I Prayed have prayed
LORD, since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, it is clear what sort of people you should be in holy conduct and godliness as you wait for and earnestly desire the coming of the day of God. The heavens will be on fire and be dissolved because of it, and the elements will melt with the heat, according to 2 Peter 3:11 - 12, give us words of knowledge, strategy, provision and faith to prepare to occupy until our Savior comes. We desire to live the fully Gospel.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Has the evidence of what has been called the soft invasion of America been hiding in plain sight? What was made public years ago about Dearborn, MI codifying Sharia Law didnā€™t occur overnight. Or is that story truly fictitious as has been reported?Ā  Many have watched and some warned about happenings in Michigan for decades.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


In some cities throughout America, locating well-known brands and Kosher products on major grocersā€™ shelves has become increasingly difficult. In their place, meat and dairy products certified Halal by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFNC). A Halal label assures that their preparation meets the requirements of Sharia Law.

Some of these same products also carry emblems and labels proclaiming them to be American products, like “proudly Wisconsin” or “American grown” and as recently as a year ago did not boldly carry the Halal and IFNC labels. Why? Forbes reported in 2023 that ā€œ’Muslims represent a significant market segment that American brands are not always reaching,’ says Shayn Prapaisilp, chief operating officer of Global Foods Group, an international grocery store in Missouri that stocks thousands of halal products and imports from around the world.”

In some locales, walking into a major brand store like Costco, that was once a vibrant and diverse shopping destination, now triggers the experience of walking through the market in an Islamic nation. Our nation is changing.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib represents Detroit, Michigan, a city famous for its downturn. “Mayors, city council members, and legislators come and go, but neighborhoods don’t go anywhere,” Tlaib has said, and “Detroit can become a national model for urban revitalization, but to do so, it must break free from past development models.”Ā  More than 15-years ago a prophetic man named John Paul Jackson said that GOD showed him a city in America will be overtaken by radical Islam.Ā  At the time he said that he was only shown a picture and believed GOD to have been showing him some place in Michigan. Detroit has one of the largest communities of Middle Eastern people in the nation. It has been a depressed city in need of revitalization to be sure, but what is the vision or new model that is being birthed?

Consider also the proliferation of businesses across Americaā€™s landscape that are named after empires and ideologies whose histories are comprised of their attempts to annihilate any non-adherents after years of soft invasion.Ā  Places like The Ottoman Restaurant, Shaā€™Riaā€™s Beauty or the Alā€™Hakbar Gas Stop are boldly hidden in plain sight. Ā One cannot not help but wonder how much we have been funding, voting for, and therefore equipping the great Enemyā€™s plans against GOD and His people.

Conspiracy theories abound. As intercessors, godly wisdom, insight, and discernment must characterize our prayers, not vain conspiracies. Ā Yet according to 2 Corinthians 2:11, we are not to be ignorant of the Enemy’s devices and should recognize that a conspiracy is simply the coming together of people who agree, by oath, covenant or otherwise, to commit a crime; to plot; to hatch treason or to agree; to concur to one end, according to Websterā€™s Dictionary.Ā  The intent of Islam is and has been clear throughout world history. Ā This isĀ not new.Ā  The writing is on the wall.

For this generation, preceded by the Marine barracks attack in Lebanon (1983) and countless other terrorist events, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in America served as our modern-day declaration of invasion. The current rabid hatred toward America and Israel that have been expressed in almost every sphere of society on American soil is only our generationā€™s most recent pronouncement. Ā How then shall we live the Gospel first? (Read IFA Contributing Writer Joyce Swingle’s piece on the prayer she has been praying for decades: The Power of Persistent Prayer).

Each day I am reminded in prayer that we are called to the full Gospel, above politics. Yet, our politics have played a primary role for the current state of America.Ā  Yes, our embattled state is primarily the condition of the watered-down gospel and false religion that have tainted how we live the gospel, but politics, policy and legislation have allowed ones like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib and Corey Jackson and their supporters to amass American wealth and resources that despot governments and proxy groups may try to use against us.

How then shall we live as evangelists of the gospel, who are also instructed through the parable of Luke 19:12ā€“27 to occupy until Yeshua returns? The One who knows all things can and will give us strategies and plans.

I believe that our supernatural provision from our faith-filled preparation will afford us the best possible opportunity to live and to proclaim the full gospel to those who are perishing and who will most certainly be desperate for the Living Water and natural water…no matter their previous politics.

How should we pray about this “soft invasion’ of our nation? Share your thoughts, prayers, and scriptures in the comments or on The Community.

(Photo Credit: Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash)

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David Sharp
February 19, 2024

In 2 Corinthians 4:18b (NKJV), it states, “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not see are eternal.” What has been happening in the unseen realm is now showing up in the seen realm. But take heart, this verse gives the key to its reversal. If we change the unseen realm, it will (eventually) show up in the seen realm.

February 19, 2024

Does anyone on this website realize that there was a law passed in 1956 that a Muslim should never be allowed into this country?.. and of course because everyone felt bad about excluding them.. that law was ignored-,and that we have Illiad Omar and rashida tlaib in the Congress destroying our country.. overtake heart apparently the militant leftist actor that mocks America Jim Carrey has received salvation according to what I saw on YouTube Just today.. but it looks like he was doing one of his roles where he was mocking someone.. I hope it’s true that he was saved but it’s hard to believe

    February 19, 2024

    Typo..should say…”but take heart.”

    My apologies.

    Landmine software here

J. Pruett
February 18, 2024

The author references Detroitā€™s downturn but it should be noted in recent years it has seen a significant ongoing revitalization. Detroit is Not the Michigan city with the largest Muslim population in the USA but rather it is its close city neighbor of DEARBORN, MI that we should have concern about.

Robin Gordon
February 17, 2024

I recently bought ground beef at Stop and Shop in CT and it cones in a square plastic sealed ,Nature’s Promise.has the halal mark on the back . I am telling everyone. I won’t do that again.

February 17, 2024

Just a friendly reminder that 911 was NOT perpetrated by 19 Islamic terrorists, but by a shadow government wielding weapons of ā€œscience fictionalā€ proportions. Airplanes or demolitions did not take down any of the World Trade Center buildings. You have to ask and research on where did all the debris go. The same weapon(s) have been used recently to destroy Lahaina and other soon to be WEFā€™s smart, 15 minute model cities. Yes, there is a soft invasion of Muslims into our country perpetrated by the very same shadow government who must be stopped. This is why you must vote for Trump if you want to see our country turned back around from the soft invasion that started on 22 Nov 1963.

Thank you Father that you expose the subtle evil works of Satan. Thank you for sending your Son here to destroy the Devilā€™s evil works, who sent Your Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Who has empowered us to pray against to expose and defeat the works of the Evil one from using demonized globalist factions and tools within our own country against us.
In Jesusā€™ mighty name, Amen.

    Anndre Dove
    February 17, 2024

    What is WEF?

      February 18, 2024

      World Economic Forum

      February 19, 2024

      Watch thethrivetime show..created by Clay Clark..often with general mike flynn.
      On Rumble. Also its important to view the documentary of the making of The Reawakening America tour, (by Spero pictures..also on rumble). an information movie about that showcase. There’s a lot of information that has gone by in the past 4 years that is way too involved to explain here.. but if you start following on Rumble-,Clay Clark’s Channel.. it will explain a lot. I would strongly suggest scrolling back through all his old programs and looking for the individual segments of presenters and speakers from previous presentations of The Reawakening America Tour, also on his website. At Time to Free America.com, you will find categories of every event and enemy of America- including the one mentioned that you asked about- the world economic forum, and all of the nefarious activities being done to us by the globalists-, that you would think would only happen in a spy movie,but tragically it is real.

Allena Jordan
February 17, 2024

God of all nations, You sent some of the “nations” to our land that they mighty hear and receive the good news of salvation through the blood of Christ. We pray that You will now send revival fire and spiritual awakening that will touch every “nation” within our boundaries. We cry out to You for boldness to preach the good news on every occasion. Let our speech be seasoned with salt. Grant us Your peace and grace and Your great love for every soul. Thank You for what You are doing even right now. Amen.

Vicky and Jerry Maurseth
February 17, 2024

My husband and I pray for Muslims to come to the saving faith in Jesus regularly. We know Muslim families and we pray regularly for their conversion as well. We also lift up the efforts of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in their Crusades and Festivals here and abroad.

    February 19, 2024

    In case you’re unaware, and using Europe as an example,- Islam has a long and nefarious history of infiltrating and taking over every country that it has migrated to.. with no other intention than to take over and force Islam down the throat of that country. They do not do good things for a country.. it is all well and good to pray for their conversion-,but we may wind up praying for their conversion as we are dying as a country- just on the heels of the return of Jesus, which apparently in recent years has been up for controversy as to when that is happening-,and I guess according to the latest interpretations, we should not expect him to return too soon.. in spite of everything that is going on- but do not be naive- we can pray for Muslims to be converted till the cows come home.. but that does not mean that their militant factions will not terrorize our streets, homes and communities- as soon as they are able-,and in fact there are hordes and 10,000’s of armed militants in our country.. including Terror cells that have been here for 40 years and more-,so while it may make some feel comfortable to say we are praying for their conversion, the reality is, our enemy is within us..and our demise is imminent..and if you look at what happened to Israel on October 7th.. and how thousands of people were slaughtered in the most gruesome way- you will get a picture of what we are in for here. Do not be naive.

Victoria Z
February 16, 2024

Father, peace please in the name of Jesus. May the Abrahamic religions of the world focus more on peace and the merciful God of Abraham than differences and trying to one up or ursurp or force their ideology or morality on anyone in a spirit of religion. Thank you for hearing and answeringbour prayers

Iris Stripling
February 16, 2024

I have for many years have been praying for another Great Awakening, and also believe we, as intercessors, need to be praying more fervently for this as the threats to our nation are being ramped up. The results of previous awakenings were so great and changed the culture dramatically, and because I also believe we are in the beginnings of the last days, the need is greater than ever that we pray without ceasing and not give up.

February 16, 2024

FATHER, we plead the BLOOD of Yeshua HaMachiach over America. We decree the Covenant of Peace over America. Save America from the elites, atheists, agnostics, Islamics, and DNC IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Any Christian that votes DNC, need to research their antichrist platform.
Any Christian that doesn’t vote, voted for who won and is destroying America.

James Lunney
February 16, 2024

Every nation must know who itā€™s citizens are!
Allowing undocumented and unscreened people to reside in our midst followed by fast-tracking the same for citizenry destroys the integrity of democratic goverMoment.

    February 19, 2024

    And, we are already 10 million behind in not keeping track of the undocumented.. that is literally 10 million.. in 4 years. When you look at South Dakota has less than 900,000 people.. we have been inundated with a population of about five nations worth of people.. many of which are not here for..” a better life”. Now it’s not the time to be fools.. although we have been complacent -,unaware, and errant in our perception for about 75 years at least


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