I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that Your presence would be all over this next debate and that You would cover the candidates against any spiritual attacks. May the truth win out.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

After the Commission on Presidential Debates decided to change the already agreed upon rules and turn debate #2 into a virtual debate, not surprisingly, President Trump refused the changed format. While the Commission claimed it was due to President Trumpā€™s recent bout with COVID, the president would have been quarantined the required ten days from testing by the time the debate was scheduled on October 15. My question is, if the masks work as they claim, and if social distancing works, as they claim, what was the issue with an in-person debate? Or perhaps, if we are honest, was it actually the bigger issue of a need to protect the opposing candidate who struggles in such a setting?

In any event, what took place was dueling Town Halls. ABC aired a town hall featuring Candidate Biden while NBC aired a town hall featuring President Trump. If it wasnā€™t safe for the two presidential candidates to face off and debate before a live audience, why was it safe for them to hold a town hall with a moderator, live audience, full camera crew, etc? Nothing was different except Biden didnā€™t have to face President Trump. Team Biden was correct that it wasn’t safe for Biden to have another face-to-face debate, but the reason had NOTHING to do with COVID.

Now the Commission has decided at the last minute to change the rules yet again before the Oct. 22 debate to mute the mics of the two candidates when it is not their turn to speak. Essentially it provides time for a two-minute uninterrupted memorized response. Thatā€™s not a debate. Thatā€™s simply a question and answer session.

Additionally, where the final debate has always been on foreign policy, all questions regarding this important issue have been removed. So the American people get to hear NOTHING from the candidates regarding their responses to how they would interact with a foreign government. Perhaps this is because of the emails discovered on Hunter Bidenā€™s computer which reveal Joe and his son, have been receiving kickbacks from foreign governments, namely Ukraine and China? How convenient that the debate wonā€™t cover any of that.

What we will hear more about, which was covered in the first debate and the town hall, is COVID-19. Seriously, does anyone want to hear more on that topic?

Debate Commissioner, Frank Fahrenkopf, when asked about these two changes insisted, ā€œ”We do our best here and weā€™re nonpartisan, we are not biased.ā€

He also stated, ā€œā€˜Weā€™re looking for that person who is as unbiased as possibleā€™ā€ to host 2020 debates. I guess that explains why they chose Kristen Welker, NBC News White House correspondent whose family has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates, including Biden’s current campaign, according to a report from the New York Post.

Additionally, in 2012, Welker and her family spent part of their Christmas holiday at the White House with the Obama family according to the Washington Examiner.

But according to Fahrenkopf, she would be a person who is ā€œas unbiased as possible.ā€ Right.

Based on the fact that the two substantive changes in the debate favor one candidate, does anyone believe that? And in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton received copies of the questions prior to her debate with Trump in the 2016 debate, does anyone believe that Team Biden hasnā€™t received copies of the exact questions so he can memorize his responses?

The first debate was unquestionably a painful experience. My nephew has worked for the Republican National Convention for years. During the debate he texted me off and on with comments regarding the train wreck we all watched. In the end he made an astute comment, ā€œBiden didnā€™t win, but Trump lost.ā€

In the two against one misnomer of a debate, neither Trump nor Biden carried themselves as statesmen. The American people deserve the chance to see a rematch where hopefully both men can show us a more presidential side.

By definition a debate means: Ā to argue, to contend in words, or to discuss a question by considering opposing arguments. That means the discussion may not always be peaceful, but hopefully it will be more civil.

As intercessors, it is urgent that we contend for tonight’s debate–pray for all involved, and for the effect of their words and actions not only on Americans, but other nations who are watching.


  1. That the rules of debate, already agreed upon by both sides in advance, would not be changed (Mt 5:37).
  2. Fairness. This includes the need for a fair moderator. For a fair amount of time to be given to both candidates. That there will be fair questions which are not positioned to the advantage of one side over the other (Prv 11:1).
  3. For civility to replace the name-calling that took place on both sides. We want to see men who will act like leaders and statesman, not children (Col 4:6).
  4. That the fact-checks that take place at the conclusion will be honest. And that the unfair targeting by the media against one side will be brought to an end. Let us pray for the exposure of lies, so they will not be allowed to hang in the air unchecked (Eph 5:11).
  5. Wisdom for viewers, as they watch, to have discernment of what they see and hear (Prv 3:21).
  6. That preconceived ideas and the veil of deception would be bound and removed and replaced with understanding, light, and truth (2 Cor 3:16).
  7. For a true debate/discussion to take place instead of a fight (Prv 18:13)

President Trump is from Queens and a street fighter. When backed into a corner, especially in a two against one fight, he will always come out punching. It is this very strength that makes him the man for the hour in our nation. He has taken more false accusations, media dog piles, and opposition than any other president in history.

Some have said after the last debate they could never vote for him. Instead I would say, let us pray that a new grace and power will come upon him.

And may we not forget the word Kim Clement prophesied in 2007 of how this man would change:

ā€œThis that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing. A transfiguration. A going into the marketplace, if you wish, into the news media where Time magazine will have no choice, but to say what I want them to say. Newsweek, what I want to say. The View, what I want to say.ā€

ā€œTrump shall become a trumpet,ā€ says the Lord. ā€œTrump shall become a trumpet. I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpetā€¦ā€

ā€œIt shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering my name.ā€ But God said, ā€œWhen he enters into the office he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit. For I shall fill him with my spirit when he goes into office and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land.ā€

ā€œThere will be a praying president. Not a religious one. For I will fool the people,ā€ says the Lord. ā€œI will fool the people. Yes I will,ā€ God says. ā€œThe one that is chosen will go in and they shall say, ā€˜he has hot blood.ā€™ā€ For the Spirit of God says, ā€œYes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly,ā€ says the Lord of hosts.

Listen to the word of the Lord says, ā€œI will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray. But he will not be a praying president when he starts. Ā I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power says the Lord of hosts.ā€

We are in the time of the prophetic word. It is up to us to usher in His plans and purpose as we pray.


Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: ā€œINFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanityā€ click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.comĀ or you can contact her atĀ www.prioritypr.org.


Share your prayers for the debate in the comments below!

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linda brooke
October 31, 2020

heavenly father in Jesus name please be with our President,Lord of host keep your hands on him and let no harm come to him help us to pray for a victory that this President will win re election in Jesus name amen, every one please pray.this is about our country what kind of country do you want to live in.

Beverly griffitts
October 23, 2020

In wish both candidates would stick to the truth. I donā€™t know who to believe and fact check and media are biased

Pamela Hernandez
October 23, 2020

Prayers for all in the White House and around praying for Godā€™s blessings and God will put a stop to all evilness God is in control

    October 23, 2020

    Yes, but Heā€™s also given us the freedom to vote for or against evil. Letā€™s pray that the Power of God will be poured upon every person in our nation to see clearly and vote according to Godā€™s Will.

    Pamela Hernandez
    October 23, 2020

    Amen Amen

Bruni O
October 23, 2020

Psalm 89:14 ā€œRighteousness and Justice are the foundation of your throne: faithful love and truth go before you.ā€
ALELLUJAH!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, LORD! The VICTORY IS YOURS!! for Exposing the truth even when the President didnā€™t have the opportunity nor enough time to explain himself due to the ā€œmoderatorā€œ continue interrupting him! The end was a bomb, confirming the victory for the President! I give you ALL the GLORY! Amen šŸ™

October 23, 2020

God will use other ways to unveil the tricks of the enemy in the next couple days. Though the enemy thinks he is masking the President, God is unmasking those things to the public of crimes that the other party has done that no one can ignore and even bring many to tears.

We pray that the angels assigned to bring forth this information defeat those armies of deceit and lies so that the truth is revealed. There is mighty warfare in the 2nd heaven going on right now. So stay focused saints, especially when awoke in the midnight hours. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Willa Burgess McLatchy
October 22, 2020

I felt that debate was all in for Joe Biden. I thought Mr. Trump was not allowed to finish his thought when he was explaining the questions he was trying to answer.

    Daniel Chapman
    October 23, 2020

    Yes, but not nearly as bad as the first debate, nor as bad as it could have been – Thanks be to God. He answered our prayers.

    Pamela Hernandez
    October 23, 2020

    God is in charge

October 22, 2020

Holy Spirit, descend upon the debate now. Bring Your Power and Wisdom that will turn all evil to flight. Let the people TRULY see the evil behind the Democratic Party, and how the world is being played a fool by them. Give President Trump wisdom, calm strength, and Your Truth ā€” and unmask, as only You can, what Biden stands for, and his lies and racism. We praise You, Lord. You are Great and Powerful and worthy of all praise. Please, Lord, come to our aid. Donā€™t let our nation succumb to evil. Thank You, Jesus.

October 22, 2020

Heavenly Father, my God I thank You, praise You and bless You, for You are good and Your love and mercy endure forever Amen. I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son and ask, petition and supplicate in prayer that “Your kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…”(Matthew 6:10), I trust and thank You now that You will put a godly President in place, who will glorify, honor, give You thanksgiving/praise/worship and will fulfill Your divine plan and purpose which is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2), also I pray earnestly for a President who supports blesses and helps bring Peace to Israel (Genesis 12:3) in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son I humbly pray AMEN. Thank You Lord, praise you O’LORD my God for great are You LORD ALMIGHTY! Hallelujah!

October 22, 2020

Thank u Lord for shutting the mouth of the enemy that been spewing for deception and lies in our land. Thank you for opening the mouths of the righteous to speak forth your truth and light. And for Your life & liberty as well as truth to be prevalent and dominant in America again!! Bless Trump to trumpet your truth even in this debate. Strengthen him with Your Holy Spirit!! In Jesus name. Amen!

Shelby Allred
October 22, 2020

Father, I ask You to preside over the debate tonight. Provide clarity to any undecided voter as to which candidate America needs to lead the nation. I pray for safety for each attendee. I pray Lord that the debate will be fair, and that each candidate can effectively share their message with the people. And, Lord, please let my computer cooperate, so I can watch the debate! ( šŸ™‚ ). I ask these things in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    October 22, 2020

    Lord Jesus, you are so detailed that you folded up the linen head cloth when you were raised from the dead. I pray that Shelby’s computer would cooperate so she can watch the debate. You care about our cares and I pray she doesn’t miss a single minute. In Jesus Name. Amen.

October 22, 2020

Pray for the debate in the final moments of this election and that god bestows the truth in all that has been lost from humanity dignity and respect! Pray that all that has been lost be restored and that the life of all man kind and animal and all prosper from the moral and value that is being tarnished amongst people and all creations and that any child born had the right to live even if they canā€™t speak! We speak for them. Pray that American people recognize the truth to the ways of life from where they have been to whatā€™s become. Pray for all that are lost to be found and those that know what we are up against be strong as to praying for America in a whole is to pray for the weak as well as those not so weak. Pray that tongue be that of moral and value and that we donā€™t lose our children as much as we have lost them already and pray that those fighting for us now and into the future come home to there families and pray for those whoā€™ve lost there ability to provide to provide under the sense of faith dignity and respect! Pray for those that donā€™t believe in prayer those that look at life as just existing realize the meaning to existence and taking them back to my one and only amazing principal quotes.. hard work forever pays.. You can always make the best better. With faith we are blind without faith we are blind only when you believe in the unknown can miracles happen as you have to have something to drive and not one thing is totally reliable except the unknown and how we take the path and with faith in something greater than ourselves can we conquer and or establish peace and sanity for the not so sane times . We donā€™t see our future we build. Philosophy or faith or one in the same written different at different times I pray that unity be held by those unified and bring those not into our faith however that may be. I pray they see faith is more than words as it is action that to our best abilities we live the best life we can in all we do. I pray that the evil in this world is lifted and we all become neighbors in the same country and work together to be united.

Laura DeGatana
October 22, 2020

There should not be another debate, and sorry we must go through this demonic mess again. The Trump rallies have already answered our questions. He will win. Biden still sits in his toy box and his history of crime making the news daily, is his only fame. What is happening in this country is discussing, we have waited too long to clean out the swamp. Brace yourself for whatever will come, because there will be no voter voice on that spirit of death already grabbing our coat tails. Weā€™ve been stupid too long. Now letā€™s see who the real men n women are in Christ- in this Our Country!!! Pray Pray Pray. Amen.

Beth Jones
October 22, 2020

I tried to Share this on Face Book but it wouldn’t do it. Not surprising.

October 22, 2020

Father, for the presidential debate we pray for TRUTH, Jesus, the Word says You are truth. We pray truth will prevail. Lord we call on You to manage this debate tonight,we pray for an unbiased moderator. We pray that there will be no more last minute changes, that there will be fairness in time usage and fair questions, that the debaters will respect one another and to act like leaders and statesman, that fact-checks will be honest, that a true debate/discussion to take place instead of a fight.

In Your name we pray that everything illegal will be brought to light, expose every tool used for cheating and every evil entity hidden behind the scene to be uncovered for the Word says in Luke 8:17 “for nothing is hidden, that will not be revealed; nor anything secret, that will not be known and come to light.” Yes Lord, have your way in this debate. Amen.

Diane Sue Means
October 22, 2020

Tonight is the Presidential Debates! Prayers for our great President Donald Trump!

Blanca Holland
October 22, 2020

Will be in prayer thru the debate that the scales of the blind voters be removed from their eyes : that their ears be opened: to see and hear the truth.to bring 7×70 of thousand minds made up for America and your families: rights of speech and right to worship God and bear arms: that can realize no socialists communist agendas under the democracy embrace take over our nation and her people.

Gary Alan Troidl
October 22, 2020

The rules you cherish stated that the candidates would be tested for covid shortly before the debate. Trump was not tested. The candidates friends and family brought in were required to wear masks. Trump’s family refused. The rules were for each candidate to have 2 minutes to speak uninterrupted. Trump repeatedly barged in on Biden and talked over him and the moderator. It was chaos and another debate was impossible without the muted mics to reduce the interruptions and restore a semblance of order and civility.

    October 22, 2020

    President Trump was placed in the unfair position of having to debate two peopleā€”the leftist moderator and Joe Biden.
    Tonight he comes against another leftist moderator whoā€™s up close and personal with Obama family. We now know she supplied Hillary with the questions before the 2016 debate. There should not be another debate until a person fit to moderate is found. But weā€™re having one anyway because President Trump will go out there in spite of how unfair it is. He is a strong and mighty genius of a man. He is a general in a war. Generals donā€™t always exhibit mild manners when up against a wall. Heā€™s fighting for our freedom amidst communist tactics in the media. They can mute him all they want- theyā€™ve done him that way every single day heā€™s been in office. President Donald J Trump will prevail in 2020. The American spirit is alive and well. We will not go down the road to socialism. Why should we care how the man behaves who can save us from that. Many weak kneed people out there.
    I thank God for my President Donald J Trump.

      Gary Alan Troidl
      October 22, 2020

      Hi Cathy – I am going to assume this is a joke and thank you for the belly laugh.
      If you are not joking then suggest that you 1) Get out more 2) Inform yourself by taking in a wide variety of news sources 3) Stop believing conspiracy theories.

        October 24, 2020

        NO joke, Gary! I am astonished that you would reply so rudely to Cathy. Your response and suggestions are totally unacceptable!!

        Mona Goodpasture
        October 27, 2020

        The deception is astounding.i am totally baffled.

October 22, 2020

Heavenly Father, you are merciful, good, and true. Forgive our country our unspeakable sins of innocent bloodshed and immorality.
You, O Lord, are Holy, Holy, Holy!
For your Namesake and for your glory have mercy on the United States of America. Bless us with penitent hearts and fear of you. May honesty and truth prevail in tonightā€™s Presidential debate. May it be clear to everyone which man needs to be in office to lead and represent our country.
Thank You, Lord!

October 22, 2020

We need to get dressed for war.
Helmet of SALVATION (6:17)
Breastplate of RIGHTOUSNESS
Belt of TRUTH (Ephesians 6:14)
Sword of the SPIRIT (Ephesians 6:17)
Shield of FAITH (Ephesians 6:16)
Boots of PEACE (Ephesians 6:15)


    October 22, 2020

    Is it possible for Christians to put their shield of faith around the President? Can we arm him for battle?

Blanca Holland
October 22, 2020

Maybe President Donald J Trump should take a chalkboard and chalk to speak against the democrat-socialist party and their leaders lies : with loving kindness and wisdom.

Cindy Ashlock
October 22, 2020

I plead the Blood of Jesus over the debates tonight. I agree with all the above prayer points. Holy Spirit rise up in Donald J Trump. We degree peace to him. May he have Your wisdom and insight. Lord, You know the questions that will be thrown at him, even now give him Your answers to the questions. Lord, may we see Your hand at work tonight in the lives of both. Change the moterators heart and demeanor to reflect honesty and non biased comments. Keep Your hand on President Trump. In Jesus Name.

October 22, 2020

Lord, have mercy on your blind souls and eyes. Clements’s prophecy is written wrong and God is not satisfied with 45. He will be removed. Shame on you for praying the way you are praying. God never force His will on anyone. All freely come and freely serve the Lord. The ones that don’t it is their choice. So Stop It!

You are self-seeking your own agenda and not God’s agenda.

    October 22, 2020

    The Democrat agenda is definitely NOT God’s agenda! I believe that God is very pleased with Pres. Trump! He has supported Israel and moved the embassy to Jerusalem, he has defended religious freedom, he has been pro-life more than any president, he has helped and supported minorities, he is responsible for prison reform, all of these things among others. You are the deceived one, or the uninformed one, or the one who is against all of these things which I have stated.

October 22, 2020

Dear LORD, I not only pray that you would mightily strength President Trump for he is Your choice. I also pray that you would greatly weaken the opposition that they would learn that YOU are GOD and they would finally realize that they are not! YOU, dear LORD, give life, and I pray fervently that you will not allow anyone a place in government at any level at all who supports abortion.Nothing is impossible with You, LORD.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

October 22, 2020

Dear Lord God,
Guide and protect President Trump in tonightā€™s debate and continue to fill him with the Holy Spirit. Thank You for a president who speaks and acts for the unborn. Give him Your grace in all he does.

Stella TX
October 22, 2020

God’s WORD is the same yesterday, today and forever!) President Trump, we the body of Christ, stand and agree in our hearts to see:
The great counselor/Holy Ghost empower and speak truth thru you to unmask/dispel the lies
God the Father’s glory cloud be seen on you such that all lies/darkness flee before your presence
The Commander and Chief of Heavens Army/Jesus Christ our Savior stands along side you in unrivaled power/might
Jeremiah 23:29
Is not My word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that smashes a rock?”
May I-Kings18’s-end be the results to tonights ‘Presidential’ debate.

Curtis Guhl
October 22, 2020

The main problem in the first debate was the democratic platform was denied by Joe Biden so Trump had no nothing to debate Joe Biden on except his character, which became the main issue.

October 22, 2020

Father God, please cleanse the prideful self-righteousness, the spirit of Pharisee from the hearts of your people, remove the veil that’s blinding our eyes so we can see clearly Your mighty work done through President Trump whom You have placed into the White House. Please O Lord, align the hearts of Your people with Your own heart concerning this 11/3 election so we all will obediently vote Your values displayed in the Bible: the values of sanctity of life, family, justice, law and order…. Grant Your people the wisdom to discern but rid us of the double standards to judge. Lord, You have proclaimed that You will honor those who honor You. May You honor President Trump who’s not ashamed to honor Your Name before the whole world. By Your holiness, no human beings are perfect except Jesus Christ our Lord. Yet You have proved time and again throughout human history that You and You alone are able to use any imperfect person to fulfill Your purposes. Sovereign God, may Your plan for America be fulfilled every step of the way, be it tonight’s debate between President Trump and pre-VP Biden, or 11/3 general election, or the coming 4 years, 8 years, 16 years, all the years You have prescribed for America, may it all be covered with Your holy righteousness and bounty grace. “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Help Your people O Lord to recommit our hearts to worship and serve You wholeheartedly for generations to come. In the most powerful Name of Jesus our resurrected Savior and Lord, amen!

Sandra (Sandy) sjl
October 22, 2020

My prayer exacly…”Thanks be unto God who in Christ Jesus ALWAYS causes us to triumph” 2 Cor. 2:14

    October 22, 2020

    Never find another more qualified than ACB
    TRUMP 2020 PENCE
    AMERICA inGod we will WIN!
    Trump republicans IN GOD We TRUST

October 22, 2020

Father, what a GREAT GOD YOU ARE!! \o/ I ask You to speak loud and clear with Your unmistakable THUNDEROUS ROAR through both the President and the former V.P. I also ask You to even speak through the “moderator”. Let Your Bright Light Shine BRIGHT so that the whole Nation will see…oh Lord that the whole World even will see šŸ”„šŸ‘ šŸ‘šŸ”„YOUR MIGHTY ARM OF STRENGTH and YOUR GREAT GLORY!! Father, I know Your hear my prayer and I will watch with great expectation to see You Reveal Your Glorious Plan for this Nation and for the whole world. Father, You are NO SLOUCHā€¼ļø You are no pushoverā€¼ļø You are not chained to any particular groups…YOU, SIR, ARE GOD ALMIGHTYā€¼ļøI am excited to watch You Work right before our very eyes with joy. May every viewer and every participant be astounded by YOUR VOICE. ALL TO YOUR GLORY MY GOD, MY FATHER, MY BELOVED FRIEND. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD OVER ALL VOICES AND BRING FORTH A GREAT REVERANT PEACE BEFORE YOU FOR I ASK YOU TO BE OUR VERY PRESENT HELP AT THIS PLACE AND TIME…JESUS CHRIST IS KING OF these kings and LORD of these lords…ASTONISH THE EYES AND THE EARS WITH YOUR PRESENCE DEAREST FATHER. in agreement with all of heaven and the mighty prayer of OUR LORD JESUS…I PRAY THAT THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE ON THIS EARTH AT THIS TIME EVEN THROUGH AND UPON THE EARTHEN VESSELS OF DONALD JOHN TRUMP AND MR. JOE BIDEN AT THIS APOINTED TIME AND PLACE FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD IN JESUS’ NAME SO BE IT AND AMEN YOUR ARM IS NOT SLACK NOR WEAK!! Ahah ha ha ha hahhhhhh

Joni Rafnson
October 22, 2020

Proverbs 20:5 The intentions of a mans heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. Father We come into your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and to your courts with praise for this is the day that you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it. I ask today that Holy Spirit of the living God saturate and fill President Donald John Trump to overflowing with not just joy but confidence that You are the one that sets up kings according to Daniel 2 and establishes them. You give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. I ask that as he opens his mouth You will fill it with words the enemy cannot stand against. The enemy has a deceptive tongue, I ask that you bring to the people a clarity and bind the spirit of deception, the veil will be removed from the eyes of those deceived and the ears of the people will be unstopped to hear what the Spirit of the living God is saying to them. Also that you will surround President Donald John Trump with favor as with a shield out of Psalms 5:12 and you will protect him out of Psalms 91. He will dwell in secret place of the Most High, and in the shadow of the Lord God Almighty and You will be his shield and buckler, I ask from Rev 5:8 that the golden bowls of the prayers of those that have gone before us and prayed for Your destiny for this nation and the world be poured upon him this very day, the bowls of the Jeremiah Lamphere revival, men praying across this nation for you to bless their families, the Azusa street revival William Seymore, the Brownsville revival that touched the world especially South America and the John G. Lake healing rooms. He will walk in the assurance that You are with him and that he listen very carefully to your instruction tonight. Shut the mouth of the accuser in Yeshuas name and let them be confounded and bring confusion upon the enemies plans and schemes. He is able to speak calmly, but also firm about the plan You have given him to fulfil the vision You have given him for this nation. You have made him for such a time as this let many see Your wisdom in this man and that he is not a politician but a prophet meant to expose the wickedness that has been trying to destroy the destiny You have for this nation, and the great harvest that is coming in. We thank you and declare “No man will abort or thwart Your plan you ordained for Your glory and honor. This nation will be Holy as You are Holy and we will be a royal priesthood to take the pure Word of God throughout the nations again. Yeshua shed to His blood and this nation will not fail in the name and the blood of Yeshua Amen

    October 22, 2020

    In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. \o/HALLELUJAH\o/

October 22, 2020

Dear Lord, we pray for your presence, and your light to shine, for truth to be visible and evident, for grace Father we pray Trump would win the conversation and win the election, you have ordained this, you know the end and we trust you Father you are a good God, protect our president and those involved, give him clarity and patience amen

CM Brown
October 22, 2020

Dear Lord, our nation and this debate are in a shambles. First, I ask for forgiveness for the way our nation has treated You – by stopping prayer in schools, by removing the Ten Commandments from public buildings, for the AWFUL abortions that take place daily. Please, God forgive us. And please intercede on this debate tonight. Please give President Trump patience, wisdom, clarity and clear thinking. Please do not let the enemy interfere or prevail on this debate or on this election. Please do not let the moderator be biased, may she be fair to both. Please let truth prevail, not lies. Thank you.

In Jesus’ name,

October 22, 2020

Lord, I pray that you will speak through President Trump tonight. That you will expose the lies and deceit, shine your light in the darkness, thwart the evil schemes of the enemy and bind up Satan and reveal your Truth. May your armies of angels descend into the debate room and minister and protect President Trump and his people. We want to hear Truth and restore righteousness and life restored to our great Nation. May you have mercy on us, dear Lord.
In Jesusā€™ Precious Name, Amen.

Kim Pascarella
October 22, 2020

Heavenly Father, arise and let Your enemies be scattered. Thank You for Jesus who is highly exalted above every name. Protect, strengthen, and work in the President tonight to do Your will. Fill him with the knowledge of Your will, let every word accomplish Your purposes. We pray for victory. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Julie Maltagliati
October 22, 2020

My simple prayers remain with each election:

Dear Lord, let lies be exposed and truth be revealed. And please don’t let the baby killers win.

Dorothy Ter Horst
October 22, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm attacking President Trump during the debate. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name, Amen.

October 22, 2020

My verse of the day from Bible Gateway: Proverbs 15:23

A person finds joy in giving an apt replyā€” and how good is a timely word!

Praying this for our President.

October 22, 2020

Dear Lord, please protect and defend President Trump by virtue of Your great love for him. Please make him aware that You are protecting, providing for, and defending him.Please give him Holy Spirit wisdom as when to speak forcefully, and when to keep his mouth shut. Please give him, by your grace, the ability to act like a 74 year old seasoned president, and not a bull in a china shop.We bind the attempts of the enemy, working through the “Debate Commission” to deceive and mislead people watching the debate.We loose a spirit of decency and goodness to replace them. May Your truth prevail, as we know that Your light is SO much greater than all darkness.Thank You, Lord!

Maria Bragg
October 22, 2020

ON the subject of what a debate is…I was a debate team member in high school, junior college and university..total of 8 years…each side must be given an uninterrupted time limit to address the topic given. Then the other side has a time limit to respond…that is true debate…it is not a fight with words…name calling is a fight with words.

Joanna Glasbrenner
October 22, 2020

Praise God! Praise GOD! PRAISE GOD!!!

Daniel Chapman
October 22, 2020

Lord, guide the President and his team whether to bring up the Biden family corruption. It’s The President’s nature to do so. Normally, his instincts are proven correct. He would not have been elected, nor still be in office had he listened to the “handlers”. But in this, what should he do? Lord, is this wisdom for tonight? Keep him from rat holes. We ask You, Lord, to speak to and over Belmont University, that any demon, any principality be bound and have no negative effect on this debate. Lord, we know there are reasons why woman struggle with the President. But we also know there are enormous principalities at work drawing woman into an unnatural dislike of him. We ask You, command those powers to loose their hold on this election.
Thank You, Lord. We bless Donald Trump in Jesus name, and we remind You, Lord, that You will bless those who bless Israel, and remind You of the dozens of courageous Pro Israel actions by this Administration, say nothing of the pro life, pro church, pro religious liberties policies and stance. Amen

Shevwarn Jurden
October 22, 2020

Lord we thanks you and praise you for the word that has gone out and that it won’t return to you void but will manifest in the manner in which it was spoken and not one word will fall to the ground. As we declare and decree with the spoken word that the manifestation of it is coming to pass. In the name of Yeshua

Cathy Dyer
October 22, 2020

Praying Proverbs 15:23 would be fulfilled through president Trump to glory of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

October 22, 2020

Father God as I look at the prayer points that you have inspired this author to put to pen, in the natural I see impossible. But you are a mighty God, mighty to save. Your mercies are new every morning and your grace flows freely when we humble ourselves. So today Lord we humble ourselves and we put our faith not in man but in the Lord of hosts who is mighty to save. May your anointing fall on President Trump for the debate Thursday. Give him your wisdom, power and even restraint at just the right times in Jesus name.

October 22, 2020

Truth, Truth, Truth in the name of Jesus! The veils of deceit are lifted in Jesus’s name! We pray by the power of your Spirit in submission to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Let your kingdom come and your will be done in this debate and in America. Thwart every scheme devised to paint a false picture of reality in Jesus’s mighty name, Amen.

October 22, 2020

I pray that we all agree the Lords presence be so tangible and so heavy in that debate room that all evil presence will flee, so that the two men can only speak truth about their campaigns, agendas, platforms! No lies! No prepared memorization of answers!
May their tongues and lips be controlled by Our God Almighty. Open the ears and eyes of all listening to TRUTH ! Even the media
that will congregate around them during and after! TRUTH! Good or bad! But the truth behind each mans
In the Precious name of Our Savior,


Vina M Elias
October 22, 2020

Father God In The Mighty Name Of Your Son Jesus I pray for President Trump tonight,Father give him words of wisdom on what and how to answer the questions put to him give him peace that passes all understanding that he keep control and not let anger dictate his answers fill him with the Spirit Of God before the debate In Jesus Name I pray Amen

    Joan Kelley
    October 22, 2020

    Yes, Lord – You said You give grace to the humble…..may the president humble himself privately before you,
    acknowledge his weaknesses, so that Your mighty strength may abound in him and in the answers he gives!

Mary Weiler
October 22, 2020

Hallelujah! May Our God undertake for our President, even as he calls out unto Him! Even in DT’s weakness, may the strength of the Lord shine forth and hold fast! May the truth if VP Biden’s character be revealed this nite! In Jesus’ Name …

Brinda Friday
October 22, 2020

Father, You know President Trump is not a trained prosecutor. Would You even at this late hour prepare him to be that trained prosecutor in this debate? May he heed the counselors who are prepping him for this debate and may those preparing him be guided by thoughts from You. Oh, Lord, rise up, bring victory I pray. Surround President Trump with Your peace im the midst of the battle. In Jesus name, Amen

    Mrs D
    October 22, 2020

    Father, We thank You for preparing our President Donald Trump for this debate tonight. We declare that he comes forth and remains in Your anointing with assured meekness throughout this opportunity and for the rest of his life to reveal Your majesty and wisdom. We also declare that all will hear the integrity of his heart and will know that as a result of his surrender to Your Lordship and guidance, righteousness, unity, peace and truth will prevail throughout the United States of America. All glory and honor be to You, gracious Father, in the matchless name of JESUS, Your Anointed Son.

Mike Mills
October 22, 2020

My prayer is….Dear Lord, guide President Trump that he may speak
honestly, softly, and forthrightly.
Guide him to expose the nefarious dangerous ā€œdoingsā€ of the other side that real ā€œfact checkersā€ can verify and will report such ,beyond reproach.
Please forgive us our sins and help us forgive others, theirs.
The United States of America with Your Blessings, is theā€ City of Lightā€
on the hill for the world.
I pray in Jesusā€™name ,amen.

Lois Taritas
October 22, 2020

Father in the name of Jesus, I pray your spirit would be in that room and all over President Trump. Truth and righteousness would be spoken through President Trumps words. Father he knows you, not by might or power but by your spirit. Thank you Father for what was meant for evil will be turned around for good.
We cover our President with the blood of Jesus, let his words be edifying to you almighty God.

Brinda Friday
October 22, 2020

Father, You are the Almighty, Unfathomable God. This debate seems like an impossible situation. Yet the effective fervent prayer the righteous avails much. Would You be merciful to us as a nation? Would You forgive our grave sins against You? For we have allowed the sin of abortion to stand. We have sanctioned same sex marriage. We are going against all Your laws. But we have before us a candidate who has stood against these things. Would You defend him tonight? Would You grant victory to us in our fight against what Your Word clearly states You Yourself hate? I pray that You would act for Your name’s sake. Put Your words in our President’s mouth, muzzle his mouth as You see fit. We look to You. In Jesus name, Amen

October 22, 2020

Col. 4:4- ā€œLet your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer to each person.ā€

Father God, I pray this scripture over President Trump as he prepares for the next debate. You, Father, speak through him. May he be a yielded vessel to You. I speak calmness over our President. I speak meekness (Power under Control) over our President. Thank You, Father God, that You will be the moderator of that debate, You will take charge and NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST OUR PRESIDENT WILL PROSPER! In Jesusā€™ Name

Mary K
October 22, 2020

Almighty Father, You are all-powerful and I’m asking that you envelop Donald J. Trump with your peace and presence all day today and up to the election and after. Give him the words to say and put your arms around him and let him know you are there right with him. Cause his mind to know the words to say during this debate tonight. O Lord, I know you love him and have appointed him to be our president for such a time as this. With you all things are possible so I pray that even the media will respond with positive statements about his responses during this debate. Strength and grace to Donald J. Trump surround him and keep him. Thank you Lord for being his Helper.

Rogena Strakoulas
October 22, 2020

Praise the name if Jesus!
May we lift up our president and give him wisdom in speaking and the words to speak. I pray for everyone watching that they see the deceit and dishonesty of Joe Biden. I pray that the Lord will shut the mouth of the moderator if she tries to show favor to either canidate.
In Jesus name

Wanda Dulanto
October 22, 2020

I pray for President Trump’s words to be filled with light and grace. As he speaks the veil of deception is lifted. His words bring hope, unity, truth to and about Joe. that he would speak in a manner of simply stating truth, bringing truth to all he has done and all Joe has done. Eyes would be opened, minds would be unlocked as the truth checkers do their job…The web of deception falls to the ground, We bind Witchcraft and the spirit of deception, we bind you and cast you out. Me and God are the majority..

Lidia Nelkovski
October 22, 2020


What a great reminder how to be praying and of the attitude of prayer in expectation of God’s fulfilling promise regarding our leadership and country.

October 22, 2020

I would like to share a prophetic word with you that the LORD gave to my daughter on October 20, 2020 concerning the POTUS.

Of President Donald J. Trump, the LORD says:

“I fight WITH him, I fight FOR him; He IS victorious. Victory belongs to him and victory is in My Name.

My Cyrus, my king, my chosen one – the earth shatters under his feet and corruption screams; the wings of evil cower and snarls and its bones will be crushed.

Beckon to My people in the deep to come out and stand with this fighter; stand with him on the mountain” Says the LORD.

My prayer is that as the people of God we will submit our will to HIS, and that we will boldly stand with and for God’s chosen President of the United States of America. This is a battle of good vs evil!


    Mary Weiler
    October 22, 2020

    Indeed! May Our God be glorified even in this man, described as a “Street Fighter”! Righteousness exalt a nation. Our Pres has exalted R in opposing abortion, in standing with God’s chosen Israel, in seeking Prayer from God’s own … And with a heart God fully knows. May Our God arise, even tonite in this “debate” – And His enemies be scattered!!! Hallelujah! mw

    October 22, 2020

    Hallelujah! I stand in agreement.

    God also spoke to me to pray for His appointed, His Cyrus, His Trumpet.
    Praise God that He has used many people throughout history that don’t measure up to our expectations but who God uses to be perfect for His perfect purpose.
    Pres Trump is God’s annointed and appointed to lead and heal our nation.
    Who else could withstand the corrupt, false and demonic attacks that have been thrown at pres Trump every day for more than four years. God knew that we needed a fighter and a fighter we got!
    Praise God.
    Father God, we give you Thanks for raising pres Trump for such a time as this. Lord we ask for your mighty hedge of protection over him. We pray that you would pour out your holy spirit over and into Pres Trump. Give him wisdom and discernment and words that could only come from You. Let no weapon, curse, evil spirits, trickery, demonic forces be used against him.
    Lord hear the prayers of repentance, love, adoration and praise from your intercessors.I
    Lord you are our Hope, our Light and our Truth and We praise you. All Glory be to you Father God. In the previous name of Jesus our Savior we pray.
    Amen and Amen

    Daniel Chapman
    October 22, 2020

    What a special daughter!
    Thank you.

Cheryl Ann Rickards
October 22, 2020


Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus, we bind and uproot the curses spoken over President Trump and this debate by witches and warlocks. Cause the Enemy to be confused and attack each other as in the battle with Gideon. Empower the President to speak clearly, boldly and persuasively. I pray his words, like weapons are accurate and on target.

Lord God, we declare that the Kingdom of Darkness shall NOT win this debate. They shall NOT rule this nation.
Jesus Christ is LORD over the USA, and HE shall reign over it.

October 22, 2020

Abba, you hate unequal scales. We ask you, Abba, to compensate for the enemyā€™s tipping the scales of justice so they are fair in your eyes. Lion of Judah, roar for justice, roar for truth, and roar for your kingdom. May the scales be kept by the righteous. Send forth your light in the darkness and may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven for this debate. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Donald J Berg
October 22, 2020

I pray for President Donald J Trump to outshine Joe Biden by such a great margin that all watching will say – “President Donald J Trump is surely the only one with the temprment, knowledge and goodnes to lead our country for the next four years”.

Jan Kingma
October 22, 2020

Our Holy Father, thank You for helping our president to fight for life and truth against lies and deceit that is so rampant. Give the church eyes to see the forces of evil fighting President Trump, fighting innocent life, fighting truth. Expose the forces of deceit for America to see them. Help Your people to leave social media that is brainwashing them. Help Your people to spend time with You. Help church leaders to warn their congregations. Help school administrators teach students about liberty. Help You people to stand strong in Your truths! Help Your people to see the attacks on life, liberty, family, and free press which are coming from many forces opposing our president. We pray for Your people to stand united for Your ways. We pray for Truth to be seen by all at this debate tonight. May the hatred of righteousness coming from Your enemies be seen! May the truth about character and activities be broadcast to all. Confuse those who fight against You Lord! One Word from You will end corruption. For the sake of Your people, for the sake of the children, for the sake of Your intercessors, we ask for You to make this debate give You glory! Thank You in Jesus’ Name.

Mark Matta
October 22, 2020

In Debate #1, Biden interrupted FIRST and lied throughout. PRAY that, in Debate #2, President Trump will have shorter answers with fewer interruptions from both sides, and that Trump ASKS the tough questions that we deserve to have answered about: court packing, the green bad deal, fracking, rule of law, and the well-documented Biden family international corruption. TRUTH must be known PRIOR to Election Day!

    Anita Murphy
    October 22, 2020

    Mark, I than God for you reply, it is RIGHT ON TARGET!
    May every word of it be accomplished during this pivotal debate for the sake of America.
    Blessings, Anita

Sarah Miles
October 13, 2020

I fear that intercessory for America is not an honest non-partisan media outlet. It is so disappointing to not be able to go to even a venue claiming to be speaking for Biblical values when in fact you speak for the person who right now has been for the most antithetical to the life of Christ that weā€™re to emulate. No one is beyond redemption. I am fully aware of that but Donald Trump has shown me absolutely nothing that makes me see him as Godā€™s choice to carry our nation forward. Please admit that all power and position comes from the God of creation. And always for Godā€™s purpose. So with your conjecture that Donald Trump is in power for the good of America and you use the fact that his place of growing up is an excuse for his behavior, then we can make excuses for Herod, Nero, Hitler, Castro, and the list goes on. I began praying for the salvation of Donald Trump from his election. And that is after being assured by so many Christian leaders that he already was a Christian. And now youā€™re saying heā€™s going to have the experience of becoming a new creature in Christ because heā€™s Godā€™s man for such a time as this. I am asking that you change the name of your organization until you are whatā€™re claiming to be, real intercessors for a more Godly America. That is not what we have now in Donald Trumpā€™s America. And please believe I am not a Democrat or a Republican. God has blessed my life to be an independent thinker who spends time with Him daily crying out for a more just America for my adult children and grandchildren as well as one that looks like a nation that lives up to the words on its money, ā€œIn God We Trustā€. Thatā€™s not what I have seen occurring in the last four years. What I have seen is a nation caught by too many who to have inserted in place of in God with in Donald Trump we trust. If a transformation is what is needed for him to become Godā€™s man for such a time as this, who has he been for the last four years. The Bible I have read and studied since I was ten years old is not one that affirms the behavior I have seen for the last four years exhibited by the leader of the free world. Not when Christ asserts that love is the better way and thatā€™s love of everyone made in the likeness and image of God. America is not about love anymore but love of self and thatā€™s not the way of Christ Who commanded that we love our enemies and even do good to those who curse you and despitefully misuse you. Itā€™s the way of Christ for individuals as well as for a nation. You cannot make disciples of the world through self interest and hatred. Please begin to be intercessors and pray that we again become the light America came together be in the first place.

    P. Crowell
    October 22, 2020

    Please stop looking at personalities and focus on the party platforms. There is NO way a Christ follower can vote democrat. The party that most reflects what we hold dear,(God, the Bible,our Constitution, conservative judges, pro-life, pro-Israel, pro- family) is the republican party. Government is not our savior. Jesus is. But we need to remember we’re not electing our pastor, were electing our president. Please dear sister in Christ, consider and pray and vote for this president. The alternative is for evil to triumph.

      Shirley Norton
      October 22, 2020

      Thank you! I agree! God Bless you! In Jesus Name! Shirley Norton

    October 22, 2020

    Hi Sarah, hereā€™s a video of DJT from his early days. It reveals his heart for people even before coming to Christ.
    He is our brother in Jesus and a servant of God now and I thank God for him. I pray for you to have ears that hear and eyes that see what God is doing through this man, our President.

    Mark Matta
    October 22, 2020

    It’s Biblical PRINCIPLES and PRACTICES that matter (over personal style) in the selection of leaders.

    Here are just SOME of the God-honoring (I Sam. 2:30), Israel-blessing (Gen. 12:3) things TRUMP has done since taking office:
    1) Restored the National Day of Prayer to the White House,
    2) Restored the Baby Jesus to the White House (manger scene),
    3) Honored Jesus Christ nationally by Name (Matt. 10:32) at the White House tree lighting, national prayer breakfast, Easter and Passover commentary, etc,
    4) Blessed ISRAEL by putting the US embassy rightfully in Jerusalem;
    5) Appointed a Religious Liberty Ambassador (Sam Brownback) to advance the cause of Judeo-Christian liberty around the world;
    6) Surrounded himself with strong Christian cabinet members;
    7) sacrificed his billionaire lifestyle (and his Presidential salary) to come answer the American people as President;
    8) stood up for sanctity of life in a way that no other US President ever has done!

    I could go on about conservative/ Constitutional originalist Supreme Court nominations, Tax Cuts that help families, and small businesses, the financial and employment markets prospering, but suffice it to say that President Trump has been used by God to honor Him (our God of the Bible) to bless Israel in significant ways, to proclaim Jesus Christ before men, and I think that we owe God a sense of strong GRATITUDE that He has put an imperfect but God-honoring President Trump into power.

    Will you please join me in voting for, and praying for our President, his family, and his team?

    October 22, 2020

    Sara, copied from a post I made yesterday…TO MY TRUMP HATING FRIENDS and especially my RELATIVES….
    Literally every conversation I’ve had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election goes something like this:
    Hater: I can’t wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
    Me: Why?
    Hater: Why???? Don’t tell me you don’t think he colluded with Russia!
    Me: According to Robert Mueller’s exhaustive, 2-yr multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But we now have evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI. Recently released classified documents from the DNI clearly show that John Brennan, Obama, James Comey and Joe Biden all knew that Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluded with Russians and other foreign agents to create a campaign to destroy a US President. Evidence they spied on and targeted American citizens in the process. Aren’t you worried about our government trampling civil liberties and being corrupted?
    Hater: Well, he said he’d repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
    Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with its replacement. He can’t do it by Executive Order. Nancy Pelosi will never allow that. For her it’s all political and not what’s best for all of America. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
    Hater: Well, he said he’d build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
    Me: They’ve built over 300 miles of new wall so far and he’s renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
    Hater: Well, that’s not them paying for it!
    Me: The new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico has BILLIONS coming to us from Mexico. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with “Wall” in the memo?
    Hater: Well, he’s buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
    Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last “test missile” North Korea sent Japan’s way? Aren’t you aware that Trump has enacted billions in sanctions against Russia?
    Hater: Well, he doesn’t like the military! He called the dead soldiers “losers!”
    Me: You’re referring to a report made from “anonymous sources”, when over nine people who were with the President have gone on record saying that it wasn’t true? That doesn’t send up any red flags for you? He’s brought our Vets home and taken great strides to improve their benefits. He also tackled something that no previous administration has been able to do – fixing the badly broken VA. Ask any veteran you know. That’s a funny way to treat people you think are “losers,” don’t you think?
    Hater: Well, he got impeached for God’s sake!
    Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national TV to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
    Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
    Me: Experts told him we would have between 1.5 and 2 million deaths. So far it has been less than 250,000. What would you have done differently?
    Hater: He didn’t close the borders in time!
    Me: He announced travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called racist, xenophobic, and fear monger for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
    Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
    Me: There are pictures and video of him wearing a mask. Do you wear a mask 24/7?
    Hater: Well, that was too far after!
    Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask? No he didn’t. Even the “Experts” gave changing opinions and recommendations about wearing a mask.
    Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
    Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling? Would it be better or more honest if he had said we are never going to beat or defeat Covid-19?
    Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He’s nasty! He’s not how I want my President to sound.
    Me: Ahhh. NOW we’re getting somewhere. You don’t like his style or personality. Everything you have mentioned until now is incorrect misinformation. Everything you’ve mentioned up until now is because you don’t like him. So for you it seems personal and not about the job he’s done. So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip-flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a “nice guy” (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.

      Karen Hardin
      October 22, 2020

      Thank you for this articulate and comprehensive response to the current issues. This is something many could use in their responses as well.

      Daniel Chapman
      October 22, 2020

      Incredible. Thank you.

      This underscores the very challenge the President faces, and one about which we need His guidance in how to pray: There are no parameters. Biden has a shpeel that defies logical discourse; the subject changes; say anything you want; deflect; obscure the point; there’s no end to it. Truth is elusive.
      Lord, do something that this does not work for Joe Biden. Pin him down, we ask oh Lord.

      Lori Washam
      October 22, 2020

      Cathy, thank you! An accurate tool. Is there a link that we could use to send your reply to others? Thank you! God bless you Cathy

    October 22, 2020

    Donald Trump is far from perfect but is the most pro life president we have ever had. He protects free speech and freedom of religion. He wants to reform the socialist leaning and often anti American education system that influenced my children away from their Christian beliefs and toward socialism like many of their generation. He has worked hard for peace in the world and has been nominated for 3 peace prizes for his work in the Middle East and other places. He supports Israel. He has implemented opportunity zones in the inner city, and policies to reduce human trafficking. His policies improved the lives of many people who struggle financially until Covid and the riots hit. He fast tracked the development of a vaccine and therapeutics, and deployed hospital ships to New York (that they failed to use effectively, instead putting Covid infected people in nursing homes.) He has tried very hard to work with the opposition party, but is continually opposed, lied about, etc. by the powerful forces with big money and corrupt partisan media and politicians.

    I am aware that many do not know these things because of the continual lies being told by those who want power. If the democrats (who are now more accurately socialists) win we are likely to live the book 1984 to a greater degree than we already are. Pastors are likely to be prosecuted for “hate speech” if they preach the gospel. Incomes and healthcare will likely worsen for those who are not part of the elite power structure. Freedom will be a distant memory.

    Cheryl Ann Rickards
    October 22, 2020

    I pray for the scales to be removed from your eyes and ears so you can discern by the Spirit of God the spiritual war against this nation and this president.
    I pray TRUTH is revealed to you, and you will receive Godā€™s revelation.
    In the mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

    October 22, 2020

    I would like to share a prophetic word with you that the LORD gave to my daughter on October 20, 2020 concerning the POTUS. I pray you get to see the post and take it to the LORD in prayer:

    Of President Donald J. Trump, the LORD says:

    “I fight WITH him, I fight FOR him; He IS victorious. Victory belongs to him and victory is in My Name.

    My Cyrus, my king, my chosen one – the earth shatters under his feet and corruption screams; the wings of evil cower and snarls and its bones will be crushed.

    Beckon to My people in the deep to come out and stand with this fighter; stand with him on the mountain” Says the LORD.

    My prayer is that as the people of God we will submit our will to HIS. God knows all things and He knows what He is doing. I pray that we would stop focusing on personality and focus on the Heart of God.


Lisa Plummer
October 13, 2020

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Church arise!

October 13, 2020

Heavenly Father, I decree and declare your word that you release for President Trump

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God.

He trust you God and submit to your will and your way. No excuses for bad conduct and ungodly behavior in Jesus name. His actions and conduct glorifies you God! In Jesus name. Amen

October 13, 2020

God, STOP the bull-oney being perpetrated from those who know better ā€” letā€™s start praying impreccatory prayers again, IJN

    Roseann Davis
    October 22, 2020


    October 22, 2020

    very troubling! “Imprecatory” definition is a curse or hex. Not the kind of prayers for a follower of Jesus Christ to pray. Maybe a misspelling for intercessory prayers…

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