The Rise and Fall of Champions
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The Rise and Fall of Champions
While Texans were preparing for Hurricane Beryl in July, something unusual transpired. Reports had come forward that a sculpture in Houston had been vandalized. The sculpture was placed at the University of Houston’s Cullen Family Plaza in February of this year, drawing anger from Christian groups on campus. This 18-foot-tall golden sculpture with braids shaped like ram horns drew mixed reactions. The artist says the sculpture, titled “Witness,” was about justice and women’s empowerment. However, Christians believe this to be a demonic tribute to abortion.
How did this statue lose its head?
While many initially thought Hurricane Beryl removed the head, video footage later revealed that someone had cut the head off in the early hours of the morning on July 8, 2024. Several intercessors were praying for this demonic statue to come down. Intercessors in New York prayed against Witness when the sculpture was erected in Madison Square Park at the end of 2023.
The artist who created Witness, Shahzia Sikander, has said that this sculpture is all about women and symbolizes justice for those who feel marginalized. Witness has roots for arms and legs that connect to her body. Her head shows the ram horn braids, and her neck is graced with a lace collar, a nod to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Everyone knows that RBG, as she was called, was considered a champion of women’s rights.
Although many are outraged by this act of vandalism, I found something interesting while researching. Months before the sculpture was beheaded, Sikhander had created several art prints, one of which depicted the same sculpture without her head. It had the same root arms and legs; however, the dress and collar were also gone. It was just the stump of her body with arms and legs. The headless print was called “Refuge.” I found it odd that the artist herself removed her creation’s head in previous artwork.
While in prayer, the word “champion” kept coming to my mind. I went to the Bible to see where the word champion appeared and found something I believe God was speaking that connected to this sculpture.
In 2022, when Roe v. Wade was overturned, many voices compared this victory to David slaying Goliath. Interestingly, Goliath is called a champion in 1 Samuel 17:4. It wasn’t the stone in the forehead that killed the giant. It took him down, but he was not defeated until David used Goliath’s sword and removed his head (see 1 Samuel 17:50-51).
What Is a Champion?
A champion is a defender who unapologetically supports and fights for what they believe in. According to Easton’s Bible Dictionary, the meaning of champion is “the man who stands between two.” When you read the account of David versus Goliath, the camps of the Philistines and Israelites were divided. Every morning, Goliath would go and stand between both camps and taunt the Israelites, waiting for someone brave enough to accept his challenge (see 1 Samuel 17:1-11).
We have a champion too. His name is Jesus Christ, and he came and destroyed the works of the devil (see 1 John 3:8). He swallowed up death in victory (see Isaiah 25:8). He made a public spectacle of demonic powers on the cross (see Colossians 2:15). Jesus Christ is the Victorious One. He is the Great High Priest and Intercessor. He is the undisputed champion, Hallelujah!
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith (Hebrews 12:2 NLT).
Isn’t it interesting when you consider what an intercessor means? An intercessor meets with God on behalf of others. We advocate through our prayers. A synonym for the word advocate is champion. The years of faithful intercession, combined with engagement, made way for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
God Unlikely Heroes
God’s heroes in the hall of faith are always unlikely candidates. David was a youth, but God saw a man after His own heart. This youth became a giant slayer, a champion people sang about, doing mighty exploits for God.
Gideon was “the least” in his tribe. The Lord found him hiding from the Midianites and called him a mighty warrior. Gideon eventually tore down his father’s altar to Baal and an Asherah pole (see Judges 6:25). He then led the Israelites to victory over the enemy in Judges 7.
Esther was an orphan who became queen. She used her position to petition the King for her people, even though it meant putting her neck on the line.
I could go on.
All of these people were flawed. God doesn’t look for perfection. He looks at the heart (see 1 Samuel 16:7) and seeks willing and obedient people.
The Battle Isn’t Over
The Dobbs decision was a victory. But because power was returned to the states, enabling them to set their laws, abortion still exists. The abortion pill makes for easy access in the mail. The percentage of women using the abortion pill has risen dramatically post-Roe. While the giant may have fallen in 2022, the battle for life isn’t over. If you recall, the giant had four brothers whom David later fought (2 Samuel 21:15-22). Many speculate this is why David chose five stones from the stream. Thankfully, David and his mighty men defeated the remaining giants.
We must contend and be champions for life and the unborn. While looking at this headless sculpture, I felt a burden to pray. Here is how we can agree in prayer.
The artist said she wanted her beheaded statue to remain on display. In a statement, she chose not to repair it. She also told The New York Times she wanted to “make a new piece and many more.”
- Pray that every sculpture will bow before the Lord, just like Dagon had to bow before the Ark of the Covenant (see 1 Samuel 5:1-4).
Recently, Congresswoman AOC has filed articles of impeachment against Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. The Supreme Court will continue to be a target.
- Pray that no weapon formed to remove from the Court or plans to pack the courts will not prosper (see Isaiah 54:17 and Psalm 33:10).
- Pray for protection over the Justices who want to protect the rights of the unborn and fight for Biblical values (see Psalm 34:7 and Psalm 91).
- Pray for the Justices on the other side to encounter Jesus, administer true justice, show mercy, and have compassion for the unborn (see Zechariah 7:9).
In our weekly time of prayer in the Texas IFA group, we are praying about the effects of the unborn bodies full of misoprostol and other drugs being flushed into our water systems. This cannot be good for anyone. Why isn’t anyone decrying this?
- Pray for unlikely voices like those from the Environmental Protection Agency and others to speak up about the harm this is causing. Lord, raise unlikely heroes for life (see Psalm 31:8,9).
- Pray for your leaders and legislators to champion life and stand against evil abortion bills. (see 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and Psalm 140:8)
A Warning about Idolatry
A dear friend mentioned that the Lord spoke to her during Hurricane Beryl and said, “I am a jealous God.” I found it interesting that the sculpture was beheaded during the storm. Every other god is an idol; there is only One true and living God.
—for you shall not worship any other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His] (Exodus 34:14 AMP).
There was a form of religion called Yahwehism, in which Yahweh was the highest of a pantheon of gods, including Asherah, Baal, and many other false gods. The pagan rituals associated with this religion are too disgusting to mention here.
Mixture in any form is detrimental to God’s people. King Solomon started well but didn’t end well because he gave in to his many wives and worshipped their gods and goddesses (see 1 Kings 11:6-11). Many of the Kings in the Bible started well and did exploits; however, they didn’t turn from the sins of Jeroboam, son of Nebat, which is idolatry. Their hearts were divided between the Lord and the pagan gods of the land.
We must examine our hearts, cast away our idols, and only serve and worship the Lord. When we have idols in our hearts, the scripture says that people embrace things that cause us to sin against God (see Ezekiel 14:3, 4). The Lord is jealous for His people. He wants a pure and spotless bride for Jesus, and scripture clarifies that we cannot serve two masters. We have been set apart for God in the world, but not of it. Come out of worldliness, double-mindedness, idolatry, and conformity to the culture. Come out of Babylon.
And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people. “Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you. And I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:16,17).
What is God speaking to you through this article? Share in the comments below.
IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo of “Witness” taken in New York City, thanks to Rich Swingle.
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Did this artist cut off her statue’s head to call it “Refuge” because of the border issue in Texas?
Thank you Gloria, for including no one knows the effects of misoprostol and of the fetus in our water systems. We are constantly cautioned about chemicals found when water is going thru the sewer plants. Apparently the CDC, or which ever government agency is in charge has never addressed this, tho have been asked. My local water dept have never responded to my question, either. Perhaps we can ask our VP-to-be J.D. Vance for assistance, for us, the nation, the parents of children drinking this water. May God continue to enlighten you for Word to pass on, not only to we Texans, but to all Intercessors.
Excellent Gloria!!
Thank you for writing in this
Thank you Donna!
I think that the medical field is another form of idolatry. People (including Christians)put their trust in doctors way more than God these days and it troubles me. This form of idolatry must be recognized and repented of soon. Please pray about this also.
Thank you so much for this article Gloria. You always do a fabulous job bringing in biblical references and typing them to what’s happening around us. Many blessings to you !
Thank you Angela!
LORD, thank You for bringing out into the open ALL the works of darkness, as aYourvword declares. May our eyes and ears continue to be open to the revelations of Your eternal truth!
The article brought this to mibd: Dozens of common chemicals in our health/beauty products are known “endocrine disrupters.” It would be a major alteration to our normal consumer habits to stop using these products. But with the gender distinctions becoming more hazy, shouldn’t we be doing our part to remove things “in the natural” that contribute? Backing up prayer with action to tackle idols of convention and convenience seems important. As we come out of agreement with careless use of chemicals, we take back territory from Satan where “convenient” abortion products have gained a foothold.
PRAYER: Lord, the world and all is inhabitants are yours. (Psalm 24.) Let us be wise stewards of resources and people. Give us a supernatural sharpness in the Spirit to see the dividing line between holy and profane, between health-giving and life-defying choices. Lord, please forgive us and free us from bondage to self-centered habits and patterns; create in us pure hearts and clean hands. 💙🙏🏼💦
Protect our water and soil and food chain from substances that would defile/destroy health and show us how to cleanse the effects of our past practices, both in the natural and spirit realms.
Your Son came so that we could have life to the full. We thank You for Your promise to guide us, and we seek Your face and mercy today to lead us into the path of righteousness in this area. In Jesus’s name – amen
Psalm 24:1
The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.
John 10:10
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
God’s name is His character. Are we really honoring Him in all we do?
Interestingly what about all the pagan symbols and practices in Christmas and Easter? Many churches still celebrate Halloween disguising it as harvest party. Are we eating Biblically?? Not pork and shellfish? Do we observe Shabbat? Which is the “foremost of our holy called out times, a remembrance of our exodus from Egypt.” God stated in Genesis to keep the seventh day holy unto Him-It never changed. The truth is we as a church have not really FULLY repented before the Lord. May the true church be on her knees. May Yeshua show us His great mercy , open our eyes to see, and forgive us as we repent. Amen and Shalom
Yes, Michelle – we too have been down that road, and asked ourselves and the Lord these questions. The more syncretism is stripped away – that mix of what is holy and common or even pagan – the freer we become.
Gloria, thank you so much for this excellent article!
Here’s the link to the New York State Prayer Group praying that the statue would be destroyed:
We can’t review the video of our prayers because we’re in France, and Rumble posts this notice on its videos here: “NOTICE TO USERS IN FRANCE
Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.”
But this prayer was in the comments:
February 1, 2023
Lord, You alone are God. You are mighty & there is none like You. I pray that You would destroy the statues by Your hand Lord. Whether it be storms, lightning, wind, disintegration…. whatever You choose Lord, we ask & believe that You will tear them down. May it be known that it is Your hand Lord that is doing this work.
Lord, if You choose to remove it by having a group of people tear it down, then so be it. If You choose a sinkhole to swallow up this unholy tribute to the celebration of murder, then let it be so Lord. When the unbelieving look upon this statue of falsehood, may they not be overcome with awe but let Your holy Spirit bring discomfort, conviction and rejection. Let both believers & the unbelieving reject this monstrosity & protest it’s display.
Lord, reveal to the world again — that You alone are God.
Debi Rhorer
January 31, 2023
I bind the demonic angels of darkness that influence this piece of garbage of the fallen angels of Moloch idol carry. in the MIGHTY name of Jesus. Let anyone who looks at this repulsive idol feel sickened by it. Lord JESUS have mercy on NY. There is only one GOD, ‘ YAWEH’ who is above all. The one Creator and only creator! please Lord let your MIGHTY hand Strick it down and all other idols that they try to set themselves above you. In JESUS mighty name I decree and call authority over. Let them come down, YOUR WILL, YOUR WAY.
Patti OConnor
January 31, 2023
Abba! Father God! We decree that this statue and the demonic hold over this state and over America WILL be demolished! America WILL be saved!
And much more:
Thank you for sharing this Rich!
You have stirred my heart and faith again today dear Gloria! May the champions arise in this hour who have holy zeal for righteousness and the honor of God’s name. Did you know that the same word God used for Gideon is the word used for the woman in Proverbs 31? Champion!
Wow Lori, I had no idea! Thank you for sharing that!