The Power of a Mother’s Prayers
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The Power of a Mother’s Prayers
When I think about praying mothers in the Bible, my mind automatically takes me to Hannah. And in this Mother’s Day season, I note that we see many praying moms in the Scriptures. But interestingly, though when we first meet Hannah she is praying, she is not a mom. Not at first. In fact, Hannah could not even bear a child, because she was barren — a bitter sign of reproach for women in her day. Hannah’s is the story of one woman’s desperate prayer to God that she would be able to conceive a child (see 1 Samuel 1:9–11).
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Hannah’s soul was in anguish, and as if that were not enough, she also had an enemy in her household who taunted her relentlessly about her childless condition. But she was determined to pray through, so rather than crumble under the circumstances, she trusted in the Lord to hear and answer her prayers. Every mother can learn some important things from Hannah.
The Determination of a Praying Mother
Hannah’s adversary was a rival wife in that polygamous household — a rival who delighted in making her life miserable by pointing out the obvious: Hannah’s inability to conceive. I imagine Hannah was often driven to tears. And so she could have given in to self-pity or bitterness, but she didn’t. Instead, she let the continual mockery of her enemy drive her into the presence of the Lord. (Indeed, sometimes the Lord will allow an adversary in your life for that exact reason.) But it was in His presence that Hannah came to know just who had the power to not only answer her prayer, but also to heal her body. Because she knew the Lord, she understood that nothing is impossible with God. And she knew that He could be trusted.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths (Proverbs 3:5–6).
The Sacrificial Love of a Mother
Hannah knew the meaning of sacrifice, long before she ever held a baby in her arms. This is evident when she prayed to the Lord and vowed that if He would give her a son, she would give him right back to serve the Lord for the rest of His life. Mothers know sacrifice. Our whole lives change when a child enters our world. There are sleepless nights with a newborn baby, and sleepless nights when our kids are sick. There are seemingly endless school projects and homework. We celebrate with them in the good times. We cry with them in the bad times. When we see them hurting, it hurts us, too. We sacrifice financially, physically, and emotionally. It never ends. Like Hannah, we spend countless hours praying for our kids from a place of love. But perhaps the greatest joy any mother can have is to watch her children develop their own relationship with the Lord.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 John 1:4).
Hannah made good on her promise and gave her son back to the Lord, to minister to Him alongside Eli the priest (see 1 Samuel 1:21–28). Because she did this, the Lord blessed her with even more children (see 1 Samuel 2:21). I’m sure it must have been hard for Hannah to see her son only once a year, but the reward outweighed the sacrifice. The reward for her obedience went beyond having a son: Samuel became a priest, a judge, and a prophet who brought the word of the Lord to the people during a time when that was rare.
Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD in the presence of Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision (1 Samuel 3:1).
Surely, Hannah would have had no idea that her son would become a mighty prophet who instructed the people to worship the Lord wholeheartedly. In fact, Samuel would later anoint the man after God’s own heart to be king. Samuel would also raise up a prophetic company in his hometown of Ramah. You never know what God can do with your act of obedience.
A Word for Mothers: ‘In Due Time’
… and in due time she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, for she said, “I asked the Lord for him.” (1 Samuel 1:20 NLT).
Hannah received the answer to her prayer, and she named her son Samuel, which means, God has heard. Maybe you, like Hannah, are praying to conceive a child. Or you may be seeking His guidance for a child you already have. Perhaps you’ve spent sleepless nights praying for a prodigal. The verse above says, “in due time,” which can be translated, at the right time. Praying mom, the Lord hears your prayers, and at the right time, He will answer. We don’t know how long Hannah prayed before the Lord answered her, we know only that He did answer, and that’s all we really need to know, isn’t it? So, if you are feeling discouraged today, keep praying. Keep trusting. Keep seeking. Keep worshiping. And keep waiting, because God is faithful.
Besides, the Bible promises that if we strive to train our children in the ways of the Lord, they are unlikely to depart from those ways when they grow older (see Proverbs 22:6).
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up (Galatians 6:9 NLT).
Somebody Was Praying for You
I didn’t come from a Christian home, but from a broken one. My dad wasn’t a part of my life growing up, and my mom wasn’t a Christian, but I did have a praying grandmother.
My grandmother lost three of her four children. My mom, her youngest, passed away at the age of 36, when I was only 15. My life was a godless mess. I was reckless, angry, suicidal, and broken. I didn’t understand back then how my grandmother could continue to love, to pray, and to trust in God, but I am eternally thankful that she did. The strongest women are those who lose their children and yet continue to love and serve God. We can learn so much from their faith.
I was not a Christian when I married, but I did have a praying mother-in-law. As a young person, I wanted nothing to do with God, and I know I wasn’t the easiest person to love. I also would not have been anyone’s choice as a wife for their firstborn son, but my mother-in-law continued to talk to me about God. She invited me to church at every opportunity. I didn’t realize it then, but somebody was praying for me. I am where I am and who I am today because of the power of some praying mothers. And so are you: You are here and you are alive because somebody was praying for you. I have seen that power at work in my own life, so now I pray it forward for others. Mothers never stop praying for their own children, but I often find myself praying for other people’s children as well.
If you didn’t have a praying mother or grow up in a Christian home, don’t feel sorry. You can be that praying mother for your family. Let the godly legacy begin with you.
Proverbs 31 speaks of a godly mother when it says: Honor her for all that her hands have done. Today I honor every mother, grandmother, aunt, stepmother, godmother, foster mother, or spiritual mother. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom (which is also a full-time job, thank you very much), your heart to love, disciple, train, and invest in your children is the greatest gift you can give them. Those children are the next generation of leaders, and you have been given a part in raising them. Do it with a heart like Hannah’s, and trust the Lord with your children. Bring them to the house of the Lord. Teach them the importance of prayer, of fellowship, of the word of God, and teach them to seek Him for themselves.
Mothers: Thank you for your sacrifices and for your prayers. Remember, you may not always be a perfect mother, but you can always be a praying mother.
Let’s thank God for the blessing of mothers, and let’s render to them the tribute they are owed.
… give respect to those you should respect, and honor those you should honor (Romans 13:7 CEB).
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her … (Proverbs 31:25–28 NIV).
Share below how praying mothers have impacted your life.
IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Canva.
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Thank you for sharing your testimony, Glenda. It was an encouragement to me. God is faithful and uses faithful women of God.
“I didn’t come from a Christian home…but I did have a praying grandmother.”
Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began. Psalm 139:16
“Go in peace,” Eli replied, “and may the God of Israel grant the petition you have asked of Him.” 1 Samuel 1:17
Dear Lord and God Almighty, Your love is strong! I pray this morning for Your love to saturate the well mothered and the motherless, the faithful and the faithless. I pray each and every one will know Your love both deeply and passionately. I also ask that each day planned before our beginning, will be fully realized. I am a praying Yiayia (grandmother in Greek) who is privileged to pray for my kids, my grandkids and all kids. On this Mother’s Day, may all God’s children be filled with truth and love. and may the God of Israel grant me (in abundance) all that I have asked of Him. I do so in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen