I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for encouraging Your people. We know You have a good plan and a good future for us and we rest in that truth. Amen.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

ā€œThings are heating up!ā€ As I heard those words, I knew God was confirming what He had spoken to me earlier that day concerning a coming storm. Not only had He spoken it, but He displayed in plain sight the Word He had shared with me.

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That morning I read prophetic words from numerous sources, yet they all disclosed the same thing. Things were going to heat up in our nation and the intensity of the heat would form a storm. God was warning His people to hold steady during the impending storm. To not be shaken. Once the storm passed, the prophecy stated, things would cool down across our nation and there would be times of refreshing.

These prophecies were on my mind as my daughter, grandkids and I loaded up to head out of town for the day. According to local news, it would be a sunny hot day, with no rain in sight.Ā  However, rain would have been a welcome sight as our city had endured record-breaking heat for weeks.

After a day of browsing and eating, we began to make our way back home, planning a few more stops along the way. We were about thirty minutes from home when I noticed billowing dark clouds forming on the horizon. I glanced to my right toward the mountains. Trees were twisting and bending in the distance as the wind began to pick up. ā€œBreanne, check the weather app,ā€ I instructed. ā€œI believe a storm may be coming.ā€ My daughter quickly checked her phone only to discover there was no storm predicted. I drove on, now with an eye on what appeared to be impending bad weather.

After a couple more stops, leaves and debris swirled around our car and through the streets. The looming clouds grew darker as we drew closer to them. I said, ā€œListen guys, we are going to head on home. No more stops today. It appears a storm is rolling in.ā€ I drove on, as my hands tightened around the steering wheel.

Within minutes, rain and hail were pelting the windows. I fought to keep the car on the road as the wind increased, slowing my speed, as visibility had reduced considerably in the darkening atmosphere. Uncertain of what we had driven into, I pulled into a parking lot to wait out the storm. As I did, I glanced at the screen on my vehicle. It read 97 degrees.

This impromptu storm continued to rage around us. Tree limbs slammed into buildings. Water rushed across the highway, taking debris with it. Quietly I prayed under my breath, not wanting to cause fear. Yet I wished I had my family safely home and my car in my garage. After about twenty minutes, the rain let up just a bit. Thinking I could make it home, I started the engine. As I did, I again glanced at my gauges. The temperature had dropped over 20 degrees! It now read 71 degrees.

I was astonished at how the temperature dropped drastically in such a short time. In that moment, the Lord spoke, ā€œIsnā€™t amazing how a storm can cool things down?!ā€

Ah. Although we may see things heating up all around us, we must not fear. He is instructing and encouraging us that when we see the heat intensify, we should take courage for the coming storm will inevitably cool things down.

Slowly I pulled back onto the highway, and we began our journey home. The torrential rain continued and the winds whipped around us. The effects of this unforeseen violent storm were evident. Roads were littered with debris. Pools of water stood on every road. Tree limbs floated across the highway. It was like driving through a mine field. And the trees that were unable to withstand the wind and rain lay across roads and houses. Yet, even while I took in the sights, I was encouraged. I knew God was speaking ā€“ He was bringing hope and comfort. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally arriving at home, I stepped out of my vehicle with renewed hope for the days ahead. Yes, a storm is coming, perhaps already here. But we can hold steady during the storm, knowing He has a plan for His people. We can also know that once the storm passes, there will be times of refreshing as things cool down across the land.

I breathed in the cool air, thanking God for two things: Preparing His people and giving us hope of a good outcome. Hope that a time of refreshing was on its way.

Friends, the atmosphere is right for an impending storm. Things are indeed heating up. But God is not surprised. Not only that, but He has promised a time of refreshing after the storm. We only need to stay steady and do not cease praying. As we continue to keep your eyes upon Him, He will bring us through the storm. There is nothing to fear. He is, indeed, in the storm with us ā€“ declaring as He once did, ā€œPeace, be still.ā€

How are you praying over the coming storm? Share this article to encourage others to stay in prayer.

Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kimā€™s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit:Ā Raychel Sanner on Unsplash.

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November 12, 2023

I feel like I read this months ago, is this correct?

Sheila Price
November 12, 2023

I have determined that I will sing praises in the storms even more than I have in the past, but I also plan on speaking out the written praises from Psalm 144 through 150… what wonderful spear tips! I am replacing the singular vocabulary to that for Israel and America!
WE will praise Yehovah our God and Yeshua our King and Holy Spirit our Counselor and Guide through such a time as this!
Yes and Amen!

Linda Rice
November 11, 2023

There are two camps in this season. 1. It will get worse than better 2. It will get worse and worse.

I’m asking the Lord to unify the remnant into agreement. We can’t have both prophesies out there. One must be wrong.

Ron Glenn Deere
November 11, 2023

Here is the thing – God loves us and has many precious promises laid out for us. He also said in 2 Cor 1:20 that all the promises of God are YES and we give Him back our amen, hallelujah. Therefore, our fears and worries are not to be compared with God’s promises.

Debra Estridge
November 11, 2023

I am so thankful that Jesus is in the storm with us and tells us not to fear! We must keep our eyes on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Oh Lord, help us to hold steady
in this time of shaking, that we can experience the refreshing you have for your
children. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Paige Saunders
November 11, 2023

Lord, helped me to do what Youā€™ve called me to do even when I am afraid. Help me to trust You and fear only You, in Jesusā€™ name.

Mary Beth
November 11, 2023

LORD, I choose to trust in Your keeping power. I know that nothing will come to me that has not been filtered through Your loving hands. Let the storms, both natural and spiritual, accomplish Your redemptive purposes in our lives, and Your awesome display of power through Your creation bring You great glory.

November 11, 2023

ā€œTrust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.ā€ Proverbs 3:5-6

November 11, 2023

God has told me,”Trust me & believe me!”

November 11, 2023

We say Lord shake what needs shaken, but have we really thought about what that might look like? We need to go through and He will keep us, but how many are actually ready? Look at Israel and what is happening. Are we ready for the battle? We know the outcome and Who the Victor is, but are we really ready? I hear that we really need to look at how Israel is standing, can you stand? Are you really ready to stand? Our Father in heaven will keep us and give us shalom if we keep steadfast to Him!

    November 13, 2023

    I don’t think it matters if we are ready or not. The shaking has begun and will continue until Adonai wills it to stop. All we can do is to trust God, pray, and try to love others the absolute best that we can. Only God can change hearts. We are just to be the picture of those hearts for Him,

Karen Secrest
November 11, 2023

Thanks for your encouraging Word.
I was invited to dinner after Thanksgiving but the Lord said No. A storm. Stay home. My daughter thought it foolish as there is no official storm predicted.
I also felt Mario Murrillo had a significant verification for me. He said many false prophets are arising saying 2024 is going to be a wonderful, blessed year when in fact it Will be good on many ways but Will bounce many out of their easy chair comfort zone.
Backing up to this year, the Lord told me to be prepared for a quiet Christmas alone. Very peaceful even though a blizzard rages outside. So our two major holidays will be spent quietly in God’s presence. He assures me that more evil Will be exposed regarding those aligned with Hamas. In fact it will be such a Holocaust those who have gone on will be considered fortunate. Here in Ameroca. Those who have “lived well” and laughed at the Jew lovers Will find there is a Creator who orchestrates our world. Those aligned with our senile, money loving president Will know the pit they dug for others. The Lord is waiting for any who wish to change having seen the Truth.
Are you prepared for 9/11 over and over onChicagos north side. Times Square. Hollywood Blve. Washington. D.C. Israel and beyond to the UK and G 7 and WHO? A Shaking not seen before. Behold our kKing is in the field. Can Iran and Syria, Guam and Pearl Harbor withstand the Shaking? Can we? Pray without Ceasing Beloved child.
O Holy Night. The stars are actually leading the way. Follow now for the Glory awaits in a Manger..
You have a Choice. It’s one heartbeat away

Brian lynch
November 11, 2023

It is important to remember the End Times are hear. Lord Jesus, I personally welcome ANY shaking that You wish to do. Our world, and nation, so desperately need for this to happen. There is way too much evil occuring. People’s eyes are blinded to the truth, and they- government officials, especially-need to be awakened. Thank You, Jesus!

November 11, 2023

I try to keep my focus on God being in charge by two easily memorized scriptures in Psalms that I repeat sometimes many times throughout the day. Helps me to remember that whatever happens he has it in his control. Thank you Lord Jesus.

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Psalms 56:3

The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom shall I fear? The Lord is the STRENGTH of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms 27:1


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