I Prayed have prayed
Lord, as the election draws nearer, set Your hand upon each one of these seven states. May Your will be done in our country.
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The Biden-Trump rematch will likely be an exceptionally close race. This article details the seven states that could decide this election.

From The Hill. The looming November rematch between President Biden and former President Trump could be decided by just a handful of states.

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Six months out from Election Day, all eyes are on seven toss-up states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — where 93 electoral votes will be up for grabs this fall. …

The race for the White House could come down to these swing states:


Biden won Arizona last cycle by roughly a third of a percentage point, making it the first Democratic presidential win in the Republican stronghold since the ’90s.

But Trump is now up roughly 6 points over Biden in Arizona, according to Decision Desk HQ/The Hill averages, where issues surrounding the border are set to play a key role in November.

Meanwhile, Democrats are looking to the Grand Canyon State, where 11 electoral college votes are up for grabs, as one of several places where issues around reproductive rights could fuel turnout to boost the party. …


Biden flipped Georgia blue for the first time in decades back in 2020, beating Trump by fewer than 12,000 votes.

But as the pair ready for a rematch in the Peach State, the 2024 race lacks marquee down-ballot races and signs of big turnout that helped boost Biden four years ago.

There are 16 electoral votes on Georgia’s table in November, and polling averages from DDHQ/The Hill put Trump up around 6 points, around 49 percent to Biden’s 43 percent. …

This year, the Republican primary saw double the turnout of the Democratic contest, and Biden will need to energize the state’s significant Black population amid signs that he’s struggling with the bloc nationwide. …


In Michigan, a battleground Biden won by nearly 3 points back in 2020, the incumbent saw a significant protest vote push in the Democratic primary from progressives and Arab Americans, which inspired similar ballot-box boycotts in other states, like Wisconsin.

Arab Americans helped carry Biden to victory last cycle, and questions persist on whether the critical bloc will come back into his column after expressing anger in the primaries. …


Along with Arizona, Nevada could be another major Sun Belt swing state this November. Both states have notable Latino populations, as both candidates make a play for voters of color this fall.

Biden won by 2.4 percentage points in 2020. …

DDHQ/The Hill’s averages now show Trump with a lead of nearly 7 points. The New York Times polling put Biden behind by 12 points in a head-to-head, his worst showing among the battlegrounds in that survey. …

North Carolina

Though Biden swept most of the swing states in 2020, Trump won North Carolina by roughly 1.5 points after taking the state by a slightly bigger margin in 2016.

Biden’s campaign is now looking to flip North Carolina back into Democrats’ column, but it has acknowledged that “relentless effort” is needed to do so over the next six months. …

There are 16 electoral college votes up for grabs. DDHQ/The Hill averages show Trump with a 4.6 point lead.


Last month’s primaries in Pennsylvania highlighted weak points for both Biden and Trump as they hurtle toward their November showdown.

Nikki Haley, who had dropped out of the race nearly two months earlier, received more than 150,000 Keystone State votes, coming close to 20 percent in several counties. …

On the other side of the aisle, Biden faced his own protest vote push, with “Abandon Biden” rallying voters to boycott the incumbent at the ballot box over concerns about the administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. …

DDHQ/The Hill averages put Biden behind by 1.7 points in the state he won by 1.2 points in 2020. …


Biden won Wisconsin by less than a percentage point during the 2020 cycle, and Trump now leads by less than 1 point, according to DDHQ/The Hill’s averages. …

“It really is an important state for us. Wisconsin has to be won by us,” Trump told Scripps News in an interview this week. “We want to win it. If we win Wisconsin, I think we win the whole thing.” …

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(Excerpt from The Hill. Photo Credit: The White House)

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Missy Dice
May 22, 2024

Father, truly may Your Will be done come November…we trust in You not man. With You, nothing is impossible for him who believes. I believe You are working ALL things for our good. Help us to pray, Holy Spirit. May the followers of Jesus Christ have faith and action working together because faith without deeds is dead faith. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Susan CC
May 22, 2024

I live in one of these 7…..

Dear Heavenly Father, You are King with all creation under Your dominion. As we prepare to choose new leaders, I am asking for Your Hand to lead the deceived and corrupt. I am asking for You to direct their heats always for Your glory but for the good of this nation as well. We who love You seek Your mercy, righteousness and justice. We who love You were chosen by You to bear fruit in this increasingly barren world. Raise up the sleepers Lord and reveal Yourself to them. Shine Jesus Shine in the darkness, expose and make clear the right choices. I ask this for all 50 states in America, for South Africa on the 29th of this month and each worldwide election this year…there are so many. I am asking this and so much more, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

barb m
May 22, 2024

Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that this article lists 7 states? I think NOT and am praying mightily for these 7 states to vote for the rightful President of the United States.

Wake up church and vote!

We need to be bold voices for this dark chapter of American history He has placed us in.


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