CLEVELAND — The shaking of hands between the candidates and the moderator is a longstanding tradition at presidential debates.
But amid the coronavirus pandemic, that tradition has been thrown out the window due to COVID-19 considerations.
The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) says that Tuesday night – when President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden face off at their first of three debates – there will be no handshake between the candidates or the moderator, “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace. . . .
The bipartisan commission, which has been organizing and producing presidential debates for over three decades, also announced that once onstage, the two candidates will not be wearing masks.
“Upon entering the stage, President Trump will be standing at a podium on the right side of the stage looking out at the audience, and former Vice President Biden will be standing at a podium to the left side of the stage looking out at the audience,” Peter Eyre, a senior CPD adviser, told reporters. . . .
The debate kicks off at 9 p.m. ET Tuesday and is being hosted by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio.
There will be a small number of ticketed guests inside the debate hall, along with debate officials, crews and TV network anchors, including Fox News. “Everyone in the debate hall will be subject to a variety of health safety protocols, including COVID testing,” Eyre highlighted.
— CPD (@debates) September 28, 2020
There will be no opening statements from the candidates at the debate. There are six topics that will be covered in six 15-minute sections during the 90-minute commercial-free showdown.
The topics for Tuesday’s debate, which were chosen by Wallace and announced last week by the nonpartisan commission, are many of the biggest issues that have rocked the nation this year.
The issues are the fierce Supreme Court nomination battle, the worst pandemic to strike the globe in a century, a national economy flattened by coronavirus, the racial justice protests and violence that have flared in cities across the nation, and the integrity of the election. The latter is a crucial issue, considering the president for months has railed against expanded voting by mail, repeatedly charging that it would lead to a “rigged election.” The sixth topic for the debate will be the records of the current president and the former vice president. . . .
Each candidate has two minutes to respond to the question. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other.
“The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for deeper discussion on the issues,” Eyre said. “As always, the moderators alone will select the questions to be asked and those questions are not known to the candidates, the campaigns, or the commission. The moderators will have the ability to extend each segment, focusing on equal time for the candidates.”
Wallace – who garnered positive reviews for his moderating of the third and final 2016 debate between Trump and then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton – said Sunday on Fox News, “My job is to be as invisible as possible. … I’m trying to get them to engage, to focus on the key issues, to give people at home a sense of, ‘why I want to vote for one versus the other.’”
But don’t expect Wallace or the moderators of the other two presidential debates and the single debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris to fact check the candidates.
“There’s a vast difference between being a moderator in a debate and being a reporter who is interviewing someone,” CPD co-chair Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr. said Sunday on CNN. “We don’t expect Chris or our other moderators to be fact checkers. The minute the TV is off, there are going to be plenty of fact checkers in every newspaper and every television station in the world. That’s not the role, the main role, of our moderators.”
(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Paul Steinhauser. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Will you be watching the debates?
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Heavenly Father, right now I pray that You let YOUR justice run down like water, and let YOUR righteousness flow like a mighty stream!! Let all devices of the enemy & all corruption be exposed in Your Holy Name!! I also pray for the body of Christ to unite as one under Christ Jesus & we declare our position, power & authority in JESUS!
Lord, have Your way in these debates & in this coming election, that Your will be done. All glory to the King of Kings!! Hallelujah!
Father God, keep our president as you have thus far. Protect his mind and heart. Open his heart and eyes, that he may see and know that you ARE with him. I declare and decree clarity of mind in President Trump. We call to naught sabotage and infiltration of the enemy in Trump’s camp. Cause the person devising schemes to
Demolish the plan of the president to be exposed and be exposed to the point that it will lead a trail directly to persons or organization perpetrating physical attacks against the president, his camp and his home. Father, we ask you to topple every false idol that is being erected in this country in Jesus’ name.
I have observed the debate…were our prayers answered in this debate tonight…I observed verbal fist fights on both sides..I did not see, hear any winner in this round. YES, I am disappointed, a lot let down! I read the prayers that have appeared here, they are awesome. I really hoped to see, hear them come to fruition so badly. before the debate toke place, I asked our Lord what do You want to say? His answer: My Glory revealed! Now I asked again, after observing the debates. I said it doesn’t sound good so far! Our Lord said: It is not over! So, our prayers live by faith, we know He hears us. We will not give in or up. We will believe like Moses did even though manny rounds had to take place between he and the Pharaoh, all because it was the way the Lord chose it to go that way. It was a test for Moses to obey and trust God and for God to get the glory, not man. It is our testing time now, may we be faithful that He might receive all the glory and We be happy that we got to participate with Him in doing what He sakes of us individually and corporately, bless you, saints, hang in there, it is not over!
Amen ❤️ God knows the end from the beginning.
Before the debate, I sensed that Heaven’s court was opened and that God was the Righteous Judge. He will decide between these 2 men. It is HIS court in heaven that matters most. We live by faith, not by sight. We live by our belief that in all things God works for our good and his glory. Oh the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond finding out. I think President Trump showed that he can stand up to world leaders, that he can stand up to terrorists, that he can stand up to haters, that he is a strong Commander-in-Chief for our country, that he is passionate about America. He will never win Mr. Congeniality, that’s for sure; but personally, I prefer a Contender for the American people over a nice guy like VP Biden.
Yes. And I am reminded of all the quirks, foibles, and passions that characterized the anointed rulers, prophets, judges, and apostles in the Scriptures.
Trump has *zeal* that’s for sure. And his love for this country burns within him. Must be hard to contain in the lion’s den!
I pray in the coming days that he and each of us draw nearer to God. I pray also that the President be drawn to the spiritual streams of salvation if he is not born again. Sooner rather than later. May he fully surrender his heart and soul to Christ.
Praying for Mike Pence’s upcoming debate!
And who knows what else the LORD has up His sleeve? So many things can happen in our world between now and Election Day! May any game-changing ‘October Surprises’ beyond our periphery be Heaven sent. And work in the President’s favor.
I love what Judge Jeanine said. Something like, President Trump goes into the lion’s den and comes our with a pelt. He fights lions and wins just like David. He is Contender-in-Chief! He ACTS on behalf of the American people.
Thank you Shirley for your encouraging message this morning. I felt a little gut punched after the debates. We had prayed so fervently! We will not give up, we will continue our battle of Intercession. God is faithful and His love is never ending.🙏🙏🙏
Pray without ceasing, and remember that the power belongs to GOD.
The LORD called me to be a watchman on the “Watch and Pray” as Jesus asked his disciples to do for an hour….it’s a spiritual battle, so I will not watch physically where I could get caught up in the weeds of a worldly battle. I am involved politically, but I am being obedient to His call for me to pray during the debates, which I have been doing.
Thank you for doing that!
Thank you for being faithful to your calling. Sometimes we need to be able to see clearly what is going on in the spirit realm and not be distracted by the things of earth. I have a cross on my wall above the TV and laid a map of the US on the floor in front of the TV. The Cross is above the debate and above the USA. The debate and the nation are under God. This was a symbol of Truth and Faith. God is the only Righteous Judge. HE will decide who wins!
Father God, I am reminded in this moment of what Jesus said about 2 sons in Matthew 21.“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’
29 “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.
30 “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.
31 “Which of the two did what his father wanted?”
“The first,” they answered.
So many politicians are like the second son; they just say what they think the hearer wants to hear, but don’t do what they say. President Trump is not like that. He is a man of action. People have said so much about his WORDS, his personality, his brashness. But tonight, Lord, I pray the American people will look past that and pay attention to his policies and his vision. I pray he would inspire the American people toward HOPE and PEACE. I pray that America will believe him when he says the things that he plans to do for our country. He has been faithful to his 2016 campaign promises. Thank you.
Yes, looking forward to watching debates. I pray for the pres. to not be defensive & keep his thoughts captive to Christ. Get out clear, truth on the issues, which will make sense to people. Pray Biden will be able to hold up under all the pressure. God’s mercy on him as well as God’s will. May tonight be to the glory of God in truth & faith in Jesus’ name
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that the peace of GOD which surpasses all understanding rest upon President Trump. I pray that the moderator, Chris Wallace, will not show any bias towards the candidates. I take authority over the prince of the power of the air trying to cause confusion to the President of the United States. Holy Spirit please let President Trump speak with humility, clarity, and confidence; don’t let him speak in anger or frustration. LORD GOD please cover President Donald John Trump with the Blood of Jesus. Dispatch your warring angels roundabout him and his family. Let the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, power, might, favor, the fear of the LORD, and the Spirit of the LORD rest upon President Trump. I decree and declare that no wisdom, no insight, and no plan can succeed against GOD. The horse is made ready for battle, but victory lies with the LORD. In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen.
Heavenly Father, guide our President tonight in this debate. Give him favor with the majority, and Lord, let Your mercy be on our nation. We pray for protection and deliverance from evil. Bring unity and a recognition of a need for Your sovereignty in every aspect of the issues before us. Please bless the President and enable people to see clearly the differences in the policies and what will honor Your principles. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Father in the name of Jesus, I pray for the hearts of Pres Trump and Joe Biden’s to be at peace tonight. I pray that both will respect one another. I pray for Shalom for both men as they present themselves to America. In Jesus name, I bind the enemy from working with either of them. I bless both men with wisdom, love and honor for our country. My prayer is that both men will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit so that this conference will not be mocked at by the other nations. Change their hearts Holy Spirit, Your will be done. In Jesus Name.
(I had prayed earlier that Joe Biden be exposed, but I mean that moreso for the powers that be behind him who have sought to personally destroy Trump and undermine the will of God through the entire presidency thusfar. I pray for Biden’s wellbeing and peace in the LORD. But I do believe a clear victor must emerge —and that it be Trump in every debate. The contrast in agendas is too stark. This is not Kennedy’s Democratic Party.)
Lord, I pray that our Commander in Chief will comport himself as the Commander in Chief who has learned more than a thing or two during his tenure as our President. I pray no spiritual weapon fashioned against him will prosper. I pray this debate sets the stage for the others to be conducted with integrity and resolve to make America great again.
I pray that when this debate is over the main point that is received is that this President has the heart of America on his mind and in his resolve to make it great again under the power of God who blesses those who bless Israel.
I pray our President comes to the debate with solutions to the battlefield that he has navigated these last four years. That he will circumvent every device meant to destroy him by the hand of God and the Holy Spirit.
When the debate becomes contentious may this President be the one to steer it back on course.
And finally, may the schemes of the media be upended before the debate begins. May the reporting of this event be unbiased and without agendas of hatred directed at our President. May it be said that the reporters are simply unable to find fault with the conduct of the President. Lord may this President’s humility take center stage for the world to see whom you have chosen for such a time as this.
Thank you for this powerful prayer! Amen!
I cannot say this prayer was answered to date but it stands for the remainder of debates and applies equally to the vice presidential debates as well. Perhaps the only addendum is related to the moderators … Lord, you already know my thoughts about this. This election will be the outcome You already have decided.
Father God, I lift up President Trump as voices of unrighteousness overwhelmingly rise against this man You have set in office to accomplish Your purposes and I pray in agreement with and decree that YOUR purposes WILL be accomplished and will NOT be thwarted by Satan and all those people, organizations, and demons aligned with Satan against the President, this nation, and YOU. Thank You Father God that You have placed a calling on this nation to proclaim BIBLICAL LIBERTY to the rest of the world and thank You for how You are providentially using President Trump to perfect that which concerns this calling. Thank You for how he has consistently honored You these past four years. Thank You for how he has personally drawn closer to You these past four years. Thank You for the extraordinary men and women of God he has surrounded himself with these past four years. Father, I give You all the Glory for these amazing miracles!!! Thank You for how You confound the wise and look on the heart in these things.
Father God, we know that President Trump will be attacked and lied about and nonstop attempts will be made tonight to snare and trap him by Biden and Wallace, et al. There will probably be evil minded people against him in the audience who try to make a scene or rattle him. As brilliant as an executive as he is, he can sometimes poorly express himself which his enemies pounce on and exploit. Father God, I pray that You will send a battalion of holy angels to the debate room to watch over and control the proceedings and thwart every weapon formed against the President. May he have angels surrounding him to direct, carry, and protect him throughout the debate. May the Holy Spirit rest upon him, anoint and quicken his mind, give him the words to say, stop him from saying anything he shouldn’t say, and surround him with the Fire of Your Presence, Your Favor, and Glory. May everyone watching discern his true heart and see through all the deception of his enemies — remove the scales from the eyes of the blind and deceived. Father prepare this nation for a return to you and let President Trump inspire that return tonight.
Father God, I pray that President Trump would have no fear of his enemies knowing that it is really You they hate — and that he would spiritually rule, through You, in the midst of them tonight.
Thank You Father God for all the answers to prayer for this nation that You have blessed us with and that are yet to come. May this nation be preserved for those who are aligned with Your calling on it and may You provide us with another four year opportunity to work to make this a more perfect nation and advance Your Kingdom. Thank You too for all the godly Americans who have gone before us and sacrificed so much for us and You — may all our prayers and sacrifices be a pleasing aroma to You and thank You for responding in ways beyond what we could ever ask, hope, think, or imagine — for Your honor and glory. In Jesus’s Precious Name, we pray. Amen.
Nancy, thank you so much for that powerful and glorious prayer! I also prayed it out loud, and I may pray it a few more times before the debate is over! Amen and Amen!
My last prayer on this topic: I am especially praying for black, Hispanic, and voters from demographics traditionally tied to the Democratic Party to awaken to the truth and feel undeterred in voting for Trump. In Jesus’ name.
I pray the *Holy Spirit* fill the space, direct the moderator, speak through President Trump, and expose Joe Biden.
That the president emerge the undisputed victor of the debate. That the anointing of God be palpable as he stands dignified, confident, presidential, and grounded in the face of his foes.
That his answers carry weight and wisdom. And that he highlight both his accomplishments as well as the failings of the Left I’m struggling liberal-run cities across America.That their anti-God, anti-American agenda be plain for all to see.
Praying this for Pence as well come October. And that the momentum toward victory established be irreversible. So that a Red Sea conservative, righteous wave sweep across the nation in elections at every level: local, state, federal.
That there be no room for limbo come Election Night due to the demonic shenanigans of fraud and vote-rigging.
And a peaceful resolution and new beginning for our nation with President Trump at the helm with the unquestionable mandate to move this country forward.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sorry typo. Should read railings if the Left *in* struggling liberal-run cities.
Failings of the left in*** oh dear. Must be my phone! Sorry! Ahh!
Well God knows :).
Thank you Jen, Amen! I pray this powerful prayer with you!
Father God I lift up this debate tonight to you scrutiny! Father, already the Democrat party seems to be balking at any safety checks, unlike President Donald Trump; even on anything even on a human, reasonable level. First, not be willing for drug testing. They refuse. Second, not willing to be tested for listening devices in Mr. Biden’s ear. This they days or so ago, agreed, not now, they have refused to do this! They also have tried to get 30 minute breaks. What are they hiding, to accomplish in those breaks? Is pumping up Mr. Biden what we need for a man who they want for The highest office of the land? The answer maybe, yes! Lord God, help America, Help us to be an honest, transparent people, a people who can be trusted with debating and voting openly, aboveboard without coverups, lies, deception, trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes? Lord give us Your eyes to see, Your voice to hear when red flags go up let us not buy into things clocked in darkness, smoke and screens veiling unscrupulous schemes. When You Sound the alarm may we harken to it and join You in the fight for good vs evil. Because You said to me, for all mankind these words: My love, My grace and mercy are always flowing from My mountaintops, cascading down, refreshing, cleansing even the most stubborn from sin, death and decay.
Come now and let us reason together says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoke. Isaiah 1:18-20
Do not misread, the Democrates may want to do those coverups, do we Who have the fear of GOD Our Father want this…no..I need to make this more clear..if one does not read carefully my wording think we say yes, prayerfully Believers in Christ our Lord do not. Thank you, God bless you all who pray for honest debates, voting and take authority in Jesus name against the powers of darkness which is deception, thievery and every evil we see through the eyes of Our Lord.
Thank you, Shirley, praying along with you in your powerful prayers! When I woke up this morning, what came to me is, pray the truth be exposed regarding Joe Biden’s health. God is more powerful than any attempt that can be made regarding a coverup.
Almighty God, Sovereign over all nations, we bow before you today. Your word says that the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit. Father God, I pray as the candidates speak tonight that every listener will have a discerning ear. I pray that every listener will KNOW when a candidate is lying and when he is telling the truth. I pray that words of life will pour forth from President Trump’s mouth. May his words be pleasing in your sight. May his words be as arrows piercing the hearts of the listeners. May the Holy Spirit fill him so that his words glorify you. May he be kind and speak words that are beneficial for the hearers. May it be clear to every listener which of these candidates is the one you have chosen for this time in history. And, every fiery dart of the enemy would be extinguished before it reaches its target. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Thank you Debra for that powerful prayer. I prayed it out loud as well. I will definitely be watching the debates!
Amen. That the Spirit speaks and Trump be His vessel and mouthpiece.
I also pray Christians who doubted him feel convicted about their skepticism and repent of their unwillingness to see beyond what the media has been feeding them.
The moral contrast between Biden and Trump should be stark as night and day.
Amen, I also pray that the truth regarding Joe Biden’s mental decline would be exposed in a way that it cannot be deneyed
Lord, may there be no masquerade. May the real Joe Biden and the real Donald J. Trump be on display tonight. May the American people be surprised that President Trump is not what the media has been portraying him to be.
I pray for an honest and civil debate and that the candidates will stick to the facts and present the truth to the world!
Amen. And that viewers be ready and able to receive the truth. And that there be ZERO room for the media to distort, mince, or remove from context Trump’s words when broadcasting clips on playback.
Also praying that the Liberal left FAIL to get away with their exploitation of Covid and stoking of racial tensions and animosity. That black and Hispanic voters…voters from every race really…leave the debate feeling confident in Trump.
And, Lord, I pray for suburban women to look past the President’s personality traits that they don’t like and see clearly how his policies can benefit them and their children.