Intercessors called the IFA office to say that yesterday’s prayer call was one of the best ever.
John Guandolo of joined the IFA First Friday Prayer Conference Call. He equipped intercessors with specific facts about who is behind the riots we are seeing and how we can pray effectively to combat them. Here are a few things he shared:
Communist influence has infiltrated all levels of our government. Communists are the hammer for the Islamic movement.
Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. (Lk 10:19)
It is about using issues like LGBTQ, climate change, etc. The issue is not the end, but a means to an end. Also, the violent helps the nonviolent goals be accomplished.
Download the companion prayer guide: PRAYING FOR OUR CITIES AND POLICE
[N]o weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” (Is 54:17)
How are people using chaos to implement change? Both communists and Islamists use chaos as a precursor to change. When there is chaos, people will demand order. Communism and Islam bring order to society, but they steal, kill, and destroy liberty. The first target is usually Christianity and destroying the family.
In the second segment of the call, we were joined by Barbara Bucklin, an intercessory leader from Austin, Texas. Don’t miss her powerful testimony of how prayer stopped chaos in Austin! One thing she wanted to really highlight is that communist-sympathetic leaders have worked to be elected to local offices. All levels of elections are really important and matter.
Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 Jn 4:4)
Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. (Zec 4:6)
Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash.
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Awesome! How can we get the prayer guide sheets Barbara Bucklin used please? I am an intercessor n East Texas with a nightly group of prayer warriors
[email protected]
When I heard that you had prayed on August 7th for God to raise up intercessors, it became clear to me why I felt God leading me to pray in a specific way for our country! I am one of many answers to your prayers! What a blessing to find this website! God has been impressing on my heart that his children, the body of Christ, need to take a stand against the enemy. We need to speak against the enemy in the authority that we have in Christ. We need to bind the spiritual forces of darkness that have blanketed our nation. We need to name them specifically (sexual immorality in all its forms, hatred, fear, division, lies, deceptions etc.) and cast them out in the name and authority of Christ. And we need to invite the Holy Spirit to work powerfully in our nation to bring repentance to the heart of the church and revival to our land! I am excited to join with you in praying for our nation. I look forward to learning much from this website and participating in prayer with brothers and sisters across this land as we lift up our nation!
Very informative session. Thank God for each of you and the information you provide that opens the eyes of those who have come to an awareness of this site. So many “truths” we have not been told in the past.
I continue to pray for our Country, City, and President, his advisors, and leaders who support him and the Agenda for our Country. Prayer for wisdom and discernment in every decision, and that God will enshroud them with his protection as they move about the day-to-day activities without harm. May those seeking to destroy our country be changed and drawn to the Lord and if not removed from our country by the Lord. God is in control!
We see his hands at work, Austin, TX is proof – “He is still in control”.
I thank God that He has led me to this site and that I have been able to hear John Guandolo and Barbara Bucklin today. I am so over whelmed and ask Almighty God to show me the way and how to intercede for our country and communities. I desire to be used by our Precious Lord God for His purposes. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
God please protect America from democratics party and evil, amen
Hide! Distort! Misuse! Abuse!
Weaken all thoughts, leaving minds confused
About the Holy Scriptures (GOD’s Word divine),
His power and authority, His works and signs.
“No sin!” you say. “No Savior!” “No Cross!”
“No throne of G-D!” “He’s dead!” “No loss!”
Deception has entered the House of G-D.
False prophets and teachers on His Holy Word have trod.
Seducing spirits have entered in:
Deceiving spirits encouraging sin.
Satanic confederacy is fast at work;
Around every corner, great evil lurks.
O’ Saints of G-D, keep G-D’s camp free!
Obey His voice and with His Word, agree!
Be not afraid! Be strong and true
In your allegiance to Christ: G-D’s Hope born in you!
Come out of the world and be one with Him!
Let not the Light of His glory in you grow dim!
Stand guard! Stand faithful! Stand ever so true!
Do all for G-D’s glory in all that you do!
Knowledge of G-D’s Holy Word is the primary safeguard against all deception.
This same thing happened to my parents. My mother had the promise I Samuel 2:9-10 God thundered upon the bloodthirsty crowd that came against them in Segovia, Colombia
I would love to hear their story sometime.
Send me your address and I will send you my mother’s book.
Praise Jesus! Thank you the blood of Jesus has the power to dismantle the evil strategies of the enemy. Bless your servants, for John, protect him.
Thank you David Kubal! Yes, I was becoming very discouraged by the mobs and violence which the Mayors and Governors seem to be ignoring! This prayer call was indeed an answer to my prayers!!
Father God I pray for John Qaundolo your protection over him and his family continue to give him word of wisdom and truth to speak out and not be afraid in Jesus Name Amen.And that You stir up us as intercessors to cry out to You Oh God with all our hearts
During my professional career I found NASA’s “HACCP” approach (Hazards Analysis Critical Control Points) very helpful in preventing
systemic chaos in all efforts involving quality control. This thought process involves deep analysis to identify and prioritize a “hazard” followed by targeting specific tactical critical control points to control the threat. USS appears to be using the HACCP method in their critical mission of identifying threats to our Republic and then identifying tactical methods of removing that critical hazard. I would never support or vote for any politician at any level who would not fully support the efforts of USS and IFA to remove the chaos being caused by the many violent hammers that are currently destroying America’s liberty. The “Austin Intercession” stands as a hopeful, positive contrast to the complete chaotic failures in cities like Portland and Seattle. Thank God for His Intervention and those with IFA who follow His lead and took critical control of chaos.
The IFA prayer 🙏 on 8/7 was so powerful and helped me better understand exactly how I need to pray against these mobs and violence. The scriptures gave me hope! 😊 Thank you so much!!
I agree that the prayer call was one of the best. Great information and confirmation of what we are fighting against. God Bless Barbara and John. Thank you . You
I totally agree that yesterday’s prayer was one of the best I have ever participated in.
Moreover, I was very informed about the chaotic situation in the country furthermore I have been more equipped on how to intercede strategically for our country and the leadership.
Based on what I learnt from the prophetic prayers that took place at Austin, we took a decision to start taking our cities for the Lord by taking prayer walks and prayer drives where we proclaim the Lordship of Jesus as we drive through the cities.
This has brought another dimension to our prayer strategies.
God bless you for the good work you’re doing.
Father, forgive our enemies. They do not know what they do or who they have served. Strengthen your children to speak truth in love. May the knowledge of your love and mercy calm the chaos in or country, and in the world.
Amen! They have no clue, and we can only pray they repent and find the truth before it is too late.
On my 1st visit to the UK in 2011, I was asked by a Muslim man to watch a tv broadcast of an Imam with him. I did and the Imam was boasting about how they have infiltrated governments and have taken over “without having to lift a sword”. This was and is their plan. Lord God, deliver us from the traps and snares of the enemies and grant us the wisdom and knowledge with understanding we need to elect righteous leaders and remove from these seats of honor, authority and government those who want to destroy the foundations of liberty and justice established by the ForeFathers of this nation. Continue sending the spirit of confusion into the enemies camp. Thank You Lord for the victory you give us. In Jesus’ name we ask.
Hey y’all. The enemy is so busy falling over his own old stuff because God has him by his tail. Do we truly not get it yet…the battle is the Lord’s. STAND FIRM!
This is a great scripture II Chronicles 20:15-20 The people by the Lord were instructed to march down to face the enemy, take their positions, stand firm, and see the salvation of God. The people fell down before the Lord to praise Him for their promised victory. The battle is the Lord’s as we follow His leading.
I very seldom get on the Friday prayer call, but yesterday did yesterday and am so glad I did. As has already been described by the comments below it was so informative. I’m sending it out to the prayer leader of the conference prayer call that I join in the mornings. Thank you IFA.
P.S. You are so right, David, one session of the prayer call was not enough. John Guandolo does need to come back as a guest speaker on the IFA Friday prayer call.
Shabbat Shalom from Albuquerque and thank you Lord for your peace which passes all understanding. I thank you for the testimonies of John Guandolo and Barbara Bucklin that give us the vision of the power of prayer and proactive offensives against the enemies and their agendas.
Here is your defining takeaway from the work of intercession on the ground: PRAYER IS A WEAPON the enemy never sees coming!
Lord thank you for equipping us with declarations of power in your strength, in the image of your mind and the peace which passes all understanding.
Thank you Lord for giving every person the opportunity to join in this fight, to stand on the wall you have built, as our times permit. Let us take up our positions in this hour with strength and well being to stand against the rulers of darkness. May the strength of our prayers shut the mouth of the dragon. In Jesus’ name, amen
I am glad to count Barbara as a dear friend whom I prayed alongside in the years I lived in Austin. She and others have worked diligently with the Holy Spirit to shift the focus of pastors toward the city and toward one another rather than tending only to the temporal needs of their congregants. Pastors will answer one day for not entering the kingdom nor leading their churches into kingdom labor.
GOD has called me as an Intercessor for many years but this is only the 3rd time for me to listen and pray with with IFA and Dave Kubal. Yesterday was one of the most powerful and I am so very thankful for people like John Guandolo and Barbara!! Thank you all for standing strong against the enemy through JESUS!!
Satan is the father of lies.
Those who deceive others will themselves be deceived.
It’s time to ask GOD to search our own hearts to see if there be any deceitful way in us.
There is no such thing as a “white” lie.
It would make sense that the father of lies would not use the truth to start all this chaos. Let me explain: The police in Minneapolis who were holding George Floyd down were likely doing the very best thing they could do to actually SAVE his life, rather than take it. “Excited Delirium” is just barely beginning to be understood in law enforcement, but one of the offers stated during the encounter that he was concerned that Floyd had Excited Delirium. So, an officer who suspects ExD must immediately call EMS because it is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY, which a huge Canadian study shows that 8% of people with ExD die, whether or not police were involved. The very best thing a police officer can do is hold the individual down so they do not try and fight, and wait for EMS to come an administer a shot to calm them down. If an officer sees three or more symptoms, they must consider it a medical emergency and get help. Symptoms of ExD: Male (almost always affects males), around 30 years old, high body temp., sweating, shaking, sometimes even naked cause they are hot, speaking nonsense, on drugs, stating they cant breath (which Floyd did even when standing), usually very combative. The coroner report showed no damage to Floyd’s neck and concluded that he did not die of asphyxiation, so most of the officer’s weight had to be on his other knee, to keep him subdued until EMS arrived.
Father, may the truth in this ugly situation be made known, so our country may be set free from the father of lies!
Thank you very much for your informed response!
Just to clarify; My comment “white” lie was not referring to a specific race; it was referring to a well-intentioned or diplomatic untruth.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the Truth! So help us GOD!
Thank you for making us aware of the real threats and for the specificity of the prayers.
Keep America safe from the enemies domestic and abroad, whose desire is to tear up the families by these infiltrated tactics. These organized terrorists definitely have an evil agenda. I agree with this verse excerpt from the above IFA article: ‘[N]o weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” (Is 54:17).’ Amen.