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Father, take our nation off the road to bankruptcy. Convict our leaders, and free us from financial bondage.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our government spending keeps getting more and more reckless and less and less biblical. Post your prayers in the comments.

From The Center Square. Federal debt soared by $1.4 trillion in 2022 as President Joe Biden and Congress approved multiple new spending packages.

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The Congressional Budget Office released the final details of federal spending in 2022 showing the federal government had a $1.4 trillion deficit last year, borrowing roughly $82 billion in December alone. …

[Last] year’s borrowing totals more than $10,000 per household and $4 billion per day.

The federal debt surpassed $31 trillion in the fall.


The higher debt was fueled in part by a rash of several trillion dollars in additional spending bills since Biden took office. Initially, that spending received broad support as a response to the pandemic, but later bills received more opposition from Republicans.

Biden has touted a reduction in the deficit last year from $2.8 trillion to $1.4 trillion. While that is true, the $1.4 trillion figure is still much higher than when he took office. In 2019, the budget deficit was less than one trillion dollars. …

Without changes, the debt and deficit future looks bleak. The Congressional Budget Office released its economic outlook for the next decade last summer and projected record high debt levels compared to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product. …

How are you praying over the federal debt? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Center Square. Photo Credit: Aidan Bartos on Unsplash)

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Grant Windholz
January 20, 2023

Lord God Almighty please help this country stay away from the ever increasing signs of bankruptcy. Our evil government is trying everything in their path for a one rule international global economy on a fast track to nowhere! Only you can save this country, we need you desperately!

Donna L. Graham
January 12, 2023

Our country needs to go back to the thinking that we need to operate as any family budget would. If we don’t have the money on hand, we don’t need to buy something new. In the case of government, that would be we can’t spend money to give away to whomever, without having that money in hand.

Susan CC
January 12, 2023

As I was thinking how dangerous this problem is, I “stumbled” upon the 400. David was fleeing the wrath of King Saul and ended up in a cave near Adullam. Four hundred men gathered with him in support. https://biblehub.com/bsb/1_samuel/22.htm

1 Samuel 22: 2 And all who were distressed or indebted or discontented rallied around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him.

Proverbs 16:22 ESV Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly.

Dear Abba Father, You know how desperately the enemy is working to destroy America. You allowed this situation to come. But I pray this morning for a number of good thinking leaders to band together in opposition. I pray just as You gave David 400, You would give over a number of men and women who will be guided by good sense, who will be lead by YOU. I pray this group will come from EVERY political party and they will know Your favor. I pray this support will demonstrate Your Glory for our good. Thank You Lord that I can’t ask too much of You. Thank You for our Savior Jesus Christ. Thank You for our unrestrainable power in The Holy Spirit. Amen

January 12, 2023

Father we know-math is math- , one plus one will always be two. So my prayer is that -after the smoke clears from this ridiculous spending which has only one outcome- you will use Godly politicians to create a new monetary system that will profit America. May your Kingdom come and Your Will be done as these demonic strongholds are pulled down. In Jesus mighty name !!


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