I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack. Help us move with You and join the work that You are doing.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Intercessors, if you are like me, you have felt the chaos in the natural in the spirit realm. During the month of August, I felt clouded, even emotionally burdened at times. I sought the Lord to find out if what I felt was something in me or was something in the spirit realm. I definitely felt the warring for my attention, my focus, my peace. I found myself casting down imaginations that were not of God and pulling down strongholds as we are instructed to in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

When September 1 came around, I was amazed at how the atmosphere had changed. Where there was once confusion, I felt clarity. Where there was anxiety, I felt peace. Something had shifted the minute we came into September and I don’t believe that I am the only one who is feeling that.

I went through my journals to remind myself of what the Lord has shared with me to be praying about. I found a word from 11/26/18 that I believe is partially being manifest and partially still to come. On that morning, I woke very early, around 5:00 am, as I was sitting up in my bed the Lord said twice, “The wind is coming, I am sending my wind.” I was praying into this when in the spirit I heard the sound of winds whipping around me. Days passed and I kept in prayer over it, and in the Bible. I found that the word wind is translated “ruach,” meaning wind, breath, and spirit.

But ruach is more often used to describe the breath that comes from the mouth. In Genesis 2:7, God created Adam–He breathes the “breath of life” (ruach as breath) into his nostrils and Adam becomes a living person. In Ezekiel 37, God commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones: This is what the sovereign Lord says, I am going to put my breath into you and make you live again. (Ezek 37:5 NLT) In verse 9, Ezekiel prophesied to the wind: Come, oh breath from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they might live again. In Acts 2, we see the disciples praying together at what we now call Pentecost, when the Lord appears through a mighty rushing wind.

The breath of God gives life. The 2020 connection is strange. A virus came forth that caused people to have trouble breathing and cover their mouths. Riots began when George Floyd was killed. His words, “I can’t breathe” have been uttered time and time again.

Oh, breathe on us once again, Lord. Send your winds.

Winds that blow in a single direction over a specific area are called prevailing winds. When two prevailing winds meet up they are called convergence zones. Wind causes things to be stirred up, determine the temperature, and shift the atmosphere. The wind helps pollination by carrying and scattering seed abroad. The winds, if violent enough, have uncovered things that have been hidden for ages.

In 2018, when the Lord spoke to me about sending His wind, He revealed much about changes that were coming, things that were hidden could no longer be hidden. Things were going to be different, though I did not fully understand what that meant. Since that time we have seen much be uncovered in our nationā€”corruption in our government, sad truths about abortion, and recently mass arrests concerning child porn and trafficking. We know that these things have gone on under the radar for some time, but something has shifted. It is no longer hidden. I have been filled with joy seeing children rescued from human trafficking. The truth can longer be hidden.

This is an encouragement to intercessors who have felt the weight of injustice and have wondered and prayed and wept, asking, “How long, Lord?” I believe God is revealing things because we have kept faithful to pray and not faint. We have been faithful to press in, even if the face of a pandemic, and faithful to meet together.

God is moving. It’s not about praying for God to move, He’s already moving. This is a time to move with Him. No looking back, no turning back, no more Egypt.Ā  The winds of God have shifted and it’s time to move. How can we move forward with God?

  • If you have been distracted, focus on the Lord. Turn off the news and tap into His voice in prayer. Stay rooted in the word of God. (1 Chr 16:11)
  • Prophesy to the winds. Speak to the dead, dry bones, whatever that may be. Command life to come forth. Speak life. (Ezek 37, Prv 18:21)
  • “Prevail” in the place of prayer. And Jesus told them a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. (Lk 18:1)
  • Don’t stop meeting together. “Convergence” means to meet, to gather, rally. This is a time to gather together, especially now. (Heb 10:25, Mt 18:20, Acts 3:1-47)
  • As God uncovers more and more, stay humble. Remember that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph 6:12)

The enemy always tries to counter what God is doing. There is power in unity, and right now he is attempting to divide us by race, by religion, by politics. We must not allow ourselves to be divided and baited into arguments. I do not know how long the rioting will last. I do not know what is coming after the elections, but what I do know is that God is moving now. Revival is already hereā€”don’t miss it because your eyes are fixed elsewhere. God is already moving. Move forward with Him.

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

What encouraged you most from this teaching? Share in the comments below!

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Carolyn Carroll
October 29, 2020

Thank you so much. I have been praying for revival for so long and this made me realize it is already here but I have had my eyes fixed on other things! I want to move forward with my almighty God!

September 22, 2020

What a beautiful Word of wind and breath and life. My heart is so grateful for His shifting wind of September and every comment thereafter. Today was the first day of a windy chill in the air in the southern US. The winds are indeed shifting.

The Lord tells us that we do not receive because we do not ask. So I ask that Your will be done here in our world as it is in Heaven. Father, please send more shifting winds, more unity, more provision, a return and revival of faith in our world, and especially for our children and their children and theirā€™s as well. We know You are here with us and we feel Your love and light in and all around us.

Teach us to shift the breath of life within us, to boldly speak up for You, to love and see others as You see. Open our eyes and hearts to use this time of shifting winds to strengthen Your Kingdom that is filled with grace, mercy, faith, hope, and love.

No matter what the battling principalities choose or do, may we always choose You. Help us all to stand and serve You with our lives, our families, and choose Your Way, Truth, and Life.

If there are only a few of us who love and serve you, will you extend grace and mercy? Speak to each one of us and please receive our thanksgiving for the energy in the shifting wind of September 2020.

We love You and cannot wait to see Your Son return and all that You will do. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.

Anthony DiMaio (@AmericanWritr)
September 17, 2020

I began writing a bible study based on Proverbs being the book of Decisions, with an emphasis on how the church needed to combat the Death by Distraction strategy of the enemy.
Absolutely Rock On. I received Ezekiel 37 for NYC 10 years ago.
There is a ministry called Kingdom Convergence that by its name speaks to the importance of the coming together of elements of the Kingdom

Mel Teoh
September 11, 2020

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for this article. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who reside in us. Thank You for Your ruach that You breathe into us when You created us. Thank You for everything that we take for granted.

Bless President Trump with humbleness. Bless him with discernment and wisdom to do Your Will. Protect the Nov election. Disband all efforts for dishonestly and lies. Defund all their financial resources.

Open all Christians’ eyes to vote in person for President Trump in every city and states. Please allow all cities and states be a red city and states like the Blood of Jesus covering it all cities and states.

Please allow President Trump to get both House and Senate of Republican whom in the next 4 years will UNITE to make and keep America great again by keeping YOUR VALUE.

Father, Your will be done. In Jesus Name we pray and thank You. Amen.

September 11, 2020

All glory and praise to Our Lord and Savior for this wonderful encouraging Word coming through you Gloria. It is spot on and so revealing. We have to know the real enemy creating the turmoil in our lives and world and we have to know that God has a perfect plan and perfect timing for everything we are experiencing! We just have to trust and obey Him. Eph. 6:18 says to “pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in our prayers for all Christians everywhere”. March on fellow Soldiers for Christ. We know The Way,The Truth and The Light!!

September 11, 2020

Love the song Sweet Wind by David Ruis.

There’s a wind a-blowin’, all across the land
A fragrant breeze of Heaven
Blowin Once again
Don’t know where it comes from
Don’t know where it goes
But let it blow over me
Oh, sweet wind, come and blow over me

Caroline Eagan
September 10, 2020

Thank you so much for the wisdom the Lord has blessed you with.
Today after prayer I don’t know why, only God knows for sure. My calendar page , just that page, for the month of Sept. fell off the wall. I know the Lord is getting and has been getting His people ready. Your article today confirmed and I knew that I was to share this. I pray for the fire of the Holy Spirit to draw all lost souls to the Father as a blanket of the Holy Spirit allover this earth for “now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of Salvation”.,I pray.

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. – Zephaniah 3:17 http://www.biblegateway.com

    Gloria A Robles
    September 11, 2020

    Amen Caroline,
    That scripture “today is the day of salvation” is very dear to me..I pray it almost daily. God bless šŸ’—

Molly Machleit
September 10, 2020

The Lord showed me Ezekial 37 on August, 21, 2019. It was a full-on prophetic day including a dream my 4 year old son had about a dragon, werewolf and 2 skeletons dancing. Then there were other multiple events that same day revealing “dry bones get up” and “sleepy Christians wake up!”….So I have been holding to that prophetic day and sharing it with friends, family, and our pastor as I know it is a powerful message to wake up church! I am believing for a mighty move of God and for His breathe to pour into the dry, asleep Christian bones in our nation and all over the world.

Lord, breathe your Holy Spirit into us that we may come to FULL LIFE in these days.

September 10, 2020

The Return: I ask people would be drawn and given grace to participate and that it would start EARLY ā€” we canā€™t wait until September 26th ā€” in Jesusā€™ Name

James R.
September 10, 2020

My wife and I have both felt tired and lack of ambition especially during August.
In the morning of Thursday 9/3/2020 I felt the oppression lift – physically, mentally, spiritually!
I felt just like David in Psalm 18:29 about running thru a troop & leaping over a wall (but my 80+ year old body is lacking in strength).
I felt so good that I went outside to tell someone. I was ready to shout it to the neighborhood!
Just then a young mom drove up across the street with her son to visit her parents & I went to ask her if she had noticed anything in the spiritual or mental realm.
She said she hadn’t.
Since then I have asked others if they had felt anything that day & have yet to find an affirmative until I read your article & other’s comments.
When I reflect on my actions when talking with that mom I wonder if she may have thought me drunk – I now feel like I was drunk with the Spirit like in Ephesians 5:18!
I am still able to energize my spirit by singing 1970’s praise songs.
Praise the Lord who rescues His children!

    Delilah bruch
    September 10, 2020

    You know, those praise songs of the 70ā€™s were mostly out of Psalms. I marked them in my Bible, and still sing them to God to this day. The Jesus movement of the 70ā€™s was great. I didnā€™t know at the time that it was going to go away, I thought it would be like that forever. Exciting. Iā€™m ready for the next one.

Lana Claycamp
September 10, 2020

Excellent! Yes, September has been new wind in our prayers. Yesterday, 9-9-20, I woke and first thought was from Holy Spirit that said, “My Spirit of repentance is coming. Call for it!”
Praying for God’s mercy to bring in the harvest.

September 10, 2020

Don not be deceived, everyone in the body of Christ is called to be an intercessor: Eph 6:18

18 with all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints,

September 10, 2020

ā€œThe wind is blowing again, šŸŽ¶the wind is blowing ā€˜gain
just like the days of PentecostšŸ”„the wind is blowing againšŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļøšŸ•ŠšŸ™šŸæšŸŽ¶šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Carolyn Tormala
September 10, 2020

I agree! We must not hold back, but rather join the Lord’s army and move forward.

September 10, 2020

It is National Suicide Prevention week. Let’s pray for God’s breath of life to reach those who are hurting.

I attempted suicide when I was 17. For 15 years after that, I was at WAR with suicide. I am a walking miracle. God saved me from myself literally hundreds of times. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. is the best book I have ever read on trauma. The national suicide prevention hotline is 800-273-8255. Share this far and wide. Suicidal Ideation is a silent killer.

Father God, send the winds of hope throughout this nation. Be the lifter of our heads. Shine your light on those who are suicidal in secret. Show them a better way. Speak to those around them. Open their eyes to see that their loved one is hurting. Thank you for saving me so many times. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Gloria A Robles
    September 10, 2020

    Debra I did not know that. Yes I agree! It’s part of my testimony.

September 10, 2020

Speaking of breath, if you have not seen Abraham Hamilton III on AFA radio talking about the BLM connection to witchcraft, please look up that video. It will explain so much of what has been breathed into our atmosphere through the words spoken during this movement. He plays clips of the founders of the moment and then tells how those in pop culture are chanting the same thing. I will attempt to attach a link to the video below.


    September 10, 2020

    Thank you so much for this link, Ana! EVERY Intercessor should watch this video, if they haven’t yet!

Jayne Hayden
September 10, 2020

Heavenly Father thank you for wisdom and discernment you poured upon Gloria. I ask you to continue blessing her and protecting her.
Thank you for this teaching, may we come along side her and encourage her. Let your rains fall, let your winds blow like a Holy Ghost pseunomi upon all the earth.
Just when you appeared to Elijah, 1 Kings 19, no matter what false gods /Baal and false prophets claim, may we seek you and listen for your voice only.
That which was meant to destroy us will make us greater,they will fall into their own pits and be destroyed by their own evil devices. The powerful winds will tear the mountains apart and shatter the rocks, the earth will quake and fires roar, but YOU are in the gentle whisper. Remember your love towards us. We repent and run to you with open arms and tears, Yashua our Lord.

    Gloria A Robles
    September 10, 2020

    Amen, thank you for your prayers. šŸ’—

      Jayne Hayden
      September 10, 2020

      I too felt peace & change in atmosphere Sept. You put my heart in words
      TU šŸ™‚

      September 10, 2020

      Yes! Yes! Yes! In the last week or so, I’ve even had thoughts like, “Is there still rioting? Is it better now??” because I sensed exactly what you so wisely put into words. Thank you for sharing. Blow winds blow!

Deborah Hawkins
September 10, 2020

So many of us had this same feeling of storm clouds and warnings. Thank you so much for all you do and the sharing. I share on my Ministry Twitter and Linkedin pages.
We must never be silent. We must remember we are the warriors of the Father and put on the full armor of this time we are in and that is coming. It is honor to pray with all of you involved.
Reach The Masses Ministry

Cheryl Strait
September 10, 2020

Reading this reminded me of a song:

The wind is blowing again
The wind is blowing again
Just like the day of pentecost
The wind is blowing again

Jennifer Odom
September 10, 2020

Remember the sandy winds from Africa? The Sahara? That was 2020 too.

Darlene Estlow
September 10, 2020

Thank you. Praise to the Lord. Yes, I have felt it too. We do not have to pray in defeat. God is moving and we can pray in victory. I had a picture of the US map several weeks ago. Around the outside were groups praying. People began to stream from the center to the outside groups. In the center was a circle of people from which the others were leaving. I knew God is working. May we continue to pray and trust and rejoice in Jesus.

Kina Pearce
September 10, 2020

I am so relieved to know I was not the only one wondering if my ptayers were being effective. I cried out about the seemingly endless of injustice of what was happening via riots, etc. I had to be reminded by the Lord that my place was to declare His Word and interceed and His Place to carry out his Plans for it all. I’m always too willing to want to help him bring justice. Vengeance is Mine He says. Not for me to want to mete out. Thank you for the encouragement to continue in my calling and place in the Body of Christ. Blessings to you.

Kelly A Hiller
September 10, 2020

Just the reminder to not get sucked into arguments.

Martha taylor
September 10, 2020

Just finding you and your word re the ā€˜windsā€™ got my attention since a friend, Doris, received a Word from the Lord re the Winds in June of this year, as follows: Though gross darkness is covering the earth, soon and very soon you shall feel and see My breath blow upon this Nation and the Nations of the world, and you will wonder why the winds are blowing so hard in the natural, and I will say unto you, ā€œLook unto Me and see Me blow out all darkness and look unto your God for He is about to do something you have never seen!! For truly the battle is Mine and I alone can bring the victory, as you bow your knee and worship Me!!ā€ Also Pastor Dana Coverstone in Kentucky, was shown ā€˜fitfulā€™ winds in, I think, his October dream.
So appreciate you.

September 10, 2020

Great word! Felt chills reading about the dry bones, immediately prayed for those who have fallen away, that they would arise again into new life. Thank you.

September 10, 2020

Praise God for all the ways He encourages us to persevere and move forward! Lord, You are so good! Thank You for life, liberty and peace in the midst of the storms. Thank You for Your Word that reminds us over and over that You will never leave us nor forsake us and that with Christ, all things are possible. We praise You for Your Sovereign Power and Everlasting Love! You are mighty to save and always in time. What can man do to us? We are children of the Most High! Praise be to Our Lord, Creator, Provider and Sustainer! We will not fear! We trust in You alone! We love You and thank You for Jesus and Your Holy Spirit! in His Name I pray and by His power we carry on!

September 10, 2020

This word is a “breath” of fresh air to my spirit. Thank you for sharing. May the winds of the Spirit blow upon His children, may our eyes be open and our hearts obedient to His call. We are ready to move with you Lord!

Lori Meed
September 10, 2020

So much conformation in this word! I have been prophesying to the Breath since CoVid began – especially over those who are I’ll but we all need life in this season. Also, been praying in our FB live RESET prayer times out of Luke 18. Our God WILL ANSWER if we pray without ceasing. He is a JUST JUDGE and will give us justice from our adversary.

Renee Storms
September 10, 2020

Thank you. Actually you are NOT the only one! I, too, felt this shift about September 4th. It was VERY noticeable to me!
It is natural to feel the intensity when one deals with and in the spiritual realm. The war is still on but when the wind shifted for me, a peace came with it….so I also knew something or things has been won in the spiritual realm. Only the Lord knows the particulars. When this happens you receive a release on one or more levels and proceed as our heavenly General leads!

Lois Taritas
September 10, 2020

Yes Yes I have felt the shift of clarity, I am moving with God!
Father thank you for this shift, I even noticed in the natural the winds of change!
Thank you for this article, yes yes move now with God!

Linda k Rice
September 10, 2020

yes I also have less warfare at this moment. It may not be that external situations have changed. It may be internal. In both storms that Jesus calmed, He asked His disciples why they were afraid.

Karen E. Kendrick
September 10, 2020

I thought I might share this dream that I had 8 years ago that I believe is happening now in 2020…
It happened on the street next to my house(house= me)…and all the neighborhood (=its effecting everyone in USA)…
On the street came a “wolf” from the south & a “bear” from the north walking toward each other…they seemed extremely “menacing”…I got in my car (=my ministry) for safety…
The wolf disappeared and left only the bear who then proceeded to go up into a house on the other side(R) of the street and as soon as it did a woman came out and I motioned for her to come & get in the car with me for protection…all of a sudden the scene changed and she was in the front seat “at the wheel” & I was in the backseat ( the feeling was..this was God…taking over..He is
“at the wheel” and I am being protected and I do not have to ” be in charge” with “all” of the responsibility on my shoulders…( someone suggested it was a heavenly angel but I only know it was “God being in charge”…
Also there was a “church” in my backyard but it has a huge limb over the entryway so people couldn’t get in..yet it seemed that it wouldn’t be impossible to get in at some point…( Wash. State & others)..
I believe this was God showing me the times we are in right now and that we should not fear because He us in control of it all and is using it for His purposes…(we must press in in intercession but He will bring the victory)!
He has shown me this in different dreams…1 other one where He was at the wheel & in total control & another where He was ” at the reins” driving a team of horses(=power) & i was helping Him ..keeping the powerful horses in line with the new “authority” He had given me (others were helping too but some ” brothers” turned and walked off and did not want to be involved & when I was worried when Pres. Obama was in office He said ” I am at the helm!!”

Carolyn Watson
September 10, 2020

Thank you Father for this encouraging word from You today. Thank you for allowing me and others the opportunity to go forward with Your word and speak life into others. In the mighty saving name of Jesus amen

September 10, 2020

Amen, very encouraging! The winds in Tennessee have been a force to be reckoned with this year but I’ve noticed it for the last couple of years. Amen to convergence and laborers being raised to gather for a mighty harvest!

Sarah Loredo
September 10, 2020

Thank you for bringing a word of hope and truth.

September 10, 2020

Thank you Gloria, for this beautiful, encouraging word! Yes! Revival is here! God is moving in His people if we only would listen. Things are being shaken and we need to fix our eyes on God! These are exciting times if we follow Him and do not allow the enemy to distract or destroy what God has placed in us. I see large and small fires of Holy Spirit being ignited all across America. Jump aboard or start your own revival and letā€™s help usher in the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. Hallelujah and thank you Father for this amazing move we are inšŸ™šŸ»

Sylvia Neptune
September 10, 2020

I agree! A tangible shift in September. Praise be to our Lord!

September 10, 2020

Amen! Press in and stay focused. I remember Dave sharing surely God is at work with and in His people if all hell is breaking loose against our nation. Hallelujah! Stand on the unshakeable Rock!

September 10, 2020

Stay focused and speak to those dry bones. Good word. Thank you.

September 10, 2020

Amen Yes revival is here time for reaping souls into the kingdom is now time of cleansing and repentance in the church is now time of purging and deliverance is now. Moving with the Lord we must lean and depend on him humble ourselves and he will lift us up keep our eyes on him. Bless the Lord oh my soul ! God’s been giving me also the dry bones message over and over we must walk by faith stand firm by his strength not ours

Shari Bradley
September 10, 2020

Our area, across the State of New Mexico, is just settling down from 70mph winds, unusually extreme. Both of our properties had fences blown down night before last. I welcome God’s strong breathe and with it uncovering corruption and blowing away the bad and bringing change.

September 10, 2020

This is an encouraging word. Itā€™s a ā€œnowā€ word. I have sensed the need to pray for the breath of God to blow and have prayed recently for dry bones to come alive. Yes!
Lord God, we thank You and praise You that You are on the move in our nation. You hear the prayers of the saints. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You. Continue to uncover wickedness and let justice be done and righteousness prevail. Blow, Holy Spirit, blow! Dry bones come alive! Cause eyes and ears to open. Cause this nation to repent and turn back to God. We bless Your name, Jesus. You reign supreme. Reign supreme in our hearts and in this nation once again. In Jesusā€™ name. Amen

    Shari Bradley
    September 10, 2020

    Yes, oh Lord, I agree. Your will be done!

    September 10, 2020

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Winds often bring rain and Elijah heard the sound of abundance of rain before anything was visible or within hearing!!
    Thank you for bringing us refreshing winds and rain and providing your change. Help us today to believe and walk “as if”.
    Through Jesus Christ, Amen


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