Time for the Church to Wake Up
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Time for the Church to Wake Up
It was a Sunday at church like any other. Or so it seemed. But it was a day I will never forget.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
We had just finished worshiping together and taking up the offering. Our pastor was about five minutes into the sermon when the atmosphere began to change. Tony, an 89-year-old man, began struggling; as his family rushed to gather around him, it was obvious that something was very wrong: Tony was ashen, limp, unresponsive.
While the attendees looked on, not fully aware of what was happening, the pastor halted midsermon and admonished the church to pray for Tony. We were blessed to have a nurse in attendance, who proceeded to check his vitals but found no pulse. Tony’s heart had stopped. Because he has atrial fibrillation, it was possible that he had suffered a heart attack in church; no one really knew. As preparations were made to administer CPR, the rest of the church moved outdoors to respect the family’s privacy and to pray until the ambulance arrived. Indoors, declarations of life were being prayed over Tony, and outdoors there was continual prayer as well.
Then a miracle happened.
A few minutes after their arrival, the paramedics ushered Tony out of the church. He was alive, and he was alert! Hallelujah!
Not only was he alive, but the paramedics said there was no evidence of a heart attack. We had witnessed a miracle. A resuscitation had taken place. We went back into the church building and continued to pray. But God wasn’t done yet.
A young man came up to the altar as the church was contending in prayer. This man, a husband and father, had worshiped Santa Muerte (Our Lady of Holy Death) his entire life. He had about 20 idols set up throughout his home. He decided at that very moment to tear down those altars, he immediately renounced his worship of Santa Muerte, and he was delivered and saved that very day.
The Spirit of God was definitely at work, and no one could deny any of what we had all seen. Even though this happened inside a little church on the south side of San Antonio, Texas, what happened that day was a prophetic wakeup call to the entire body of Christ.
It’s Time to Get Back Up!
Maybe weariness from the battle has silenced you. Maybe it’s distress over a bad health report. Maybe it’s the uncertainties stemming from a presidential administration that wants to remove God from America, or anxieties over the economic turmoil connected to inflation. Maybe you have backslidden from your first love and have been bound by shame. Whatever the case, the devil’s purpose is clear: He seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. He wants to keep you in fear, bound, muzzled, and defeated — but today the Lord is saying: Get back up!
… for the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity (Proverbs 24:16).
It’s Time to Be Bold Again
In 1 Peter 5:8, the devil is likened to a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. But even though Satan is like a roaring lion, we can be bold and fearless. We are blood-bought followers of Jesus Christ, the Lion from the tribe of Judah! You and I are the righteousness of God in Christ. We are sons and daughters of the Most High, and we can be bold as lions too. God has given you a voice. It’s time to roar.
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1).
It’s Time to Shine
The times keep growing darker, and biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. If there’s any hope for this nation, it can be found only in Jesus.
We need an awakening now! It seems as if we are surrounded by darkness at every turn — but it is in the darkness that God calls His people to arise and shine (Isaiah 60:1–3). It’s in times of darkness that God’s glory shines ever brighter, and He does this through us. When we are obedient and yield to Him, we become a vessel of honor fit for the Master’s use, as 2 Timothy 2:21 tells us.
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:14–16).
It’s Time to Become a House of Prayer
In the book of Acts, the Church was, no matter what came, a people of prayer. In fact, the believers were meeting together in an upper room and praying when the Spirit of God came to them and His power was poured out on them. Read the entire book of Acts to see how prayer was indeed the heartbeat of the early Church. No matter the depths of darkness or the pains of persecution that surrounded them, they continued meeting regularly and having prayer together.
The disciples were privileged to learn prayer from Jesus. He modeled a lifestyle of prayer. Jesus even quoted the prophet Isaiah in Matthew 21:13, “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” If prayer is important to Jesus, it should be important to us too.
What if we actually believed what we are praying for and then stepped out in faith? Would we see the “greater works” that Jesus spoke of in John 14:12? If Jesus said we would see and do them because we believe in Him, then it means we will see and do them.
Awakening the Lazarus Churches
What happened that day in church with Tony reminded me of a prophetic word the Lord gave me in July 2019. It was a word about an awakening for America; however, there was something different about this word: He said, “I am going to awaken my Lazarus churches.”
After saying these things, he said to them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go to awaken him” (John 11:11).
When I was given this word, I wasn’t sure when or how it would happen. Several months later, COVID came, and the world we had known until then underwent drastic change. The message was loud and clear: The Church, His Church, was asleep and in need of awakening.
Lazarus was dead. Four days, stinking in the tomb, and bound by grave clothes. But Lazarus’ story didn’t end there; it was just the beginning. We know this story ends with Lazarus being raised from the dead and loosed from his grave clothes. We know that God was glorified. People came to see this man who was raised by the power of God. Can’t He do it again? Is anything too hard for God?
Church, it’s time to wake up!
It’s time to hear the voice of God calling you back today. Come back to the house of God and to fellowship. Come back home to the Father. Come back into His presence. It’s time to break free of those grave clothes that have you bound. Let go and give it to God. It’s time to move forward. Just as Lazarus came forth, so can you.
Refuse to be silent any longer!
Your children and families need you.
Your community needs you.
Your church needs you.
Your city needs you.
Your nation needs you.
Somebody, somewhere needs you.
They are waiting for you to do what God has called you to do. Now is not the time to shrink back in fear. Now is the time to rise up.
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. I’m here to tell you that miracles are still happening today. The dead are still being raised. People are still being healed. People are still being delivered. Families are still being restored. Lives are being transformed by Jesus. Don’t give up now!
I don’t believe merely that God is going to move, I believe rather that He is already moving — and that He’s waiting on you to move and to come into agreement with Him.
It’s time to see yourself as God sees you. It’s time to believe in the impossible again. It’s time to pray bigger, bolder prayers. It’s time to call those things that are not as though they are and to step out in faith.
You are a force to be reckoned with, and the devil knows it. That’s why the warfare against you and your family has been so intense. That’s why he uses the same old tricks. That’s why the slanderers and accusers keep trying to bring you down. That’s why he wants you to focus on your hurt and your failures. That’s why he’s trying to keep you in bondage. He’s trying to stop you from fulfilling your God-given purpose. Rise up!
There’s a promise on the other side of the battle. Are you willing to contend for that promise?
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33 NIV).
Are you ready to move with God? Let’s pray together:
Father, I glorify Your name. There is no one like You — none who can save like You; none who can deliver like You; none who can love us the way You do. I thank You for your tender mercies that are new each morning. Thank You for Your grace that gives me strength to overcome. Thank You that I can boldly come before Your throne into Your presence, where I belong, where I find everything I could ever need.
Father forgive us. You have given us freedom, but rather than serve, we use that freedom to indulge in sin. We’ve taken advantage of Your grace. It wasn’t ever meant to be a free pass; Your grace was for us to rise up and overcome. We were bought with a high price, and we are called to glorify You with our bodies. Forgive us for when we have failed to do so. Stir up a hunger and thirst for righteousness in Your Church again.
Forgive us if we have treated Your Church like a social club. We meet, we clap, we sing, and then we go home and lives are unchanged. The lost are still hurting. People are hungry, addicted, and dying. They need You, Jesus. Forgive me for when I have made light of the opportunities to lead people to You.
Our families, our cities, we all need You! Apart from You, we can do nothing. We know that darkness will come, but we hear Your call to arise and shine. We know that a praying church is a powerful church. We know that prayer is the breeding ground for miracles. Lord, give us a praying spirit and make us a house of prayer.
We pray for a greater move of unity. We pray for pastors and leaders to work together for one purpose: to see souls saved and cities transformed by the power of Holy Spirit. We pray for divine alignments and open doors. We pray that unity would prevail over strife and competition. This isn’t church versus church — this is about the kingdom of God. It’s not about us, it’s all about You, Lord.
We don’t just want a move of God. We desperately need it. Lord, Your church needs You. Come with Your resurrection power and wake her from her slumber. Let Your Lazarus churches awaken. No more grave clothes; no more bondage; only freedom. Make a way where it seems impossible, and let the dry bones live again.
The harvest is ripe, the fields are white, and I don’t want to waste another second. I want to make the most of every opportunity You give me. We are contending for Your resurrection power in our lives, cities, churches, and nation. You are the God of revival.
Do it again, Lord! In the mighty name of Yeshua and all for Your glory! Amen.
… Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 5:14–17).
Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:11–12).
Are you stirred to believe God for the impossible again? Share your thoughts below!
IFA Contributing Writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Canva.
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Thank you, Gloria. This was so good. Excellent and spot on. I pray a great spiritual Harvest comes from this Article back unto you in Jesus Name. This article moved me.
We bind up all this chatter and distraction, and speak to anything that binds, oppresses, or tries to deceive and destroy us, to all the unholy, we are telling it to be gone and cast out, in the Name of Jesus.
This is an outstanding article. Thank you for it.
Breaking Strongholds Over our Churches; Have you ever thought who the Churches belong to? As we learn to pray for breakthroughs for His churches even the one you may attend. The churches belong to God! So to day AS I pray for breakthroughs in churches I am asking God to remove all fears from pastors and release favor and the power that produces Pentcost energy . Acts 2- recorded the event -that day the Spirit of God descended on the first 120 following Jesus-the account that day to hear Peter speak the first gospel message. Today people hope likewise by waiting for the Holy Spirit to move in a similar way. THE presence of Pentecost produces an energy (Gods Presence), that when released can touch families, churches, nations, and kingdoms. God what happened? If the church of today, the Body and Bride of our Lord Jesus Christ would once and for all understand that was in effect that this force of energy we would not be in this mess we are in. The church would have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. God my spirit cries out for this godly force to become visible and manifest the Power of our Resurrected Christ, slaying every demonic spirit, smashing the gates of hell and praying the Gospel light of love and signs of wonder into all dark corners of our earth. The Power and Force God was speaking of is “UNITY” God gives us scriptures to guide us by the Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed in John: 16-17 -I urge you brother and sisters, those that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them. ( Titus: 3-10-11″ -Proverbs 6, all of these scriptures are to guide us. Jesus said to His Father I have given them which You gave ME I have given them, that they be made perfect in one, so the world may know that You sent ME, and have loved them as You have loved ME”! When I read these Words my heart hurts. The presence of God has left the building, many churches have forgotten to use the words of promises and the unity we are suppose to have. We are suppose to be the family of God-(Christians), we belong to each other, we take care of each other, we value each other. Because there is really no difference in red, yellow, black or white. God I so realize we are one in Christ. God forgives sin, as we strive for unity forgiveness is a major word that brings unity together. God I will speak this from my heart what is destroying our steps, our beliefs, because the GOV. has become the ruler, has placed fear, lies into the hearts of many pastors-we do no hear messages anymore on what God gave to the disciples to pass through a book called a Bible. ‘When we walk in unity, we are reflecting the image of God”- the Triune God, the Holy TRINITY. Remember, Jesus did not promise to build a Congress, a Senate, a Court system, a nation or a democracy. God warns us that these days of everything being shaken would come. “Haggai-2-6 ” I understand from these scriptures ” the shaking” will cause nations : America: to reevalute their priorities and will ultimately bring about a time of Spititual renewal and submission to God. The Lord is the true God, He is the living God with all power and our Kings of Kings. God will fill our Churches with His Glory, His Truth, His Love. It would be wise to make certain you are a part of His church, and when we all gather in UNITY and worship Him hear the TRUTHFUL Words. God we praise and thank You for Your love and forgiveness. This is how we get a breakthrough!
“ Sharing what Is important for change! “Ask God to help you identify why the wall is broken. The wall in America 🇺🇸
In order to pray specifically first ask yourself, “What graces and spiritual strengths are missing from this situation? What negative forces have created this gap?”
A quick reading of the prophets will give you an idea of the types of things that have created gaps since ancient times. Here’s the problem Ezekiel saw in Ezekiel 13:5, “You have not gone up to the breaks in the wall to repair it for the house of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord.” In this case, the gap was there because of neglect, lack of action, lack of priority and a false sense of security. Other sample reasons gaps exist include:🥲
– “ Pride, ego, depending on things such as money, education, military power and not on God
– Following false gods, such as fame, power, riches
– Occult practices, false religions
– Unbelief, lack of faith
– Neglect of personal faith, misusing religion for your own purposes
– Oppressing others, anger, resentment, being unforgiving
– Victimization by others, oppression, personal calamity, illness
– Lack of access to help, education, opportunity
– Prejudice, injustice
– Addictions, lust, moral failure, sinful habits
Identifying the “gap” that exists that you will be bridging in prayer will enable you to pray very specifically against it.
“As an example, a hospital chaplain shared with me that she met a woman who was overwhelmed by the serious illness of her husband. The chaplain told the woman that he would take on the prayer burden about her husband’s illness for the woman. The chaplain was standing in the gap for the woman. The specific gap was between the huge amount of energy needed to cope with her husband’s illness and the woman’s lack of time and mental reserves.”
“Pray with authority
Once God has helped you identify the gap or the underlying spiritual need, obstacle or lack, you are in a position to pray with authority. One of the prime ways to do this is to choose Bible verses that speak to the specific issues. Pray and claim these scriptures as part of your prayer.🧎♀️
Scriptures about the redemptive power of Christ are especially useful in all situations when standing in the gap in prayer. Here are some verses about Christ’s power to bridge the ultimate gap between humanity and God our Father. John 3:16; Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7-10; Ephesians 2:13; Colossians 1:13,14.” praying God’s heart for the world. Isaiah 63:9 says, “In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.” (NIV) Even though the situations for which we are praying may seem like lost causes, Christ assures us that he came to seek and find the lost in the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:1-7. Before circumstances change, we can offer praise and thanksgiving to God for calling us to intercede and for his ability to restore the lost.“ I wanted to share this if others needed this word: Standing in the gap prayer based on Psalm 28-30 for those in bad situations who do not know how to seek God’s help for themselves. “ Yes let us cast off the darkness and put on the armor of light” Believe in the impossible” His name is Jesus🧎♀️🧎♀️🇺🇸🇺🇸
I know God is going to answer our prayers he’s going to sent that great awakening can’t wait I feel it my soul
Me too!
Amen! 🙏
Finally, it is not the sheep who are destroying the church, but the shepherds
.Filling their coffers with filthy lucre, teaching damnable heresies, saying they speak for God Almighty when in fact they repeat the lies of the enemy, deceiving even themselves and robbing the flocks: The ignorant pew sitters who fail to search the Scriptures for their own souls yet sit at the feet of falsehood like a dog begging for a treat.
Yes, ignorance repeats their lies in forums as truth and pass on the deceit, what need has satan of demons, as he uses the immature scriptur,e -ignorant members as his spokesmen.
But there is a Godly remnant, He always has a Godly remnant, full of faith, full of His power, His anointing. The eyes of them fixated on His Son, Jesus, loving and clinging to Christ, Hopefully they see deception and warn others.
Purge Your church, o God, of what is unholy, so that the true radiance of Christ may shine forth as the morning star. Cleanse the pulpits across america, awaken those in the pew for how can an ungodly unholy people show forth Your glory in these last days. Clean the churches as You cleansed the temple, Jesus, make Your bride holy and awaiting Your appearance.,Praise You forever.
Thank you gloria. Very encouraging testimonies about two men.. one whose life was saved -,and one who renounced the demon Santa Muerta. And just for the record-, in recent years I’ve heard more and more of these things happening.. and to kind of relate to this in terms of positive support.. even though a great evangelist fell to sin in recent years.. his name was Ravi-, I’m sure you guys remember him.. in 2007 or 8.. he was on Christian radio recounting his experience- being in the Middle East -,in a Muslim country.. where he said the Omam’s- an office of Islamic religious achievement.. fairly high up the chain- maybe the actual top.. we’re bumping into each other trying to get into Christian churches.. his point was the conversion of a great many citizens of those countries that we don’t hear about in mainstream media .. a great deal of my walk with Christ has been founded in the information and encouragement I have gotten on Christian radio. I believe the Lord is working.. we just need to try to not get discouraged -,and keep praying.. and mention and declare his name whenever and wherever we can. Again -Intercessors for America ..here on this website-& leadership here at IFA, thank you for your support
New faithful followers in Jesus Christ is hard to find for all Christian churches. As it says in the book of Matthew, the narrow path is thinner and thinner. Plant as many seeds as possible to get people to Jesus before he Raptures his children and the church!
What a powerful prayer!!!!
Dear God I pray awaken Us in the name of Jesus Christ courage faith and strength and faithfulness in Jesus in your name Jesus name above every other name amen
Stephen in Acts 7 recounted the history of the Israelites and God by saying, “whom our fathers would not obey, but rejected. And in their hearts they turned back to Egypt, saying to Aaron, ‘Make us gods to go before us;” Acts 39b – 40a NKJV
The Hebrew children had a problem with waiting for Moses from the mountain and being faithful. The church of our Lord today has the same problem, waiting for the return of Christ from on high and being faithfu..
We are dancing (compromising) with an evil world in our churches. We have Translated the truth of His Word into our own lies. Made God to be evil and us good. But know without a doubt: All things will soon be made right. Pray for our churches.
Father, we need a revival of holy livong
Yes, I prayed. And I pray also (as I do it everyday) for Awakening-Revival. It’s time for the Bride to wake up and take her place!!
I was so convicted by the message “It’s Tme for the Church to Wke Up” that i would like to get permission to translate and share it with others Thank you
Were the founding Fathers alive today would they recognize the church shrouded in its man-made attire. Resembling little of His bride.
Seven churches in Revelation which one is the one you and I share.
Has the blood of Jesus, the joy of salvation, the true mission of Christ abandoned us. Would He recognize His church today if He came.
My brothers, my sisters we are so needful of revival, of an awakening.
Pray, grab ahold of His tunic, perhaps His mercy, His love, His grace will again flow through the churches of America and cover our nation. May we once again see His glory. In Christ’s name. amen amenl
Church, repent for idoltry and stop compromising with false doctrines. Come out of those grave clothes into putity and Holyness. Decide to be the overcoming bright white Bride of Christ
It is a choice. Jesus is coming for a spotless Bride! Go quickly to wash your robes in the blood of the Lamb. Then go and be Light and Salt to the lost. “It is not too late to bring those to the light who searching for Him inside the night”. Beverly Rush
The problem is the church is being changed by culture instead of the other way around. 🙁
Truest statement here.
Our seven mountains of culture in America have been taken over by satan.. instead of being completely infused and influenced by the Son of God-,..in His Word-,
in Jesus Name.
Yes, amen!!! This is reasonating with me, yes, hearing what God is saying!!! Let the church arise and the enemy be scattered!!!
A number of religions, including protestants, are unaware of the deceptions and evil that are currently being implemented. Stop listening to main stream media and go to alternative sites and listen to perspectives of Christian doctors, pastors, nurses, lawyers, etc.
God is in control. However, satan’s deceptions are blinding many people to both the power of God and the work of both God and satan. BOTH are working right now. Which side are you on?
God, open our eyes that we may see your wonders and Glory.
I have long said, “when Pastors stop preaching old worn-out sermons and invite the Holy Spirit to take over their services, that’s when the Fire of the Holy Spirit will burn out the dross, and every service will be a powerful miracle from God. Every life will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and then, that church will be filled to the rafters every service. For everyone both saint & sinner alike will come to see the power of God manifest itself upon the people.” No one wants to go to a dead church, it’s the same as going to a funeral.
My heart was deeply touched as I read this article because I believe that God is awakening his church all over America! I know that our church and many other churches have been praying for revival in our land, and I believe that one is coming. I so appreciate what the author said about everyone needs to do what God is calling them to do in this time period. I believe that the time that we are living in is just like in the book of Esther and we were born “…for such a time as this.”
I am going to make a long story very short in hopes that it will encourage someone to do what God has called them to do.
I am a retired teacher who is a praying grandma, in love with Jesus , and has a heart for children and education. I have united with like-minded people from five different churches in our area and we are working together to be the hands and feet of Jesus to students and staff in our local schools ( refer Cheryl Sacks book: Reclaim a Generation: 21 Days of Prayer For Schools). God has gone before us and prepared the way. He has given us favor with the Superintendent, School Board, and other staff, and we are in the process of supporting and getting Christian clubs in our schools and other endeavors. Praise be to God who is the same yesterday ,today and forever. He is always faithful to perform his word.
May God bless all of you who take the time to read this and stir within your hearts to do that which God has called you to do. To God be the glory for the great things that he has done!
Keep it going, Gloria.
Much thanks!
Wow ! What a great article. I have been so moved and stirred in in my spirit lately Because we, the Church, need to come alive in the POWER of the Holy Ghost. He is still in the saving business. He is still in the healing business. He still will set people free who are in Bondage today. HALLELUJAH ! I believe that the day is coming soon when the Glory of God’s presence is going to be manifested so strong that preacher must stand back and watch God move amongst the Church. The article this morning is exactly where I’m at. PTL
Thanks for this message from Gloria Robels. It was to weep over it is so beautifully written. Passionate acknowledgment of our loving heavenly Father. Prayer that Penetrated in Its belief of the Goodness of our God And renewed Hope that “All is Well”..
NOV 17/22
Heavenly Father we beseech you to wake up your sleeping church but sleeping is just one concern. We pray for protection from deception for all God’s people so they are not distracted, deceived, or put to sleep by the enemy. LORD FREE YOUR PEOPLE TO DISCERN AND TO WAKE UP TO THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MANY PROPHETIC SIGNS SURROUNDING US. In the name of Jesus we pray that lies and falsehoods that have infiltrated our minds be demolished and replaced with reality, truth and the Word of God. LORD BANISH SPIRITS OF SLANDER, DISCORD, JEALOUSLY, ENVY IN THE CHURCH AND REPLACE IT WITH UNITY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. HEAL ALL THE PARTS OF YOUR BODY OF BELIEVERS SO IT IS HEALTHY, IMMUNE AND VITAL. We pray you banish the inflammation of autoimmunity where the body of the church attacks itself! LORD HELP US HAVE NO FELLOWSHIP WITH EVIL BUT INSTEAD EXPOSE IT. We agree in prayer for your people to become enthused and devoted to prayer in these last days. Teach us Lord to pray and be soldiers in prayer. Teach us not to focus on the gathering darkness around us but to cling more tightly to you Lord. Amen.
Excellent article Gloria!!! So powerful and RIGHT ON!!! We do serve a BIG GOD WHO DOES THE MIRACULOUS!!!!
Thank you for that anointed letter!!
Amen, Amen, Amen,!!🙏🙏🙏❤️
For about 10 years I told my church that persecution is coming to America, they laughed at me. What you are seeing in America is proof of my predictions. For 50 years I have been an intercessor /prophet I have not been wrong once. But I have failed to be truthful and respectful to my family for the past few years. I have repented and apologized to my brother especially whom I have hurt the most. The church has done the same thing to the world.
You are a failure and a stench to this present world. The Lord has repeated a vision to me about the disciples on the Sea of Galilee during the storm where Jesus was walking on the water toward them. He was coming toward them while the boat was tossing around in the wind and high waves. Jesus called out to them to come to Him, but only Peter had the guts to do so. The other disciples were placing bets on Peter sinking,Jesus called the boat complacency.
He expected them all come to Him, He is waiting for you to come to Him truly and faithfully obedient to His voice.When was the last time you have heard the actual voice of the Lord. If you don’t stand for something you will fall for everything. WAKE UP DO YOUR JOB AS WATCHMEN THE BEAST IS COMING AND IS HERE ALREADY YOU ARE A FAILURE AND DESERVE DEATH TO COME TO YOU, THE LIVES LOST IN THIS WORLD THAT YOU CAUSED IS ON YOUR HANDS- YOU KILLED THEM, SO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. THE BABIES KILLED, THE DRUGS DEATHS, THE HIGH CRIME YOU CAUSED IT. THE DEMOCRATS ARE ALLOWED TO DO WHAT THEY WANT BECAUSE YOU ARE ALLOWING THEM TO HARM THE KIDS, HARM THE PARENTS, HARM THE POLICE AND FIRST RESPONDERS AND FINALLY THE MILITARY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THAT. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER CHURCH AND STOP MAKING ME DO ALL YOUR WORK FOR YOU. I have not had rest for the past 32 years because you have not done your stupid job as a watchman/intercessor or whatever gift you have. This is your final warning from God after this year will come severe judgment on this world. This is the final year and it is almost done.Judgment so severe that millions will die as result.
Praise God. Thank you Father for what you are doing. Awaken your sleeping church. Thank you for those you have awakened and for the work we do not see you doing. You are working and we thank you for it. May we be lights in this dark world.
God’s help is truly appreciated and needed each and every second of our lives. Thank you so very much, we pray. Amen Amen!!
This confirms a dream I had a few days ago. The atmosphere of the dream is military not only on alert, but the troops and vehicles have been recently moved in. The location is any street USA. The atmosphere is colorless, early nightfall. (This represents spiritual warfare.)
I walk into a business, but it turns into a huge, endless room full of beds with people sleeping in the beds. It’s dead quiet. Everything is extremely neat. The floors are spotless, the beds are in rows, and even the beds are neat in that there’s a neat lump in each bed where each person is sleeping. It’s all uniform. There’s no one walking around. No windows, no tables, no equipment. Just a neat, quiet, dimly-lit room of neat beds with people sleeping neatly in the beds.
I’m wearing military clothes, including a combat helmet that has big chains on it and a metal tag hanging from it that says, “Lockdown.”
Wow!!!! Amen and amen and amen!!!
Praise God for His Grace, Mercy and Love to all people. We as the children of God need to pray and encourage people everywhere we go in this world. To be kind, generous and loving our neighbor as our self. Thanks for this encouraging and awaking of the body of Christ to have mighty revivals and renewing of our faith. God bless you, God bless America and God bless the world. Praise His Holy name!
Come to Zion 10/5/2022
What you have been working for is at hand. Or is it, what have you been working for?
Right hand left hand all hands on deck.
Bring your tribute to Zion.
Old thing new thing,
latter things former things.
David gathered David accumulated, Solomon built.
Those before us, us, and those after us gathered gathering gathereign Zion the beautiful beckons your contribution
It is time to bring your tribute to Zion.
Bring and give of your best to the Master .
Accumulated Bring a collection a collection of goods of every kind.
The former rains, the latter rains a together rain.
The former reigns, the latter reigns, all together reign. A gathereign.
The former giving, the latter giving
All together giving, A giving of all, by all
And we shan’t forget Thanksgiving.
Former temples, latter temples
All are temples, all temples to gather.
Jesus, Son of God, Savior. Emmanuel God Himself is with us.
El Salvador, Hijo de Dios, Jesus.
Covenant of New beginning, or renewed beginning, or beginning’s agains. whether you were here, are here, been here or are coming here.
I said before gather in. I meant that, I meant what I said.
Those I have gathered, those in my placements thrust in your sickle and do it again and again. The fields are ripe, the clusters are plump ready to burst on the vine, bring in the lord’s harvest lay up in store for the season of seasons, seasons greeting season. Go forth and reap both temporally and spiritually, on the one hand or the other Come see firsthand, show your handiwork, it’s harvest time in Jerusalem and Zion and abroad. Can you handle a sickle? Do I need to say it again. Gather in gather in, come join the harvest time it’s time.
I’m so ready for the fresh fire to fall over America, and a great awakening to burst out that will bring revival and repentance to move the hand of God for more souls even more than the last move that took place in Brownsville I’m praying for the greatest move to happen in Beaumont Texas for my church, and the community. One City Church.
So this guy had some kind of health event, but it apparently wasn’t a heart attack, so I guess the only explanation is that God’s real. Time for Lee Strobel to update his resume then. Case closed.
Jesus said we would raise the dead. Why couldn’t that happen in that church? I hear it happening across the world. We are to do greater works than Jesus did. May God open your heart to miracles.
Lord God I pray for your grace to be given to Bill to see that is him that is closed to the truth of you as the one giving all the good we continue to receive! For the mechanical working of the physical only gives bad not good! Which is the penalty you give for our sin! By which we see your grace, mercy, love ect in your providing a way to be healed of that bad we brought on ourselves!
Amen we agree Lordwe praise You for Who You are and that You made it clear You love us. Help us step into the promises You have given us as Your body of believers, the Church. We humbly ask forgiveness for our failings and self focus…
church should not be a nice routine but life changing. Help us be bold, courageous and full of joy as we shine Your Word in a dark dying world we believe and declare for a billion soul harvest in this last Greatest Awakening before Antichrist takes over in Jesus Name Amen
Yes, Father, have mercy on us. Revive us. Empower us to walk free from the fear of man and the desires for ungodly peace, meaning from compromise and neglect of things that matter to You. You said that love for the world hinders us from loving You the way we should (1 John 2:15). We need Your revival from dead works and fruitless habits and lesser things. Help us to do the former things (Revelations 2:5) more, and make time with You a priority again, so You can equip us for each day’s battles. Help us to come together as Your church and encourage each other (Hebrews 10:23-25) ” 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Lord God I pray in agreement with Robin that you show each of us our need to praise you; not only in what we say but in all we do also; by our continuing to be growing in dependance on your Holy Spirit in us to do your Kingdom work! As I enjoy the assurance there are other people with the same passion you have given me! Also I pray you will lead me to those others here in west palm beach; that we can have this good fellowship in person!
Thank you for this admonition and encouragement to rise up and walk in our purpose- to walk with God and each other, praying the Kingdom of God into the earth, to be His expression of love in this world.
To God be the glory!
Amen! This article is spot on! Bring it!
I touch and agree with Gloria’s prayer. Make it so Lord, make it so.
what a greta article
Yes, yes.
What an encouragement to be part of this resurrection. Filled with God’s love and power, to rise, reach out, live victoriously, world changers.
Thank you I am very, very encouraged by your prayer.
AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PTL ♥️
Whew! Thank You, Jesus! 💕
Today I interceed for the lost and for this land. I desire to be part of the body of Christ who are known as His warriors. So many in my own family are asleep to this message yet they profess to be Christ followers and continue in their sinful, ungodly lifestyle believing false teachings and never never once reading the Bible or attending church to fellowship in truth with the body of Christ. Thank you for speaking up so eloquently and making a difference. Miracles are ours in Jesus name.
So encouraging and challenging!! Thank you, Gloria!!
Please pray for members of the United Methodist Church. It is splintering. Ask the Lord to give the congregants courage to stand up for God’s Holy Word and to center their hearts on the authority of God. This article is inspiring.
It’s time.
I believe that a great move of God will occur even in rural areas. Miracles of healings and deliverances will occur. 🙏 amen
ThankYou, Jesus, for your continual guidance.
“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” John 4:35
I think somewhere along the way we misunderstood the exact mission of the church. It is to bring those who are eternally lost into an eternal relationship with the Father through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son, Jeshua.
“Converting” men to be republicans or ladies to be conservatives is not the mission we were given by the Father; we are to assist the saved to live in the image of Christ. Let us stay focused on His mission.
Father, may we return to our first command, “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:15-16
Abba (Father), may it be Your Will, that Christians would once again find you and keep ALL of your commandments, just as your Only Son did out of Love. The 4th commandment says, “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy”. May the Church search and find the truth of when this day, Your Day which you established at Creation, was changed. It is a sign between God and us (Genesis 2:2-11; Exodus 31:12-18; Leviticus 23:3; Deuteronomy 5:12; Ezekiel 20:11-21; Isaiah 58:13-14; Matthew 5:19; Mark 2:27; Luke 4:16; 1 John 2:6), a Holy Day which we observe to honor what He has done, is doing, and will do in our lives. Amen <
Why do we struggle to pray? There can be many reasons but failure to receive what we ask for on a regular basis is discouraging. So why did Jesus not experience this? Could there be something that He did that most of us don’t? Well one thing that He modeled and taught was regular fasting. We don’t hear this much today, so should we be surprised when many of us don’t practice what He taught and lived. The awakened church will be listening and doing what the still, small voice hears when she sets the flesh aside for a while. Then when the Spirit speaks and the Church hears, the miraculous will follow. Oh that we will all experience this power to speak and serve so that once we wake up, the world around us will see and believe in our mighty risen savior.
Yes Lord it is way past time for the church to wake up, for Pastors to preach the truth from your precious word..Help us to stop striving against each other, become more aware of your presence, go into the highways and byways and bring the lost in to further your kingdom. Help us to wrap this thing up so we can go home where we belong!!!..In Jesus name I pray. Amen.