A stunning picture emerged this weekend as every player of the NBA’s Oklahoma Thunder and their opponents Utah Jazz bowed their knee to Marxism in an anti-patriotic demonstration of solidarity against America. Yahoo Sports stated the players “have largely knelt to protest police brutality and racial injustice” citing the BLM connection to Marxism “a conspiracy theory.”
The problem with that coverup is that the BLM founders have proudly made that connection themselves.
In an interview with The Real News, Patrisse Cullors, who is credited as the co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM), confirmed “the movement was conceived by ‘trained Marxists’ pushing an agenda of Communist Revolution.” Cullors stated, “We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and BLM co-founder, Alicia Garza, in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.”
But Marxism is not the only political ideology using African Americans for their own agenda. Islam has also proudly made that claim as well as they work to manipulate the black community for their own purpose.
Author and lecturer Avi Lipkin links the destruction of historic American monuments to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is a group connected to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Black Lives Matter.
According to Lipkin, Islamic leaders boast of how they use black Americans to be the first to “take the fall for Allah as they work to convince them that fighting the whites, Jews, the Christians, America is beneficial to them.” In reality it is beneficial to Islam.
What do you think about this alliance? Share with your friends!
Hamas leader Nihad Awad, co-founder and CEO of Council on American-Islamic Relations, spoke at the Mascina Convention, where he instructed other Hamas members, “We have to invest in the political process. You have to build relations. You have to run for public office. (In) 2016, minorities will play a major role in Black Lives Matter. It is our campaign.”
There is an unholy alliance behind Black Lives Matter and Antifa, Marxism, Islam and even other governments intent on bringing down America as they use the offense and naivete of the social justice movement to create chaos and destruction.
Even as BLM insists it is “protesting police brutality and racial injustice” with “peaceful protests” another picture has emerged which the media continues to try to cover up:
- In its 65th night of rioting and protests, Portland BLM protestors burned Bibles and the American flag as they continued their attack against police and set fires in downtown.
- Presidential hopeful Joe Biden, rather than denouncing the ongoing riots and destruction of federal buildings and attacks against the citizens of Portland, “slammed federal officers claiming they were brutally attacking peaceful protestors.”
- In Oakland, CA, Mayor Libby Schaaf’s home was vandalized as BLM and Antifa activists sought to intimidate her as they splattered red paint and sidewalk graffiti messages on the front of her home stating, “Wake Up, Libby” and “Black Blood on Your Hands.” According to a Bay area report, “the vandals allegedly shot projectiles at the Mayor’s house and set off fireworks.”
- “Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King urged demonstrators to tear down Jesus Christ statues and murals because he said they are ‘a form of white supremacy’ on Twitter. While Confederate monuments are being taken down all over the country, Christian statues are reportedly being vandalized and churches have been set on fire,” reported the U.S. Sun.
- Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted a Sunday worship service at Grace Baptist Church in Troy, New York and verbally assaulted and tried to intimidate worshippers as they harassed them. One worshipper responded to the assault saying, “Jesus loves you” to which a BLM member responded, “Jesus don’t love you.” What does this have to do with their supposed objective of stopping police brutality?
- Business leaders in Seattle filed a lawsuit against Seattle officials for allowing BLM and Antifa activists to “turn the city into a nightmare” as they took over a roughly 6 block area which they renamed CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) after activists kicked out police. (Two people were killed and numerous injured during the weeks long takeover.) “The mayor and City Council abandoned this neighborhood,” stated Bill Donner whose custom printing and decals business employed 70 people. However, it wasn’t until BLM activists marched to Mayor Durkan’s personal residence to further their demands accompanied by Muslim councilmember Kshama Sawant, that the mayor finally took action to bring order back to the neighborhood.
- In a recent speech, Seattle’s Muslim Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, who under the guise of BLM and the death of George Floyd led the takeover of the CHOP “no police” zone, vowed to overthrow the United States to replace the government and society with a “socialist world.” No word about black lives. Instead she makes it clear this is about a government takeover.
- In New York this past month a video shows BLM rioters receiving a shipment of baseball bats before their well-organized attacked against police on the Brooklyn Bridge. The attack injured four officers, including Police Chief Terence Monahan who had taken a knee with Black Lives Matter protesters prior to the attack.
- According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, state Sen. Tim Carpenter (D-WI) was headed to work at the Capitol when he snapped a picture of protesters gathered outside the building. “The next thing, I’m getting five-six punches, getting kicked in the head,” Carpenter told the newspaper.
The connections between Black Lives Matter to Antifa, Islam, Marxism and their goal to overthrow the American government is clear by their own words. But other governments are also manipulating the movement for their own aggression against America. According to The Ukrainian Weekly, Russia also has its hooks in the actions of BLM and Antifa.
“The anarcho-communist movement is decentralized, composed of small cells, some of whom openly vow to engage in an armed struggle to trigger a civil war to abolish the current system and replace it with communism. Although they claim to be antifascists, in reality they are fascism personified.
“Despite abundant evidence that neo-Marxists have a hand in these protests and riots, very few journalists have been willing to expose the truth. Mainstream media portray them as a well-meaning alliance of idealists who seek nothing more than to thwart the evils of right-wing ‘fascism.’
“Although the Black Lives Matter movement has become mainstream, it’s unfortunate that so many well-intentioned Black and other good people have been duped into helping achieve Antifa’s nefarious ends. In truth, recent riots have little to do with race and everything to do with regime change and revolution.”
As the destruction of property continues against federal buildings, businesses, churches, and the call for removal of any statues of Jesus, Ken Blackwell, a board member of the American Civil Rights union and former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission explained, “These folks have an agenda, which is to fundamentally transform America. If you think about it, Black Lives Matter has an affiliation with the advancement of an ideology and program of action that is closely associated with the Marxist ideology, and it has no place for God.”Lord, we pray that the truth is coming to light. We pray that You would open the eyes of those who have aligned themselves with Black Lives Matter out of a true desire to see racial healing in our nation. Lord, let them see and hear what even Black Lives Matter says about itself, as an organization that promotes a destruction of the nuclear family, promotion of abortion and homosexuality and the ideology of its Marxist leaders. Lord, You said we are to be ministers of reconciliation. That is the job of the Church. So may we do that to pray for healing not only between the races, but also between the black community and the police. Lord, we pray for revival to transform hearts, which will bring the true healing that is needed in every area of these riots and protests.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: or you can contact her at or (Photo from Dreamstime.)
What are your thoughts on the alliance between BLM, Antifa, Marxism, and Islam? Leave a comment . . .
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Thank you for reporting the truth. Couldn’t agree more with the prayer. And may the Lord cause there to be a stir in the hearts of our black pastors and other black leaders, a holy zeal for the Lord and a righteous indignation to not be used as pawns of the Marxists, Islam and Democrats to push their revolutionary agenda. May they be voices of reason and righteousness lifting up the name of Jesus. I also pray there will be a heart cry of repentance from every Christian who has had hatred and bitterness (or apathy) in their hearts and not prayed for our President as the New Testament admonishes us to heartily pray for our leaders. The most pro-life, pro-church, pro-family pro America pro Israel President in modern times (just a few of the positives). Yet so many stand by as he is ruthlessly mocked, slandered and attacked. Pray for the President! Pray for America! And let’s all do some repenting. That’s what will bring a spiritual awakening.
I pray the Lord removes the scales from eyes and penetrate hearts to see they are being deceived by the enemy
He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God. 2 Sam. 23;2
Built into our US Consstitution, His Church, the Ecclesia, of King Jesus, was given authority to speak truth to power just as King David’s prophets spoke truth to the king. The Word is not to be diminished without peril to the land and all its inhabitants. The threat assessment sounds the warning. Now, O Lord our God, may truth be declared from the pulpits of this land! Voting our values is our duty and our privilege to be salt and light in a darkened evil time. Our children are indeed held captive behind the gates of Hell that have grown into strongholds in our cities when His Church abandoned the gates of the cities to the evil lies which this report uncovers.
If it be in your plan, Lord God, maker of Heaven and Earth, beginning and end of human history, we know that you are able to attend to the cries of your people who are called by your name if you can find Faith in the earth.
I would like to bring forth a message I read in an article written by Derek Prince called Aggressive Prayer-This prayer was written in March 1977 in a teaching in an article in what was called New Wine. The prayer is so strong that I personally believe should be prayed by those whom God would call to do so. It is not a trivial prayer.From Derek’s Princes article and I quote ,”The other suggested prayer concerns the World Communism,which now dominates about two-thirds of the earth’s surface. I’m am not claiming (quotes Derek Prince that I have faith at this moment to pray this prayer ,but it may be what the Lord wants to give us faith for. In Job 38:8-11 we have a revelation of how God controls and restrains the vast power of the sea. Scripture as follows. “Who shuts up the sea with doors,when it breaks forth,as if it had issued out of the womb? When I made the Cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddling band for it. and brake up for it my decreed place, and set bars and doors. And said,Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further,and here shall thy proud waves be stayed (or stopped). Derek Prince continues ,”The Lord sets a boundary to the sea and no matter how it roars, it just can’t go beyond God’s boundary. The thought occurred to me . says Derek Prince that God can also set a boundary on atheistic Communism and say, “Hitherto shall thou come but no further, and here,shall thy proud waves be stayed. Derek continues with this declaration “If the Lord quickens it to you, may be you can be the one to pray that prayer. MAKE SURE IT IS A MANDATE FROM GOD.
I send this with a sumber heart as America stands at a point of disaster. I believe the church is on trial before God. Persecution purified the Church in past History. I Agree with the quote Nebuchadnezzar made when God restored him. HE said I BLESSED THE MOST HIGH AND I PRAISED AND HONORED HIM THAT LIVETH FOR EVER, WHOSE DOMINION IS AN EVERLASTING DOMINION AND NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND OR SAY TO HIM,WHAT DOEST THOU?
Veterans forget for freedom in other countries for freedom of the foreign nation but to keep our nation free from tyranny. Sadly we allowed that disease to grow within our own country, because that is exactly what it is. Pray is needed for their salvation and for this nation to remain a a righteous Godly nation.
I will stand
all the same! lets create chaos, unrest, lies, and discontent, they say
I do not believe this! I think this is propaganda!
I pray your eyes and heart will be opened to the Truth. In the name of Jesus. Jesus love Caroline. Show her yourself. Take the blinders off. Let her see you and the Truth. Continue to shine your Light so brightly she will see what is hidden in bright daylight. Amen.
Caroline, this article is reporting facts and actual events. How is that propaganda? I think the more important question is, do you really want to know the truth about these organizations? Are you willing to change your beliefs if you see that you have been mistaken? Sometimes we as a gut reaction reject new information that challenges our current beliefs. As Christians we need to be aggressive seekers of truth. Check out the BLM web site. They are Marxist who believe in the destruction of the nuclear family. The three founders are lesbians that push the LGBT movement. Their goals in addition to spreading homosexual behavior is overthrowing capitalism (by way of violence and destruction) totaling abolishing police and abolishing ICE (who arrest and deport “illegal” immigrant serious criminal offenders. They also want to shut down prisons which would let thousands of dangerous criminals into our neighborhoods. This is in their own words. Do the research! This is madness! If you are not resisting and rejecting such corrupt behavior then you are part of the problem. It’s time for us all to wake up! If we as Christians are not being a light and exposing evil then judgment will surely come upon us.
Is anyone wondering what the root cause of this? Judgement begins in the House of God.
In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I send God’s word like a powerful bomb against the powers of darkness that the devil has unleashed against our Nation, I render every plan, scheme and evil intent to be destroyed, pulverized and never again to rise against our nation,against our President and I proclaim and cover your people with the precious and powerful blood of our Lord and Savior! Father have mercy on all those groups that want to destroy this nation, I pray that each one of them will have a life changing encounter with you, so that your name may be glorified! I proclaim that your “. . . word will not return void, but will accomplish what YOU, oh Lord desire and achieve the purpose for which YOU sent it.” Isaiah 55: 10-11
I ask for discernment to be given to intercessors, Christians and freedom loving citizens in America to see the war that is going on between the NWO and The Republic of The United States, the only thing left in the way of total tyranny. May people pray and fast, prepare and vote. Have mercy on us, let this advice be favorable, let us break away from our sins and practice righteousness, perhaps there will be a prolonging of our prosperity, (Daniel 4:27), in Jesus’ Name.
Seeing it quite clearly. Standing in intercession with you and the Church throughout the world.
May God grant us the courage to stand in the face of persecution and to speak the truth in love. All of these souls stand hanging in the balance. May God have mercy.
Three Keys: Fast, Pray and Vote.
This revolution needs to be stamped out immediately. With any means necessary. Joe Christian on the front lines in spiritual warfare. The army do what they are trained to do. No more pussy footing around.
Amen 🙏
We keep covering our country and President with Jesus Blood and asking the Lord to send us an army of angels to help us fight this battle! In Jesus name!!
I will join you!!
Yes, and so be it!
1 can take a thousand and two can put to flight 10,000. A thousand will fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come nigh unto you. Who else is so very thankful for a Heavenly Father who even gives us the numbers.
Father in Heaven, when we have done all that we can do to stand we will stand therefore. This battle is yours we are watching you. We are praying, we are studying but we do not want to miss what you are going to do. You have a way of winning that is so not like us. While we prepare for the calamity you are preparing us for the victory. Thank you for knowing the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. Thank you that you know all of the players. Thank you that you are exactly who you say you are. Thank you for your grace and mercy and help me to extend that to all of the people that I work with. Thank you for providing everything that we need. Father we repent on behalf of our nation and on our parts for anything and everything that we did or did not do that has allowed this nightmare to threaten our freedoms. It isn’t really the freedoms that I have a problem with, I have a problem that they want to separate us from you. That is what it is about. help us not let not our hearts be troubled not let them be afraid. We believe in you, we believe you. Tell us what you want us to do. In Jesus’ name Amen
WAKE UP CHURCH! Be sure and vote! Hopefully, this wakes up our sleeping church to do more than pray! It is all being exposed.
And we pray Lord Jesus for our Brothers and Sisters that have been deceived. Lord, we pray the blinders to be removed, for repentance of sin at bowing the knee to any but You Almighty King. We pray for those that will bow and march to BLM but refuse to open the doors of the church. O Lord, hear, O Lord forgive, O Lord protect, O Lord have mercy for Jesus IS Lord, and we belong to You, no other. Lord I pray this article be shared with every evangelical, especially those that oppose our POTUS. This is not about electing a man, but about a worldview and protecting human rights of the atrocities of abortion, trafficking and persecution. Help us Lord we need You. Amen
Father God, we lift up these groups of people that are out to destroy the church, our nation and our President. We know that the god of this world has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God should shine upon them. Lord, I pray for a mighty outpouring, an great awakening upon our nation like never before. Let them have a Damascus road experience and be knocked off their high horse and see Jesus face to face. Remove the blinders satan has put on them and may their ears be unblocked so that they can see and hear Jesus; as Your word says, a natural person can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it. Father draw them to Jesus.
Father, there was a prophecy given a couple of years ago and it was showing that the evil rulers, authorities of the unseen world, mighty powers in this dark world, and evil spirits in the heavenly places that are over our nation, were coming against President Trump, and America and they would be joined with the evil rulers from other nations to destroy and kill Trump and America. However, as we pray and intercede and unite with all churches that love and glorify Jesus throughout our land as one, that Your glory would come down mightily on the White House and send all the demons running and screaming. May we as the Ekklesia be united. Give holy boldness, courage, and love to our pastors that they will stand up for You, stand on Your Word, for our nation, our President, as the Ekklesia. Let us be united as never before. Your kingdom come now, Your will be done now, as King Jesus leads us into victory and desolation to our enemies. Thank you Father, in Jesus name.
I have been praying a “revival” in correct American history. Maybe we should re-read and study our Constitution and pray over it. Times are scary. However, God, as stated in Isaiah, “The Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our judge, The Lord is our King.” Pray for revival in our schools. Pray that the real truth of these organizations will be plainly shown to the American public, where even the media cannot deny the truth.
Lawlessness abounds and will continue unless those who are inflicting this plague feel the pain of breaking the laws of this nation. The Bible projects this truth as recorded in Ecclesiastes 8:11, “When a crime is not punished, people feel it is safe to do wrong.” (NLT). Many years ago I heard a sermon titled, “Pay Day, Some Day.” One day the scales will be balanced and all sin will be dealt with. Woe be unto those that do not repent before that day comes.
I agree BLM is NOT for black people. God loves ALL people and so do I . This organization is being used by Satan to destroy American , the world, and bring in Satan’s agenda for a one world gov, because Satan hates every one and wants to take us to HELL, where he is going. Christians need to repent and pray 24/7, because that is what the Bible says that we should be doing. God rules and reigns
Praying that we will wake up and see what is going on here. God is not surprised by any of this; He has a plan. I hope and pray that each believer will be on their knees asking God to show us what He wants us to do to fight against this evil. May Jesus help us.
I am Black but refused to be part of BLM because i am Christ follower and their practices is against Christian principles and whatever they stand for has nothing to do with blacks anyway. Let us pray for discernment as believers. “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14)
You are not alone, you have brothers and sisters all over the country who are standing with you, both famous and not so famous. Here is some encouragement from Orlando:
and some MLB players as well:
Thank you for standing strong, sister in Christ!
Heavenly Father, I thank you for my sister Salome and her allegiance to you. Strengthen her as she holds to principle and you. Let her be a light to her friends and neighbors, and bring open-minded people in her path to share the gospel with.
Thank you Penni for your prayers and word of encouragement and also for the links shared. God bless you!
You’re welcome! Even Elijah the prophet was discouraged at times, then the Lord came with a word for him: I have 7000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal. I Kings 19 and Romans 11:4
I also pray that the eyes will be open and ears that hear the TRUTH THESE PEOPLE ARE BEING LED AWAY BY THE FATHER OF LIES SO SAD
Non Compis Menti
Well I for one will not watch the NBA . A bunch of ungrateful guys playing a kids game and making millions .Ha if the left wins , you can kiss your money good buy . As much as you hate President Trump , he’s the the one holding back the globalist agenda . Lord you told this time would come . Help us over come.
BLM is a very deceptive title. Actually it really has nothing to do with any life that matters. I think a lot of people are supporting this organization that have no idea what it really stands for. It actually stands for Marxism and Socialism, dismantling the traditional family, and dismantling everything this great country was founded on. If they really cared about anyone’s life you would think they would speak out against some of these children who have lost their lives in the violence and speak out against what’s going on in Chicago with the homicide rate so high right now. The book of Matthew warns about not being deceived. I pray that we as a nation will wake up and stop being silent sheep and shepherds while we still have time.
The founders of BLM have admitted on camera they are Marxists, and if you link to their web page they admit it there, too. It’s as if George Orwell’s words in a novel I read in High School have become fulfilled: All are equal, but some are more equal than others. (Your point about it having nothing to do with any life that matters is a point well taken as well, especially since an 8 year old girl was killed by one of their ‘own’.)
Lord, please deliver us from evil.
I am hearing black pastor’s realizing this is all true and agreeing with the sentiment of the statement, but not the organization and it’s marxist values. Thank You, Father, for bring evil into the light and courage to all You are raising up to defend You and Your ways to those that are caught up in this psychological warfare. Thank You Jesus for paying the price for all to repent and to be saved by your precious blood and powerful resurrection! Amen!
I will spread this, I know that all these BLM bull is all you have written in hereI pray that Democrats and Blacks wake up before it’s too late!
Through people going into the Chop in Seattle and praying and ministering to the people, Chop was dismantled. In Portland, at the courthouse, people have gathered to pray and that problem is being dismantled also. As we pray, God will work. Thank you Father. May your church continue to repent and pray.
Thank you for that positive word. Sometimes we get so entrenched in the evil reports that we forget that HaShem With his armies is standing behind us. Repentance for our nation is paramount!
Defund George Soros!
Then we have a chance to restore sanity.
Self-confessed hater of all things American
Declared his life’s goal is to destroy America.
Lord have mercy on his soul. Amen
If he does not repent, he needs to be sent out of this country to the Communist/Socialist country of our choice.
Lord, if Mr. Soros will not repent, give our government the wisdom to know how to send Mr. Soros to another country. Cause the House, Senate, President and Supreme Court to be united on sending him out.
Dear Lord,
We come together, united in prayer as we decree the Most Precious Blood of Jesus over every state, every city, every town and every area of Your America, and we decree that a hedge of protection has been placed around every man, woman, and child. We decree in Jesus’ Name that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every plan or plot devised to destroy Your America is already cursed to the root and in the Name of Jesus, those persons are being exposed, confused and convicted by the Power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, we call upon You in the day of our trouble knowing You are near to the broken hearted. Thank You for overcoming the world and for enabling us through Jesus Christ to overcome these trials. Lord, we pray for our Christian brothers and sisters to draw nigh to You. Enable us to hear Your voice and discern the times. We pray that this evil weapon will not prosper, and Lord, scatter these enemies of the country for Your great name’s sake. Our hope is not in our own will or the will of man, but our hope is in You, Lord. You will never forsake us. You are God. We ask You to deliver us from this evil movement and bring people to repentance and a saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Let us continue to pray that God’s people will stand firm and seek Him. Asking Him to prepare the way, and contend with those who prevent the goodness and love of God, country, and family. May God grant us uncommon wisdom and a discerning Spirit to know the truth and not be deceived by emotions or apathy. Amen
Dear Lord,
Please open the eyes of the BLM and Antifa protesters to see the truth. Have them realize what the true motives are of this BLM movement. Please have them turn away from this evil and violence towards America, Christians, Jews and those that already know the truth. Amen
JESUS please Save us All!!! Glory to GOD on High!!!
Teach us to number our days carefully..ps90:12
It is good to give thanks to the Lord
To sing praise on your name…
A fool does not understand this: though the wicked sprout like grass and all evil doers flourish,they will be eternally destroyed
But the Lord will be exalted forever…your enemies will perish
Psalm 92:6*
The BLM movement’s title is very deceptive. A lot of people think they are supporting a group that seems to be about social injustice. But that is not what they really stand for. They are a Marxist group who intends to dismantle the traditional family and to dismantle everything America was founded on. This is a very evil and hypocritical organization and I think people need to wake up and see what’s really going on in this sinister movement.
Spot on!
My heart breaks.
Col 4:2 “Be faithful to pray as intercessors who are fully alert and giving thanks to God…
Walk in the wisdom of God as you live in the wilderness and make it your duty to make Him known. Let every word you speak be drenched with grace and tempered with truth and clarity.
We are gathering on MLK Blvd’s across the country this Saturday night on Aug 8 6:01pm for silent prayer followed by highest praise & worship! All our hope rests in Jesus.
Google Pray on MLK. Find the one in your city, if there isn’t one- start one. Let’s cry out together to the Lord He alone is our Answer.
Americans are embracing BLM without knowing what they are supporting. In Loveland, CO the mayor and one council member have marched in support of BLM on several occasions. As a city councilman, I requested time to expose the truth about BLM – Marxist organization, supports violence, seeks national defunding of police – and was turned down by the city manager (he sets the agenda) out of fear the BLM would target Loveland. While other mayors and city council may have bowed to BLM because of real threats, our city manager has been intimidated by the mere possibility that BLM might retaliate if we (the city council) were to speak out against BLM. So it has come down to fear and intimidation. If we will not take a stand against evil – BLM is an evil organization in my mind – freedom is doomed and we will become slaves of socialism. Please Pray for Loveland, CO that the truth of BLM would be exposed and the citizens would rise up in opposition to BLM.
Steve thank you for your service on your City Council. We need more strong believers to be willing to serve in these positions! Thank you also for trying to speak up about the truth. The very fact that the manager was intimidated and silenced shows what this organization is. My husband and I lived in China for several years and we watched how Communism operates in just this way. It is shocking and frustrating to see how it is taking over America and how people are too afraid by this intimidation to speak out. Thankfully that is not you! I pray you will have open doors to speak with courage and take back Loveland!
Thank you for your response. (Your were really fast).
I appreciate your articles and your obvious connection with the Lord. My prayer is that God would use me as an intercessor and prayer warrior to stand in the gap. We are under spiritual attack. I am a warrior by nature. I served this nation for almost 30 years in the Navy medical department including one year in Viet Nam as a Corpsman with the Marines in 1967-68. I won’t be intimidated. I am praying for warriors (prayer and battle ready) to stand for freedom and truth.
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your service, past and present. Thank you for being willing to speak out. In Nevada, we have public comment sections on the agenda, when anyone from the public may speak on any issue. If you have a similar option at your meetings, perhaps you could use that time to speak.
May GOD continue to bless you richly.
Our Father in Heaven,we Thank and give You ALL THE PRAISE for Your Divine Protection & Wisdom over our children and the influencial young black lives. LORD PLEASE open their eyes to the ways of the wicked and open up their understanding to the ways of Your WISDOM, let them see the what You see and hear what You hear. Give them checks in their spirits to what is really happening in BLM and draw them closer to You Lord for Your purpose in their lives and not the enemies hidden agendas. We DECLARE & DECREE this by the PRECIOUS, POWERFUL name of JESUS! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST OUR YOUTH WILL PROSPER!!! AMEN!!!
It’s amazing to see how this whole situation is spinning out of control. These so called protesters are nobody’s friend and are not to be trusted. It frustrates me to see how blinded the people are to this entire movement. BLM has shown that they will step on anybody even those that have joined in with them. We need GOD like never before to intervene and shut this Antichrist movement down. Play time for the body of Christ is over. Its time to pray and to put on the armor of God. Lord help US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen! Playtime over for body of Christ. Time to hit our knees and live Col 4:2
Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Please Father may Your will for this country prevail. Too many people too often act too inappropriately. May people turn to You Lord and away from sin. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
There is nothing new under the sun. Islam has had an agenda forever and that is to bring in the caliphate.It is time for the church to stand up and take its place. Did the 3 boys in the fire lay down? Elijah said open their eyes Lord there are more of us than them.
We need a Lord’s Supper Revival! Where the Church will come and LISTEN to things hidden from before the Foundations of the World. The Battle is the Lord’s.
We pray for Revival, which invokes Jesus to come closer to our darkness. True Light exposing ALL darkness, even in His Church. We pray for Father to drain the SWAMP, and He is! We’re all discovering what has been hidden in unprecedented terms, though the prophets have been hearing warnings for decades now. Yet the Church has been like the parable of the ten virgins.
We must let the Light expose us, the Battle is the Lord’s, and keep the Light in the center of our lives. So much is at stake. The kindness of the Lord leads us to repentance.
The forces of darkness are linking arms to fight against the Light! This is the Long War against God!
And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “ N ow the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.”Rev 12:7-12
And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND Lord OF LORDS.” Rev 19:11-16
Thank you Father, for your word says you will perfect that which concerns us Psalm 138:8.
How powerful to have this army of Watchmen on our Walls who sound the trumpets with TRUTH. Divinely Bless and Protect IFA with your mighty Right hand.
Wake the sleeping, gird the bold, rise up the courageous. At the very mention of Yashua demons have to flee Mark 16:17-18, and demons are powerless at the mention of Yashua’s name Luke 10:17.
Light of the World, the Holy One, Savior, Redeemer, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, King of Kings, the beautiful name Emmanuel, our Lord, Yashua.
This is a war against God.
God will show Himself in a mighty way. He will protect his children as we trust in Him.
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise Your Holy name! You are the Creator of the universe and nothing is impossible with You. All the chaos we are seeing in our country is an attack from Satan, and Jesus defeated him on the cross and by His resurrection. Lord, forgive us as individuals and as a nation for our sins against You. I pray that You will have mercy on us and restore our nation to “one nation under God”. I pray for unity in the Body of Christ, Your Church. Lord, be glorified in America again! I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I rebuke and bind the spirits of chaos, rebellion, which is as witchcraft, murder, envying and strifes, atheism, debauchery, pornography, homosexuality, drunkenness, anger, malice, anti-christs, and any other evil spirit that is attacking our nation in the strong and mighty name of Jesus Christ, that they will not prevail in our nation or the world. Lord, I pray that You will sanctify the Body of Christ here in America and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Let Your power be seen and Your love shine through us to reach the lost and dying. Let love prevail against this dark, evil force attacking us. Wake Your Church that we will be prayer warriors,and praise warriors, for this battle is Yours. We praise You and thank You for what You have done; what You are doing; and what You are going to do! Be glorified in our nation and in the world! I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you, Sharon. I say “Amen”.
I could not have said it any better.
I wish, CBN and others would shine light on this on a daily basis.
This is a harbinger for the rest of us.
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Let the Body of Christ be reminded that You are omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent God. You are the only one that can see human soul, heart and their intention. Your power is beyond our understanding. Your Holy Spirit is with us as we received the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
We thank You that we can pray 24/7.
Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.
Lord God, show each one of us, the Body of Christ of each state, county, city what You want to do with our lives in order to take back our country, city by city, block by block, county by county, state by state. We thank You that we are Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which You have prepared in advance for us.
Help us to overcome fear and help our words be a healing words to the soul of anyone whose path cross with us. Get the hearts of these rioters ready to receive your salvation thru Jesus Christ.
Psalms 118:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever.
Psalms 118:6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
In Jesus name we ask You to bind demonic principalities of witchcraft, hate, and division that keep America from united.
Father God, we ask that the resources of the ungodly (Antifa, BLM, The Good Club, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, GGE, Open Society Foundation, the Hollywood Elites The Globalist, The Cartels, MSM, CCP, Russia etc) to dry up. Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.
Keep us humble and rely our trust on You forever and ever.
May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon us all from today onward.
We love You, Father. Thank You for loving us first. For Yours is the glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray, Amen.
Lord, I stand in agreement with this prayer. I ask You to protect the godly men and women who serve in local communities and in our nations capital. I pray for all those who follow Jesus in government to stand firm and be given supernatural discernment. Please Lord, expand their influence and bring many more forward for the tasks You have laid before us. We know from Your Word that we are in the last days and that things will not be getting easier for the elect. Thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Thank You that no weapon forged against us will prosper. Thank You for covering us with the righteousness of Christ and giving us a living hope through Him! We praise You and Ypu alone! We place ours trust in Your Holy Word and the complete work done on the Cross throughout Jesus. Lord Jesus Come quickly in Your Name we pray!
Are not the media and Pharmaceutical Companies also major participants and players?. Stands to reason….Satan is the Prince of the power of the air – and isn’t “Pharmacia” Biblically defined as “witchcraft”?! For the love of money, which is the root of ALL evil…our News Networks, publishing companies, news papers, etc. have allowed the unho;y alliance to “INVEST’ in their companies until they practically control that powerful platform from which to hawk their lying seduction! – The reason the truth about the “vaccine” agenda has not been able to get out to the masses though it has been known for decades, is because the Pharmaceutical Companies provide their major advertising $.. And has not the FEAR of losing their 5OC-3 monetary deduction one of the reasons the church has been silent about openly speaking the truth about what they know about the political influence in it all?
Yes, I think that the 501c3 is going to play a part. That someone will demand it be removed if the church doesn’t do something for the government. Scarey, but, GOD IS ON THE THROWN!! PRAISE THE LORD!! OUR HOPE IS IN HIM.