I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us to pass the prayer test, lay aside our agendas, and fully trust You when the answers donā€™t look how we expect them.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Prayer is the lifeblood of every intercessor. The battles we win do not come easy. They come with tears, gut-wrenching burdens, and sometimes sleepless nights, but what joy when we see God answer? Christians’ lives are filled with tests and trials. Unanswered prayers are a part of that testing. Itā€™s easy to be grateful when we see the answers to our heartfelt intercession, but what about when itā€™s the opposite of what you prayed? How will you respond?

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Texas has seen many answered prayers. As a member of the IFA TX Prayer Group, I have written about the victories we have seen as we faithfully commit to interceding for our state. I am humbled to be a part of a team of spirit-filled intercessors who love the Lord, our state, and our nation. For months, we prayed for the Texas Speaker of the House race. We prayed for the person we believed represented justice and righteousness better for Texas.

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Week after week, we prayed for this critical election that was approaching. Then, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Texas State Leader Donna Phillips, Co-leader Jane Milligan, and several intercessors from our Texas group went down to pray on-site at the Austin Capitol. IFA was but one of many Texas intercessory groups that felt the urgency to intercede on site. I saw videos and photos of worship taking place at the Capitol. I saw hands lifted in prayer as they sang and exalted Jesus. It was powerful and beautiful.

They prayed for hours up until it was time to vote. The atmosphere was filled with hope and expectancy, and why shouldnā€™t it have been? This race was drenched in countless hours of intercession. As the results came in, it was a bit of a shock at first. Dustin Burrows won the race for Texas House Speaker, defeating David Cook. It wasnā€™t shocking that he won. What was shocking was that he won by a much larger margin than we could have anticipated.

As we met for our usual prayer time the following Thursday, Ms. Donna said, ā€œIt didnā€™t turn out how we prayed, but thatā€™s okay. Weā€™ve got a lot of work to do.ā€ Ā It was her usual way of encouraging the team to keep pressing on in prayer.Ā 

Itā€™s been said, ā€œYou win some, and you lose some,ā€ but not so for the Christian. We may lose a battle here or there, but Jesus won the war. We are on the winning side. So, there is no need to hang our heads low in defeat when the outcome is unfavorable. After all, Psalm 3:3 declares,ā€ But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.ā€Ā Ā 

The Word of God also says that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (see Romans 8:37). 1 Corinthians 15:57 says, ā€œBut thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.ā€ Even if we lose a battle occasionally, because Jesus wins, we still win. Doesn’t that deserve a hallelujah and amen?Ā Ā 

A Pastor who was present after the count was over was in good spirits and said, ā€œWe had church at the capitol today.ā€ It was such a profound statement. The vote may not have gone as expected, but Jesus was lifted high and represented well.Ā 

Nothing Is Wasted

While the trip to Austin did not see the big answer we had prayed for, God still answered in other ways, and for that, we praise Him. IFA Texas met several other prayer groups and churches and exchanged information. This is a massive answer, as we have been praying for unity in Texas among churches and intercessory groups. Not only does it provide more prayer coverage for Texas, but it also will provide opportunities to engage and get more boots on the ground.

Sam, an intercessor from our Texas group, told a fantastic story about the power of prayers, and I hope this encourages every reader. She traveled to Austin to pray, and although she had to leave by noon, she knew it was essential to be there. She and other IFA Texas intercessors prayed through several halls. They went to the auditorium before the vote began. Since it was almost time to leave, Sam left the auditorium and sat outside the hallway on a bench.

Feeling discouraged, she bowed her head and prayed, ā€œLord, am I really reaching anyone? Am I doing what you want me to do here?ā€Ā  As she began walking back to the rotunda preparing to leave, she saw a group of about six people. She immediately recognized a man as Attorney General Ken Paxton. He walked right up to her within a foot and smiled. Confused, Sam joked and said, ā€œI think he thought maybe he knew me or something.ā€Ā 

ā€œI couldnā€™t help myself,” Sam said. ā€œI told him I am so proud of you. Thank you so much for standing up and fighting for Texas and whatā€™s right. Can I pray for you? Ā He emphatically said yes. I laid my hands on his shoulders and prayed for him to walk in the fear of the Lord. I asked God to continue to give divine wisdom, strength, and boldness to stand in Jesus’ name. I then hugged him and left.ā€Ā 

ā€œHere I was, feeling discouraged, wondering if my prayers mattered. Then I had this encounter with our Attorney General, who came right up to me as if he knew me. He received my prayer, and then he left. It knew it had to be God,ā€ Sam said

And it was God. I believe that He sent AG Paxton directly to Sam. She wondered why she was there, but she went out of obedience, and God showed her the assignment. He is so good! Ā Ā He will do this for anyone. Everyone wants big miracles, but we forget they come from the smallest acts of obedience.Ā 

A Test for Every Believer

The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, But the LORD tests the hearts (Proverbs 17:3).Ā 

The Lord tests our hearts. He alone knows our true condition. He doesnā€™t just know what we pray; He knows our motives and everything else. Today, I was reminded of how vital obedience to God is through Ms. Donna. As she opened our time in prayer, she began with praise. She thanked God for our new House Speaker, Dustin Burrows. She prayed for him, blessed him, and said she would continue interceding for him. Ms. Donna demonstrated outstanding leadership. She was humble, but more importantly, she obeyed God.

Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4).Ā 

We know this verse about interceding for our leaders, but do we obey it? Iā€™ll be honest with you. I have failed to do this on more than one occasion. This verse clearly says to intercede for ALL who are in authority. Yet, oftentimes, we intercede more earnestly if it’s the person we voted forā€”case and point: the Biden administration. If we could compare intercessors’ notes on how they prayed for President Trump to how they prayed for President Biden, Iā€™m willing to bet they were not faithful in praying for the Biden Administration. Honestly, I was not a faithful intercessor either. Did I pray for him? Yes, but I cannot say I was fervently praying for him; I would be lying if I said I did.Ā 

Today was a humble reminder from the Lord that he desires intercession for ALL leaders, not just those we agree with. I would even say that the leaders we ā€œdonā€™t likeā€ because of their opposing views need our intercession even more because God desires them to be saved and know the truth. Jesus died for them, too. This is a test that I want to pass. I want to hear the Lord say well done, good and faithful servant, and say that my intercession pleased Him because I did it His way and not mine, even if I didnā€™t understand.Ā 

A Word of Encouragement

After the vote on Tuesday, Ms. Donna prayed to the Lord and told him, ā€œI donā€™t understand.ā€ He reminded her and comforted her with His Word that He is the One who removes and raises others (see Daniel 2:21-22). He reminded her that he makes all things work together. The word “all” is used again. When it says all things work for good for us, it doesnā€™t just mean the good; it also means the bad, the unexpected, and the things we donā€™t understand (see Romans 8:28).Ā 

He then encouraged her with this verse.Ā 

ā€œThe secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).

ā€œWe are called out. God speaks and reveals differently to His children and their children forever. He shows and reveals hidden things and mysteries to us, his children.Ā  Even today, we pray the word of God, and it still applies from generation to generation. He shows us that as we seek him all the mysteries and hidden things, he will grant us if we have the right heart and we ask,Ā 

We donā€™t seek selfish ambition; if we put him first, he will hear our prayers and answer us.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

He will reveal to us how to move hell out and allow Him to bring heavenā€™s government to earth. We will see God’s government if we follow His words,ā€ Donna said.Ā Ā 


We thank you for answered prayers and unanswered prayers. Your ways are not ours, and your thoughts are higher than ours. We trust you, Lord, even when we canā€™t see what You are doing. We donā€™t need to see to believe; otherwise, we lack faith. Help us to lay aside our agenda or prayer motives, pick up our cross, and follow You.

Help us to be obedient in prayer. If You wake us up at all hours to pray, we say yes. If that means going to pray on-site, we say yes. Help us remember that the small fishes and loaves produced a mighty miracle. Itā€™s all about our obedience to You. Help us to make the most of every opportunity that You present. We thank you that nothing is wasted. What weā€™ve sown in tears, we will reap in joy. You promised that, and we believe it. Increase our faith to see that even when we donā€™t see the answer, what we wanted in prayer is an opportunity to ask You, ā€œLord, what are you doing right now?ā€Ā 

Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and help us to worship You while we wait or while we work, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Have you seen God at work through unanswered prayers? Share in the comments.Ā 

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash.

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Michael Saffran
January 30, 2025

The headline: ā€œThe Test of Unanswered Prayerā€ is followed by the word ā€œunansweredā€ around another half dozen times in the body of the essay.

Although the essay tends to arrive at the crux of the matter (essentially: ā€œYour ways are not oursā€), you never actually say it, do you (while repeating ā€œunanswered prayerā€ throughout)?

As has been stated elsewhere with great wisdom: There is no such thing as ā€œunanswered prayerā€; rather, sometimes God, in his wisdom, says, ā€œnoā€ (which is, in fact, still an answer ā€” if not the one the prayerful wanted to hear).

Thus, rather than undue emphasis on ā€œunansweredā€ prayer, why not instead remind the good readers:

ā€œWe know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his decreeā€ (Romans 8:28)

    January 30, 2025

    I was thinking the same thing. There are many answers to prayer. Sometimes God says to wait, other times He says no, and sometimes He says Yes. Just because we don’t get the answer we want doesn’t mean He doesn’t answer.

January 30, 2025

Lord, help us to pass the prayer test, lay aside our agendas, and fully trust You when the answers donā€™t look how we expect them.
Thank You Jesus

January 30, 2025

Thank you Gloria for this article. We all need to be reminded.

Mary Beth S
January 30, 2025

Absolutely yes and amen, Gloria! Our success in intercession cannot be based on how many of our prayers are answered in the ways we expect, but in how faithfully we intercede in obedience to His leading. His ways are definitely “past finding out”. Romans 11:33-34Ā “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!Ā  For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?” So who are we to think we can “tell God what to do”? I don’t mean that disrespectfully to intercessors, but to be honest I’ve seen myself slip into that attitude, without realizing it and seeing how ludicrous it is. Humility never disappoints!
Honestly I don’t believe any prayer goes unanswered. Instead, I think we receive answers that we don’t like, or accept or expect or welcome, etc. Prayer is not an exact science nor is it a magic formula, so it shouldn’t be treated as such. I heard some song lyrics recently, and hope I don’t misquote, but it was something like, “I’ll keep praying till prayer changes me.” Perhaps that is prayer’s highest goal and greatest success!Ā 

January 30, 2025

Well done Gloria. We need the exhortation to persevere and to trust God and His plans.


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