We had one dietary rule in the Garden— to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Hosea 4:6 tells us that God’s children perish for lack of knowledge and they have forgotten the law of their God. Knowledge tastes so good and helps us feel powerful, but without His perspective, we consume tasty knowledge then risk calling good, evil and evil, good.
Knowledge is not necessarily good or evil – but our application, or rejection, of it can be. As Children of God, seeking His wisdom first on how to apply, or shun, knowledge is critical in a world controlled by liars.
God freely gives us His wisdom to help us better understand His will for us. The key is to ask for it before making decisions. When we do, we stay on His intended road for us and trust that He will lead us safely back home. It helps us discern which way to go and to pause when we find ourselves off His path in unfamiliar territory that might be bright and colorful, but not the place for us to be.
Godly discernment also helps us determine if those around us are operating in His wisdom.
The deception roaming the earth right now is at an all-time high. That old snake is going crazy in his shiny, new costume and coming at us from every possible direction. The same divination (rebellion, witchcraft) that got us kicked out of the Garden in Genesis is the same sorcery (in the Greek, pharmakeia) that keeps us out of the Kingdom of God in Revelation 22.
Our world is full of fake news, fake medicine, fake policy, and fake religion offering fake solutions of fake peace, fake security, and fake health. With all this deception, how do we stay on the one true path?
When you ask believers if witchcraft is good and acceptable to God, almost all respond with “No!”
But then ask them to remember watching The Wizard of Oz as a child, eating a big bowl of popcorn with the family, and describe the Good Witch. Almost always they identify Glinda with her light, breezy costume, glittery crown, sweet sugary voice, and her bubbles.
But is that…true? Is she good?
Everyone can identify the bad witch with her green, warty face, dark costume, creepy voice, and bad attitude. Someone throw a bucket of water on her pronto!
Very few spiritual eyes discern that Glinda is also a witch, and, therefore, according to God’s Word – evil, possibly even more evil because she’s cloaked in light and undetectable.
Glinda is also a jerk. She gives bad advice, distracts, hinders, and accuses with sweet, bubbly words.
Glinda advises that only bad witches are ugly. When Dorothy doesn’t think she should go back the way she came, Glinda agrees, distracting her with a new road, the Yellow Brick Road leading to the beautiful, prosperous Emerald City to see a Wizard (also evil). Glinda knows what Dorothy genuinely wants but hinders her until she drags herself all over Oz, then finally informs Dorothy that she had the power to go home the whole time.
Sound familiar?
In Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar’s yellow brick road proceeded from the Gate of Ishtar to the Temple of Marduk (Moloch). He required his subjects to fall down and take the mark as he acted like a beast, or be thrown into a fiery furnace. There is nothing new under the sun. Mystery Babylon is no different. The Yellow Brick Road of divination and idolatry will never turn you around and send you home. They will just mark you along a dead-end journey.
In Revelation 13, the beast systems of Mystery Babylon are two variations of the same one world order recipe simmering on the earth’s stove since Nimrod’s Tower of Babel was destroyed. The first is dark – and easily seen. The second is light and camouflaged. It’s this second one that implements the Mark of the Beast. Without God’s Word embedded in your heart, you are at grave risk of embracing a false light and a false hope.
Hold everything you hear right now up to the standard God has raised in His word. Every drug. Every medical intervention. Every policy. Every monetary promise. Every offer of peace. Every measure of security. Everything you hear. Ask for God’s wisdom to see His will for your life in this now moment.
The world says knowledge is power.
God’s Word teaches us that His power protects us from whatever comes our way when we use godly wisdom to discern application or rejection of the worldly knowledge presented.
Fathe,r help us to seek Your wisdom in all things. Help us to be as wise as the serpent, but as innocent as doves. Help us to help our fellow believers understand the difference between what You call good and what the world calls good. Forgive us of our rebellion and pride and restore our spiritual sight and ability to hear what You have to say on a matter. Help us to always remember to seek You first.
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Wow! Excellent message!
Thank You!
Wow I am so very much awake!
AMEN!! So well said!! Thank you.
Good word! Deception is very deceiving. We need humble discernment and knowledge of God’s Word. And to weigh everything we read or hear. And to be listening to God and asking for His perspective.
He is our Counselor and Shepherd and will gladly give us wisdom.
Clearly you have read revelation 13.
It seems to me that the economic prosperity that the President leading us to seek is also a “yellow brick road.” And “America First” is the equivalent of the Babylon of Revelation 13.
Wow, I’ve been saying too many believer’s are eating from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil by becoming engrossed in conspiracy theories. Is there some truth in them?, Yes most likely but our FOCUS must be on Christ.There is nothing new under the sun.
You can consume from that tree by being engrossed in conspiracy and by ignoring it, by believing the fruit that is offered to you.
the church is 501C3 a corporation following the state and mammon, they have pastors and evangelists leading churches in stead of Apostles doing mighty miracles, the church eats big time from the tree of good & evil, what church walks in the Spirit continually? pastor and evangelists are not needed for an assembly, they may be needed to go house to house to encourage, but an apostle doing might miracles and staying in the Spirit is needed for the assemble:
Cor 12:28
28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, (divers) kinds of tongues. 2 Cor 12:12
12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, by signs and wonders and mighty works.
Religious leaders were the politicians of those days. Not in our time…they have changed sides. The 501c3 is also a tax deduction that the devil setup in place to decieve us. When we use our tithes as tax shelters, what are we really giving to the Kingdom? Absolutely NOTHING (you get every penny back, so in actuality you’r not giving God anything) i know, i got duped when i first came to Christ. I wander if the Church knows this! Back in the day the Church (catholic church) sold out n took the BRIBE. My other question is why do people follow the pope so dedicatedly? He lifts himself up to be God.He changed the Lords Prayer. They changed sabbath from saturday to sunday. The bible tells us directly what God said. He does not change MAN made the change…not well!
Vena, good point!
I do know when pastors heard Mark Taylor’s prophecy about the 501(c)3 he received phone calls from pastors who wanted to know how to get out from under it. I don’t know how many but it sounded like many. Hopefully, it is more and more as time goes on.
Amen. So Be It!