. Then we have a manifestation of God on the earth, through the Church, and we will see a change in our nation!

Father, in the name of Jesus, who defeated Satan and all powers on the cross and defeated death by His resurrection, I ask you to pour your fire from heaven and baptize us with holy fire right now!

We pray for our nation in unity in the body and for every believer in the United States and the World, that we all would be immersed in holy fire, that we would be lukewarm, and that the body of Christ would rise up in their authority and who they are. That we would walk in what Jesus has accomplished by being seated with Him, in the heavenly realms and that we would recognize that are far above all ruling authority through Jesus Christ.

We take authority and break the powers of the devil and we say, Lord, that we’re not going to be lukewarm. We are going to be counted as hot in this day, Lord God. We are going to be the temperature that you have preordained for us, Lord. And I thank you and give you praise and glory for it in the name of Jesus.

—-Remember, we have left the ways of this world, but we have all the authority of Jesus Christ to use in His name “Your kingdom come, your will be done.”
Read the other encouraging notes below, endure, as Mimi says!


    January 8, 2021

    We pray for our nation in unity in the body and for every believer in the United States and the World, that we all would be immersed in holy fire, that we would NOT be lukewarm, and that the body of Christ would rise up in their authority and who they are.

    January 8, 2021


January 8, 2021

Fellow intercessors, this article wrongly says that “President Trump on early Thursday morning promised an “orderly transition” for Joe Biden, and acknowledged his term was coming to an end. . . .”.
That is NOT what President Trump said! He didn’t say “for Joe Biden”. He said for “the next administration”. He also didn’t say his term was coming to an end. He spoke of his “first term”. These are critical distinctions. To those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Rise up in faith, dear saints. Do not let your hearts be discouraged. Endure in intercession like never before! God is working. He has not failed us nor forsaken us.

Laura Dominick
January 8, 2021

After Wednesday’s disappointment, I allowed myself 24 hours yesterday to listen to the voices of unbelief in my mind. I let everyone of them have their say. But, at the end of the day, my confession is that I don’t need prophets or anyone else to tell me that God will NOT let America fall because my faith is in His character as revealed in Scripture – and to my last breath I cannot forsake my faith in His character! “Thus says the LORD: let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this: that I AM the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 9:23-24. That is enough for me. I still believe Biden will not occupy the White House and that God will still use President Trump in the White House for four more years. I have no idea how this will happen, but that is not my place. In God I trust. Amen.

    Karen E. Kendrick
    January 8, 2021

    I believe in the trusted prophets and I believe if we will listen to His voice (as we always should be) that He’ll give us our own direct word from Him too..
    The word I have heard for awhile is ” I’ve got this!”

    January 8, 2021


    January 8, 2021

    Amen and Amen!

    You may enjoy The Victory Channel. The Lord mercily guided me there just a couple of days ago. I have been greatly encouraged by the recent videos.
    Your comment on having faith in God’s character reminded me of Kat Kerr’s prophetic words over this election which is in agreement to President Trump being in the White House for another 4 years. She was a guest on the show yesterday. Yesterday’s show was FULL of the Holy Spirit.

    God Bless.

    Susan Wulf
    January 8, 2021

    I agree–did the very same thing and came to the same conclusion! Blessings!

January 8, 2021

Be encouraged:

He/we shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his/our heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord. His/our heart is established and steady, he/we will not be afraid while he/we wait to see his/our desire established upon his/our adversaries.
Psalm 112:7‭-‬8 AMPC

Praying that the LORD continue to renew our strength as we persevere in prayer and wait expectantly, our hearts are firmly fixed on the Lord!!

January 8, 2021

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you who do not believe.” ~Jesus

To the secret place when you are shaken with doubt fear or disbelief RETURN YOUR SOUL TO PEACE IN HIS PRESENCE RENEW YOUR THOUGHTS WITH HIS THOUGHTS LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED…HAVE CONFIDENCE AND Continue to keep your full confidence in Jesus THE KING OVER ALL LEADERS!!
Father, let Your Presence fill President Trump and let him know that he is not alone and that he was indeed an anointed vessel in Your hand for such a time as this. Thank You for using him to awaken Your complacent slumbering too blessed to change church in America.
May she not have to beg for oil from the wise virgins when the groom arrives.

January 8, 2021

Father God, Almighty, Supreme Justice, All Knowing Elohim, YOU ARE TRUTH, LOVE AND MERCY. Jesus, Emmanuel, Your Holy Son is the way, truth and life.

Lord, we cry out in our need for You…
Now more than ever. The enemy is darkness and evil and is trying to consume us. The corruption, lies and violence are escalating. Save us…come quickly and part the Red Sea for America, we pray. Shows us the Way when there is no way. Nothing is too difficult for you Abba, Father.

Brothers and sisters, DO NOT GIVE UP. This is not over. I stand with the many prophetic words given about our annointed president.

Please LISTEN carefully to Pres Trump’s message. He promised an orderly transition but he doesnt mention Biden. He doesn’t concede. He says this is just the beginning.

Also there is something not right about the capitol building attack.
…Police allowing rioters through the barricades
…police sent home before Trump speech with a million people attending and every high level member of our government in the Capitol with minimal security
…Antifa with helmets and bears but “dressed as Trump supporters” brought in on buses
…shooting of young woman, who apparently worked for CIA
…she was supposedly shot at close range with a 45 but only small amount of blood and damage…not possible
…media reporting 3 other people killed because of riot. But they apparently died of medical reasons

…Doesn’t make sense!!!

We have been deceived for so long by the enemy and fake news and CIA, this is possibly not what is being reported. watch video for analysis. You decide but be on guard and skeptical. Lets not be deceived again.

Enemy is domestic and we need to be skeptical. I am trying to pray without ceasing 1Thes 5:17 .

Put on the full armor of God. We need to stay in the fight. This is a battle like none other in this country of good and evil.

Father God we pray a mighty hedge of protection over our president, our country and our people. We pray for LIGHT to shine in the darkness. Praise God Almighty, Praise Jesus our Savior, Praise Holy Spirit, Wonderful Counselor.
Amen and Amen.

    Marlene Bickel
    January 8, 2021

    We have been mesmerized by the idiot box (TV) for way too long, that we believed everything we saw and heard. IT’S TIME TO TURN OFF THE BOX AND WAKE UP!!! We need to start using our God-given brain and begin to think for ourselves, question, analyze, research, connect the dots and what ever else, to really know what is happening around us and in our beloved country. Above all, PRAY and STUDY THE WORD OF GOD. Ask Holy Spirit to give us skillful and godly wisdom, discernment, knowledge, revelation, understanding and the courage and strength to go forth, walking out the assignment Almighty God has given us. We are in His army and it’s a lifetime commitment. Remember the instructions God gave to His creation of man in the beginning???
    Genesis 1:26-31. vs26 Then God said, “let Us make man in our image…..and in verse 28 God blessed them;and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue (take dominion/rule over)…….vs 31 God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good….6th day.

    January 8, 2021

    Amen and Amen!

January 8, 2021

It is very sad, grievous, but we have to respect the man. President Trump fought very hard, he did his best. I’m amazed that he is humbling himself, people of America should respect him for this. God will honor his humility, sacrificing himself and his rights for the people. I respect him more, but for the faithful remnant do not loose heart, God can still intervene. He will surely come, His judgement against the wicked is in the Bible, but judgement begins first in His house, His people first, then the wicked. God is still in control, He is still seated in His throne. God has His plans and His purpose.

January 8, 2021

..He stood up again and returned to the disciples, only to find them asleep, exhausted from grief.  “Why are you sleeping?”He asked them. “Get up and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation.”        Luke 22:45-46

I can hear him saying this to me as I grieve with such disappointment over what is happening in America! And the temptation is to give up – not to wait on the Lord. He has not failed us, we have put our hope in something other than God Himself. How can he bless that?

Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted in the nations, I will be exalted on the Earth.  Psalm 46:10

    Lois Robords
    January 8, 2021

    You are right. We do know that God has a plan and His will is being fulfilled. “Be still and know that I am God”. Isiah 4:10 W

Hilda Fae Clark
January 8, 2021

I pray that our voting rules will be fixed so that all states will vote the same and there will be no fraudulent ballots. The American people have to have an election they can trust and depend on.

Daniel NC
January 8, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, this may be the darkest hour yet in this struggle, but this struggle and the intricate web of lies, treachery, theft, psychological and spiritual warfare, and the other tactics used by these wicked people are as nothing to your power and light. Lord, may the Holy Spirit flood through Donald J. Trump the man, and may you yet work wonders through him. Lord, let these events and developments move Donald J. Trump closer to You than ever before. Indeed, perhaps it is Your will that he experience some kind of epiphany (if he has not already) before the tide of evil may be turned. Lord, we pray that You shine your light on the evil web that envelopes this nation and indeed, this whole world, and evaporate it like the ephemeral thing it is. Lord, this scheme of the globalists, the communists, the socialists, the liberals, and all their intersectional allies is but a house of cards to You. Strike it down, dear Lord. May President Trump yet serve Your purpose in this battle. Let us not put our faith in Donald J. Trump the man and President, but rather let us put our faith in You and may You work through him. May the Holy Spirit energize and direct him as never before. Lord, thank you for making him the President of this nation and thank you for the good works he as done in four short years. May you continue to work through him. Lord, now is not the time for those who choose Your side to lose heart. Lord let us keep the faith and attract even more of the lost to Your light at this dark time. Forgive us our sins, especially our sins of the heart in recent days. Forgive my own weakness and anger in recent days Lord. I know that I have not been alone in feeling anger, despair, rage, fear, and rollercoaster of other emotions since the events of 6 JAN. Forgive me Lord. Now is the time for intense prayer and faith. Lord, I am praying that now that we are on the brink of the abyss, You will demonstrate Your power as never before and pull us back when all seems lost. Lord, let us not forget that this battle is every bit as spiritual as it is political or psychological. Indeed, Lord, I am coming to feel that it is more a spiritual than a worldly battle. Lord, thank You for the people who are trying to remind us of this and reminding us to keep the faith. I especially want to thank You for directing me to Wanda Alger and BCP, both of whom I have found inspiring. Lord, one way or the other, I know we will witness Your story unfold in the days and weeks ahead. In Jesus Precious Name I Pray, Amen.

Darlene Crichton
January 8, 2021

the battle is yours Lord.
along with the president we will fight (on our knees with hands lifted high) for truth, integrity, and our freedoms that have not come without great price from those that have gone before us!

Tammy Saddler
January 8, 2021

Surely you have not you given up? STAND! It isn’t over yet.

    Tammy Saddler
    January 8, 2021

    To clarify :”You” refers to readers. I believe President Trump is just going along with strategies such as in “The Art of War”.

    January 8, 2021

    Don’t give up, saints! Press on into the purposes of God. Don’t give in to unbelief, doubt, fear, defeat. Keep up your intercession, now more than ever! Endurance is critical. The enemy is trying to discourage you.

    Be strong and let your heart take courage! For the Lord our God is with us!
    The battle is not ours, but God’s! Align yourself with His purposes no matter what circumstances look like. When we are at an impenetrable impasse (the Red Sea) and the enemy forces are bearing down, God makes a way that man does not see. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Gird up your faith by reading Hebrews 11. And remember, that per Hebrews 12, we have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. So we must lay aside the discouragement that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. Do not grow weary and lose heart. May God arise and His enemies be scattered. Praise Him. If you are disheartened, play worship & praise music. Declare Scripture. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Only look at circumstances to get intel to pray. Don’t let circumstances discourage your faith. Rise up, spiritual warriors!

January 8, 2021

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun
Psalm 37:5-6

Father God,
We know that You are operating on a level that’s infinitely above ours. You are in no way bound to weaknesses that we are predisposed to as a result of our sinful nature. When we do not trust You, that literally grieves Your heart.
Help us to see these circumstances through Your own divine viewpoint. No matter how frightening things may look, You are on our side and there is hope! You are still in control.
What has happened has no impact whatsoever on who You are. We refuse to live our lives in such a hopeless condition like those who don’t even know You.
For You are the LORD, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, You are wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.
Creator and Ruler of the universe and source of moral authority; the Supreme Being!
You are the LORD the Lord, great in mercy and grace. Slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. You and You alone are worthy of honor, glory and praise. We praise You through the power of Your Holy Spirit
in the mighty name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen


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