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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for our many blessings. Help us to celebrate the wholeness of You during this season.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In an age of complaint, accusation, protest, grievance-laden lamentation, and non-stop grumbling, we must whistle a “time out!” and come aside for real Thanksgiving.

Certainly, we should be grateful for material blessings brought to us by the hand of God. However, we must not allow the focus on the hand of God divert us from concentration on God’s face, revealing His transcendent glory. Real thanksgiving is the linkage in our minds and hearts of both the hand and face of God, joined by a feast that brings the body into the celebration.

Real Thanksgiving is the whole person celebrating the wholeness of God.

Historic Thanksgiving proclamations recognized God’s transcendence, as these samplings show:

  • On November 29, 1623, Governor William Bradford recognized that “the Great Father” had given the “abundant harvest” the Pilgrims enjoyed.
  • George Washington, on October 3, 1789, proclaimed the coming November 26 as a day of “service” to “that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be…”
  • In 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving as a national holiday, and noted how the focus tends to drift more to God’s hand than His face: “To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart that is insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God…” . . .

Russell Kirk, a twentieth century historian and philosopher, reflected on America’s foundations in his book, The Roots of American Order. Kirk believed “a transcendent moral order” rested “necessarily on religious faith,” noted Professor Forest McDonald. 

“A principle difference” between the American and French Revolutions was that, according to Kirk,  “the American revolutionaries in general held a biblical view of man and his bent toward sin, while the French revolutionaries … attempted to substitute for the biblical understanding an optimistic doctrine of human goodness advanced by the philosophies of the rationalistic enlightenment.”

The outcomes: “The American view led to the Constitution of 1787; the French view to the Terror and to a new autocracy.” The American Constitution, said Kirk, “is a practical secular covenant, drawn up by men who (with few exceptions) believed in a sacred Covenant, designed to restrain the human tendencies toward violence and fraud…”

One of those men was Thomas Jefferson, whose erstwhile support of enlightenment rationalism was balanced by regard for God’s transcendence, and the accountability of humans and their governments to it.


Jefferson, a troubled soul because he was a slaveholder, recognized the evil institution existed because people had forgotten God’s transcendence. Jefferson wrote: “And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? I tremble for my country when I remember that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep forever… The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest…”

Jefferson brought that understanding of the transcendence of God into the Declaration of Independence. Fundamental human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are from God. Government does not give those foundational freedoms, but exists to protect them. But, because “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 6:23, words Jefferson would have known), politicians are sinners too, and therefore the institutions of governance they oversee must have checks and balances.

Without recognition of God’s transcendence, the United States would not have had such a government. The greatest threat now is that as the sense of transcendence fades, government is becoming increasingly domineering and controlling. . . .

This Thanksgiving, thank God for the blessings flowing from His hand on the immanent scale, and pray with all your fervor that we will not lose sight of His glorious Face, revealing His transcendent majesty and holiness.

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Article by Wallace B. Henley. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Lisa Plummer
November 26, 2020

Thank You, Abba, for the Cross!
Thank You for suffering and dying an agonizing death that we might LIVE!
Who is like You?
There is no one!
We worship YOU today!
We thank YOU today!
We praise and love and honor and trust YOU today!
We’re blessed because we belong to You!

Peggy and Ralph Starkey
November 26, 2020

So impactful in today’s USA…. Amen 🙏

Aretula-Irene Halstead
November 25, 2020

My family and I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
We have gone through so much, but we are still a family and still are blessed with all we need. And, I always find an opportunity to bless others.
I thank the Lord with all my heart.

Mary J
November 24, 2020

Thank You, Heavenly Father, that we are called by Your name and You have granted us through Jesus, adoption into Your family.
Thank you for the gift of freedom and the wisdom to use it well.
Thank You for this country and those You have called to serve as its leaders. Make them ever mindful that they serve at Your pleasure and are accountable to You for their work. Grant that we would serve You wholeheartedly in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Yvonne Pendleton
November 24, 2020

We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Jan Thompson
November 24, 2020


So we continue to seek God’s face to honor and to worship Him.

God is faithful God is worthy.

Love Faith and Hope

Minnesota Mom
November 24, 2020

Lord God Almighty, thank You for the Biblical worldview and wisdom our founding fathers applied to the establishment of our government. Thank You for waking up Your church to fight with the authority in Jesus’ Name, for the saving of our constitutional republic, the exposure and prosecution of all corruption, the loosing of the bonds of tyrannical control and the revival of Your people, so that we can once again point our fellow Americans to Christ and show them Your truth and salvation.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we give You thanks and praise. You are LORD Sabbaoth, the Captain of the Hosts of heaven. We worship You and thank You for fighting for us, and in Your mercy, granting us time to line up with Your will and walk in Your purposes for our nation.

Blanca Holland
November 24, 2020

This made me think of psalm 100: make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.serve the LORD with gladness:come before HIS PRESENCE with singing. know ye that the LORD he is GOD: it is HE that hath made us,and not we ourselves; we are HIS people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into HIS gates with thanksgiving, and into HIS courts with praise:be thankful unto him,and bless HIS NAME .For the LORD is good; HIS MERCY is everlasting; and HIS TRUTH endureth to all generation. As we celebrate let’s not forget the bounty of the LORD even if it’s a cup of water with a piece of bread.

Charlene Smith
November 24, 2020

Wonderfully written article. I was looking for words to explain my feelings about Thanksgiving. It seems that our country has lost sight of our foundational beliefs. This article explains these beliefs with references to the men who placed them in our hearts . This is the season to thank God for these blessings.

Sharon Culp
November 24, 2020

Lord thank you for those who have gone before us establishing a Biblical foundation for America. Forgive those Lord whom have since tried to remove the cornerstone (Jesus Christ) over the years. Lord please help! Lord may the Shepherds of our Churches speak TRUTH, encourage a desire to know You more, a desire to stand for Your Truth and our Love of Christ. May Your light shine brighter than and other worldview offered and many In our Nation and throughout the World would be saved. Lord Thank You for those who planted seeds in my own heart and for saving me in March 1983. I am forever grateful and humbled by Your Love, mercy and Grace that is new every morning and GREAT is Thy faithfulness. In Jesus name. Amen

Lloyd King
November 24, 2020

Ingratitude is a character flaw that rests in the heart of people who feel that they are entitled to all the good that this world or God has to offer. The ingrate takes every blessing from God for granted. They seldom consider what life would be like if God were to suddenly close His hand of generosity and blessing. Rarely will these words come from their lips, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Dorothy Cameron
November 24, 2020

Father God,
How we thank You for the way that has been made for us to have a relationship with You through the sacrifice of Jesus. Thank You for demonstrating Your great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were powerless and still in our sin. And now, having been justified through our faith in Him, we have peace with You.
Remind us by Your Holy Spirit that You, Jesus, have reconciled all things to Yourself and have made peace with God for us through Your blood shed on the cross. We thank You for the peace that You have given us, not like the world tries to give, but true peace!!
Empower and strengthen us by Your Holy Spirit that we will not let our hearts be troubled or fearful, instead we will be increasingly confident to approach Your throne of grace and mercy and intercede on behalf of our families, neighbors, co-workers,
our cities, states and this nation for Your honor and Kingdom glory. In Jesus name we pray.


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