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Father, we pray that You would stop the globalist schemes of the WHO and our own government. Prevent us from losing our sovereignty, Lord.
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Biden’s WHO amendments may have failed, but this is only a temporary setback. We must stay vigilant and pray for our sovereignty.

From The Epoch Times. Despite a setback at the World Health Organization’s 75th annual meeting in Geneva in late May, the push to further empower the United Nations agency is moving ahead, remaining a major threat to U.S. national sovereignty and self-government, according to leading experts.

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Following some minor changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) approved at the recent WHO meeting, the U.N. health organization and its member governments are working on new, far-reaching amendments to the global rules. Those will be submitted in September.

At the same time, WHO leaders and member governments are also developing a new International Pandemic Treaty. The looming international agreement, which is still being drafted, is expected to hand vast new powers to the WHO if approved.

Both the amendments and the treaty being negotiated are aimed at empowering the WHO to fight global health crises such as pandemics, according to U.S. State Department and WHO officials….

Boyle, who wrote the 1989 legislation implementing the Biological Weapons Convention that was unanimously approved by Congress, said the WHO power grab needs to be opposed “at all costs,” urging U.S. lawmakers to get involved in stopping it now.

In an interview with The Epoch Times, Boyle did not hold back, calling the WHO a “criminal organization” that is “completely rotten, corrupt, and despicable.” He urged strongly against giving the WHO any more power or money.

“It is nothing more than a front organization for Pharma, the biowarfare industry, and Gates,” added Boyle, referring to billionaire co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, saying it should be allowed to “rot on the vine” and then “twist slowly, slowly in the wind….”

Among other concerns, Boyle pointed to the WHO’s sponsorship of the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many suspect is the source of the outbreak of the global CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic, as well as the agency’s role in promoting COVID-19 vaccines, which he called “dangerous frankenshots….”

Now, Boyle is calling on U.S. senators to join forces against the WHO plan. To start with, he urged senators to create and circulate a letter saying they intend to reject any new WHO pandemic treaty that may come before them for ratification.

“Assuming you can get 34 senators to sign that Circular Letter, that would make the Pandemic Treaty Dead on Arrival here in the United States on its face alone,” Boyle said. “That then might kill off this WHO Pandemic Treaty in its infancy when next the [World Health Assembly] meets to consider it.”

The WHO Amendments

Without much media fanfare, WHO member states held the 75th World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva from May 22 through 27 to discuss major changes to the organization’s International Health Regulations (IHR).

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control describes the IHR as “legally binding.” The global health rules also played a major role in the coordinated worldwide response to the CCP virus pandemic.

The 13 amendments to the IHR were proposed in January by the Biden administration with the backing of almost 50 other governments.

Among other changes, the amendments would have further empowered the WHO and its director-general to declare international health emergencies, even without the approval of the targeted nation or government….

Critics referred to it as “dictatorial” and a “power grab” by the WHO and some of its leading members at the expense of the autonomy of nation-states….

Both the WHO and the Biden administration also indicated that the effort to bring in reforms empowering the WHO was still moving forward….

The International Pandemic Treaty

Even as governments work on new amendments to submit by September, they are also drafting a new International Pandemic Treaty that could be more significant still….

Boyle, the international law professor, said it seemed like the withdrawn IHR amendments might be simply rolled into the new pandemic treaty, as well as other policies aimed at making the WHO far more powerful.

In Congress, critics are also sounding the alarm about the treaty….

Leading WHO figures have been open about their desire to further empower the U.N. agency using the proposed pandemic treaty….

Entrenching the sort of policy responses prescribed by the WHO during the recent COVID crisis is also on the agenda, according to leading figures involved in the process.

“On an ongoing basis, every country must utilize all the public health tools available to curb transmission,” said former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, co-chair of the WHO’s Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, in recent comments about what the new agreement should accomplish. “That’s masking, it’s social distancing, it’s testing and contact tracing, it’s isolation and quarantine, it’s the proven menu for endeavoring to stop transmission of a disease.”

Clark and the pandemic panel also recommended vast new powers and authorities for the WHO, in addition to greater financial and political independence for the organization. The panel even called for the WHO to begin setting “benchmark” standards for national healthcare systems….

End Goal: Global Tyranny?

Lawmakers, legal experts, and leading medical professionals are sounding the alarm about what they see as the ultimate objective of the WHO’s efforts: centralized global control over humanity….

Numerous other experts, doctors, and attorneys who spoke with The Epoch Times for this story also said the WHO was seeking to infringe on the rights of people under the guise of keeping them safe and healthy.

Political resistance is growing rapidly in the United States, too.

At the state level, lawmakers nationwide are in discussions about how to block the WHO’s moves in their jurisdictions….

In Washington, lawmakers are working as well. Bills that would defund the WHO and even withdraw the United States from the UN are gaining sponsors amid a growing public outcry over the WHO’s plans. Numerous members of the House and Senate, including the Freedom Caucus, have urged the Biden administration to resume the U.S. withdrawal initiated by President Donald Trump….

The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body is meeting this week to work on the pandemic treaty as the WHO works to engage “all stakeholders,” a WHO spokesman told The Epoch Times.

The goal is to have a draft of the proposed treaty by August.

How are you praying for the United States to keep its sovereignty? Share your prayers in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: iStock)

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Allena Jordan
June 8, 2022

Father, first of all I thank You for this information. Continue keeping us informed regarding the threats to our sovereignty and freedoms. Next, I thank You for all the legislators in Congress who are concerned about the new WHO health treaty. Keep them informed. Give them courage to fight against it. I thank You for groups such as the Freedom Caucus. May their numbers grow. Give our legislators a sense of urgency, courage, boldness and the words to speak up for the people of this country. Protect them. Protect us from tyrannical rulers. Deliver us from evil. Save us, Lord! By the blood of Jesus, I declare and decree that the intentions of WHO will be completely disarmed and thrown down to the abyss. Amen.

Darlene Estlow
June 8, 2022

Father, you have blessed us with freedom and self-government. We ask that it would not end here with WHO. Turn these wicked schemes into garbage and throw them away. Take away the power and finances from them. Give our leaders the courage and desire to disassociate from WHO. May they desire to keep our freedoms and not be under the thumb and rule of WHO. Take away the power of this organization that desires world power.

June 8, 2022

Lord, we know that no nation that joins the army of the antichrist will stand with Israel. And the country against Israel is a country against her God. We ask you to dispatch leagues of angels to help defeat the globalist agenda for a one world government that is against everything you stand for. We ask your protection over our nation from terrorists and schemers, even from those hiding amongst our lawmakers, that no weapon formed against the United States and her sovereignty will prosper– not biowarfare, not weather warfare, and no weapons created by human hands. We were a nation founded in God, and we declare we shall remain a sovereign nation in God.

June 8, 2022

Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing. Preserve and reinstate all of our freedoms, in every nation, island, country, etc. worldwide

June 7, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father we see the horrible plans of the WHO but yet we also know the end times are beginning now. I pray for your wisdom and your beautiful perfect will. Sometimes it’s hard to go on but more than our will let your will be done as Jesus prayed in the garden. Lead us in the way we should go. May we be strong in our faith and continue to be part of helping people find salvation in Jesus. Many are coming to Jesus right now because of what’s happening in this world. May they too find complete security in You no matter what takes place.


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